EKOLOGIJA. 2005. Nr. 4. P. 28–34 ©28 Lietuvos mokslø akademija, 2005 Jurga Motiejûnaitë, Nomeda Jucevièienë © Lietuvos mokslø akademijos leidykla, 2005 Epidemiology of the fungus Athelia arachnoidea in epiphytic communities of broadleaved forests under strong anthropogenic impact Jurga Motiejûnaitë The effect of the basidiomycete Athelia arachnoidea on epiphytic commu- nities was studied in broadleaved forests within the zone of influence of Institute of Botany, a phosphorus fertiliser factory in central Lithuania. Lichen communities Laboratory of Mycology, in 23 permanent quadrats were observed for five years. During this pe- Þaliøjø eþerø 49, LT-08406 Vilnius 21, riod, the fungus was observed in 10 quadrats and caused significant da- Lithuania mage in part of them. A. arachnoidea influenced both species number and cover in the quadrats, although its effect on various species differed Nomeda Jucevièienë both by the type of fungus infection and the individual reaction of the lichen species. Phlyctis argena and Lecidella elaeochroma showed compa- Department of Environmental Sciences, rative tolerance to the infection, being able to regenerate and re-establish Vytautas Magnus University, rapidly; Melanelia fuliginosa was more susceptible, but probably capable Vileikos 8, LT-44404 Kaunas 35, of rapid re-establishment; the fast-growing, sterile, sorediate Biatora spe- Lithuania cies profited by the infection, rapidly occupying newly-created gaps. Key words: epiphytic lichens, lichen communities, air pollution, lichenico- lous fungi, basidiomycota, Athelia arachnoidea, Lithuania INTRODUCTION rich, 1986; Parmasto, 1998; Yurchenko, Golubkov, 2003). But only Gilbert (1988) studied its effect on Little attention is paid to the influence of biotic fac- lichen communities, investigating simplified epiphytic tors when investigating the development of lichen swards of Lecanora conizaeoides-Desmococcus. The communities, especially in studies of those under ant- epidemiology of this infection in more complex com- hropogenic pressure. In general, the most frequently munities is unknown. Athelia arachnoidea on lichens studied biotic factors in plant (including lichen) com- is found to parasitize wide range of hosts mainly in munity development are: 1) interspecific competition, human-impacted areas (Poelt, Jülich, 1969; Arvidsson, 2) longevity/senescence, and 3) predation/disease 1976; Parmasto, 1998; Yurchenko, Golubkov, 2003). (Lawrey, 1991). A number of invertebrates and fun- In Lithuania, the fungus is common in settlements, gi feed on lichens, causing damage to a varying ex- on the edges of roads and fields, as well as in small, tent; for example, lichen communities are known to isolated stands of deciduous trees, but as a lichen be destroyed by various grazers (Gerson, Seaward, pathogen it is very rare and inconspicuous in large 1977; Hayward, Grace, 1982; Baur et al., 1995), and forest areas outside of industrial influence. mollusc grazing was also observed in our study area. During a five-year investigation of the state and Pathogenic lichenicolous fungi are also commonly development of epiphytic communities in broadlea- found on lichens. It is generally known that patho- ved forests in the proximity of a phosphorus fertili- gens have a large effect on plant communities since ser factory in central Lithuania, the conspicuous ef- they control population size and dynamics, maintain fect of A. arachnoidea on lichens was recorded. Ob- genetic variability in populations, influence the evo- servations over a comparatively long period and the lution and maintenance of sexual reproduction, de- variability of affected communities allowed recording termine species distribution, and enhance species di- some features of the fungus infection. versity in the community (Augspurger, 1989). It is possible that pathogens have a similar effect on li- MATERIALS AND METHODS chen communities. Probably the most significant da- mage to lichens is induced by the basidiomycete fun- For our investigations, six permanent plots in small gus Athelia arachnoidea (Berk.) Jül. (Gilbert, 1966, stands of Fraxinus excelsior-dominated broadleaved fo- 1988; Poelt, Jülich, 1969; Arvidsson, 1976; Diede- rests were chosen to study lichen community deve- Epidemiology of the fungus Athelia arachnoidea in epiphytic communities of broadleaved forests... 29 lopment. The plots were situated in an industrial re- in the plot. Thus, the fungus was effectively present gion, at a varying distance (1.5 km to 16 km) from in all study plots, and it can be hypothesised that the phosphorous fertiliser plant “Lifosa” in Këdai- over a longer time-span, all quadrats might eventu- niai, Central Lithuania. In each plot, four trees (Fra- ally be influenced by A. arachnoidea. xinus excelsior) were selected on which four perma- The damage caused to the lichens or algae in the nent quadrats (20 × 20 cm) were marked, giving 24 communities varied in different quadrats, ranging quadrats in total. As tree 6_1 was felled in the cour- from devastating to rather insignificant. The fungus se of the study, only 23 quadrats were actually sam- influenced both lichen cover and species richness. pled. The plots were visited once a year (in the last Regardless of whether A. arachnoidea was very ag- week of September) when a graphic chart of the gressive or not, the total cover of all lichens in a community in a quadrat was traced onto a clear po- quadrat reached its greatest extent at the beginning lythene sheet with a fine-tipped waterproof pen. The or at the peak of fungus infection and decreased image was supplemented with field notes. The chart afterwards. The same pattern was observed with spe- was digitized, and a lichen area was calculated using cies richness (Motiejûnaitë, Jucevièienë, 2003). Ge- a specially designed software programme. Bark pH neral observations indicated that in the quadrats whe- was measured with a portable IQ-150 pH meter with re A. arachnoidea did not appear during the study a stainless steel probe. period, the initial average species numbers and li- chen cover were higher than in fungus-affected qu- STUDY AREA adrats (Fig. 1), although these decreased later. All three characteristics, species richness, cover area and The study area (Këdainiai district) is situated in Cen- abundance (thallus numbers) fluctuated in the affec- tral Lithuania where the climate is subcontinental, ted quadrats during the study period. In unaffected with average temperatures of 17.5 °C in July and 6.0 quadrats, only the cover area tended to fluctuate, °C in January, and annual precipitation of 500–550 meanwhile species richness and thallus numbers ste- mm; the prevailing winds are W, SW and NW adily decreased. However, not all changes in species (Kaušyla, 1981). Broadleaved forests prevail in the number, cover and abundance were attributable so- region, with Fraxinus-dominated stands as a signifi- cant component (Navasaitis et al., 2003). The Këdai- Table. Presence of Athelia arachnoidea in quadrats during niai district is under a strong anthropogenic pressu- the study period re: only 26.2% of land is occupied by forests and Quadrats Athelia arachnoidea waters, whereas the rest is industrial, urban or agri- (area of infestations, cultural land. % of the quadrat) According to available air monitoring data, SO2 concentrations currently range from 5 to 15 µg/m3 in 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 the Këdainiai city and NO levels range from 5 to 30 2 1_1–––– – µg/m3 (Lietuvos valstybinio oro monitoringo matavi- 1_2–––– – mø duomenys, 2004: http://aaa.am.lt/VI/artic- 1_3–––– – le.php3?article_id=441). Precipitation acidity in the 1_4–––– – region is close to the Lithuanian average, at present 2_1 1 85 85 24 24 ca. pH 5 (Juknys et al., 2002). The bark of the pho- 2_2–––– – rophytes studied had a pH ranging from 5.12 to 6.34 2_3–––– – in 2000 and from 5.31 to 6.38 in 2003. 2_4223– – 3_1 7 19 5 – – RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3_2––5– – 3_3––14 – Epiphytic communities recorded in the quadrats va- 3_4–––– – ried considerably, ranging from simplified communi- 4_1–––– – ties consisting solely of epiphytic algae in the 2nd 4_2–––– – plot to species-rich communities of lichens (up to 12 4_3 20 77 – – – species per quadrat) and bryophytes in the 5th and 4_4–3–– – 6th plots. 5_1–––– 1 During the period 1998–2002, A. arachnoidea was 5_2 – – 9 32 11 noted in 5 out of 6 permanent plots and in 10 qu- 5_3–––– – adrats out of the total 23 (Table). In addition, some 5_4–––– – quadrats (e.g., 4_2) showed signs of recent infection 6_2–––– – in 1998, possibly from the previous year. It is note- 6_3––25 – worthy that although the fungus was not recorded in 6_4 – – – 17 – the quadrats of Plot 1, it was present on other trees 30 Jurga Motiejûnaitë, Nomeda Jucevièienë AB 160 7 A 140 6 Lichen cover 120 5 area (%) 100 4 Thallusthallus numbernumber 80 3 60 species number 2 Species number 40 1998 1998 20 1 0 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 160 5,2 B 140 5,1 5 120 4,9 Lichen cover 1999 1999 100 4,8 area (%) 4,7 Thallusthallus numbernumber 80 4,6 60 4,5 speciesSpecies 40 4,4 number 4,3 20 4,2 0 4,1 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2000 2000 Fig. 1. Dynamics of epiphytic lichens in quadrats during the study period: a) quadrats devoid of A. arachnoidea presence; b) quadrats affected by A. arachnoidea lely to A. arachnoidea infection. Loss of lichens was also caused by mollusc grazing and by sudden incre- ases in illumination level (Motiejûnaitë, in press). 2001 2001 The individual response of different epiphyte spe- cies to infection was variable and difficult to inter- pret. Most easily discerned was a decrease in the quantity of epiphytic algae communities in the quad- rats of Plot 2 (Motiejûnaitë, Jucevièienë, 2003). Ge- nerally, the infection process in these simplified com- munities was very similar to that described by Gil- bert (1988). With respect to lichens, Lecidella elaeochroma and 2002 2002 Phlyctis argena, especially where they comprised a Fig. 2. Effect of A.
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