No. 84 '2411 / THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 19 DECEMBER 1968 Land Taken for Road in Block XII, Wakarara Survey A. R. P. Being District, W aipawa County 0 0 1.5 Lot 8, D.P. 59554. Patt certificate of title, Voilume 779, folio 20, No111th Auckland Land Registry (limited as to parcels). A!RTHUIR PORRITT, Gme:morr~Generail 0 0 1.2 Lot 9, D.P. 59554. Part certificate 'of title, Vdume A PROCLAMATION 1101, foHo 282, North Auckland Land Registry (limited as to par1cels) . PURSUANT rto rthe Public Works Act 1928, I, Sir Arthur Espie Porrtbt, Baronet, the Governor-General! of New Zealand, Given under the hand of His Exeehleney the Govemor­ hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the General, and issued under •the Sea'l of New Zealand, this Schedule hereto is hereby taken for mad; and I a1so declare 29th day rof Novemlbea- 11968. thait this Proclama!tion shall take effect on and after the [L.S.] PEIRCY B. AflJIJE,N, Millristeir of 1Workls. 1 23rd ~y •olf December 1968. Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! (P.W. 24/3189/0; D.O. 27 /1240/1/0/5) SCHEDULE IIAWKE'S BAY LAND DISTRICT ALL lthat piece of !:and containiing 2 roods 16 perches situated in Block XII, Wakamra Survey District:, W:aipawa County, Land Taken for Soil Conservation and River Control Purposes Hawke's Bay R.D., and being part Lot 2, D.P. 7157, part in Block V, Arawaru Survey District, Horowhenua County Section 2; as the same is more parlticulaxly dellineated on the plan marked M.O.W. 22769 (S.O. 5749) deposited in A!RTHU'R IPORIRITT, vd\l'ernm-Genern,1 the office of the Minister of Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured orange. A PROCLAMATION Given under the hand af His Excellency ithe Governor­ PURSUANT to rthe Public Works Act 1928, I, Sir Arthur Espie Genera:l, and issued under the Seal of New Zooland, this Porritt, Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, 29th day 1oif November 11968. hereby proclaim and dedwre that the land described m the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for soi'l conservation and [L.S.] J>IBRJCY R :.NLI.JEN, Minister ,of Works. river controil purposes and shaH vest in the Manawatu Caitch­ Goo SAVE nm QUEEN! ment Board as from rthe date hereinafter mentioned; and I (P.W. 40/737; D.O. 16/80/5) also declare that this Proclamaition shall rtake effect on and after the 23rd day of December 1%8. SCHEDULE WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT Land Taken for Street in the Borough of Mount Eden ALL those pieces of ,land situated in Block V, Ar.awaru Survey District, Wellington R.D., described as fo1Lows: ARTHUIR PORRITT, Gmrernor-'General A. R. P. Being A PROCLAMATION 10 3 3 Part Section 17; coloured sepia on plan. 0 0 15 Pu~SUANT ito the Public Works Act 1928 and section 35 of Part Seotion 17 (erosion); co!loured orange on the Finance Act (No, 2) 1945, I, Sir Arillrnr Espie Porrritit, plan. Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby 0 3 17.3 Part Section 17; co1oured orange on ptan. proclmm and declare thsit the Ian d descrrbed in the Schedll'le As :the same a,re more pariticularly deliineated 'on the plan hereto is hereby taken for street and shaU ve51t in !the Mayor marked M.0.W. 22754 (S.O. 26489) deposited in the office Councirlors, and Citizens of :the Bomugh of Mount Eden: of the Minister of Works 'Wt Wellington, and thereon coloured as from the da!lo hereinafter mentioned; and I also declare as above-mentioned. that this Pnockana'uion shaH ~ake effect on and af.ter the 23rd ~ ~ ~ Bciq day iof December 11968. l 1 20 Paiit Section 17; coloured sepia on plan. 0 0 5 Paii Seotion 17; coloured orange on plan. SCHEDULE 0 0 13 Part accretion; coloured orange on plan. NORTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT As the same are more particularly delineated on ,the plan marked M.O.W. 22755 (S.O. 26900) deposited in the office ALL those pieces of land situated in Block XVI, Waitemata of the Minister of Works at Wellington. and thereon coloured Survey District, Borough of Mount Eden, North Auckland as a:bove-mentioned. · R.D., described as foHows: Given under {be hand of His Excellency the Governor­ A. R. P. Being General, and issued under the Sea:! of New Zeafand, this 0 0 1.2 Lot 6, D.P, 59554. Part certificate of ,ti1t1e, Volume '10th day of :December 1968. 589, fofro 119, North Auckland Land Registry. 0 0 1.1 Lo:t 7, D.P. 59554. Part ceJ:Otificate of trtle, Volume [L.s.] PERCY B. ALIJEN, Minister of Wor!cs. 779, folio 21, Not1th Auckland Land Registry Goo SAVE 1BE QUEEN! (ilimi ted as to parcels) . (P.W. 96/325000/0; D.0. 96/325000/0/1) 2412 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZEITE No. 84 Declaring Land Taken for Railway Purposes, Vested in the SCHEDULE Palmerst()n North City Corporation subject to Certain 0TAGO LAND D1S1RICT--<WAITAKI CoUNTY Conditions PART Wt 2, n.P. 7534, being Sedti!on 13, Block V, 11own of :AIRTIIUR l~OR!RTIT, Ooviemor.!General Kurow: Area, 1 !rood ,and 7 perches, mO!re ,or [ess. Bail.a.nee of cermi:fica,te o[ title, V Oilume 358, tlol!io 5. As sh!own on the iA PROCLAMATlON plan marked L and S. 6/6/1012B deposilted in lthe Head PURSUANT to subsection (2) olf section 26 of the (Reserves and Office, Depar,tment ,olf Lan:ds and Survey ait Wellin~on, and Other Lands Disposal Act 1939, I, Sir Arthm Bspie Porritt, thereon edged red. Baronet, the Governor-General of New Zealand, hereby pro­ Given under lthe hand of Hiis Excclllency lthe Govemor­ claim and declare thait the land in the Schedule hereto, being Genera!I, and issued under the Sea[ of New Zealand, taken for rail.way purposes on the Palmerston No'l1t!h deviation this '12th day of 1December '1968i, of ithe Wellington to New Plymouth line ,of railway, shall be vested in the Palmerston North City Corporation, in trust for [Ls.] DUINOAiN MAcIINTYlIB, Miruster ,oif Lands. the purpose olf beautifying the environs 1of the Palmerston Goo SAVE nm QUEEN! North station and providing recreation grounds and playing (L. ·and S. H.O. 6/6/1012; D.O. 8/11/282) areas in close proximity thereto or for any similar purpose to '!lhe intent that the land shall forever remain public in character and subject to the oondiJtion that no building structure or erec­ tion of any kind shall be built erected ,o.r placed upon the said Declaring Land in Canterbury Land District, Vested in the lliand without fue written oonsenJt 1of Jthe Mmister lO!f !Raiftways Canterbury Education Board as a Site for a School to be fus't had 1aa.1d 1obtamed lalld 11:hat /alny such oonsent so giivm Vested in Her Majesty the Queen 13bia11 be subject ~o such itJerms ood C!Obl'<l!itiom las ~he Miinislter deems fit ~o iimJj<Jse fur i:he pmJ)OISe iof ensuniing 1Jhrat tflhe AIRIBU'R 1POIRIR.fIT, 0o¥ern'Or-0enerail. land sbJall !rema'illl i:mblic illl dhara.cter 118 alfloresatid. A PROOLAMATION PURSUANT Ito subsectiiOn (6) ,olf oocfiiion 5 olf the Education !SOHE!DULFJ Lands Act 1949, I, Sir A11thuT Espie P,orritt, Bia11onet, the WELLINGTON LAND 'DIS'IRICT Governor-General orf New Zealand, hereby proclaim and declare that tflhe [and described ffn the Scheduile hereto, being APPROXIMATE aireas o!f the pieces rof land: an area vested in ithe Canlterbury Educaition Board as a site A. R. P. IJ3eling for 'a ,schodl, s'1alll be vested ·llll. Her Majes;ty the Queen, freed 7 ,1 8.6) R!ailway ffiand in ProcliamJaitilo111 lNJo. 2878; ooloored 1and d!iischarged if'rom every educational. ltrust affeolling the 9 3 12.7f orange, bordered orange (S.O. 20436) L.O. 5989. same, but subject !llo d [eases, encumbrances, liiens, or ease­ 1 O 35.4 Pa.111: :raiilw:ay ffiand in Proclaml!IOOn iNo. 1588 me111ts affecting the same alt the d111te hereolf. coloured orange (S.O. 27084) L.O. 22585. 'SCHEDULE Siiualted m Bfock X, Kairatt1g11. Survey Dis1lrict, City m Pa.lm&ston No1111:!h. CANTERBURY 'LAND 'DIS'IRICT-WAIMATE COUNTY PART Rum1 Section 2533'1, siltua,ted lin Bfock II, Wai.mate As the same are mlO!re pa:r:tJi=]_iatly delli!neated IO!ll ;the pllains mrurked and oo~omed 118 albove-men1tikmed ood dep!Ol!iJted. in !Survey I>is,1lriot: Area, 7 acres and 8 pe1110hes, morn or less. the office 1of t!he Mi111is1rer 10f Railways at Welliagtio11. Afll ce11tilloate of it:i!tle, ¥olume 48, folio 99 (S.O. Pllan 3350). Rurol Seotffion 37121, sliltuated in ,mock II, Waimate Survey Given under ithe hiaind 1o!f His Excellency the GbvemO!r­ Distriot: area, 1 'acre and 30 perches, more ,o.r [es,s. Afl cer­ Genel!1a!l, and !issued mider the Se!al. bf New ZeiaJand, iti:ficaite ·of trl:t!le, Volume 393, [cxl!io 59 (S.O. 6074). Both as ~Ms '12:t'h day iof December 1'9618. shown on ithe plan marked L. and S. 6/6/12262, deposited in [Ls.] J. B. GORDON, M!inislter oil' Riailways. ithe Head Office, Department ,o!f Lands and Survey at Wel­ Goo SAVE nm QUEEN! ainguon, ,and ltib.ereion edged red. Given under the hand of His Excel!l:ency lthe Governor­ (N.Z.R.
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