New York Sectorial Newsletter UG .. THE CRIMSON DAWN 19'78 Celebrating Baba;s acquittal, Pueblo, Col. I Illllll.11 I " (�() ·ll(�(�(�l�l) l")(I(JIrl"I'I�I) "1 AM NOT A POLITICAL MAN. I HAVE MY HEARTY GOOO WILL FOR THE ENTIRE HUMAN SOCIETY." Baba's comment with regard to the judgement DFTS-04092 1- EL HAtWATO SUPREr10 The Supreme Command Aquellos que hagan Sadhana Those who perform Sa'dhana' twice a day regularly, the thought dos veees al dia can regular­ of Paramapurusa' will certainly arise in their minds at the time of idad, el pensa�iento de Parama­ purusa par cierto surgira en death, their liberation is a sure guarantee - therefore every sus men�es al momenta de la A'nanda Ma'rgii will have to perform Sa'dhana' twice a day in­ muerte. Su liberaclon es una variably - verily is this the command of the Lord. Without Vama garantia segura. Par tanto, and Niyama, Sa'dhana' is an impossibility; hence the Lord's com­ todo Ananda Margii tendra que mand is also to follow Vama and Niyama. Disobedience to this llevar a cabo Sadhana dos ve­ command is nothing but to throw oneself into the tortures of ani­ ces diarias invariablemente. mal life for crores of years. That no one should undergo torments En verdad, este es el mandata such as these, that everyone might be enabled to enjoy the eter­ del Senor. Sin Yana y NIycllilCl nal blessedness under the loving shelter of the Lord, it is the boun· la Sadhana es una imposibili­ dad. Luego el mandata del den-duty of every A'nanda Ma'rgii to endeavor to bring all to the Senor es tambien segul, YaI:lOl path of bliss. Verily is this a part and parcel of Sa'dhana', to lead y Niyama. La desobediencia a others along the path of righteousness. este mandata 'no es sino arro­ jarse a las torturas de la - Shrii Shrii A'nandamu'rti vida animal par miles de anos. FOlra que nadie sufra tormen­ tas tales, para que todoG puedan gozar de la bienaven­ turanza eternabajo el refugio I n this issue a80roso del Senor, es el de­ ber includible do todo Ananda Margii esforzarse par traer a .••••••••••.•.•.•..•....•..• todos al camino de la biena­ BABA aquitted 1 venturanza. Verdaderamente, The persecution of Ananda Marga .••••.•..•2 esto es parte y poreion de 1a Sectorial Seminar Photos •••••••..........8 Sadhana, eondueir a los defuas A.J.M. News .. .... .... ....... ......... lO e1 Gondero de la reetitud. Ananda Harga - Social Revolution •... •.•.12 ' Carya cary Part 2 ........ ...... ..... ....12 -Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji Hark for BABA .•.•...•.•..•..•...•.••....13 The r("r8(�cution of Ananda l1arga (cant.) .14 Dharma Pracar News .••••...•••.......•...21 Last Statement of Didiji Asitiima ......•22 Yearly Subscription rates: North America .... ..... .... ... $8.50 Elsewhere . .... ........ ..... .. $10.00 First Class postage: North America ......................... $14.00 Best ck1p to Fast· (elsewhere to be determined by individual country) INSP I RATION June-- ---::rury-----xug Sept OCt dOV vee Shrii Shrii I\lldllddlllLIIli Ekadashi 16 1,16 14 12 11 10 9 EDITORS Amavasya 4 4 3 1 1,31 29 29 Pu I-U S' () llJm J CONSULTING EDITOR -- Ekadashi 29 28 28 27 25 24 Dadd DallJviira 81c. PRINTING 20 19 17 16 15 14 13 Purnirna Satya Devi HU Jnily Press & rl,l DFTS-04093 ._ .. -... ') ) ( ) D VA 51 SH 1 61 2 )(1 - 1 54506 t:e 2)I fu 01/ 31/78 I 503 lCS IPMIIHA Il�S ) IIbS F" ITT 31 1503 PMS DENVER CO AWC613 VIA ITT CN,(509 CS3i13/31 UINX C� INCA 018 CALCUTTA 18/15 31 1920 OCb2243 '{AII ISHVAR ANlJA ( ) 854 PEARL STREET DE NV Ek COL(i�203 \. ) BAbA �RANIED bAlL. HE WILL bE, (;Ll Wllh.U)uf\'(' MORNI NG -Pi\Al'4AVAN ANDA COL 854 DE NV r.HCOLOftAuU80203 ) NNN NNNtw ( 8F.1201 (R5-e9) Anand Murti� 4 others acquitted by Patna COl High Court AMPS Central 6A Panditia Rd Calcutta 29 TO: AII Sectorial Secretaries. Dear Brother, Narnaskar Since the last global circular to all Sectorial Secretaries, there has been a great change in the situation, as you will be aware that Patna High Court has honourably acquitted Baba and the four others. Baba is still in jail because He has a pending case at Ranchi. However, we are moving bail ,in Ranchi Court on July 12th and we are expecting Baba' s release by the end of this week. Sarveshvaranandaji is also still detained but Barun Kumar , Pavitra Kumar and Satyanandaji have already been released. As you can well imagi_ue , the celebrations here have been tremendous and inspiration has been very high. Now we are preparing for a big reception for Baba in Patna, when lie comes out of jail. Hith regard to the judgement, Baba's only comment was:"I am not a politi­ cal man. I have my heart7} goodwill for the entire human society." �Vith Baba' s release, surely the whole face of the organization will change, as it will move with greatly accelerated speed and power, inspired by His physical presence, to establish His great mission. I wish you great success for all your future efforts in you sector. Brotherly Yours , Ac. Keshavananda Avt. Acting General Secretary. l \ .J.. AM procession to celebrate Baba's acquit­ tal, Calcutta, J_u17J 6,1978 Mf, DFTS-04095 A Brief History of the persecution of Ananda Marga & Shrii Shrii AnandalUurti {Wba1 A'nanda Ma'rga was founded as an organization in India in 1955. In the early and middle 1960's, A'nanda Ma'rga grew rapidly throughout India. By 1967 a government report esti­ mated A'nanda Ma'rga membership to be roughly two and a half million people. Many of its members were highly educated professionals, a number of whom worked for the government. As a result of this success A'nanda Ma'rga made some enemies. At first it "as the Communists in Northeast India who opposed A'nanda Ma'rga. The Communists had seen A'nanda Ma'rga spread rapidly and win the allegiance of many people who would have otherwise probably supported the Communists. Since A'nanda Ma'rga's ideology precluded the possibility of collaboration with them, the Communists could only have seen �'nanda Ma'rga as a threat. 5 MARGIIS Kl LLED IN ATTACK ON ANANADA NAGAR. In 1967 the first major incident occurred at A'nanda Nagar. A local official for personal reasons (he had not been accepted on the board of the A'nanda Ma'rga College) incited tribal people to attack the headquarters at A'nanda Nagar. Five Ma'rgiis were killed. The local police refused to protect the Ma'rgiis and later acted to cover up the incident. It took four years for the culprits to finall" be brought to justice. A West Bengal court issued a scathing denunciation of the Communist dominated govern­ ment for its efforts in trying to cover up the entire episode. 2 In 1967 Mrs. Gandhi won the post of Prime Minister. But she had to take the assistance of the Communist Party of India (the pro-MoscOw faction of India's communists) in order to maintain a majority in the Parliament. Hence the Communists, who were already strongly opposed to A'nanda Ma'rga, gained considerable influence in the Central Govern­ ment. Soon after this the Central Government, led by Mrs. Gandhi's Congre ss Party, turned against A ' nanda Ma'rga. In May of 1968 the Home Ministry (a department of the Central Government concerned w tth domestic affairs) p o mulgated ' r a ban on go vernment s ervant ' 5 participation in A' nanda Ma' rga. It was alleged that A'nanda Ma'rga was a political organiza­ tion; and it is the law in India, as well as the United States, that civil servants cannot work for political parties. A'nanda Ma'rgiis who worked for the government immediately challenged the ban, which was stayen (postponed) by the Supreme Court until a final decision could be made as to the 1. n�ture of A'nanda Ma'rga. The case lS still pending befcre the court 'i\VU:\I/AiJAlJ[)A r:UNS FTWH CmU1WnST ATTACK em D.i'LC. In 1969 a second attack on A'nanda Ma'rga occurred in the West Bengal town of C00ch Bihar. This time a large group of communists attacked a Dharma Maha Cakra. A bomb was thrown; one Ma'rgii was killed and many others injured. The local police arrested the Ma'rgiis instead of the Communists. Ba'ba' was also arrested and roughed up'in the process. Ba'ba's two security guards for the seminar, A'ca' rya,s Krishna' nanda ,and Madhava'nanda, fled in Ba'ba's car when the trouble began. Later many of the younger A'nanda Ma'rga workers bitterly de­ nounced these two and demanded that they be severely punished. Ba'ba' chose not to see or speak to the two again. The de­ nunciations of the younger workers caused great resentment in Krishna'nanda and Madhava'nanda's minds. In 1970 Mrs. Gandhi and her party began speaking out strongly against so-called "extremist" groups. This was a tactic to undermine potential rivals. Mrs. Gandhi is said to be a nice person in private life, but when it comes to politics she is known to be ruthless. She will go to any lengths to retain or increase her personal power. So it is no surprise that as A'nanda Ma'rga became popular, Mrs. Gandhi took steps to prevent its growth.* It is even more understandable when we know that she was taking advice and support from the Communist Party of India, who detested A'nanda Ma'rga.
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