66 J. E:\TOMOI.. Soc. BHIT. COI. U\IB IA8 2 (1985), DEC. 31, 1985 HETEROPTERA NEW TO CANADA c. C . E. SCUDDER Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, V6T 2A9 ABSTRACT The following 19 species are recorded a~ new to Canada: Dendroeoris pini Mont. , Liorhyssus hyalinatus (Fab.), Euthoehtha galeator (Fab.) , MelanopleuTlts pyrrhopterus (Stall. Neaeoryphus lateraiis (Dallas), Belonochilus numenius (Say), lsthmoeoris pieeus (Say) , Crophius angustatus Van Duzee, C. ramosus Barber, Heterogaster behrensii (Uhler), Seolopostethus tropieus (Distant), Neopamera alboeinetus (Barber), Sisamnes clavigerus Uhler, Malezonotus grossus Van Duzee, Piesma explanatum McAtee, Nabis lovetti Harris, Nabicula vanduzeei (Kirk .), Maerotylus multipuneta tus Van Duzee, and loseytus politus (Uhler). INTRODUCTION FAMILY RHOPALIDAE Recent research on material in the Canadian Na­ Liorhyssus hyalinatus (Fabricius) tional Collection (C NC), Lyman Entomological Lygaeus hyalinatus Fabricius 1794, Ent. Syst. 4: Museum (LM ), Pacific Forest Research Centre (PF) 168. and Spencer Entomological Museum (U BC) has Liorhyssus hyaiinatus, Stal 1870, K. Svensk. Vet. revealed 19 species of Heteroptera, not previously Akad. Handl. 2 (2): 98. reported from Canada. These are enumerated A key to aid in the identification of this species is below, together with notes on their distribution and provided by Hoebeke & Wheeler (1982). The taxon identification. The majority of the genera may be can be recognized by the narrow anterior collar to keyed out in Slater & Baranowski (1978) . the pronotum, the pronotum between the collar and the calli forming a disti nct transverse ridge FAMILY PENTATOMIDAE which is polished and virtually impunctate. L. Dendroeoris pini Montandon hyalinatus is a cosmopolitan species, widespread Dendroeoris pini Montandon 1893 , Proc. U. S. Nat. throughout North America. It has been recorded Mus. 16: 51. from the following host plants: Abutilon A member of the tribe Pentatom ini , the genus (Malvaceae), Lactuea, Sonchus (Compositae) and Dendrocoris Bergroth is similar to Acrosternum Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae) (Schaefer & Chopra, Fieber and Banasa Stal in haVing abdominal ster­ 1982). num III mediall y with a distinct projection or Canadian material examined. BRITISH COL­ tubercle. Dendrocoris differs from both Acroster­ UMBIA: 19 , Robson, 1O .ix.1967 (H. R. Foxlee) num and Banasa in having the jugae surpassing the [UBC] . MANITOBA: 10', Lyleton, 19.viii.l939 (D . tylus and usually being contiguous in front of it. S. Smith); 19 , Shilo, 3 mi S, 30. vi.l958 (C . D. F. The genus Dendrocoris has been revised by Miller). ONTARIO: 10', Belleville, 7.viii.l942 (H. Nelson (1955). D. pini characteristicall y has the G. James) [CNC]. vertex of the head and base of the tylus distinctl y convex, and the antero-Iateral margi ns of the pro­ notum are straight or somewhat convexly arcuate. To date the species has been reported only from FAMILY COREIDAE Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico and Euthochtha galea tor (Fabricius) Utah (Nelson, 1955), but is listed from B.C. by Coreus galeator Fabricius 1803, Syst. Rhyng: 191. Evans (1984) without localities. I have seen Euthochtha galea tor, Mayr 1865, Verh. Zoo I. Bot. specimens from Oregon (1 9, Jackson Co., Union Ges. Vien 15: 431. Creek, beaten from Pinus ponderosa , 30.ix .1959 (L. E. galea tor has been illustrated by Slater & G. Gentner); 10' 19, Wasco Co. , 4 mi E Mosier, Baranowski (1978) and characteristically has ex. Pinus ponderosa, 13 .ix. 1979 a. D. Lattin) slender antennae, moderately swollen armed hind [OSU]. femora, and antennal tubercles with a prominent Canadian material examined. BRITISH COL­ spine on the outer side. It is a common species UMBIA: 10' 19, Vaseux L. , 3 mi S, Ponderosa throughout the entire eastern United States west to Pine, 15.viii.l957 (N . Anderson); 10', Okanagan the Great Plains (Slater & Baranowski , 1978). Host Landing, Pinus ponderosa, 10. vi. 1964 (F.I.S.) ; 19, plants records include Prunus (Rosaceae), Caura Okanagan Falls, Pinus ponderosa, 25 .vii .1961 (Onagraceae), Ambrosia, Cirsium and Heterotheca (F.I.S.); 19 , id., 25 .vi.l964; 19 , Okanagan Falls, (Compositae) (Schaefer & Mitchel, 1983). 8. vii.l974 (L. A. Kelton); 10', Oliver, 14 .vii.l923 Canadian material examined. ONTARIO: 10', (P. N. Vroom) [CNC, PF, UBC]. Leamington, 9.vi.l937 (G. S. Walley) [CNC]. J. E:-.ITmIOL Soc. BIHT. COLU~IB I A 82 (1985), DEC. 31 , 1985 67 FAMILY LYGAEIDAE Soc. Nat. Hist. 14: 104. Melanopleurus pyrrhopterus (Stal) The genus Belonochi/us Uhl er is keyed by Bueno Lygaeus (Ochrosto mus) pyrrhopterus Stal 1874, K. (1946) and Ashlock (1967), B. numenius being the Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl. 12 (1): 160. only Nearctic species. Among the genera of Orsillini Melanopleurus pyrrhopterus, Ashlock 1975, J. Kan­ (subfamily Orsillinae), it is characterized by the sas Ent. Soc . 48: 30. elongate head (anteocular length more than twice Ashlock (1975) provides a key to separate eye length), fore femora with single spine, absence Melanopleurus Stal from other genera of Lygaeinae of carinae on vertex, mesopleuron apparently in Am eri ca north of Mexico, while Scudder (1981) overlapping propleuron, straight costal margin and gives a key for species identification: M. pyr­ antenniferous tubercle not produced. rhopterus characteristically has the ostiolar B. numenius has been reported on golden rod, peritreme ochraceous. and on the ripened fruit and seed-heads of sycamore To date the species is reported from Arizona, (Platanus occidentalis L. and P. wrighti) (Bueno California, Colorado, Guatemala, Idaho, Mex ico, 1946). The seasonal history, habits and immature Texas and Utah (Slater, 1964). I have also seen stages are described by Wheeler (1984). It is specimens from Oregon: 19, Steens, 8-10,000', reported from Connecticut, Maryland, 14-16. vii.l953 (Roth & Beer) [OSU], and Wyom­ Massachusetts, and New York in the east to Arizona ing: 29, Jackso n, 15 .viii.1961 U. E. R. Stainer) and California in the west (Slater 1964). [CNC]. Canadian material examined. ONTARIO: 10', Canadian material examined. ALBERTA: 29 , Prince Edward Co., 5.vi.l921 U. F. Brimley) , 19, Medicine Hat, 27. vii.l924 [LM] . id., 17.vii.l925 [Scudder Coli.]; 20', Vineland Sta­ tion, on Plantanus, 2.ix.1941 (W. L. Putman) Neacoryphus lateralis (Dallas) [CNG]. Lygaeus lateralis Dallas 1852, List Hem. B.M. 2: 550. Isthmocoris piceus (Say) Neacoryphus lateralis, Scudder 1965, Proc. En­ Salda picea Say 1831 Des. Het. N. Am er.: 336. tomol. Soc. Brit. Col. 62: 37. Isthmocoris piceus, McAtee 1914, Proc. BioI. Soc. The genus Neacoryphus is keyed in Ashlock Wash. 27: 127. (1975) and characteristically has an entirely black Keyed by Readio & Sweet (1982) this species of head, and membrane without a white discal spot, Geocorinae is easily recognized by the distinctly being either black with a white border, or entirely stylate eyes, ocelli mid-way between eye and white with black veins. N. la teralis has the pro­ midline of vertex, and unicolorous black coloura­ notum fuscous with anterior margin, humeral areas tion with vertex bright reddish-yellow. and a caudo-mesal area red, the sunken disc of each In the United States, I. piceus is a northern side of midline closely and coarsely punctate; costal species occurring from Connecticut, Massachusetts, margin of corium narrowly red; membrane fuscous Maryland and New York west to Iowa and Kansas with narrow white margin and a white lunate spot and so uth to Mississippi (Readio & Sweet, 1982). near base; venter completely fuscous: the species Canadian material examined. ONTARIO: 10' can be keyed in Barber (1921 ). 19, Prince Edward Co. , on sand beach, 2.ix.1958 N. lateralis is known from Arizona, California, U. F. Brimley) [CNC; Scudder Coll.]. Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Lower California, Mexico, Montana, New Mexico , South Dakota, Crophius angustatus Van Duzee Texas, Utah (Slater, 1964) and Oklahoma (Schaefer Crophius angustatus Van Duzee 1910, Bull. Buff. & Drew, 1969). In addition, I have collected the Soc. Nat. Sci. 9: 395. species in Wyoming (30' 59, Buffalo, to li gh t, This species, keyed by' Barber (1938) 13.ix.1963), and seen specimens in the collections of characteristically has a distinct pale transverse band Oregon State University from Nevada (10', Clark to the pronotum anteriorly, pronotum rather nar­ Co. , Railway Pass. 2l.iv.1962 (F. D. Tibbits & E. row posteriorly, basal antenna! segments fer­ G. Fuller)) and Oregon (19, Klamath Falls, ruginous, and membrane with veins branched at 2.vi.l956 (Dwight Schuh); 19 , Malheur Co., Jor­ the extreme apex . dan Valley, 1O.vii.l953 (R. W. Landerdale); 29 , To date, C. angustatus has been reported only Umatilla Co., Hermiston, black light, 1O.vi.l963 from California and Utah. However, I have seen (Charles W. Baker); 19, Umatilla Co., O.S.U. specimens from Colorado (10' 19 Dinosaur Nat. Exp. Stn., black light, 1O.vi.l963 (C harles W. Park, vi.l952 (van Pelt) [CNe] and Oregon (70' Baker)). 49, Wallowa Co., inlet at S end Wallowa Lk., Canadian material exa mined. BRITISH COL­ 4400', 12.vii.1964 (T. Schuh & J. Lattin); 120' UMBIA: 10', Vancouver, University campus, 119 , Wallowa Co., Wallowa Lake St. Park, leaf 4.viii.l960 U. Lanko) [UBC) . SASKATCHEWAN: litter under cotton-wood tree, l.ix.1962 (D. Mays) 10', Val Marie, 14 .vi.l955 (A. R. Brooks) [CNe]. [OSU]). Canadian material examined. BRITISH COL­ Belonochi/us numenius (Say) UMBIA: 190' 129 , Grand Forks, 29.vi.l971 (G. G. Lygaeus numenius Say 1831 , Des. Het. N. Am er. E. Scudder); ! 9, Keremeos, 23. vii.l925 (H. S. (Fitch Reprint): 775. Crawford); 10', Lytton, 18 mi N, 12 .vi.l963 (G. G. Belonochi/us numenius, Uhler 1871 , Proc. Boston E. 5); 19, Okanagan Mission, 5 mi 5 of Kelowna, 68 J. E:\TOMOL. Soc. BniT COLUMBIA 82 (1985) , D EC. 31,1985 under leaf litter on sand, 13.vi.l969 (M. J. Hale); In S. tropicus, like S. thomsoni Reut., the 110' 219, Oliver, 15.v.1959 (L. A. Kelton); 10' anterior femora have smaller spines both proximally 19, id.
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