DINING GUIDE FOR DINE-IN, TAKEOUT, CURBSIDE & DELIVERY AFTER FIVE T H E N O R T H S T A T E M A G A Z I N E JUNE 2020 / 33rd Year / No. 8 THE NEWS, ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT MONTHLY ON THE COVER BAD OLE DAYS Burney High grad Jared Hovis just returned to Nashville the end of May after spending a coronavirus-forced vacation in the Intermountain area. Prior to that, he’d been following his dream of being a country singer and having success in Music City, recording his new single ‘The Bad Ole Days’ that comes out this month. See page 11 BUSINESS UNUSUAL The coronavirus pandemic might’ve shut down most of the human world, but it’s been business as usual in the animal kingdom, but also business ‘unusual’ for Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation. 3LFWXUHGKHUHLVWKHRI¿FLDOPDVFRWIRU Rearrange the letters in ‘racoon’ and it spells, ZKDWHOVHFRURQD6HHSDJH WEIRD NEWS More of the nutty, unusual, but mostly head- scratching and laughable news items from all across the globe beginning on page 5 Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation fi nds ways to still care for birds and mammals during coronavirus pandemic By Aaron Williams The coronavirus pandemic might’ve shut down most of the human world, but it’s been business as usual in the animal kingdom. However, it’s been business “un- usual” for the Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation, an organization that’s provided food and medical care to over 100 diff erent species of birds and mammals from all over Northern California since 1979. “We’re still operating 24/7, 365,” said public relations coordinator Karlene Stoker. “Taking care of animals is a constant task.” But with the COVID-19 restrictions, she said, the center at the Anderson River Park had to rethink its approach. “Necessity really is the mother of invention,” Stoker said. So, the SWRR began relying more on phone – Smartphone and tele- phone – interactions as a way to tri- age potential injured animal situations. Volunteers manned the center’s phone (they check messages and return calls within a two-hour time frame) and routed the calls to the proper person’s area of expertise. “I’m still out all over the place,” said Raven Capozzo, center PHOTO / Karlene Stoker coordinator “but we’re only taking in Sandy Moultan with Autumn, a Red Tail Hawk, at a Shasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation educational animals after phone assessments.” program. Capozzo said the volunteers be- gan asking callers to send pictures of to the fact that many of the volunteers or money, said Capozzo, who was the critters, which they then forwarded are older – “It takes a certain person “We’re essential and the waiting on a shipment of insects for to one of the center’s many experts. in the certain stage of their life to be some fl edglings she was caring for. “In some ways, it’s better,” she able to care for a wounded animal wildlife thinks we’re “Our community is great and, said. “There’s more public education. like it needs to be” – having large essential, too.” yes, donations are always welcome,” We get pictures and then are able gatherings at the Rupert Road facility she said. “I think our area makes the to walk them through things. Instead wasn’t feasible or sensible. people aware of nature and being - Raven Capozzo of people showing up with a healthy “We don’t want our place to be a nature-minded.” Center Coordinator, SWRR animal, they’re having to halt and potential hotspot,” she said. “So we And when the coronavirus leave a message.” asked the volunteers to help in ways restrictions are lifted, the SWRR plans That’s when Capozzo said the they could and only do what they felt make accommodations to get those on reprising its “Creeptastic Wildlife experts are able to say “Thank comfortable doing.” birds what they need to successfully Experience” around Halloween. you, but that’s a healthy animal” or And when the time comes for release them back into the wild. “If we’re at that point, you bet we’re “You’re right, that one needs medical birds – raptors, or corvids like ravens Even though the physical center going to try and hold our fundraiser/ treatment” and then arrange for the and crows – to graduate to needed remains closed to the public, there is non-scary Halloween party,” Capozzo SWRR to take possession of and care aviary time, Capozzo said they will still a need for donations of supplies said. for the animal. “The website has worked well to direct people,” she said of their site www.shastawildlife.org. “By the time we call them back, a lot of times the community member says ‘I looked at the website already.’” Which, she said, is vital since the center remained closed through the end of May. “We’re functioning,” Capozzo said. “We’re ‘closed’ but we’re not closed. The center is empty as far as critters, but we’re doing satellite home care. We’re essential and the wildlife thinks we’re essential, too.” Most of the animals the SWRR has PHOTO / Karlene Stoker taken in have been cared for by their loyal and dedicated volunteers. Above, baby possums in home care on a stuff ed Capozzo said because of the Mamma Possum doll. Right, young raccoons raised social distancing guidelines and due in home care by Kim Baxter. PHOTO / Kim Baxter Page 2 / June 2020 / After Five After Five / June 2020 / Page 3 THE POSTSCRIPT The Only Dog in Minnesota By CARRIE CLASSON I want to make it clear that we are not adopting a dog. ,ZRQ·WGHQ\LWLVWHPSWLQJ:HGHFLGHGQRWWRJHW DQRWKHU GRJ EHFDXVH ZH WUDYHO 'RJV DQG DLUSODQH WUDYHOGRQRWJRZHOOWRJHWKHU 1RZKRZHYHUZLWKQRWUDYHOLQVLJKW,DGPLW,DP FRQVXPHGZLWKHQY\ZKHQ,VHHKDSS\GRJRZQHUV RQWKHWUDLO,KDYHVWDUWHGFDUU\LQJGRJWUHDWVMXVWVR, FDQWDONWRWKHGRJVRIFRPSOHWHVWUDQJHUV7KHRZQHUV DUHWROHUDQW7KHGRJVORYHLW 0\EURWKHULQODZKDGRXUHQWLUHH[WHQGHGIDPLO\ LQ D ODWKHU IRU D IXOO KRXU QHZV F\FOH ZKHQ KH FLUFXODWHGSKRWRVRISXSSLHVRQ)DFHERRN(YHU\RQH ZDVFRQYLQFHGKHZDVJRLQJWRDGRSWDSXSS\+H GLGQ·WDVLWWXUQHGRXW ´+HVKRXOGQHYHUKDYH SXWWKRVHSKRWRVRQWKH LQWHUQHWµP\VLVWHUVDLG ´(YHU\RQH WKRXJKW ZH were getting another dog!” 7KLV LV WKH VDPH brother-in-law who, at DJHVL[W\HQUROOHGLQWKH VHPLQDU\ (YHU\RQH ZDV ZRQGHULQJ KRZ KH ZDV JRLQJWRSUHDFKVHUPRQV ZULWH WZR SDSHUV HYHU\ ZHHN DQG VWXG\ +HEUHZ DQG *UHHN ZKLOH SDSHU training a puppy. %XW QRZ LW VHHPV HYHU\RQH KDV PRUH WLPH DQG SXSSLHV ,KDYHEHHQWROG DUHLQVKRUWVXSSO\<HV DORQJZLWKWRLOHWSDSHU\HDVWÁRXUKDQGVDQLWL]HUDQG YHJHWDEOHVHHGVWKHUHLVDQDWLRQDOSXSS\VKRUWDJH ,FRXOGQ·WEHOLHYHWKHUHZDVDFWXDOO\DGRJVKRUWDJH VR,FKHFNHGWKHZHEVLWHRIRXUORFDOVKHOWHU7KH\KDG QRGRJV³EXWWKLVGLGQ·WSURYHDWKLQJ :H KDYH D ZHOOIXQGHG VKHOWHU DQG ,·YH KHDUG UXPRUVWKDWGRJVIURPWRZQVZLWKOHVVZHOOÀQDQFHG DQLPDOVKHOWHUVDUHVPXJJOHGLQWRWRZQ 2ND\,·YH KHDUGPRUHWKDQUXPRUVEXW,DPQRWVTXHDOLQJRQ DQ\RQH $GRJVKRUWDJHKHUHLVQRWQHZV 6R,FKHFNHGZLWKWKHDQLPDOVKHOWHULQ0LQQHDSROLV ZKHUHP\VLVWHUDQGEURWKHULQODZOLYH6XUHHQRXJK WKHUHZDVRQO\RQHSXSS\,WZDVDEODFNDQGWDQ VKHSKHUG PL[ 6KH ZDV KROGLQJ KHU KHDG DW DQ adorable angle. ´+LP\QDPHLV%HOODµWKHVWRU\EHVLGHWKHSKRWR UHDG´,FDPHWR$QLPDO+XPDQH6RFLHW\EHFDXVH, QHHGKHOSZLWKP\EHKDYLRUµ8KRK,VDZWKDW%HOOD KDGEHHQVXUUHQGHUHGDWWKHHQGRI0DUFK ´7KDW ZDV ULJKW DW WKH VWDUW RI WKH SDQGHPLFµ , WKRXJKW´:KRVXUUHQGHUVDGRJZKHQWKH\DUHVWXFN at home?” ´,·PUHDG\WRÀQGDQHZKRPHZKHUH,FDQFRQWLQXH WRZRUNRQOHDUQLQJJRRGPDQQHUVµWKHVWRU\FRQWLQXHG ,ZRQGHUHGH[DFWO\KRZEDG%HOOD·VEDGPDQQHUV ZHUH , ZRQGHUHG LI ´OHDUQLQJ JRRG PDQQHUVµ ZDV DQRWKHUZD\RIVD\LQJ´QRWFKHZLQJXSWKHIXUQLWXUHµ ,ZHQWWRWKHKXPDQHVRFLHW\IRU6W3DXO,FOLFNHG ´$GRSWDEOHGRJVµ 7RP\DVWRQLVKPHQWWKHUHZDVRQO\RQH³LWZDV Bella. ´, OLNH SOD\LQJ ZLWK WR\V DQG HQMR\ RWKHU EXV\ LQWHUDFWLRQVµ %XV\ LQWHUDFWLRQV 7KLV ZDV REYLRXVO\ DQRWKHU HXSKHPLVP IRU VRPHWKLQJ³OLNH ´/LWWOH -RKQQ\LVEHLQJVHQWWRMXYHQLOHGHWHQWLRQIRUKLVEXV\ LQWHUDFWLRQVµ ,ZHQWIXUWKHUDÀHOGWRVXEXUEVRQWKHQRUWKDQG VRXWKVLGHVRIWKH7ZLQ&LWLHV %HOOD DJDLQ 7KH 7ZLQ&LWLHV KDV D SRSXODWLRQ RI PLOOLRQSHRSOHDQGLWDSSHDUHGWKDW%HOODZDV³DW WKHPRPHQW³WKHRQO\GRJLQ0LQQHVRWDDYDLODEOHIRU adoption. &DUULH&ODVVRQ·VPHPRLU´%OXH<DUQµZDVUHOHDVHG LQ/HDUQPRUHDW&DUULH&ODVVRQFRP Page 4 / June 2020 / After Five A rider on the New York cording to their report, and she City subway employed a novel was charged with assault and way of protecting his personal resisting arrest. space, Fox News reported. The seated passenger re- In the fall of 2018, the moved a bottle of ketchup Florida Department of Law from his bag and squirted a Enforcement launched Fortify VTXLJJO\SHULPHWHURQWKHÁRRU Florida, an app intended for around his seat, apparently students to anonymously re- hoping to keep fellow strap- port suspicious activity. hangers away. Since then, more than Twitter erupted with funny 6,000 tips have been received comments after one user VWDWHZLGH EXW VFKRRO RIÀFLDOV posted a photo: “Gotta pro- are feeling mostly frustration, tect yourself from the mustard reports WFTS in Tampa. GHPRQV WKH\ FDQ·W FURVV WKH Indian River County Su- barrier” and “What brand of perintendent Dr. David Moore ketchup though?” said students will “talk about New York City Transit got a WKH ÁDYRU RI WKH IRRG LQ WKH taste of the problem and prom- cafeteria.” ised to clean it up right away. Pasco Superintendent Kurt Browning said, “The number Self-described Christian of kids entering bogus tips is prophet Cindy Jacobs de- consuming a great deal of re- clared the coronavirus against VRXUFHV 7KHUH·V D FR\RWH the law on March 4: “We say, in my front yard,” was one ex- LQ WKH QDPH RI -HVXV ¶9LUXV ample. \RX DUH LOOHJDO 7KLV LV *RG·V Indian River Country au- (DUWK·´ thorities spent hours investi- Dead State reported that gating a report of a student Jacobs went on to tell an en- planning to shoot up a high thusiastic group of supporters, VFKRRORQO\WRÀQGRXWLWZDV ´,GRQ·WNQRZLIHYHU\ERG\ZLOO a revenge report for a recent JHWKHDOHGµEXW´:H·UHJRLQJ A monkey riding a small motorized bicycle in a street performance in Surabaya, breakup. to decree that the coronavirus Florida lawmakers are con- will cease worldwide.” Indonesia, threw down the bike and suddenly grabbed a toddler who was watching, sidering a bill to allow authori- Global News reported, dragging the child down the cobblestone street for several WLHV WR WUDFN WLSVWHUV· ,3 DG- Lacie the Norwegian Forest feet before letting him go. The boy was scratched but not seriously injured. dresses and prosecute those cat is at the center of a heated who submit false information.
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