\e Bernardtville Newt, Thursday, t OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF BERNARDS TOWNSHIP Vol. 23 No. 8 BERNARDSVILLE, SOMERSET COUNTY, N. J.f THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1917 FIVE CENTS timates we had figured on in the pre-that Mr. Bickett is qualified to advise pers, bath mitts, covers for medicine department within the township. paration of the budget. us as an expert, and that at the end of glasses and knitted wristlets. All the Engineer Schumacher submitted maps By MR. GIBB-.—Owing to the diminu- three years the results of Mr. Bickett's work done for the Red CroM from now showing grades on some of the Ber- tion of pupils brought about by theefforts will commend themselves to our on will stay in this country. nardsville streets with the promise that opening of the parochial school, one or taxpayers as a whole. At any rate, if FORME YEARS By MR. BATHCJATE, - On beautifieation the balance would be forthcoming at the two teachers are not required for the this is the best judgment of our Board, of grounds. FOR TOWNSHIP ROADS next regular meeting of the Committee. ensuing year. This committee does we should be willing to assume responsi- Salaries of Other Teachers Fix. I feel, Mr. President, that this is per- These are to be submitted to counsel not recommend the appointment of bility for translating that judgment in- haps one of the most important questions Number of Leu Important Mat- for approval before adoption. ed.—Standing Committees Miss Perkins and Miss Brooks, It is to practice. we have to consider at this time. We ters Receive Consideration A lengthy communication from recommended that they be dropped The Board has reason to know that had voted by the people at the last Messrs. Hansen & Coulter, relative to TO DO RED CROSS WORK from the corps of teachers. These Mr. Bickett can command elsewhere the election some $5,000. for use in build- sewage disposal at Far Hills was read teachers are both under tenure and it salary which it is proposed to give him WILL ARM SPECIAL POLICE ings and grounds. Our plan was to use and the clerk was authorized to secure One of the first matters claiming the was deemed advisable to take up theby this resolution and if he is as suc- a large part of that money in beautify- bids from them for the engineering attention of the Board was that of ac- matter with either the County Superin- cessful in our Township as I hope he The township salons held a lengthy ing snd developing our school property, work an j supervision. cepting the recommendations of the tendent or the State Board as to the will be, he will save the taxpayers many session on Tuesday, thdir deliberations particularly at Bernardsville. Since W. S. Cartney, an expert from the teachers' committee, for whom Mr. status in their case. (Reads letter times the increase in salary. In my lasting from 2 o'clock to 7 o'clock. Af- that election, we have been plunged in- Stevens Arms Co., in charge of the Gibb as spokesman, read a list of those from Mr. Krebs.) opinion our constant aim should be to J ter the minutes of the previous meeting to War and there is perhaps nothing Mine Mount rifle range, was granted a recommended for re-engagement, with By MR. MITCHELL:-I propose of- avoid frills and pretence in our school?, were adopted David Buist reported more important than economy along permit to carry firearms. the increase in salaries fixed by thefering a resolution under which this and to make our diplomas represent the right lines, economy of our resources in progress for the committee on laying highest degree of honest and efficient committee in accordance with the Board shall engage the services of Mr. every way. anil that is just exactly as out fire districts and recommended that work which it is possible to obtain. police of the Board: Bickett as Supervising Principal for a important to a public bo^v of this kind a fire district be established at Liberty This is quite as important for the grades Bernard. Rifle GWMo Meet M, bel Adair, $925; Marion Allen, period of three years from July 1st as to individuals. Such being the case, Corner also, making a total of four dis- as for the High School, because the $750; Sarah Bockovert, $725; Ethel next at a salary of $3,600 for the first « feel it is most unwise to proceed with tricts projected within the township. A meeting of the niembersrfHR'bl children who do not go to the High Bowers, $700; Caroline Comins, $700; year, $3,800 for the second year and any plan at all that would mean expend- Mr. Buist reported also that the com- the Bernards National Defense Rifle School muse find their educational equip- Bertha Conroy, $700; Marion Douglass, $4,000 for the third year, and in doing ing money for what under these cir- mittee had inspected Mine Brook with Club will be held in the Olcott School ment for life in lower schools -as far as 1725; Marion Elmer,$700; Mattie Elliott, so, wish to make a few remarks in ex- cumstances are non-essentials. There an idea of locating basins for the use of Building, tonight (Friday) at 8 such education can be given outside of $800; Mary E. Frost $860; Jean Frame, planation of what is obviously a very are things that are wise to do when the the fire company and had decided that o'clock. Members are requested to I860; Ethel Gibb, $700; Olga Gutleber, important move as regards both this the home. It is because I believe that seven should be installed. be present as important matters are Mr. Bickett is the best available instru- time is wise to do them. I certainly feel $700; Agatha Greulock, $700; Emma Board and the taxpayers. we should spend no moneys in improving The reports of the treasurer and col- to be considered. Marfinz, $700; F'oyd Potter, $1,000; To begin with, the expense of the ment to bring about this result that I lector were read and ordered placed on offer the following resolution: and beautifying the grounds at this time Tonight at 8 O'clock Elizabeth Scott, $769; Gladys Tich- proposed contract is not as great as it notwithstanding the money was voted file. The quarterly report of the Re- borne, $700; Minnie L. Tewes, $700; seems, because the allowance hereto- RESOLVED, that William J. Bickett by the people. I thi. we should leave corder was not presented and the clerk Christine Trumbull, $750; Jennie C. fore made the Supervising Principal be elected as Supervising Principal of it in the treasury until such time as con- was directed to request him to submit Brown, $950; Florence Hight, $1,100; for transportation is eliminated, and the Bernards Township Public . Schools ditions warrant spending the money, one in writing to be presented at the next meeting. SUB-COMMITTEE LUNCHEON Edna Allen, $1,000; M. Louise Henry, with such elimination I calculate that for a term of three years, to begin on When the time comes, we shall, of $1,000; Asrusta Martini, $1,000; S. G. the increased cost to the tax payers July 1, 1917, and end July 1, 1920, at a course, expect to spend it along the con The bill of the Bernards Water Com- The Sub-Committee of the Visiting Wilson, $1,100; A. B. Yerger, $1,300; will average about $700 per year. salary of $3,600 for the first year, $3,800 structive, well-thought out plans we had pany was discussed again and it was re- Nurse Association held a luncheon in Win. J. O'Brien, $1,800. Now what are the reasons that justi- for the second year and $4,000 for the in mind to carry out I would, there- ported that the contention of Counsel the Parish House Tuesday afternoon. Mr. O'Brien is a new teacher con- fy such a contract? Incidentally there third year, the salary for each year to fore, present as a resolution that no Lindabury that the amount as fixed by Luncheon was served at 2 o'clock, templated for taking charge of the is the increased cost of living, due tobe payable in twelve equal monthly pay- moneys be expended from this $6,000. the Utilities Commission covering the following which a business meeting was mains of the Company as established English Department. He is a graduate the war, which unless all signs fall, ments, and that in addition to his ser-except such as are absolutely necessary held during which Mrs. M. F. Ellis it the present time, had been found cor- •f Northampton High School in 1904,will continue to advance for some time vices as Supervising Principal, Mr. to keep the buildings in proper repair. spoke of the progress of the work at rect and that payment on this basis •f Harvard in 1908. has had three years to come. Possibly an addition of a Bickett assume the cost ef such person- This resolution was also passed with- Basking Ridge. would be arranged as soon as Engineer experience in newspaper work and couple of hundred dollars a year in theal transportation as may be found neces- out opposition. A partial report of plans made for Schumacher and P. V. Stryker of the i\ years experience in English teach- principal's salary would cover this sary for his proper visiting and super- Standing committees were appointed "Baby Day," to be held in May, was Water Company, had measured the ing.
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