APÉNDICE XV CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE ARQUEOLOGÍA DEL CARIBE 26-31 DE JULIO, SAN JUAN DE PUERTO RICO LISTADO DE PARTICIPANTES NOMBRE DIRECCIÓN TELÉFONOS Addyman, Thomas c/San Sebastián 152 (809) 721-5264 Viejo San Juan, PR 00901 Agorsah, E. Kofi Dept. of Black Studies (809) 927-1922 Portland State University (809) 927-1640 Portland, Oregon 97207 Alegría, Ricardo E. Apartado S-4457 (809) 723-4481 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00902 Allaire, Louis 602-188 Roslyn RD, Winnipeg (204) 474-9607 Manitoba, Canada R3L 0G8 (204) 475-7257 Alvarado Zayas, Pedro c/Hostos #21, apto. 514 (809) 485-4886 Santa Isabel, PR 00757 Anderson, Karen c/Almirante Pinzón #204 (809) 758-7101 Hato Rey, PR 00918 Antczak, Andrzej FUND. CIENTÍFICA LOS ROQUES 263-9729 Apartado 1139 261-3461 Caracas, Venezuela 1010-A Antczak, Magdalena FUND. CIENTÍFICA LOS ROQUES 263-9729 Apartado 1139 261-3461 Caracas, Venezuela 1010-A 635 636 LISTADO DE PARTICIPANTES Arnebog, Carol PO Box 610 (809) 495-4504 West End, Tórtola (809) 495-4546 Britiah Virgin Islanda Arnebog, Michael Arocho Fermaintt, Yvonne PO Box 1015 (809) 756-5139 Hato Rey, Puerto Rico 00919 Arvelo, Lillian 3H01 Forbes Quad (412) 648-7500 Department of Anthropology (412)648-5911 University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PNN, USA 15260 Ashton, Guy Universidad Interamericana 860 N 23rd. 5t. Apt. 39 Ayala Richards, Haydeé Lincoln, NE 68303 c/6A #11, Pueblo Nuevo (809) 855-3796 Ayes Suárez, Carlos M. Vega Baja, Puerto Rico 00693 20 Washington, Apt. 7B (809) 724-8720 Berío, María T. Santurce, Puerto Rico 00907 Museum of Anthropology (919) 759-5282 Berman, Mary Jane Wake Forest University (919) 759-6074 Winston Salem, NG, USA 27109 Bigeard, Helene 16 Avenue Cordoret 97200 73-12-46 Fort de France, Martinique 63-11-89 (fax) Boerstra, Egbert H. Diamantbergweg 40, San Nicolás Aruba, Dutch Caribben Bonini, Miguel c/4 #F-8, Berwind Estates (809)721-3737 Río Piedras, Puerto Rico 00924 Bradford, Margaret 395 Four Seasons Drive (319)234-5148 Waterloo, Iowa, USA 50701 (319)232-7329 Caesar, Phillip 1363 Perico Point Circle (813)792-9455 Bradanton, FL, USA 34209 César, Margaret 1363 Perico Point Cirle (813)220-4859 Bradenton, FL, USA 34209 Callaghan, Richard T. Department of Archaeology (403) 220-4859 University of Calgary (403) 282-9567 Calgary Alberta, Canada T2N IN4 Cárdenas, Francisco c/Central #700, Miramar Santurce, PR 00907 Carlson, Betsy 1021 SWErd. Ave. (904) 336-9434 Gainsville, FL, USA 32601 (904) 392-36948 Caron, Aimery Univ. of Virgin Islands 774-5794 St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands 776-0503 (fax) 00802 Celma, Cecile María EP 161 Cadox 997202 (596) 515-705 Fort da France, Matinique (596) 730-380 ACTAS DEL XV CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE ARQUEOLOGÍA DEL CARIBE 637 Chanlatte-Baik, Luis Centro Investigaciones Arqlcas. (809) 764-0000 PO Box 22603, UPR Sta. Río Piedras, PR 00931 Chiarelli, James A. 6 Valley RD. (617)926-8200 Acton, MA, USA 01720 (617)926-8532 Cinquino, Michael A. 21-C Patton Drive Bloomfiald, NJ, USA 07003-3586 Cody, Annie 630 Coleridge Ave. (415)326-7840 Palo Alto. CA 94301 (415)328-1888 Cooper, 'Weent O. Univ. of the Virgin Islands (809) 776-4044 St. Thomas, USVI (1) 779-8294 Cramer, Erich Guyana Francesa 35-63-03 (tel) Crespo Torres, Edwin F. Box 51430, Levitown Station (809)795-9413 Toa Baja, Puerto Rico 00950-1430 Crock, John Archasology Research Center (207) 778-7012 Univ. of Maine at Farmington (207) 778-7024 (fax) Farmington, Maine, USA 04938 Cruxent, José María Univ. Estado de Miranda Calle Sucre #87, Lávela de Coro Edo. Falcón, Venezuela Cuevas Guzmán, Félix Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña CONSEJO ARQGLA. SUBACUÁTICA (809) 722-5769 Apartado 4184 San Juan, PR 00902-4184 Cummins, Alissandra Barbados Museum (809) 426-6459 St. Ann's Garrison (809) 429-5946 St. Michael, Barbados Curet Salim, Luis A. Dept. of Sociology & Anthropology (602) 965-6213 Box 412, Gettysburg College Gettysburg, PA 17325 Damiani, Julio c/Siena 307, College Park (809) 758-9730 Río Piedras, Puerto Rico 00921 Daubón Vidal, Antonio c/Cuernavaca #1702 (809) 755-3774 Venus Cardens Río Piedras, PR 00925 Dávila, ana Luisa Santa Cruz 62 (809) 758-2525 Bayamón, Puerto Rico 00959 De Hostos, Eugenio 1372 c/Luchetti Santurce, Puerto rico 00913 (904) 392-6563 Deagan, Kathleen Florida Museum of Natural History University of Florida (904) 392-3698 Museum Road Gainesville, FL 32611 (809) 452-5005 DeVaux, Robert J. Box 525, Castries St. Lucia National Trust (809) 453-2791 638 LISTADO DE PARTICIPANTES "Díaz, Judith B-28, Urb. Montañez (809) 798-8237 Bayamón, Puerto Rico 00957 Díaz González, Marlén c/Jájome #1759 (809) 764-1528 Urb. Crown Hills Río Piedras, PR 00926 Domínguez, Lourdes Blanquizar #64 c/Mangos y Remedios 98-3696-70-8926 Luyanó 10700, Ciudad La Habana 537-338-212 Cuba, 10700 Doran, Marjoris Box 2433 VDA (809) 495-4239 St. Thomas, USVI 00803 Drewett, Peter Institute of Archaeology (071)387-7050 Univ. College at London (071)383-2572 31-34 Gordon Square, London WC 1 HOPY, England Drewett, Lysbeth Institute of Archaeology (071)387-7050 Univ. College London (071)383-2572 31-34 Gordon Square, London WC 1 HOPY, England Dubelaar, C.N. Starremuurweg 47 (080)348174 9753 At Haren (GR) The Netherlands Dukes, Joel Natural History Building Museum of Natural History (706) 542-1464 University of Georgia (706) 542-3920 Athens, Georgia, USA 30602-1882 Eichholz, Duane W. 50 Broadway (508)922-2451 Beverly MA, USA 01915 Faber Morse, Birgit 26 Stone Cabin Rd. (914)834-0097 New Rochelle, NY, USA 10801 (719)784-4611 Farr, Starr Univ. of Michigan (313)764-2293 Museum of Anthropology Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA 48109 Figueroa Lugo, Jesús S. Apartado 123, Est. #6 (809) 848-4957 Ponce, Puerto Rico 00732 (809) 842-1461 Font Negrón, Aramis c/Belen#1657 (809) 792-8737 Urb. Summit Hills Río Piedras, PR 00925 Fontánez Aldea, Richard Box 1075 (809) 722-3769 Vega Alta, PR 00692-1075 Fuess, Martin Museum Antigua & Barbuda (809)462-1469 PO Box 103, St. Johns 15260 Gandía Ojeda, Augusto F. Apartado 1071 Manatí, Puerto Rico 00674 García Arévalo, Manuel PO Box 723 Santo Domingo República Dominicana ACTAS DEL XV CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE ARQUEOLOGÍA DEL CARIBE 639 García Goyco, Osvaldo c/4 3A-14 (809) 272-8857 Urb. Santa Paula (809) 765-6790 Guaynabo, Puerto Rico 00925 Gerard, Richard 21 Cite Sig-Saint Phy 81-251-49 97120 Saint Claude Guadaloupe, FWI Gittens, Eleanor 85 Livingston St. #4D (718)237-9253 Brooklyn, New York 11201 Gittens, Lyle 85 Livingston St. #4D (718)237-9253 Brooklyn, New York 11201 Giusti, Juan B. c/Pio Baroja #W5-14 Urb. Hucares Río Piedras, Puerto Rico 00926 Gnivecki, Parry L. West Forest University (919) 759-5282 Dept. of Anthropology (919)759-6074 Winston, Salem, North Carolina usa 27109 González Acaba, Dyalma Div. Ciencias y Prof de la Conducta (809) 250-1912 Universidad Interamericana (809) 250-0782 PO Box 191293 San Juan, Puerto Rico 00919-12393 González Colón, Juan Box 6042 (809) 842-9389 Ponce, Puerto Rico 00732 Goucher, Candice Portland State University Dept. of Antropology Portland, Oregon, USA Gray, Dorrick E. Jamaica National Heritage Trust (809) 48782 79 Duke Street Kingston, CS0, Jamaica (809) 967-1703 (fax) 8934 Groer, John 4803 W. Eastridge Road (314)446-0166 Columbia, MO, USA 65202 Hackenburger, Steven University of Winsconsin Centera (608)758-6516 2909 W. Kellogs Ave. (608) 758-6560 (fax) Janesville, WI 53546 Hall, Jerome Lynn 500 East 31 Street, #113 (409) 823-7028 Bryan, Taexas, USA 77803 Hanson, Diane K. Ave. de Hostos 163, Apt. PH-R (809)767-8331 El Monte Norte Hato Rey, Puerto Rico 00918 (904) 376-5096 Harris, Peter 2230 NW, 51 Terrace Gainesville, FL, USA 32606 (904) 392-6929 (223)333-515 Harris, Mary Hill Cambrige Univ., Museum of Archaeology & Anthropology (223) 333-503 Dowing Street Cambridge, CB2-3Dz 640 LISTADO DE PARTICIPANTES Harrison, Joseph c/22 Bloque 38 #13 (809) 787-7633 Urb. Santa Rosa Bayamón, Puerto Rico 00959 Haviser, Jay Parkweg #8 (599) 9-613304 Julianadorp, Curacao 011(599)9-611193 Netherland Antilles Hayward, Michèle E. 5512 Broadway St. (205) 556-3096 Lancaster, New York, USA 14086 (205)556-1144 Henocq, Christopher BP #38, Marigot 19 (590) 872857 Saint Martin 97050 19 (590) 873942 Hinds, Ronald R. 70 Cane Garden Heights 425-4469/428-6717 Saint Thomas, Barbados 436-8735 (fax) Hoogland, MLP Archaeological Centra 071 272445 PO Box 9515 071-272615 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands Hoogland-Hofman, Conine Archaeologish Centrum 071 272445 PO Box 9515 071-272615 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands Irizarry Aviles, José E. HC-02, Box 13792 (809) 899-2569 Lajas, Puerto Rico 00667-9720 Keegan, William Florida Museum of Natural History (904) 377-6094 Museum Road, Gainesville (904) 392-3698 Florida, USA 32611 Keith, Donald 1900 N. Chaparral (512)883-2863 Corpus Christi, Texas (512)884-7392 USA 78401 Koski-Karell, Daniel National Institute of Archaeology (202) 333-1492 PO Box 690 (703) 243-1492 Washington, DC, USA 20044 Lechler, George 27 Eastwood Park Road (809) 929-1802 Kinston, Jamaica 10 (809) 926-6896 Lendor, Francisco Museo Indígena Parte de las Ciencias Apartado 1580, Bayamón Sta. (809) 740-6868 Bayamón, Puerto Rico 00959 (809) 787-2710 Littman, Sherri 8273-0 Severn Drive (407) 487-3746 Boca Ratón, FL, USA 33433 López, Diana PO Box 21377 (809) 764-0000 UPR Station ext. 3414 San Juan, PR 00931 López Pérez, Alessandro CARISUB 22-1265 1er. Canal Marina de Barlovento Municipio Playa, La Habana, Cuba Lundberg, Emily PO Box 6731 (904)665-2672 Tallahassee, FL, USA 32314 (904) 656-0065 (fax) ACTAS DEL XV CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE ARQUEOLOGÍA DEL CARIBE 641 Luna, Fernando Museo Hombre Dominicano (809) 682-9112 Santo Domingo, Rep. Dominicana Maíz López, Edgar J.
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