Our TWentv-seventhSeason Our One Hundred Seventy-third Program 2005-2006 A FeasLof Bowes qeoYgeMa.sso (- 5 Jeff qaLtwdo Sponsoredby the Department of Music and the New Hampshire Library of Traditional Jazz 8 p.m. Monday, November2Ir2A0S Johnson Theatre, Paul Creative Arts Center. Durham, NH TIIE ARTISTS George Masso and Jeff Galindo For many of us of a certainage, our initial encountelwith the trordbonewas in the front line of the classicNew Orleansor Dixieland ensemble.The ernphasisin the early days of coursewas on collective improvisation,with the tromboneacting as underlyingsupport for the rnelodictrumpet and its clarinet obbligato. Trornbonesolos were rare, at least on recordtrgs, although occasionalfills were interspersedwhich sometirnesevoked the imagery of the slide reachingout from the back of a New Orleans wagon, thus giving rise to the generally obsoletsterm tailsatinr (except at football ganres). Whateverthe limitations of its origirnl role, its specialhistory and durability promisedmore; after all, its design was so successfulthat it had not necessitatedfundamental changes since it first appearedon the scenein the late Middle Ages! But it neededopportunities which would fiuther free it from its traditional usage in band and orchestra, and encourageindividual exploration and expression;the evolving jazz world obliged, and tonight we will hear a concentratedyet varied expositionof theresults. Georgeand Jeff were born severaldecades apart, and naturally havequite different arraysof performing experiences,thus it is a tribute to the common roots of the tradition that they both identify Jack Teagardenand Trummy Young as early influences on their playing-two names probablynot as well-known to many oftoday's aspiringyoungsters as would be desirable. GeorgeMasso appearedon this seriesin 1994 with Jeff Stout and Brad Terry, and again in 1998 with the GalvanizedJazz Band and guesttrombonist SpiegleWillcox. The latter was born rn 1903and played with Bix Beiderbecke,so the connectionsexistent in tonight's ventue cover a good bit of temporal trombone territory. George played with the Jimmy Dorsey orchestrain the late 1940s,then until the early '70s taught in the public schoolsand at the University of Connecticutas he was raising his family- Subsequentlyhe has worked with a distinguishedroster of adists including Benny Goodman, Buck Clayton, Woody Herman, Bobby Hackett, and the World's GreatestJazz Band, to nameonly a few. Jeff Galindo perforrned'here in 2000 when Bob Wilber presented some rarely heard arrangementsby Fletcher Henderson. A Berklee faculty rnember(and alumnus)his diverselist of credits embracesBuddy DeFranco,Ray Charles,Gunther Schuller, Makoto Ozone,and Phil Woods. He acknowledgesinfluences ranging ftom Louis Armsnong to Roswell Rudd, befitting a fully engagedyoung contemporaryartist. We have had occasionsto note elsewherethat a rhythm sectioncomposed of Tim Ray, John Lockwood, and Bob Gullotti givesnew meaningIo the terraBoston's f nest' Welcomebach guys' Some of us recall with pleasure a quintet of a half century ago (!) led by a pair of trombonistsknown as Jay and Kai (full namesavailable upon request.). Maybe this eveningwe can ilaugurateG andJ. It does seem too bad that those anon1nnousinventors of the slide trombone so many centuries ago cannot hear such variegatedphenomena as the 1940 Ellington trornbone section, Kenton's of a decade1ater, Jay and Kai, and Georgeand Jeff. But, -maybe they can! W-'-1{loNAL qeoYgeMasso (^ 5 )e{f qaLLwdo trovwbowes rLr* PaU, VLawo )ohw Loclzwood,bass Bob eu,LLoftr.,drvtnts Tape recordersand cam.erasare not perrnitted due to contractual arrongements. Plc.aseturn off beepersand watch alarms. Your cooperationis requested. THE SERIES The UNH Traditionat Jazz Serics began in 1979 thrcugh the imagfuaiive vision and generous coomitment of the late Dorothy C. Prescott. It promotestlle enjoyment and utrderstandingof *Ie art through coDcertsfeaturing musiciansof regional, Dational,and intemationalprominence. The program Tepiesentsa uniqueendeavor to expandinterest atrd honor outstandingtalent and achievement. Musiciaqs wishing to do so are encouragedto offer their recordings for sale or mail order during intermission;a bdef announcementmay be made, The sponso$have no financial interestin such sales beyond offering a cowtesy serviceto the artistsand the public. Progrun Notes- Psul Verrefre Produclion - David Seilcr 2005-2006SCIIEDIILE September 19: At lra$t OtreMorc Tiltre: Ray Smith's ParamountJazz Band October 17r GenemtionalCotrcurence: Frank Wessand Terell Staffod November 21: A Feastof Bones: GeorgeMasso and Jeff Galindo January 30: Third Armual Tommy Callant Schola$hip Concet: The I{ot Club ofPodand DjangoReinhardt Almost in Person February20r The Wisdom ofYouth: GeoffKeezer Trio April 3: IntemarionalIncidenl GeorgeRobert andthe Mulgrcw Miller Tlio OTIMR SPECIALJAZZ PERFORMANCESAI{D EYENTS Octnber 22. Fsrtily WeekendConcert, UNH IAZZ BAND and COMBOS,Dave Seiler a.ndErika Svanoe, directing. fohnsoh Thealre,Paul Creatite Alts Center, IINH. , December 14: Clork Terry 85dBirthd.ay Bash- JohnsonTheatre, Paul Creative ArtsCente/, UNH. January 17f IIarry lones Llernoial ConcerT: CelebratingPaul Broadnatc's80h Binhday; Sea.oastBig Bahd, Dave Seile4 directing. Jolnson Theatle,Poul Creartw Arts Center,UNH, January 20 Faculty laa Sextet: Jared Sirnsand David Seilet woodwinds;Mark Shilanslt, piano: David Ne$/sarLguitar: lohn Huntel bass:Les Horris, Jr., drums. lohnson Theatre,Paul CreativeArts Center, March 12: Gab faa Conce4 DR. CL4,RK TERRY, truftipetond @d the UNH JAZZ BAND, Dave 'Iheatrc, flu7elhana . Seile\ directing, Johnson Paul Creotive Atts Cehter,UNH. ro,,irt"u *'tii aoIBdz -zzso .
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