'* /• 'f ■ V V ^ ZO — MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. May 20. 1986 KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Lorry Wright HELP WANTED HELPING PEOPLE sa­ MISCELLANEOUS MANCHESTER tisfy thair needs and HELP WANTED APARTMENTS j T v / s r m o / FOCUS wonts ... that's what want E3 FOR RENT EQ FOR SALE EXCITMKI, ods are all about. APPLIANCES Holt Pricel Flashing ar­ ENEMETK CAREER Like Private Home — 3'/i Used Refrigerators, WNDED PEOPLE L E T YOUR newspaper CLERICAL room apartment. Applian­ row signs $2991 Lighted, HRC backs plan Lef5/IMKM«AL.you Washers, Ranges — non-arrow $279. Unllghted German heritage wantKl for toleinarkaling. help you keep fruit lars and LIGHT ces. Working single adult, clean, guaranteed, ports sparkling clean and sweet AW«/FWA AU, SCWps married couple. No child­ $239. (free Icttersl) Only TMa |ob la In the field of INDUSTRIAL ond service. Low prices. few left. See Locally. 1 despite criticism smelling. Wash lars, dry ceFed>onHefueftAHD ren, pets. 643-2880. B.O. Pearl a Son, 649 advertlaing. Potential for completely then put a (100) 4234163, anytime. shows in cooking moving up. People needed immedia­ ILjoWT-ToocH ANYoP Main Street, 643-2171. large piece of newspaper tely for temporary assign- Bolton-Mobile home. Baby Crib. Very good ... page 3 COMMISSION/BONUSES Inside the |ar and pot the menu. Taka advantage of yooR-istKr. Working single adult Panasonic Upright Vo- ... page 14 INSURANCE INCLUDED lid on. The paper will Olstans many benefits. only. No children, pets. cuum — With attach­ condition. Includes Sim­ Please Call: absorb any moisture. Let Especially Olsten's June 1st. Lease, security. ments, bogs a extra belt. 7 mons motfrett. Brand o classified od In your “TAKE A TRIP ON US". 643-2880. new costers. $70 Coll 644- RW8 MARKETIN8 R880C. months old. SSO. Good 1950 afternoons. newspaper find a cash Not a contest — Everyone condition. Coll 646-3245 844-3894 WInsI Apply: o q 474 Main Street, 1st floor 3 buyer for most anything otter 5pm. (Between 10 A 4) room apartment. Heated, you hove for sale. (Ntten Temporary no appliances, security. For Sole. Kenmore apart­ HIde-A-Bed-steel frame, Sentice $450 per month coll 646- ment size electric ranee. excellent conditon. $99.00 162 Spencer Street 2426 weekdays 9^5. Good condition. Coll after Call 644-2833.0 Manchester, C T 06040 6pm. 649-7977. $99. TIRED OF FAST FOOD? 647-1991 1980 Pinto Station Wagon, Manchester 1 bedroom, 4 speed, $900 a 4 HP Dishwasher, very good Lownboy snowblower, FOTOM AT has exciting opportunities for first floor, stove & refrig­ condition. $40 646-5168.0 both fuii and part time jobs. erator, no pets, lease a $25, 36 foot Bishop new aluminum ladder $200, as­ security. $400 per month. Used refrigerators, ilanrbrBtrr) Manchester — A City of Village Charm Hrralb No need to go home dead on your feet! Our ELECTRICIAN E2 646-1379 washers, ranges-clean, sorted golf clubs $5 each. guaranteed, ports and ser- 646-3690. Can be seen at 45 positions offer you the opportunity to work Rockvern Diane Drive. on your own, deal with the pubiic and learn ♦ »<88>»tWA.ItK vloce. Low prices. B.D. 4 Rooms-Heot, stove and Pearl a Sons, 649 Main St. about film processing. Electric Inc. 643-2171. 20 Wooden Storm win­ refrigerator, secutity. dows. Price negotiable. $375 Adults, No Pets. 649- We are currentiy recruiting for the Manches­ 8 7 5 -5 9 0 5 HOMES 2236. 649-9745 or 649^493. ter/ East Hartford area and offering a good I I HOMES [^MACHINERY industrial, commer­ FOR SALE starting range, commission and participa­ FOR SALE Available June 1st. 4 large AND TOOLS Brown Plold Baby car­ tion in our bonus pian. cial, residential, able rooms with garage, du­ Character abounds In this riage and stroller combi­ to work with mini­ Woodhill Heights. Man­ plex. Middle aged couple, RotorV Lawn mower. nation. Excellent Cleon 3 bedroom Colonial no children, security onif Moffett comes up short in primary battle Piease cali 569-2744 for more detaiis. mum supervision, all chester 3 bedroom, 1'/j Runs good. $50 643-4389.0 condition, like new. 647- with In-Law apartment. 3 references required. $425 EO E / M/F insurance coverage, both ranch. Rec room, 8203 otter 4pm. $75.o Fireplaces, many built In fireplace and garage. monthly. Coll 646-2155 ot­ $10,000 life, vaca­ features. Den, 14 x 24, Hurry! "We guarantee ter 5:30. moster bedroom, 2 cor 2 tions, paid holidays our homes" Blanchard 8, LAWN AND FOTOMAT goroge. Located on 2.5 Rosetto Real Estate 646- 24 Locust Street. 7 room Challenger’s fate a n d uniforms. acres with born. $212,000. lOARDEN 2482. apartment $600 monthly Steady place to D.W. Fish Realty 643-1591 plus utilities. Security, no TAB SALES rests with outcome work with excellent or 871-1400. appliances Coll 646-2426 20 Evergreen shrubs. Up­ right yews 15" to 18" hloh P A R T T IM E working conditions Manchester New Listing. weekdays 9-5. of a recount Excellent Starter. Coven­ Porter St., 6 room alumi­ $40 each 643-6801.O SHY??? and coworkers. try. $79,900. Nice 3 bed­ num sided Colonial with in Waterbury room starter ranch In attached garage. New Toro riding mower-older quiet location 12 x 17 heating system, new kit­ model. Ran last season if you are the shy, withdrawn type, then you ★ - living room and 10 x 14 chen, new wall to wall 2 Bedroom apartment, good for ports alto. $75.00. By Mark A. Dupuis enclosed heated porch. 643-4535.0 need not read further. We are seeking oniy carpeting In livingroom centrally located, desira­ United Press International Home Is In good condition and diningroom, Lom­ ble area. Good condition. 40 YEARS aggressive, outgoing individuals, who feel and only 5 minutes to the NIGHT WORK bardo & Associates. 649- Coll 647-3231 days, 528-8231 HARTFORD — Less than 50 they are capable of earning: water. D.W. Fish Realty 4003. or 647-1230 evenings. FARM 8UPPUE8 W ith 643-1591 or 871-1400. votes today stood between Toby [AND EQUIPMENT IN THE Moffett and the right to a statewide $4 - 7.50 PER HOUR! FRIENDLY Coventry $199,900. Dis­ Wynedlng HIM Rood. This primary with Gov. William A. tinctive 5 bedroom Garri­ Bolton Notch-NIcelv fur­ steel Buildings. Must sell RESTAURANTS unique contemporary nished 2 room apartment. O’Neill for the Democratic guber­ We offer a steady salary pay check plus out­ son Colonial In beautiful home Is set on a lovely 2 arch style steel buildings natorial nomination. sought otter area I Lots of All utilities Included, for from cancellation. One Is MAKING standing incentives. If you have a pleasant, Interested In part or full acre plus lot on o quiet elderly mole. Forking Moffett picked up S3 delegates to bornboord panelling, oak cul-de-sac. 7 rooms, 3 40X40 - Brand new. Coll clear speaking voice and want to know time work nights (this In­ near shops. After 3pm Bill 1-800-527-4044. this summer's Democratic state staircase, first floor tom- bedrooms, 2.5 baths. more, Call: cludes closing)? Must be llv room with wet bar, 649-9093. convention in delegate-selection over 18. Consider our Great house to throw o 1979 Kobodo Oeliel trac­ primaries Tuesday, but by his own Walter/Waltress or pro­ den, enclosed sun porch party otl Asking $188,900. Monchester-4 room apart­ tor, 14 HP, very good count remained short of the 270 duction positions. The with wood stove, 2 cor Jackson 8, Jackson Real garage, born with loft, 750 ment In two family house condition, hot front convention votes needed to force MR. NELSON full time positions otter: Estate 647-8400 or 646-8646. Includes heat and hot feet of rood frontage on loader. $4100 or best otter. the statewide primary Sept. 9. 1-800-367-3720 water and appliances. Se­ 633-6216 or 633-7685. • CAREER ADVANCEMENT nearly 7 acres I Good sub­ Brand new listing I Gra­ Automotive The fate of his challenge to • EXCELLENT STARTING division potential! Coll curity deposit and refer­ jS k cious older colonial built O'Neill now rests on the disputed WAGES for o private showing ence required. No pets. • MAJOR MEDICAL. In 1864. Large and spa­ Working Couple. 647-1478. outcome of the delegate-selection today! Realty World cious with 7 rooms, 3 DENTAL AND LIFE Frechette Associates, 646- RECREATIONAL CARS primary in Waterbury, where INSURANCE bedrooms, 1.5 baths, 4 room, 1 bedroom apart­ CO 7709. EQUIPMENT CD FOR SALE O'Neill was declared the winner by NEWSPAPER CARRIERS NEEDED • PAID VACATIONS newer heating system, ment, second floor. Newly 48 votes and a recount was • SICK LEAVE walk up attic. Lots of refurbished, new stove, ordered. IN BOLTON AREA Charming Colonial. Good charm I Offered at $92,500. Golf Bog - Walter Hogen, • 50% FOOD DISCOUNT retrloerqtor and dis­ professional model, A spokeswoman in the Registrar • COMPREHENSIVE location & move-ln condi­ Jackson & Jackson Real hwasher, washer machine Estate 647-8400 or 646-8646. matching head covers $35 of Voters office said a recount Likt SI TRAINING tion fit this 7 plus room hookup, cellar storage 6464599. Colonial to o "'T'*! Newer and nice yard, parking 1 1985 S-10 Blazer In mint would begin at 8 a.m. Saturday. Cldr Mill Rd. For an Interview call the oil burner, roof & Insula­ Patriot Lone. Luxurious 7 car. Non-smoking adults, condition. Only 12,000 If the recount makes Moffett the room, 2'/> both home. Brookflild 8L Belton following restaurants: tion along with 3 good no pets $425 monthly, no miles.
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