July2016 TappetTappet ChatterChatter Tappet Chatter Journal of the MG Car Club of Canberra Number 410 July 2016 0413 646 321 2 MG Car Club Canberra July 2016 Tappet Chatter Number 410 July 2016 Contents: Official Journal of the MG Car Club Canberra Inc President's Piece 5 ABN: 49 156 199 381 Torque 7 Natmeet 2017 12 Correspondence to: MG TYme July update 16 Post Office Box 4141 Weston Creek ACT 2611 June Club Run to Gundaroo 21 Club Calendar 24 Monthly Meetings are held Midweek Meanders & Other Events 25 on the second Thursday of Sporting Report 26 each month, (except Vale Bill Tuckey 35 January), at St Peter's Help Line 44 Anglican Church Hall, cnr of Marquet 41 Parkinson St & Watling Pl, Weston at 7:45pm. Acknowledgments – the editorial team says thank you to all who contributed articles and photographs for Banking Details the magazine. BSB: 633-000 Please send contributions for the August 2016 Account: 144920741 magazine to the Editor by Friday 29 July 2016 at: Account Name: MG Car Club [email protected] Canberra Inc A ‘Lunchtime Natter’ is held at Cover photograph Weston Park, Yarralumla (first picnic spot on the right) each Tuesday from 12.30pm. The MG Car Club Canberra Inc. accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of articles, correspondence, opinions and advertisements contained herein. Articles may be copied for publication by Car Clubs, but an acknowledgement and due accreditation is expected. Terry Griffiths photo from Gathering of the Faithful in Printed Post Approved Wagga 2015 100003009 July 2016 Tappet Chatter 3 MG CAR CLUB CANBERRA INC. LIFE MEMBERS: Margaret Brown OAM, Peter Daley, Malcolm Robertson, Ian Holden, Brian Oxley and Kent Brown. COMMITTEE 2016 President: Greg Whitfield 0498 107 658 [email protected] Treasurer: Laurie Gardiner (02) 6293 4191 (h) 0418 488 931 [email protected] Secretary: Trevor Clement (02) 6231 3353(h) 0411 102 759 [email protected] Vice President: Kent Brown (02) 6255 4943 or 0412 558 029 [email protected] Committee Member: Graeme Rossiter (02) 6288 2477 (h) 0431 930 710 (Display Events) [email protected] Public Officer: Trevor Clement [email protected] Committee Member: Mark Horsfield 0415 400 044 (Editor) [email protected] Committee Member: Trevor Finklaire 0408 612 336 (Social) [email protected] NON COMMITTEE 2016 CACTMC Delegates: Graeme Rossiter [email protected] Brian Calder [email protected] Social Coordinators: Trevor Finklaire 0408 612 336 [email protected] Graeme Corbett (02) 6299 4920, 0437 679 497 [email protected] Sporting Secretary Kent Brown [email protected] Registrar CRS Greg Whitfield 0498 107 658 (Northside) (Historic Plates:) [email protected] Robert Chilman 0412 024 228 (Southside) [email protected] Regalia: Peter & Val Long (02) 6227 0643 [email protected] Club Library: John Cooper (02) 6288 8093 [email protected] CAMS Delegate: Kent Brown [email protected] Natmeet Coord (2016) Graeme Rossiter [email protected] Club Car Trailer: Laurie Gardiner [email protected] Tappet Chatter Distribution: Robert Chilman 0412 024 228 (Southside) Club Workshop & Equipment Laurie Gardiner (02) 6293 4191 [email protected] Webmaster: Mark Horsfield [email protected] 4 MG Car Club Canberra July 2016 President’s Piece his winter weather sure has been providing a challenge with get- T ting those MGs out of the garage. First what appeared to be Ark deserving rains which seemed to go on forever and now the cold and frost so typical of Canberra. Be that as it may, thankfully our social and motorsport events have remained relatively clear of rain so it has just been more a case of rug- ging up to keep the chills at bay. By the time this issue arrives in your Inbox or mailbox we will have moved into the new financial year so if you haven’t done so I would encourage you to ensure your membership fees are paid up but just as importantly, that all of your details such as address, phone, email etc are current as well as the particulars of your vehicle/s. This is particularly important for our members with vehicles registered under the Concessional Registration Scheme (CRS) where it is a requirement to be a current financial member in order to maintain CRS registration. With the start of the new membership year it means we are also heading quickly to our Annual General Meeting and the election of a new Committee. Please consider how you might help out with the management of the club in either one of the Com- mittee or Non-Committee positions. It is unfair to expect the same people to step up year after year for these roles; with over 300 members I’m sure we must have a large pool of talent out there who could not only give the incumbents a well-deserved rest but also bring some new ideas to the Club. If you are interested you can get more information from our Secretary as to what the various roles entail. It is also time to choose a new organisation for our Community Support activity. If you have a charity or organisation you would like considered for our Community Support, please drop a note to the Secretary with details. Our Annual Presentation Dinner will be held on the 23rd of this month at the Federal Golf Club. Come along to our only formal event of the year. It is always a good night and provides a great opportunity to get ‘dressed to the nines’ and to recognise our fellow members for their achievements across our display and motorsport activities and to thank those who have made significant contributions to our Club over the past year. You never know, you might be one of them! Keep up to date with our calendar of activities; we try to cater for various interests so hopefully we’ll see you at one (or more) of our events soon. In your Marques...get set...Go Greg Whitfield July 2016 Tappet Chatter 5 6 MG Car Club Canberra July 2016 Torque MG Car Club Canberra on the Web Website: (http://mgcccanberra.org.au) View our website for information on upcoming events, past events and Gallery's Facebook Social Page: (https://www.facebook.com/groups/MGCCCSocial) See what other club members are doing, interesting articles from around the web, or, just catching up or chatting. Social Events Membership Subscriptions Due ighlighting our August and Sep- t is that time of year again, where H tember Social MG Runs I our Treasurer dons his leather suit, picks up his whip and motions August Thursday 4 th Mid-Week us to renew our club membership. Meander BOWNING - Roll On In The advent of electronic banking has Café made it easier for members to pay We will join with the Triumph Club their dues and for committee repre- A.C.T. for this month’s lunch tour. sentatives to process renewals. If you wish to use electronic means to We hope to have good numbers which pay your membership, the banking will make for a pleasant social gather- details can be found on page 3. ing. Conversely, if you wish to pay by Meeting at Dinosaur Museum , Gold cash you can do so by paying directly to the Treasure or Secretary, who Creek at 11am for a 11-15 am depar- will provide a receipt. If you prefer ture. to pay by cheque, simply download Let us outnumber the Triumphs - just and complete the membership form a little competitive spirit off the website and send it together with your remittance to the corre- Contact Graeme or Jo Corbett spondence address, again on page 3. Phone H 62994920 M 0437679497 One benefit of membership is the Email [email protected] issue of this outstanding Magazine each month delivered to you by hand at the meeting, your letterbox or your inbox. Don't be tardy, and get July 2016 Tappet Chatter 7 those membership subscriptions in Photographic Memorabilia now and put a smile on the dial of the rian Weston sent the below tid- Treasurer. B bit in. I guess to prove that he Member ship forms are available once owned a real car. online at: http://mgcccanberra.org.au/test/wp- Yes, I really did own an MGA 1600. It content/uploads/MGCCC-Membership was for a little over two years from -Form-10-Jan-2016.pdf July 1970 to September 1972. The white 1600 was our only means of Presentation Dinner conveyance – no two-car families in those days – and as you can see, my t’s not too late to put your name lady considered it to be hers. I down put your name down for the Presentation Dinner. If you would like And do not worry about the stray to go, you have until July 18 to contact bloke; he was Best Man at our wed- Gail Argyle on 6286 2282 or 0418 ding. 8 6 2 2 8 6 , o r via em a il a t [email protected] 8 MG Car Club Canberra July 2016 MGZT & Rover 75 Links Brake Fluid ou may be interested in the t the last workshop meeting (16 Y linked MG ZT brochures. I re- A May), the conversation drifted cently purchased a mint copy of the into brake maintenance - specifically main 2004 brochure via eBay, and Silicone brake fluid. the companion Specs brochure scan It is surprising that Silicone brake came from a friend in Canberra. I fluid is to many club members an un- have uploaded them to the new known product and to others the sub- Rover 75 & MG ZT web page on the ject of myth.
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