1 - ■ ”* FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 19W ■ .Hlfi WMthfiT. fc- PAi^E *TWENTf jianrlffat^ r lEvralttg If^raUi Avfingw Dfiflp N ft PrtM Rob r*raeastot.U.'to.W«fi(lii>J9Mi] ^ For to* Woek Baled OcL 6, lii* C9saiy'tepigw; tosao*' *t *e a ^ '' ■M ■'-iy man, will present program pleas terad sto'wira>.'tolW. Le^ 'a M % ’ TM SiaUcbood ot Members of the Polish American ton PTA for tiM,year. RefrtaiBWits wiU bo Sholom will iqKjnsor a u b wlU meet Sunday at 1 p.m. at serired by Mrs. Peul-Whits and Imt 13,235 utTown themum Ball at the ----------------- the clubhouse, 106 Clinton SL diennmittes. warm. High mot 18. \ < ballroom In Hartford tomorrow at Sets Open House Msrab(w St tow A |A t Rev. Robert ShUnbde,' p u - 9.p.m. Emmett J. Leahy, president of a Bnnaa of Ofaton^^ MmiduMisr^A CU^of 'VUlagsChmm tbe TWoottvlUe Oongwia- management consultant Arm in oshington .School PTA will Caiurch. wUl be in cherne The EdlUi Cowles Strickland New York aty, wUI be guest hold its annual open bouse Tues­ ATLANZIO. (Olasalfled Adverttshig so Pago 9> ICE FIVE C E N T ! io br6«4c**ta over WINF Ofeup of the Women’s Fellowship speaker at a technical session of day beginning at 7 p.m., with a ♦ ♦ t ♦ (TWELVE PAGES--TV' SECTION) MANCHESTER, CpNN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, IWO at <:S0 p.nu and daily at Second Congregational Church the Hartford Chapter of the Na­ registration ot new iffembers and FURNACE OIL VOL. L X X X , N a 18 !k at 7:16 pjn. Hie broad- will apcnsor a harvest supper at tional Association of Cost Account­ tour of the ochool building. Antonmtle DoBvory are n>onaored by the Man- the church Oct. 21 at 6 p.m. Re- ants Tuesday at 6 p.m. at .the . Pareiita may visit the class­ L T. WOOD CO. chM< MlniaterJal Aaan. aervationa ttMf be made with Mrs. Indian Hill Country Club In New­ rooms « children in Grades 1, 3 Phone MI 9-1129 into a Recession? Samuel. Pierson, 37 Arvine PI., or ington. and 6 apd morning’ kindergarten I StaieNews Women o*.St Mary’s Episcopal Mrs. Samuel Hendeiaon, 206 Wood­ from 7:15\to 7:30 p.m., and O^des Church will hold_a rummage eale 2, 4 and G, and afternoon kinder­ 2 Divers land St. -The Anderson Shea Auxillaty, next Thursday at 0:30 aim. in Neill VFW, will sponsor a card party garten from 7:36 to 7:60 p.m. Pro- hall at the church. For piokup of V* S t Mary's Episcopal Guild w ilf tonight at 7:30 at the VFW Home. grapu will be presented in the un articles, call Mrs. Ludwig Hansen, classrooms. Masked Bandit Slam 93 Waranoke Rd.; Mra. Emma sponsor a military wjilst tn Neiil The business ..in eeting will start O d N 't hall at the church Monday at 8 Sunset Rebekah Lodge will, meet S tffl.p io ty o f Wear left la Brown. 60 Spruce St., and Mrs, Monday a t,8 p.m. at Odd Fellows, 'iri 8 o’clock iff the school cafe- Wffllam Bryce, 173 Irving St. p.m. Refreshments will be served. sheba when b m glrt here for | hall. Mrs. John McAllister, vice t e ^ . Mrs. Joseph SWAnsspn, presi­ expert repislrlag. FBI Arrests grand', will officiate a t' an obliga­ dent. and members of the PTA The little Flower of Jesus A penny auction will be held by exeimtive committee, will Join in' Open Mondays AU Day tion ceremony. Mrs. Edith Smith ^osed Wednesday Mothers Circle will meet at the the Ladies of St. James on Mon­ welcc^lng the teachers and paf- h o u irsn d hots has Ti^surer of day at 8 p.m: at S t James’ School and her'. committee will- be in . Afternooaa home of Mrs. James Coughlin, 40 •epts. \ - By STEBUNG F. GREEN *ment, was little help to too read- hail. charge of refreshments. •OYS* CreditUnion Clyde Rd., tonight at 8 o’clock. 'Walterv Roth, prin^pal, will in­ Portland, Oct. 16 <IP)— The tvS itogton . Oct. 15 (AT - The e n of the economic omens. Mrs. Edward Moriarty will be co- Heads D ot I troduce the sU ^, inriuding live SA M YULYES Yesterday’s Commerce Depart­ MUS Jane Hald, daughter of Mr. CORDUROY V. bodies pf two youpg skin flUDStion v^iDthRr th* iiKtion li X hostess. North Methodlat Church WSCS Mrs. Joseph Tonskl, 596 Tblland new members of the fatuUy. They ’ "SHOE REPAIRING moving inti a business recession ment report on total personal in­ Hartford, Oct. 1' -A and- Mrs. Charles Hald, 273 Hilli­ are Frederick Fredette, Mrs. Alvin ..SLACKS.. will sponsor a rummage sale ard St., recently was installed as a Tpke., was reeletced regent of St. op THE BBnnBR RIND” divers have been given up by sharpened today following an­ come showed it virtually un­ Arthur Gisselbrecht, 41 Polish National Alliance, Group Albright, Mra\, Horace ,\Bcriiton, Wednesday, beginning at 9;30 member of the Connecticut State m rgaret’s .CSrcIe, Daughters of 39 OAK STREET a water-fill«i quarry, ending a nouncement that' the' output ■ of changed in .September from.,Au­ No. 1988, will meet tomorrow at Mrs. Michael G^telll, ahd Mrs. rington Republican t o a.m. at the churchy Luther League executive commit­ Isabella, at a recent meeting at Same Side as WatUna V» t o KM! 12-day searcb.x mines, mills and. utilities dipped to gust; wages' and salaries had 7 pm, at 77 North St. Gordon Lunsford.\ dropped but this was slightly more chaiinnan, faces trial P olice Say tee. She was appointed as missions KofC home. Roy Johnson, ^gram chair­ The father of Robert ()uinn, 20, a 1960 low in September. The Rev. and Mrs. C. Henrv sedretsry. Miss Hald is a sopho­ Mrs. MUdred Lynch of Water- The Federal Reserve Board re­ than offset by a rise In unemploy­ c larges, he made false entries Anderson; 167 Pitkin St., will S to 12.- wathabla New Haven, one of the victlnia, was more at Manchester High School, bury, state regent, will install new preient yesterday as his lo|^8 ported that its Index o f industrial ment pay, veterans’ benefits and l otaling $40,000 in the books again observe open house at the T officers at A<buffet supper and cere­ hockmayar solid body was brought up in a wlio production moved dIown in Sep­ other social insurance payments. ' a efedit union. yictim N ot YYHITH FOR parsoilage Sunday 'from 3 to 7 mony Oct. 26 at 7 p.m. at the KofC basket from a vertical abaft north tember to 107’per cent of the 1957 The Federal Reserve Board re­ p.m. for members of the congre­ The Young People’s Society of coTor corduroy ivy The Federal Bureau of Investiga­ Home.' • avringe, a drop of, four points port yesterday drew no conclu­ gation ..-bf Emanuel Lutheran Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church of the main quirry. \ • tion, which arrested Gisselbrecht will attend the Hartford Zone fall Others' reeletced were Mrs; Ed­ laogua sfyla, 3.99. The other victim waa David frornxJanuary’s peak of 111 per sions. It began: yesterday, said he waa treasurer of Church^ They will be assisted by Start Your )Cmas Ceramics Now! “ Industrial production declined KENNEDY M ^ N G rally of the Walther League at St. ward Cavagharo, vice regent; Mrs. wovan chock cordu­ Church. 17, Branford. cent. Ih August, the hoard further toe Employes Credit Union at toe I d e n tifie d Mr. and Mrs. Durward Miller, Mr. James Lemon, ffnanclal secretary; ■ The boys were reported missing further In September, while con­ Torrington Division of the Ana­ and Mrs. C. Gerard DlManno, Mr. Mathew’s Lutheran Church, New disclosed, toe index sagged two OHlzeiis For Kennedy Mrs. Harry Magnuson, treasui'er; roy in anolish bait- by a companion with whom th ^ points instead Of one- as previously struction activity increased. Total conda’ American Brass' Co. Headquarters and Mrs. William U Luettgens, Britain, Sunday, beginning at 2 employment and personal income Stamford, Oct. 15 (ffV -A p.m. Mrs. Albert Sobleic, recording sec­ loss modal 5.99 bad gone akin diving Oct. 2. estimated. Gisselbrecht’a arrest was or­ 991 Main Street Mr. and Mrs. Harold McIntosh. CAMDOT CERAMICS STUDIO chdnged little and sales at retail dered by U.S. Attorney Harjy W. masked intruder was sluit Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Johnson, retary; Mrs. Wilfred Letnlrc, T h e bodies were found on a rock A possibility o f further decline Information MI S-018I chancellor; Mrs. Joseph Lovett, RT. 80, VERNON, OONN./NEAB VERNON CIRCLE otiva. charcoal, ledge, about 1000 feet below grand in October was siiggested by the stores declined. Bank credits, both Hultgren Jr. after an audit of .toe dead early today when he de­ Tenigllt—October 14, 1960 and Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Pearson. ^ The Ladies’ Aid of Zion' Evan­ loaiu and Investments, ipereaaed gelica l Lutheran Church will at­ monitor: Mra. Bose Schwoerer, cadot sizes, surface. Qne of the youths was fact that steel mill operations, an credit uniem’a books. He waa ar­ manded money at knife-point 7t80 P.M. o n d a y raigned before U.S. Commissioner tend the Upper Connecticut Val­ custodian; and Mrs, Jules Fllllere, OPEN M , TUE»AY, WEDNESDAY. clutching a 2-cell underwater light. economic bellwether, have failed substantially.” in the home of a New York Arlene Connor, Chairman Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Adams 4.99 to 5.99 State Police Captain Robert George C.
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