Public Document Pack Simon W. Baker B.Ed MBA MISPAL Chief Executive PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE Thursday, 17 October 2019, 2.00 pm The Council Chamber, Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek Contact Officer: Pat Trafford. 01538 395551 - [email protected] SITE VISITS: A coach for Committee Members will leave Moorlands House at 9.30 a.m. prompt on the day of the meeting. Appropriate footwear is recommended. Speaking at Committee: Under the Council's Constitution, applicants (or their agent) and objectors/supporters are eligible to speak at this Committee for 3 minutes each. The maximum number of speakers on any item is six (three speakers for and three speakers against) plus any Ward Councillors. All speakers, including Ward Councillors, should register by ringing Committee Services on the above number between 10.00 a.m. Monday and 4.00 p.m. Wednesday on the week of the meeting. Also please note that speakers need to re-register if an application has been previously withdrawn from an agenda. Registered speakers should report to the Council Chamber no later than 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. An information leaflet relating to these procedures is available from the main Council Offices, on the Council’s website and will be available at the meeting. Speakers are advised to read the leaflet prior to the meeting. Note: In the event of a delayed return by the Committee, following the site visits, the start time for the Committee may be postponed. Also the order of business on the agenda may change at the discretion of the Chair. As it is not possible to give a precise time when an item may be discussed, it is always advisable to arrive for the start of the meeting. Please be aware that meetings open to the public may be recorded by representatives of the media or by members of the public. A guidance document for the recording of public Council meetings is available on the Council’s website. P.T.O. www.staffsmoorlands.gov.uk Moorlands House, Stockwell Street, Leek, Staffordshire Moorlands, ST13 6HQ. Tel: 0345 605 3010 Available in an alternative format by prior request and on the Council's website: www.staffsmoorlands.gov.uk Planning Applications Committee - Thursday, 17 October 2019 A G E N D A (Continued) 1. Chair's announcements a) Webcasting; b) Introductions of Members and Officers; c) Other announcements. 2. Apologies for absence, if any. 3. Minutes of the previous meeting (Pages 5 - 12) (a) To approve as a correct record the Public Minutes of the Planning Applications Committee held on 19th September 2019. (b) Reports on matters arising, if any. 4. Urgent items, if any. 5. Declarations of Interest i. Disclosable Pecuniary Interests; ii. Other Interests; iii. Lobbying Interests. 6. SMD/2019/0436 - Olive Tree Park, Uttoxeter Road, Checkley. (Pages 13 - 22) 7. SMD/2019/0398 - School Green, Ipstones. (Pages 23 - 38) 8. SMD/2019/0213 - Land off Macclesfield Road, Leek. (Pages 39 - 60) 9. SMD/2019/0005 - Land off Black Lane, to the East of No's 4 and 5 The Plain, Whiston. (Pages 61 - 76) 10. SMD/2019/0465 - 71 Woodhouse Lane, Biddulph. (Pages 77 - 84) 11. Section 106 Agreement at Churnet View Road. (Pages 85 - 88) 12. Appeals Report. (Pages 89 - 102) 13. NOTE - A Late Representations Report will be circulated prior to the meeting i.e. any representations received since this agenda was published. Planning Applications Committee - Thursday, 17 October 2019 A G E N D A (Continued) Published 9 October 2019 Membership of Planning Applications Committee Councillor P Roberts (Chair) Councillor B Emery (Vice-Chair) Councillor B Cawley Councillor S Coleman Councillor J Davies Councillor K Flunder Councillor M Gledhill Councillor T Holmes Councillor K Hoptroff Councillor A Hulme Councillor L D Lea Councillor T Riley Councillor I Whitehouse Councillor P Wilkinson This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 3 STAFFORDSHIRE MOORLANDS DISTRICT COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Minutes THURSDAY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2019 PRESENT: Councillor P Roberts (Chair) Councillors B Cawley, S Coleman, J Davies, B Emery, K Flunder, M Gledhill, T Holmes, K Hoptroff, A Hulme, L D Lea, T Riley and I Whitehouse IN ATTENDANCE: S Hampton Member and Community Services Officer P Trafford Member & Community Services Officer J Stannard Planning Officer B Haywood Head of Development Services Z Walker Legal Advisor, Freeths LLP APOLOGIES: Councillor P Elkin 39 CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS a) The Chair confirmed that the meeting was being broadcast live to the internet and was capable of repeated viewing. The images and sound recording could be used for training purposes within the Council. The Chair had the discretion to terminate or suspend filming if it was his opinion that continuing to do so would prejudice the proceedings of the meeting. It was likely that recording cameras would capture the image of persons seated in the public gallery and that image would become part of the broadcast. Any views expressed by any speaker in the meeting were the speaker’s own and did not necessarily reflect the views of Staffordshire Moorlands District Council. b) Members of the Committee and Officers present were introduced by the Chair. c) The Chair requested that mobile phones be switched off or to silent. 40 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING RESOLVED – That the Public Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Applications Committee held on 15 August 2019 be APPROVED as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 41 URGENT ITEMS, IF ANY. There were no urgent items. 42 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST The following declarations were made at this point, unless stated otherwise:- Member Declaring Agenda Item Nature of Interest InterestPage 5 1 Planning Applications Committee - 19 September 2019 Member Declaring Agenda Item Nature of Interest Interest Cllrs. Cawley, Coleman, Davies, Emery, Flunder, Gledhill, Holmes, “Other” – 2 speakers were Hoptroff, Hulme, Lea, fellow District Cllrs. Agenda Item 6 – Riley, Roberts and SMD/2018/0789 – Whitehouse Blythe Park, Cresswell “Other” – Spoken at other Cllr. Flunder meetings about this, would abstain. Cllr. Hulme “Other” – District Cllr. Cllrs. Cawley, Coleman, Agenda Item 7 – Davies, Emery, Flunder, SMD/2019/0397 – Gledhill, Holmes, “Other” – Speaker was a Land adjacent to Hoptroff, Hulme, Lea, previous SMDC Employee Prospect House Farm, Riley, Roberts and Sutherland Road, Whitehouse Longsdon Lobbied – Copied into emails Cllr. Roberts to officers. No response Cllrs. Cawley, Coleman, Davies, Emery, Flunder, Gledhill, Holmes, “Other” – Speaker was a Hoptroff, Hulme, Lea, previous SMDC Employee Agenda Item 8 – Riley, Roberts and SMD/2019/0142 – Whitehouse 197 High Lane, Brown Cllr. Flunder “Other” – County Cllr. Edge “Other” – Chair of Brown Cllr. Lea Edge Parish Council, took no part in discussions Cllrs. Cawley, Coleman, Agenda Item 9 – Davies, Emery, Flunder, “Other” – 2 speakers were SMD/2018/0679 – Gledhill, Holmes, fellow District Cllrs., 1 was a Land at Bridge End, Hoptroff, Hulme, Lea, previous SMDC Employee Macclesfield Road, Leek Riley, Roberts and Whitehouse Cllrs. Cawley, Coleman, Davies, Emery, Flunder, Agenda Item 10 – Gledhill, Holmes, “Other” – Speaker was a SMD/2019/0404 – Hoptroff, Hulme, Lea, fellow District Cllr. 2 Breach Road, Riley, Roberts and Brown Edge Whitehouse Cllr. Flunder “Other” – County Cllr. Agenda Item 10 – “Other” – Chair of Brown SMD/2019/0404 – Cllr. Lea Edge Parish Council, took no 2 Breach Road, part in discussions Brown Edge Page 6 2 Planning Applications Committee - 19 September 2019 Member Declaring Agenda Item Nature of Interest Interest “Other” – Knew Developer Cllr. Whitehouse (declared when item was announced) Cllrs. Cawley, Coleman, Agenda Item 11 – Davies, Emery, Flunder, SMD/2019/0451 – Gledhill, Holmes, “Other” – Speaker was a Land at rear of former St Hoptroff, Hulme, Lea, fellow District Cllr. Johns School, Mill Lane, Riley, Roberts and Wetley Rocks Whitehouse 43 SMD/2018/0789 - BLYTHE PARK, CRESSWELL VARIATION OF CONDITIONS 10, 11, 12, 18 AND 39 IN RELATION TO PLANNING PERMISSION REF. SMD/2014/0576 (OUTLINE PLANNING APPLICATION WITH ALL MATTERS RESERVED (SAVE ACCESS) FOR CREATION OF UP TO 168 RESIDENTIAL DWELLINGS (USE CLASS C3), UP TO 33,480 SQM OF USE CLASS B1, B2 AND B8 FLOORSPACE, ANCILLARY USES TO INCLUDE COMMUNITY CENTRE AND A SHOP (USE CLASS A1), TOGETHER WITH HIGHWAY WORKS, LANDSCAPING, PUBLIC REALM, CAR PARKING AND OTHER ASSOCIATED WORKS) FOR SCENTAREA Ltd. (Report recommended Approval) (All Councillors had declared “other” interests.) RECEIVED – Representations from the undermentioned speakers:- Against the application: Mrs. Linda Malyon - Objector Mr. Glyn Johnson - Objector Cllr. Pat McLaughlin - Draycott Parish Cllr. Clr. Peter Wilkinson - War Cllr. For the application: Mr. Howard Clulow - Applicant NOTED - 1. Late Representations Report (LRR) contained:- Highways Officer comments – no objection; SMDC Officer comments; Clarification of condition 18 – addition of the words “shall commence”. 2. Clarification of confusion regarding reference within the report to ‘Plot 1’ and ‘Phase 1’ – resulted from Highways Officer’s comments being quoted in full. 3. Confirmed that grant money available for Highways works had been paid directly to SCC, along with the Applicant’s contribution and was, as such, safe. Page 7 3 Planning Applications Committee - 19 September 2019 RESOLVED – 1. That the application be APPROVED for the reasons and based on the policies contained in the report, subject to the conditions and informative also contained in the report and
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