THE SANFORD HERALD Poge 10 Tues. Nov. 15. 1055 Southern Bell Guard flnfl (Costumed from Fags Dee) LOCH fContlneed Freni Fage Owe) organisations.” Tha catalog lists ed.“ I rnngratulat# you on your 37 films, several of which are in Agreement new designation.” full color. ARBOR Major Roy Green, representing Ore of the films, "Family Af­ (C*«(ln«4 from P a n Ok ) the 41th Armored Division, in in­ fair,” portray* Interesting every­ meeting. day family situations centering In addition ts the formal pre­ troducing Dio principal speaker for ihs occasion, Lt. Central Joseph around tha uso of tha telephone HOMES sentation of paper*, "claisraum” tn a busy household. Another, tvpo of dliruulon programi are C. Hutchison (ret), said, "Ilia re­ cord reflect* glory on ths Na­ “Music in Motion", combines the alto on lita agenda Tentative beautiful music of Zino Frencescat- plana for Die jenrrsl srirntifie tional Guard." And as Major A M ILLIO N Green eitad the General’s record, ii. famed violinist, and the Bell procram include preaenution of Telephone Orchestra with * dram­ 24 papers. achievement*, awards, and popu­ larity, he quoted an often repeat­ atic story of research In tha field ANDONE Follow uic O'* dlirusilon theme of aound. Another. "For Progreaa a number of luncheon panels, ed phrase, "I’d fight under hit rommand anjlme, anywhere " . , Call Dixie," Heals with South­ M by auihoritiet in their reipec. ern postwar progress and tha part HIDDEN FOR THE Dve fields, are scheduled TN* As­ General nuUhlson reviewed the played hr telephone service. An­ sociation's National C l e i r m i many changes that he has seen other. "The Transistor," tells th* House plan will farm the bails for tn tha S.nfore Unit of the Na­ dramatic story of th* transistor, TREASURES * one luncheon panel. tional Guard tine* his enlistment BEST was. ItlANOt SCHumttt is in nilghty electronic marvel Invented Doctor n. R A. Coomb*. De­ tears alter heating that her hus­ in the organisation In 1317. "I hy th* Bril Telephone 1-aborstor- partment tf Pathology. University band. Anton. 42. died In a CM- I rnlialed and was mustered Into les. of Carrbrit England, an lnle». eago sanitarium shortly after service the night It was founded," Alto described in the booklet Financng natiraial authority, will be a guest being admitted there, apparently General Hutchison said. are many other movies as well as speaker at the meeting. suffering from a heart attack. “Th* Sunford Units hare always interesting lecture programs tn Doctor Ruth Sanger, Blood The Schueaten’ children. John. been good,” the General said. “As whirh telephone personnel de­ I J. and Anton Jr., 11. wrere found i term* Croup Rrsearrh Unit. The Li«l<~ a matter of fact, the company monstrate communications a n d Instttutr. l/mdon. F.ns'and. will strar.g'ed In ■ forest preserve was so g>w*d it was called the area. Alto found slain was th* electronics equipment. The cata­ PAIR M. lim n, Democratic national chairman, diteusae* election including: also addrex the meeting Colonel’* r*ts." log describes several educational boys* companion. Robert Peter- Hutchison said, ‘ the 124lh In­ victoria* us local contest* scattered acres* Dm country at a news con­ Several Administrative Sessions •nn. 14. The murders remain un- booklets u.i the history of the ference la Washington. Butler saw the rntsilU aa "detail* avtdenca ■ re planned at which paper* re- --hr-l. (International) fantry has been the outstanding telephone, how the telephone aya- of dusatufarttoa with lha Republican Administration and IU pro­ • Door Chlaaam I latmg to th* various admlnulra- Infantry In the Division, now its tern opeiatrs, and telephone cour­ gram." Holding a Republican campaign porter. Duller used M la th e aspects of blood banking will going lo be up tn you in carry tesy. • demnnrtrate hi* contention that strong prrwurc will he brought on • Kitchen i he gyen. A breakfast for slate on." Roth'rmel explained that per­ Presidml Eirenhower tn acek a second term. (fwlrtwartmal) Exhaust Fans I representatives of the Association The Genrral pointed nut. In his sons interested in the movies, lec- i la planned for Monday morning, talk to the local National Guard • Mercury YOUR (Continued From Page One) Company, "you look guod tonight lure-demonitratlons or educational Nov. 21, at the Palmer House. hookleta thnuld contact lha tele­ Silent Principal speaker for Die annual put on the latei needed In give and I know you can perform as well as you look " Citing the sup­ phone butineia of/i<e. Banks To Mail National Movie <t DREAM j banquet on Sunday evening. Nov. services to the public go from Switches 1 20. will be Doctor Morris Flshbein, public office just si fan as the port of the comunily for Ihe com (Continued From Pagr One) •rnt directly ta Price, Waterhouaa Professor of Medicine and Contn* pany, General Hutchison said, tji* merchant* nf Sanford. Th# Im­ A Co, certified public account- Plenty of HOME other* " "Ihe unit could not have been buting Editor of Post-Graduate Thompson said he had noticed Bids Invited pact of 200,000 flowing into th* elite. Theta nominations were Electric University of Illinois College of maintained without tha community (Tontinned From Fags Oac) lhal men and women in all parts bark of it.” • lowest-salaried employes to ap­ tills of local merchants will do mada fn.m lists of eligible pic­ Wall Outkla Medicine. Doctor Fishbein's sub­ much to Increase th* spirit nf ject will bn "Rlood-Th# Most Im­ of the country now are running Concluding hit address. General proximately tioo for highest sal­ tures and personalities submitted Hutchison said, "you ran be a • Foldlnt portant Fluid " for municipal offices herau* D*ey aried postmaster*. Cnriatmai shopping right from Ihs by all major producers In this soldier, and do your duty as a In addition lo regularly employ­ Closet Door* The Association thti year will want 10 do a good )ob start." tuunlry and Uta diitnbutari of •oldirr. nghl here at home. The ed personnel, th* blanket bonding country. Tha results were tabu­ for the first Ima present the Karl In the long run, he said, only Ths Christmas Club, Tucker National ^uard makes men." And will cover all part tima and fem- commented. Is a method of saving lated by the accountants and tha • I Citnre Tree* Landstelner Award for distinguish­ he added, "I want lo congratu­ those doing such a job survive al­ porery employ**, including those for ths individual looking for­ traders in each of th* five cate­ Per Lot ed contribution to the field of late you on the work you bav« emtloyrt put on temporarily for WITH FULU blood banking. The recipient of lhough "politics it th* only profes­ wardn as u i»In »Christmas sis aesssiw • *,|wrsshopping ,nW . gories wire certified sad printed done .” Christmas work. Howesrr, since to the public ballot • Streets thia award will be announced at sion where no preparation D A rifle squad attack was de­ 5nma thrifty people will lay aside* • IB IB A l^ IllCTIIt the bonding It not tiftcliv* until the annual banquet of the Associa­ thought necessary " monstrated, with 2nd Lt. William the start of 1350, it will not rover their Christmaa Club money in * Each theatre participating la Lined with tion on tha evening of Nov. 20. In Thompson said good people work N. Nunn describing their ability to such temporary employes hired further savings, but th* bulk of U:e po'l was naked to appoint n Oraagn Trees WIFE-SAVER addition, award! for aeientifie and at government only In spurts but advance in the face of machine- during this 1355 Christmas season. th* amount, said Tucker, will b* rommtllae of local cituens to veri­ adminitrativa exhibits will ba pre­ that the bad influence! alwaya gun fire. The mock warfare was Th* Post Office Department spent with Sanford merchants for fy th* count of IU public ballot*, • Bret nf sented. and cMV*y th* result* on a print­ rainbow*. are there. carried out with blank cartridges mailed Ihe ias stations to bid Christmas g.fls. Locations Doctor J J. Gnffitt* of Miami A constitutions! amendment pre­ la rrtata realism in tha problem. Nov. 15. Additional roplrs a rt Both Tucksr and Bautnan em­ ed form which alto will ba sent kitchen: will ba Inducted as President of posed to give home rule to Dade A colorful display of riflt gre­ availabia and may b* obtained phasised that aa the riiecks lor direct to Price Waterhouse ft Co. • l-akefront tha Aaaocation at Uia annual ban­ County la considered rontroveralal nade firing and mortar firing con­ upon request addressed to the tha 1935 Chriatmas Club ga Into Theatre* in remote apote will wire Lota w ith quet. became of misunderstanding, said cluded tha ceremonies officially Chief of Procurement, Post Offire th* mall, tha new Christmaa Clubi their remits to Utn accountants for Attending from Central Florida W. C. Ilerrrll, Miami Springs mny- designating th* local unit at an Department. Washington 25. D. C. will be opening at th* asm* tima. receipt before th* deadline, mid­ COLORED will be Doctor Louis Pohlman. Or- nr and member of the Florida armored Infantry company. Under The new bonding arrangements Said Tucker, "Th* Christmas night Nov. 10. The national APPLIANCE* ando, President. Florida Associa­ House of Rrpreseotatlses. the direction of 2nd Lt. John Keel­ are being mada under author!!*- Club li a simpi.\ planned, ravy tabulation wil. ba kept secret by tion Blood Banks; Mrs. M. M. ing S7mm recodes* rifles were lions provided In tha new Public way to save money for Christ­ Price Waterhouse ft Co.
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