-News- Canadian Media Miss Big 1n• M-J Milloy Stories Brief MONTREAL (CUP) - "All the news that's fit to print" is not a in~ectly related to economic media is tacitly agreeing with Incorporation Referendum fitting motto for many Canadian media organizations, according to concerns, leading some theneo-conservativeagendaof The GCSU referendum which a recentlistofunder-reportedstories preparedby ProjectCensored commentators to suggest that big business and financial Canada. will decide whether or not to proceed growing corporate control of institutions, and aiding and with incorporation is this week. The polls willbeopenon Monday, Tuesday The list is composed of 10 by the World Bank. the abetting the political agendas Canadianmediaisatthe heart of deficit-cutters across andWednesdayofthis week. Ifquorum stories ofmajor importanceto Project Censored Canada is an is met and the result is positive, the Canadians which have been organization founded in the ofthe reason for omissions. Canada. GCSU council will submit its ignored by most mainstream lateeighties by the Departmentof "We seem to be seeing "These top censored stories incorporation request to the provincial government for approval. Ifyou have media outlets. Communications atSimonFraser evidence for -the systematic had as their central focus views exclusion of material which which challenge or oppose any questions concerning theeffects 0 They range from stories . University, the University of incorporation, be sure to ask at the aboutoverlooking..~os~y.hon­ Windsor and the Canadian· presents free marketeconomics corporate ownership values," GCSU office, preferably away from violent crime,·by ··Canadian Association of Journalists. It is and private enterprise in a wrote Winter. the polling station. professionals a·nd modeled on a similar group inthe negative light," wrote media Notonlyhas the mainstream corporations, ,to.' -:stories United States. commentator James Winter in media overlooked important ro Tem etend sa distributon a recent issue of Canadian issues, according to Winter, but describing the Canadian Nineof10 stories onthis year's Le journal Pro Tern tente de government"s support for censored list are directly or Dimensions. the focus on sensational maintenir une distribution constante resettlement projects funded Winter. believes that the crimes-especially the O.J. de ses parutions hebdomadaires sur Ie Simpson and Paul Bernardo Campus principal de York. C'est avec trials-has distracted people un plus grand succes, relativementaux annees sub.sequentes, que cet objectif .. from more tmportant issues.' ". a- 6te aheint~· Mais Protem, toujo.urs " "The media are adept at the plus aUdacieux, etend Inaintenant sa ~smagi,cian's distribution au-dela du cadre - ~. trick of :',,- .' ---, " ••-'•...i1i '.'t, universitaire. Sur demande de notre "- misdire~tion, or distracting journaliste telneraire. Rob Goldkind4 audiences away from important la libraire Renaud -Bray acordialement accepte de distribuer notre journal matters and directing them to etudiant. En plus de retrouver chez the trivial 'and unimportant," Renaud Bray un eventail de livres de -.., according to Winter. langue fran~aise repondant atous les gouts, vous ytrouverezun petitpal"fum This corporate control has a de chez nous! massiveeffecton publi~debate, andtheability ofpeopleto make Krever to be Curbed informed political statements, according to Winter. The result Two fonner federal health is the "depoliticisation of the ministers, several provincial ministers and the Red Cross are populace, a dumbing down of seeking to limit the findings ofthe political thought." Krever commission. The Krever Kim Goldberg, a freelance commission was set up by the federal government almost two E:"--~ ........ years ago to investigate how Canadians, predominantly Previous incarnations of Canadian Musicians, p.5 (shown here, Vancouver's ODDS). (... cont'd p.3) hemophiliacs, became infected with HIV through blood and blood ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~products between 1978 and 1985. Jake Epp and Monique Begin were federal health ministers Les etudiants de premiere between 1978 and 1985 and have been given notice by the Krever commission that there may be fmdings of misconduct on their annee sont representes part in the final report. Epp and --~-Julie Gauvin Begin object as they never had a chance to testify at the public hearings and therefore could not Al'automne 1995, Jean-Marc Duguay et Shulamit Yemane, aura lieu mardi Ie 30 janvier answer the allegations facing them. ont propose a l'association etudiante du College Glendon au Salon Garigue a16:30. The Red Cross has also filed a (AECG) de representer les etudiants de premiere annee. Les lIs veulent ainsi profiter motion arguing that the Krever principaux objectifs des deux etudiants desormais mandates, deI'occasionpourinformerles commission should not be allowed visent entre autre a faciliter I'integration des nouveaux etudiants des services, clubs et to make findings of fault. glendonniens en milieu universitaire et a assurer une comites qui leur sont The public hearings before representation de leurs interets au sein de I'AECG. accessibles sur Ie campus. lIs Mr. Justice Horace Krever ended se gardent bien de rendre cette last month after two years and at a cost of millions of dollars. It is Les deux mandataires dispositionunoutil delobbying reunion une session uncertain whether or not the experimentant eux-memes Ie etde rencontre. C'estpourcette essentiellement informative, motions to censor the commission "bapteme universitaire", sont en raison que les deux comperes une occasion pour que les will delay the presentation of its mesure de partager les ont decide d'inviter les etudiants de premiere annee final report before the Privy preoccupations de ceux qu'ils personnes concernees a puissent socialiser et partager Council slated for Septelnber. representent. .Cependant, exprimer leurs suggestions, leur experience aGlendon. plusieurs etudiants de premiere opinions ou inquietudes lors ,anoee "ignorent qu'ils ont a leur d'une rencontre in(ormelle qui ----]G/SH------ .... .. Lundi Ie 29 janvier 1996 editorial Pouvoir d'achat own lives. Not others. everyone, regardless of religion, class, sexual orientation, gender, Depuis quelques annees, les coupures de ability, age, race or ethnicity. subventionsetles reductionsbudgetairesontforce Finally, itmatters little what awomanmighthavedonetoLepine les institutions universitaires sabrer tOllS les a a to make him hate them so. You niveaux, creant une atmosphere de tension entre yourself said "two wrongs don't les facultes, les departements et les professeurs. makearight." Nowyouarefmding Mais, moi, ai-je quelquechoseaperdreouagagner? excuses for behaviour which is D'accord, je dois empochermes dettes etvivre avec unacceptable. It seems that word l'idee que mes etudes sont loin de me garantir un you like to use, "hypocrite", might applyhere. Aspsychologymajors, emploi permanent. Mais si j'ai tout aperdre, si ce we might be interested in studying n'est que l'apprentissage intellectuel, aussi bien Marc Lepine, but as people who tout balancer. Attention, les idees noires n'ont value human life, wecare only that jamais mene nulle part. 14 innocent individuals are now Nous, les etudiants, avons acquis un statut dead for no just cause. superieur, celui d'une clientele recherchee. Les We appreciate the opportunity to express our views. institutions universitaires s'agenouillent Also Anonymous (not): discretement a nos pieds. Puisqu'il n'est plus Lorna Wainwright question de cultiver l'idee utopique d'un droit Marisa van der Plaats d'acces a l'education, il nous reste Ie droit de choisir, de maniere selective, qui nous enseignera les vertus de la connaissance. Puisque la clientele que nous sommes constitue desormais apeu pres la seule source de revenu pour les vendeurs de matiere grise, il nous revientIe droitde s'approprier Ie pouvoir d'achat, chimerique soit, mais reel tout de meme. Ce pouvoir d'achat nous rend maitres de choisiraqui mieux mieux, la meilleuredes options. Nlerde, lorsqu'un cours vous coute environ 550.00 $ aussi bien l'investir de fa<;on rentable! C'estpourcette raison, sans parlerdes autres, que je preconise une revision serieuse des priorites .. JG Pro Tem is the weekly bilingual and independent newspaper of Glendon College, founded in 1962 as the student publication ofYork University. En plus d'etre 227S avenue Bayview gratuit, Pro Tem est Ie seul journal bilingue en Ontario. Les opinions et les faits emis par les signataires n'engagent qu'eux-memes, et non I'equipe editoriale. Les Glendon Hall room 117 articles sous-entendant des propos dift'amatoires, racistes, antisemites, sexistes ou homophobes ne seront pas publies. The deadline to submit ads and articles is Toronto, Ontario Thursday at S pm. Meetings are on Tuesday at 6:30 pm. Nos bureaux sont situes dans Ie Manoir Glendon, local 117. Editorial and Advertising: 487-6736. M4N3M6 Production: 487-6821. Fax: 487-6779. E-Mail:[email protected] Tirage: 3000 exemplaires. Redacteur-en-chef Arts editor Photography editors Typesetters Collaborateurs Patrick Joly Nathalie-Roze Fischer Jane Gorley Lisa Walker Jon Barnes John Wilson Sh~phane Bibeau Sports editor Paul Hurtubise Assistant editors Production Advertising Manager Kersten Colmar Kindt Suzanne Hinks open Andreia Bandeira Amanda Loughran M-J Milloy Robert Goldkind Teresa Finik Features editor David Sproull Heather Pringle Tanya Marissen John Gazo Assistante ala redaction Marisa van der
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