16 Issue nos 01-021April2012 (Cong BaD IIOS 275-276/A1alch 3/. 20l2) Part II. OTHER DOCUMENTS development and the master plan ou thc Central Highlands region; and ensure synchrony and consistency with sectoral master plans. THE IJRIME MINISTER 2, To effective Iy exploi t the provincc's potential and advantages, intensify international Decision No. 319/QD-TTg of March integration and promote cooperation with 16, 201.~, approving the master plan localities in the region and the whole country; on soci(economic development of Gia to concentrate on studies to renew the growth Lai province through 2020 model and restructure the economy toward rational cx teusive and intensive developrnent; '.j'HE PRIME MINISTER to mobilize and properly use all resources for fast and sustainable soc.io-econo mic Pursuant to the December 25,200] Law all development and ceo-environment protection, Organization ofthe Government; 3. To make gradual a dj u s t m e n t for Pursuant to the Government's Decree No. harmonized and rational development among 92/2006rND-CP of September 7. 2006, on areas in the province and gradually narrow the jormullltJ"on, approval and management of living-standard gap among different strata of socio-eiiinomic development masterplans, and people: to attach importance to hunger the Gowwunent- :\' Decree No. 04/2008/ND-CP elimination, poverty reduction, people's health of Janil(~rv 11, 2008, amending and care and social stability, and increase solidarity supplementing a number of articles 01" the among different erhni« groups. Government's Decree No, 92/2006/ND-CP; 4, To closely combine econormc At tli~~proposal ofthe People's COIllIn ittcc ofGia Lai province, development with dcf'c nsc and security strengthening and consolidation; to firmly DECIDES: maintain national sovereignty and borders and maintain friendly ties with neighboring Article 1. To approve the master plan on provinces in the Vietnam-Cambodia border sociu-ecouomic development of Gia Lai area: to ensure politica Isecunty and social order province through 2020 (below referred to as the and safety, master plan), with the following principal contents: II. DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES I. DEVELOPMENTVIEWJ'OlNl·~ I. General objectives 1. This master plan must comply with the To achieve fast, efficient and sustainable national strategy on socio-economic socio-economic development; to create Issue n~ 01-021April 2012 17 (Gong Bao /lOS 275-276/M!lrcli 31. 2(12) fundamental changes in growth quality and on average during 2011-20IS. and strive for the competitiveness ofthe economy: to step by step target that there will be no poor households by build complete and modern infrastructurc; to 2020; increasingly improve people's material and - By 2020, around 7orJ(, of preschools, spiritual life. To strive to build Gia Lai into a primary schools and lower secondary schools center ofthe northern Central Highlands region will have physical foundations up to national and a motive-force region in the Vietnam-Laos­ standards and 90% of villages will be Cambodia development triangle. recognized as cultured villages; 2. Targets - By 2015, 60(;;:, of communes, wards and aJEconomic development: townships will satisfy national health standards; there will be 6,5 medical doctors per 10,000 - The average economic growth rate will people; by 2020, these ligures will be 100% and reach 12.4(/r)/year during 2011-2020, 8 medical doctors respectively, and all specifically 12.8%/year during 2011-20 IS and communes will have medical doctors; 12 % duri Ill; 2016-2020. Pcr-capi t a average CiOP (based on the current price) will reach - To create around 23,000 new jobs each year VNO 34.2 million by 2015 and VNO 72.2 during 2011-2015 and around 25,000 new jobs mi Ilion by 2020: each year during 2016-2020. By 2015, the rate of trained labor wi II reach 40%, of which the - The proportions of agriculture, industries rate or workers receiving vocational training and services in the economic structure wi II be will account for 71.5%: by 2U20, these figures :)3(/(" 36.]O;() and 30.3% respectively by 2015. will be 50% and respectively: By 2020, these figures will be 28'Yr), 38"/0 and 73,9(/0 34(J(J, respectively: - To ensure that all people will have access To strive to attain an export turnover of to clean water by 2020. around usn 250 million by 2015 and around e/ Environmental protection: usn 580 million by 2020: - To increase and maintain forest coverage - Budget revenues will account for around at over 53.1 % and 60% by 2015 and 2020 10% and 7.2% of the GOP by 2015 and 2020, respectively; to take the initiative in responding respectively. to climate change: b/ Social development: - By 2020, over 9Y/r, of daily-life and - The province's population will be about industrial solid waste will be collected and 1.417 million by 20 IS and about 1.532 mi Ilion treated, over 80% of hazardous waste and 100% by 2020; the rate of rurul population wi II be of medical waste wi IJ be treated up to standards around 6Y;1, by 2015 and 60% by 2020: to before being discharged into the environment; reduce the annual rate of poor households lOorlr, of new production establishments will (according to the current poverty line) by 3-4% apply clean technologies. 18 Issue nos Ol-02JApri12012 (eDng Baa IIOS 275-276/Man1l3/. 20/2) tn SECTORAl, OEVFJ nPMFNT c( Forestry: ORiENTATIONS Toproperly implement the policy on raising public funds and resources for forestry: to plan 1.Agriculture and new countryside building and structure 3 categories offorests to Iaci litatc To develop it large commodity production forest management, protection and zone for accelerated application of scientific and development: to complete the allocation and technical advances andmechanized cultivation contracting of forests and forestland to methods from soil preparation to harvest to tum communities so thut local people cun benefit out high-quality agricultural products for from forests. domestic and foreign markets. To attain an dI Rural devr-Iopmcnt: average increased value of around 5.6%/year To step by step build a new countryside during 201l-1020, specifically 6.2%/ycar according to the national set of new countryside during 2011-20 I 5 and YYcJ/ycar dunng 201o­ criteria; to ensure rural people 's easy access to 2020. social services and public welfare. To develop a/ Cultivation: new models of rural economy suitable to the - To restructure plants according to natural current development stage in Vietnam.To strive conditions (soil, climate, ceo-system, ctc.) of that over 24C}S and around 54W·, of communes each zone and market demand: to raise land use will Satisfy new countryside criteria by 2015 efficiency; to attach importance to developin~ and 2020 respectively. such plants of high economic value as coffee, 2. Industry, construction rubber, cashew, pepper and fruit trees: to ensure To develop industries for attarm ng the food security; growth objecti ves and restructuring the - To stabilize agricultural production areas economy toward industrialization and by 2020, including around DO,OOO ha for modernization. The average growth rate will rubber, 80,000 ha for coffee, 27,000 ha for reach l7.6o/r during 20] ]-20i5 and 15.W;.h cashew, over 8,000 hu for pepper and tell, duriflg 1016-2020. By 2020, the iudusu ia] 25,000 hafor sugarcane, 80,000ha forrice, and sector will contribute 26.6% to the province's 110,000ha for maize and cassava. GDP, and create jobs for 19(~, of the workforce. hi Animal rearing: Specifically: To develop livestock and poultry rearing in - To focus 011 de vc lopi n g compct it i ve farms and households in association with industries using local materials; to attach epidemic control and prevention. By 2020, the importance to developing industries that serve buffalo and cow herd will be around 0.52 agriculture and rural areas and supporting million. the pig herd will he around 0.55 million, industries; to develop new techniques and and the poultry flock will hearound 2.2 mi Ilion. technologies for application to industrial Issue nos OI-02lApri12012 19 (Gong Beo IIOS 275-27MHarch 3t, 2(12) production', to increase the proportion of deep expand rural markets and create close linkage processing industry for higher economic between localities; efficiency; to build key product and commodity - To develop traditional services: to raise the groups; qual ity of transportation. post, tel ecomrnuni­ - To iuvcst ill, upgrauL: and develop e.x.islirlg cations and information technology services; to industrial establishments for raising the quality rapidly develop new services and finance­ and competitiveness of industrial products to banking services to meet requirements in each meet domestic market and export needs: development period: to expand the provision of production and daily-life services; - To give priority to developing labor­ intensive industries such as processing of - To embellish and develop tourist attractions agricultural and forest products, production of and formulate investment projects under traditional arucles ltke handicrafts and t me-art piauuing; articles for tourism, rattan, bamboo and brocade - To increase service activities with products, etc. provinces in the Central Highlands region, the To attach importance to building coastal central region and Ho Chi Minh City; construction capacity and gradually increase to develop foreign markets for exporting farm construction scale and quality; to focus on key produce commodities and importing and works in the local ity: to further embellish urban supplying supplies, technological equipment centers toward civ iIization and modcmi ty and and goods for production and daily life. meet requirements in each development period. 4. Development of social affairs To stri vc for the construction sector's growth a/ Population, lahor and job creation: rate of 14.6';;, during 2011-2015 and 14.1% during 2016-2020 on average.
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