Obtain Court Order Against Teachers ' ' O U T , C T . covicftiiviii THURSDAY dim MAIAW a N BOHOl/CH AND TH E' H o m e TOWNSHIPS OF . MATAWAN, MARLBORO, A ll Week a t a m a n mi iK H M M U . ami MADISON. Membor , . ’ M umber'■ 100th YEAR -- 25 Hi W EEK N-ltf.'nni N ew spaper- An5nciatMm MATAWAN, N. J.,' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1977968 ~ .r,% AsvceiaUua Single Copy Ten Cents Early Kopy, Piease D«;e Ic the Christmas fioililrfj, I Pay Talks Fail d e c d ttn e ! u f »efigi<>ui» page- e s p y **' ^ 1-ifUTiinnieiniBiiiiiimaiii— iiiiiMiiiiwwiiii i nm M«»mM«iMimii«niiiiii i iiemw - ' ' - - -• 1 . ■. ■ ■ . ' ' ' a n d f o r a l l other n«-*s and photoguiitw »M tw Moods', i’, 52 o'clock BMW. ■ I The desdliw [er display ad­ , i vtrtfsinK will be nt 1 p.iu. on Job A ction Started) iMoiKtay wtd for classified gdver- - ’ tiling Monday at J p.m. ’ This affive will b« clo'ifid all . day (,'hristmu. , In Salary Dispute Scholarship jl Superior Court Judge Merritt j .show- c»us<? before Judge Lan^ .lan.- true: but uncertified copies of th® { i Lane, Chunccry Division, ye.rst«*r- 3 whv nn interlocutory injunction m trainitiK order by.Dec.-2i, threa , I j day granted a restraining order ponding final he»arin(* snould not be days, from its data of issuances A 1 For Morrell j j against the Matawan - Regional issuod. Bul. the restraining order conri rulin.n Jan. 3 will decide t’i« v [! Teachers Association; John M'.^loy, niluws that the del'^ndants, on two tsstivs before the schools rttopor*,' \ 1 as representative of the Now Jer- days notice, may apply lo the court ; Matawan i’olicc Capt. Harvey from the Christmas holidays Jan*v: \ \ sey. Education Association, and 219 for modification ci tiie conditions 6. * : M u rrell hat • been ."awarded- .ona <>I I I teachers who reported In tt* for work of the remMinin^-ord(?r. U w also , 250: college scholarships under 'a The seekinp, of an injunction by \ i *t -Matawan school yesterday, tu ■required the defendants receive thc schov)j hoard is un answer-' ta : new law, enactort this year K up- [.Vincent C. DoM'iio, Matawan. ..as an ■“action program*' decided up'm grads thc caliber of law enforce \ j attorney for the Matawan Rfgion* Tuesday by the 305-mejnber.teach-- ment ..officials. Capt. M orrell- was [: i! Board of Education, prohibiting ers association becr.’ir«i contract : emotiR : 250 lxilicemen from { ' the defendants from “ In any way ■ To Purchase ne.uotiauon.s on 190^*70 salaries ---throuKhout the slate who received i j interl'ermg wllh. obstructing or by hogged down. A {jfst step was thfl the special qrants approved by j | any means preventing . plnintiff showing up Into for classes yeirter* " thn state Police .Training Com* 51 (Matawan hoard) front the' orderly | JMew, Texts . ' day by the 2M members because'v | ' "(induct ot iu duties-under law, of ‘‘car troubk*/’ * md p.*j rliciiiarly by cn^a^inn in any | M'.U.nvan..Regional Board of Ed* At school offices this rnornins, {: type of strike* pariUil strike sit- | uo-a.tion • sw/ningly cle.irod uwoy it was cnnfirinnd that nil 2H tcach- }'■ iowjiVW'.irk MopJift>;f.4; (,'r slowdown j tiv.1 hjsMry books ;u'ila!ion Mond'ty yrs v/hf» rejxuied in late ycsterdaj f i wninsi.th* p!*i:nriff.,? .*■ ’ i w'fwin .ju order .v-'us put »» to />uy had b«vn sorvrdwith notirc>* o( tho j ’- The ordor also enjoins: f .he du- j 400. t'jpios:’ of currcfit ;tf.‘.\ti> «>f restra»r;»j» last night.' Teacher atv 5 ; 'fendanls ‘‘nr.d al! pcrsoiw aclin^ ! ‘ li. S. liislory for Hs'-h 'Ji hooi'’ tendance was reported as n o r m a l" • j i in conccrt-with (lefcndin;;!:"• ta n?- . nnd “ A Schooi |i;s(ory, of tins ir.orniiv’, ( . | i frain tVijm causing, i;:stif>nting> pro^ f Modi.vn 'AiUerlttTV at a.totnl eivit The prevalence of the Honft :: ( nintln^, t'ncouraghifj,- sancuoaini;, 1 of J2.’.CtL The phrcliar.i; -was ap- K'.mi, flu makes it possible for !.- n u th o rc - irry n fs - o n , participate priuTrd on thi* vot'K of Herbi.rt teychers en musso to tala* and uso‘ in, fostering, continuing. !end- j J ’arkor, I:iunk Cj:lh>7t(. D:iviJ up sick t-nvi* allownnces. But,- ( i suppori or assistance ta or jid- | J^ujtebretsfrn.' liorhort Fodrr nnd board office, it was [jointed o’.tt [ sitj* or ahetting any strik‘% .sit-down, i Mrs. Carol'f-ondten. Alfred Mon Ih^re are rules p.overn.n^ the use ji slow-down, work stoppugc or otii::t | vit'lc and Mrs. Ksthjr Kinc.u of sick leaw requiring evidences'--' ij impediment tu work against the ! pasjioU thojr vote?. sickness iv r.estiiine. 11 Dlainliff." . | JJy h stTOnd resol'ition. 7S2 Other practices the touchers as* ; Tiie defondanls.aw called on ‘o “ (continued on page four) (continued on pa^ic four) Advance Start Of Bridge Projccl j MaUr-yan Councilman Iloward traffic across tho span. Work is way and a bix-foot pedestrian l Henderson ' reported Tuesilay expected to continue, until ne.x; v-*a!k. CAPT, HARVKY iVlORRELL \ nly,ht that he had been notified August.' The Freeholders ruled the Buy Hre Truck ; jilliu t the county road department present bridge unsafe for travel Council adopted an ordinance Ths scholarship* are for $200 I* h«s advanced the date for; the by fire trucks or other heavy j appropriating $3.1.900 for the. pur-;, tach. and the .. successful policc- j start of work to replace tl«e Little emergency vehicles. 'The'new ] chase of a 1250-gallon, diesel-pow--: m en, will receive the grant* -i for To Men Of Peace bridge .wdl have a 30-foot read- j S I. : Bridge across Ivlatawun Lake eredTire engine foj Midway Hose, up. to eirfit years of part-time stu­ ! i U) Dec. 2 6 . , . ‘ . Co. The new engine will replace a d y . [] Two weeks ago, county author!- |W6, 500-gallon tnodfil. — . : . T h e ’■ la w a p p r o p r ia t e d $50,000 s ties indicated wotk would H o t I Councilman Vernon Ellison said' for the ■ program, ant! provided On Earth Good Will 5 start until tho second week in Ji>« Ask Erosion j thu new pump:.:/ will be equipped far maximum (.chciarshlps of [ nuary, The Rorough Council "an* to work with thn borough’s ucriat . r .ttioa.- T h e .c o m m is s io n 1 d c c id c d to- 5 thoriwd the clerk to notify the ladder truck as well as to relay :■ limit the amounts to 2200 so-more j Matawan Kegional'Uoard of Edti- Aid Grants water, in connection wiih other, people, could receive them. t [ cation of the revised bridge con­ pumpers, ‘o Alt points tn the bor* 'The prttfjram was suasesteii by ' (Struction plans. Applications for erosion control O.1 V, Hughes -earher thia year as funds have been filed for work in The pumper is being financed . part of his urban aid plan. A tot­ Season’s Greetings?From The Publisher and Staff Keypoit, MMtawan Borough, Mat* ivith 520,261 37 from capital out­ al of 537 persons from 209 police awan and Mad.son Townships-' Ap­ lay; ?4728.6? from capita! outlay auencics took the qualifying ex- plications v.ere filed with the Store surplus and in capital im- • a m ln n t lo n . Department of Conservation and provenient funds. 1'he surplus was Praise, Three Economic Development. The commission allocated the accumulated from unexpended ‘Hie requests for shore preser­ V scholarships by counties an tha balances in bonds issued for fire vation and dredging far exceed the basil of one fo r. each ?-G police- For Lake Kcseue apparatus it? I9G4 und again in anticipated budget of $<.lHX5pi}(K! the wen.-Under this system, ■ Mon­ 1 YM. C niiiintii' Prolm Matawan police yesterday cred­ department planned to ask the state mouth County , qualified lot 12 | New House Numbering AMEND WALK CLEARANCE ited three Matawan youths with legislature, Commissioner Robert ‘ Council also approved an ordi* scholarships. ■ Matnwuit police said they &re the rescue of a -12-year-old Madi­ I A. Roe explained to the represen* . To be eligible for the-.scholar-, j nance providing Tur the adoption actively investigating the re­ son Township boy who foil through j tatives gathered at Ye Old Cedar ships, a person muse have served ported desecration oi the Amer­ ,jtf u uniform house numbering th<t icft under tho bridge at Lake j Inn, Toms RWer. jjtysteni. '(lu> ordinance under *Ut- at least. two - years for.-a. full-time PLAN, VOW NEW PROTEST ican Flag last Oct. 5 at the Lefferts Monday. Matawan Township requested $1,- police agency,’ and cannut be more j (continued on pa.ge four) . American Legion Post J76, Mat­ Gary Gluck and his brother 080,(>0n to finance an ambitious pro­ - than 50 years old. An amended version of Matawan $200 a n d .u p t o 90 days in jail. Un* township halt was jammed with awan, nt 188 Main St Tin.* tta{* Joseph, 1 Miriam Dr., accompa­ gram along Cliffwood Beach. * --i The -.'sucfiessful-. applicants mils', Towjishlp’s controversial sidewalk der the ordinance, icsidenla will r e s i d e n t opposed to tho measure, was reportedly tom and the nied by Jack Malysa, .1 Prospect The money would be used to erect | Jury Term Extended use the scholarships in an 1 cstab- snow clearance ordinance, now have* 24 daylight hours * afier* a snow Reacting to the recent fatal ac­ flag and Uagpote thrown down PI, saw Robert Goldberg, Indian a 12-foot high sea wall, for beach llie term of the Monmomh - ilshed police trainins course lead­ scheduled for a public hearing Jan.
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