THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1971 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 36 ■ Number 98 Pages 9121-9191 PART I (Part II begins on page 9177) HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published in this issue. Detailed table of contents appears inside. GLASS— Tariff Coram. notice of postponement of hearing d ate......................................................... 9154 TOBACCO— Agriculture gives notice of public hearings on applications from three markets for additional inspection and price support services, May 2 5-27 ...................... ......... ..................... ....... 9146 INCOME TAX— Proposed 1RS regulations relat­ ing to certain capital expenditures; comments by 6-21-71 .................... ........................ 9142 INCOME TAX— Proposed 1RS regulations regard­ ing treatment of appreciated property used to re­ deem stock; comments or suggestions and re­ quests for public hearing by 6-21—71___ ________ 9138 TABLE GRAPES (European or Vinifera type)— USDA revises grade standards effective upon publication__________ ....____ ____ ________ ___________ 9125 COAST GUARD CADETS— Coast Guard require­ ment of Statement of Obligation; effective 5 - 20-71 . ....................................................... 9135 UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES— NLRB amend­ ments to procedures; effective 5 -2 0-7 1, 6 - 1-71 ..............................: ..................... ........ 9132 (Continued inside) MICROFILM EDITION FEDERAL REGISTER 35mm MICROFILM Complete Set 1936-70,189 Rolls $1,342 Voi. Year Price Voi. Year Price Voi. Year Price Ü 1 1936 $7 13 1948 $28 25 1960 $49 Ü 2 1937 12 14 1949 22 26 1961 44 3 1938 8 15 1950 28 27 1962 46 4 1939 14 16 1951 44 28 1963 50 I 5 1940 14 17 1952 41 29 1964 54 6 1941 21 18 1953 30 30 1965 58 m 7 1942 37 19 1954 37 31 1966 60 8 1943 53 20 1955 41 32 1967 69 9 1944 42 21 1956 42 33 1968 55 10 1945 47 22 1957 41 34 1969 62 11 1946 47 23 1958 41 35 1970 59 L 12 1947 24 24 1959 42 Order Microfilm Edition from Publications Sales Branch ~ National Archives and Records Service Washington, D.C. 20408 Published dally, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mon on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, 20408 FEHERAUBREGISTER Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, • • ^ Phone 962-8626 Area Code 202 TtOmTfPy puxoucuivpursuant tow thevue auviiuiivjauthority ouncontainedoaiuou iuin thevuo ioFederal u u i»i ivvgiww*Register Act,» approved** _ ppglgtgr g,pnn. (49 Stat, 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 15), under regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal g proved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government i t & Washington, D.C. 20402. _ ~ payable in The F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $2.50 per month or $25 per year, p or advance. The charge for individual copies is 20 cents for each issue, or 20 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Re money order, made payable to the Superintendent Qf Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. pursuant The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code o f F ederal R egulatio ns, which is published, under 50 g ’^tendent to section 11 of the Fédéral Register Act, as amended (44 U.S.C. 1510). The Code of F ederal R egulations is sold by the p of Documents. Prices of new books are listed in the first F ederal R egister issue of each month. regulations. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F ederal R egister or the Code of F ederal HIGHLIGHTS— Continued FORESTRY SERVICES— SBA proposal of defini­ LAND ACQUISITION AND RELOCATION— DoT tion of small business............... ....................... 9144 regulations on relocation assistance and land acquisition policies; effective 6 -1 -7 1 ........ ......... 9178 HUMANE SLAUGHTER— USDA changes in lists MUTUAL FUNDS— SEC proposal respecting of establishments humanely slaughtering live­ contracturai plans for mutual fund shares and stock ......... ..................-............................ .........—- 9146 variable annuities; public conference on 5 -2 8 - 71 ........... ......... ...... ........ .................................... 9143 COTTON TEXTILES— Interagency Textile Admin. Comm, notice of increases in levels of restraint RAIL STRIKE— ICC establishment of preference applicable to certain cotton textile products from and priority for transportation of passengers and Korea..........................—.............—............... ............. 9152 freight; effective 5 -1 7 -7 1 ......... .................... 9136 Contents AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL CONSUMER AND MARKETING FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT SERVICE Notices Notices Rules and Regulations Southwest Bancshares, Inc.; order International Training and Public Shipment limitations: approving acquisition_________ _ 9151 Safety Offices; delegation of au­ Grapefruit grown in Florida 9125 thority ___________________________ 9145 Oranges grown in Florida_____ 9129 Table grapes, European or Vini­ INTERAGENCY TEXTILE ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION fera type; standards for grades. 9125 ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE Notices Valencia oranges grown in Ari- zona and designated part of Notices Gulf Oil Corp.; proposed issuance California; handling limita- of amended facility license______ 9147 Cotton textile products produced or manufactured in Republic of AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Notices Korea; entry or withdrawal See also Consumer and Market­ Humanely slaughtered livestock; from warehouse for consump­ changes in list of establish­ ing Service. tion ______________ ________________ 9152 Notices ments ____________________________ 9146 Tobacco inspection and price sup­ FEDERAL AVIATION INTERIOR DEPARTMENT port services; notice of public hearing________ _____________ 9146 ADMINISTRATION See Land Management Bureau. Rules and Regulations CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Alterations: INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE Notices Control zone and transition a r e a ____________________________ 9130 Proposed Rule Making NACA Facilities and Service Corp.; Transition area____ _____________ 9130 order authorizing discussions Income tax: and approving agreements_____ 9147 Proposed Rule Making Appreciated property used to re­ deem stock_____________________ 9138 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Transition areas and control zone; proposed alteration and revoca­ Capitalization of costs of plant­ Notices tion _________________________________ 9143 ing and developing almond Licensed practical nurse, West groves ________________________ 9142 Haven, Conn, and Boston FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION SMSA and Brockton, Mass.; no­ Notices tice of establishment of mini- INTERSTATE COMMERCE Hearings, etc.: tnum rates and rate ranges____ 9148 City of Augusta and Georgia COMMISSION COAST GUARD Power C o______________ 9149 East Tennessee Natural G as Co_ 9150 Rules and Regulations Mes and Regulations Lawrenceburg Gas Transmis­ Preference and priority for the cadets; requirement sion Corp___ __________ 9150 transportation of passengers M A P C O , Inc______________________ 9150 01 statement of obligation_______ 9135 and freight necessary to the na­ Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co______ 9149 tional defense, health, and COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Washington Public Power Sup­ ply System_______________ 9151 s a fe t y ---------------------------------------- 9136 e^ a.^onal Oceanic and Atmos­ Western Colorado Power Co____ 9151 pheric Administration. Western Transmission Corp____ 9151 (Continued on next page) 9123 9124 CONTENTS Notices NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR Notices Fourth section application for re­ THE ARTS Declarations of disaster loan l i e f __________ ________ ___________ . 9171 areas: Notices Motor carrier, broker, water car­ I o w a ---------------------------------------- 9153 Establishment of an identification Missouri (2 documents) ___ 9153-9154 rier and freight forwarder ap­ d e v ic e ____ _______________________ 9152 plications __i______________________ 9155 Tennessee ______________________ 9154 Motor carrier temporary authority NATIONAL LABOR Equitable Life Community Enter­ applications ______________________ 9172 RELATIONS BOARD prises Corp.; issuance of license. 9153 Motor carrier transfer proceed­ Rules and Regulations ings _______________________________ 9171 Unfair labor practices; amend­ STATE DEPARTMENT ments to procedures_____________ 9132 See Agency for International LABOR DEPARTMENT Development. NATIONAL OCEANIC AND See also Wage and Hour Division, ATMOSPHERIC TARIFF COMMISSION Notices ADMINISTRATION Notices RCA Corp., and Emerson Televi- Nptices Glass from Taiwan; postponement sion and Radio Co. ; certification Vessell, Henry C. and Sara M.; of hearing_______________________ 9154 of eligibility of workers to apply notice of loan application___ _ 9146 for adjustment assistance-------- 9154 TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU COMMISSION See also Coast Guard; Federal Aviation Administration. Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Public land orders: Interpretative releases____________ 9130 Rules and Regulations C olorad o___s______________________ 9136 Proposed Rule Making Relocation assistance and land M o n t a n a ________________________ 9135 Mutual funds; contractual plans- 9143 acquisition______________________ 9178 W y o m in g ________________________ 9136 Notices TREASURY DEPARTMENT Notices Consolidated Financial Corp.; no­ tice of filing application________ 9153 See
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