80 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Sept. 27. 1988 CANS 1 ^ HOMES FOR SALE | Z j FOR SALE OAROENtNG FOG SALE 'Stpb in back’ Tnple winner To d pretty’ CHRYSANTHEMUMS. 1974 DPERATI NO Toyota BACK On Markot. Cleon. MANCHESTER. Lov­ % SpeciQli Dig your own, your Cellca. High mileage. 6 room Vinyl elded ingly renovofed, 8 container. 550 Bush Hill $200. 649-5445._________ Tempers flare Manchester’s Judy Gorman MHS girls win, Colonlol. 3 bedrooms, room , 3-4 bedroom, Road, Manchester. 1979 Chrvtler New hordwood floors, Henry Street Colonial. Y o rM r. Midnight blue. newer corpetine. op- Features: generous Mint/ condition. Low over lodge letter /3 has 3 cookbooks to her credit /13 but just barely /IB pllonces. corner lot. foyer, pillared arches PAINTINfl/ MI8CELLANE0U8 MI8GELLANE0U8 BOATG/MARINE 0 CHILDCARE PAPERIN6 J8EGVICES 8ERVICE8 mileage. $3000 firm. ■4- Owner onxious I leading Into formal liv­ EQUIPMENT 649-6801.______________ SI 23.900. Strono Reol ing room and dining EstOte. 647-7653.0 room with bullt-ln TENDER loving Mom GSL Bunding Molnfe- TREE!^(okeover^^(d^ 1983 MUSTANG Hotch- 1976 VENTURA Catama­ bock. Block, auto- 104 MILWOOO Rood. china closet, beauti­ has one full time open­ Renovationi/Plus nance Co. Commercl- vice by a certified ran with trailer. 15feet, fully reftnished wood­ ing for an Infant or al/ResIdentlal building beauty consultant. If m o t 1 c , o lr East Hartford. Drive Cuttom Initrlor A Exterior good condition. $1100 conditioning, power by this Immaculate. 6 work and hardwood toddler, also one port Palntlno • C«N1no Rtpalr M Manaw repairs and home Im­ you are serious about or best offer. CaR Tom , floors, eat-ln, St. Cha­ time opening. Robert­ • Ot^B A UgM CarptnUy provements. Inferior skin core and the latest --ftearlng, cruise con­ plus room, center 649-8567 after 6:30. trol, AM /FM cassette. chimney, full dor- rles kitchen, fomlly son School District. • Abb ft(/mBlBB • f/iturBtf and exterior pointing, In makeup techniques, room with Vermont Coll 647-0843. • Mintor CMooufM light carpentry. Com­ Call 646-4854. ______ $3500. Call 649-3300, mered Cope. Alumi­ evenings. num sided, enclosed casting wood stove, MOM will babysit after plete lanitorlal ser­ SILK Wrap noils done In breezewov and ooroae. 12x20 deck, nicely school and days off. 646-2253 vice. Experienced, rel­ my home on evenings Security system. IWi landscaped private Bowers school area. iable, free estimates. and weekends. A pro­ StHALLER . N AM E your own reaso­ . 643-0304.______________ baths, lower level tom- yard, large bedrooms, 645-6172. fessional lob done of LOWREY Holiday Genie new 13x24 carpeted nable price. Father 8, half the price. Please A C U I ^ A lly room. An absolute Son Painting and Pap­ HDLIDAY House, retire­ organ. Like new. Best pleasure to show! basement rec room, 2 ment living, ambula­ leave a messooe of offer. 646-3782. ifflanrhfalpr M m lii car garage, totally up­ ering. Removal. 291- 647-0801. USED CARS SI59.900. Strono Real ICLEANINO 8567. tory., home-llke Estote. 647-7653.0 dated, 100 amp electri­ atmosphere. Coll 649- 88 Caravan J E .....*15,500 cal system, new roof, SERVICES 88 Legend............*21,995 PR ICE Reduced. Owner 2358. _ SNOWPLOWING PETS AND two full baths, easy HEATM8/ • Commercial 87 Interga L S ......* 9,995 anxious! Newly en­ walking distance to all SUPPLIES larged. fully ap- HOUS^ cleaning. Light PLUMBING DELIVERING • Rasidantlal • Industrial 87 Toyota L/B .... * 8,995 schools. $185,000. By housekeeping. Reaso­ Call 87 Mazda RX7 .... *13,995 ptlanced. kitchen Is owners, 649-4468. Rich, clean, stone-free PUPPIES. Doberman Manchester, Cenn. — A City cf Village Charm 30 Cents only one ‘Plus' In this nable hourly rates. 645- foam. 8 yards. *80 Plus Tax. S. R. IIAIICRARD, Im . Cross. 10weeksold.$30 87 Toy. Corolla ...* 8.595 Wednesday, Sept. 28, 1988 VERNON. Daryl Drive. 7 6000. PJ’8 Plumbing beautiful. 7 room Co- Also, sand, gravel, stone for dapandabla aenrlce each. 649-9538, leave 87 Honda Accotd LX ...... room Raised Ranch, 3 . Air Gondnlanlng and horse manure. y lonlal with 3 bedrooms, 742-1081 PWf ffHAMm messoge.____________ _ *12.995 4 1V> baths, family room bedrooms, 2>/3 baths, 2 SOUTH BOLTON Boilers, pumps, hot water fireplaces, beautiful tanka, new and 2 year old miniature 87 Toy. Corolla ...* 8,295 and garage. Desirable CLEANING SERVICE. 643-9504 dachshound. AK C reg­ Bowers School Dis­ heoted Inground pool replacements. 87 Toyota G T .....*10,995 plus whirlpool. Re~- istered, neutered male. trict! $159,900. Strono INC. FREE ESTIMATES S & S Framing Owner moving. Free to 86 Chev C20 ....... * 9.595 cently redecorated will do Real Estate, 047-7653.D \3ommerclal / Residential 643-9649/228-9616 TAL MASONRY good home. 649-2824. 66 LeSabre ......... * 9,295 with ceramic tile and Brick, block, stone. a Addltlcnt • Oaragas • Porch Fully Insured 6 Bonded. and daoka 85 Riviera............*11,595 Directors SOUTH Windsor. Thebuy fine carpeting. Chimneys and repairs. miscellaneous • State Licensed 85 Toronado.......* 9,495 of the week Is this $219,900. Golden Oaks 647-1545 n No job too small. • Fully Insured MISCELLANEOUS 85 Audi Q T ......... * 9.595 Immaculate 3 year old, Realty, 646-5099. SERVICES FREE ESTIUATBS Call 6430021,645-1757 FOR GALE 7 room Colonial that MANCHESTER. Spring Evenings 84 Skylark...........* 3,995 f Street. Spacious Colon­ CARPENTRY/ call 645-8063 84 Toyota Camry ...* 7,995 offers 3 bedrooms, REMODELING EIGHT month old water- family room with fire-- ial on lovely lands­ bed, $325. Courthouse 345 Center St., caped corner lot. 7 placed formal dining Modiirar Homs ' One Gold membership, Manchester • 647-7077 bless new rooms, 3 bedrooms, 2 room, fully appllonced CtiBlotn bum hofiWB, BtfdWom, RELIABLE MOVING 12'A months left for kitchen, 2.5 baths, 2 car baths. 2 fireplaces, 2 rtmoBillftB. wood MdhtB. dtehB, Contlruellon LANDSCAPtNB car garage, large pri­ roonog. ooncTBlB wofN. moBomy 6 ail Low, Low Rates. Wt a/io Atva Modular homaa. $450. Compared to reg- garage.' City utilities phBBBB of oormrucdofi. ulor price of $700 plus. and much more. Vi vate screened porch. Short notice moves. B youlr* bJo* oP eonfraerort not LARSON BUILDERS LANbGdAPINQ Eric 649-3426.0________ CLYDE acre lot on a cul-de-sac Immaculately main­ rotumtng your obM - eah u$l Insured. Dependable Naw England Nomet NO./OM TOOtAMU CHEVROLET-BUICK, INC. street. Asking $227,900. tained. $225,000. Fulty lOBurod • Ftbb tatimBlBB 24 Years experience In 7 Pitkin St.. Vamon, C T 06006 PTuwB tHfUbi. NBdgiB. fmWigloo, GAS Grill, 2 yeors old, ROUTE S3, VERNON U & R Realty,643-2692.0 Golden Oaks Realty, mAR Ceestiecflea moving pl9ll6B06i Mnvn RBBtflllQ 4 asking $125 8. 20" dirt S7I-0BM _ _ RABlfMBflBflOBk bike $35. 647-1149. 82 Buick Cant. 2 Dr. *4995 revaluation VERNON. Exceptional 646-5099. el ■n Swtir CBtt FREE ESTIMATES CERAMIC Kiln. Econo well kept 6 room 643-1720 Aok for MbiN 646-9669 Anyllmt Pensaalizsd Lawa Core 84 Capriet Wagon *8295 HANDYMAN and Kiln with timer. Excel­ Ranch, 1st floor family ALaadicaalag 85 Spactrum 4 Or. *4995 By Nancy Concelman in software costs. room, 3 bedrooms, CONDOMINIUMS HAWKESTBEESBMCE lent condition. Only 4 SEASONS HAUUNG 742-5224 raawm...... $200. 649-9982. 85 Elactra 4 Dr. *11,895 Manchester Herald Other projected costs include large sun deck, fire- FOR SALE Bucket, truck 8 chipper. Stump 85 Cantury 4 Dr. (3) *8995 placed finished recrea­ REMODELING Any job — Anytime' ‘litigation and increases in utility removal. Free sstlmatsa. 55 Escort 4 Dr. *4995 tion room, quiet cul-de- FORES^ndgeTowrT- Additions • Decks Call Gary The town is one step closer to costs for a trailer the town will sac street, walk to a Roofing e Trimwork Spedsl eonaldsratlon for 55 Calabrity 4 Dr. *7895 rent to house between one and house. V/7 baths, 3 bed­ elderly end handicapped. repairing the botched 1987 reva­ elementary. An excel­ rooms, 1900 square feet Small Jobs welcomed. 875-3483 CONCRETE ENDROLLS 88 Calabrity Euro 4 Dr. *7995 luation after a unanimous vote five KVS emiployees. About $3,000 lent starter home or of living space, fire­ Senior CitUen Diacount 27'A width - 259 87 Spactrum 4 Dr. *8995 needed to set up and rent the retirement home, 647-7553 13% width - 2 lor 2S9 Tuesday by members of the place, airconditioning, Call Chris at 645-6559 STONE EXPERTS 87 Bkyittk 4 Dr. *9495 Board of Directors to appropriate trailer was included in the $154,900.U & R Reolty, deck with view. Par­ CONCRETE MUST be picked up at the 87 Cantury LTD 4 Dr. *9995 643-2692.0 Top Soil ScTMMd Loam All types of stone work, Herald Olfics Monday thru $846,000 to conduct a new $846,000 appropi^ation. tially finished walk-out Any amount dOlwrtd. Alto, IM, ADDITIONS a FLOORS 87 Cavallar 4 Dr. *8495 MANCHESTER. Priced basement. Pool, tennis wallt, veneer, dry stone Thursday before 11 a.m.only. revaiuatioii. The trailer, which will be setup FARRAND REMODEUNG (piNal, tiona and barK mulch. • Commerelal 4 residential 87 Spactrum 2 Dr. *7995 to sell. This easily af­ court. Priced to sell at Room addHIont. decks, roofing, wall. 9-9'Call Ryan But members of the revalua- in the Municipal Building parking Bobcat backhot a kiadir isnlal. • Free EeUmelet 87 Calabrity 2 Dr. *9495 fordable 3 bedroom $159,000. Call owner at tiding, windows and gutters. Patrick, Mon.-Fd. B-S committee of the Board of ^lot. is needed because of a space John Hinnon Conerila WANTED TO 87 Nova 4 Dr. (3) *8995 Ranch featuring cozy 647-0748._______ ’ Btckhot and bulldozer service DAVI5 C0N5TRUCTI0N 871-6096 87 Pont. FIrabIrd *11,995 Directors warned directors Tues­ shortage in the Municipal Build­ den, fireplace and gar­ M A N C H ES TE R .
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