www.billingslivestock.com Billings Livestock Commission • April Special Catalog Sale • featuring "Rope" Horses April 28, 2018 305 Catalog Horses Sell HE SELLS! Jackpots, Rodeos, Barrel Racing, and Ranch Hip 151 - RNJ Little Charles - 2005 AQHA Buckskin Gelding x WFR Little Joe. Take you to the pay window, com- peted in jackpots, rodeos, and barrel races. Used on the ranch, brandings, lead guide horse used in Rocky Mountains; Owned hin since a yearling. For more information 780.623.3091. www.billingslivestock.com JACKPOT ON SALE APRIL 27-28 HORSES FRIDAY 1 P.M. Welcome to Cowboy Country! ROPE HORSE ROPE, ROPE, ROPE!! Featuring our SPRING ROPE HORSE SPECIAL! 500 head sell including SPECIAL over 100 rope horses! Your chance to see 100+ OVER 100+ ROPE HORSES rope horses – all in ONE place, all kinds, all calibers, ffrom youth, High School, jackpot, to PRCA level! ROPE, ROPE, ROPE!! Prospects, fi nished, hauled and won, team roping horses and calf horses, too. It·s our 20th annual spring sale – watch the horses in a professionally run jackpot and…previews and more previews – rope horses show again on cattle Saturday morning! We·re licensed, bonded, and we rope, too – and – we·re the sale with the BLS Soundness and bred mare GUARANTEE. Head west – you·ll like it out here! Get your plane tickets, haulers can be arranged! Please keep an eye on our website, we update it with horses daily and feel free to call us – we·ll be glad to guide you! Come see us! 500 HORSES! Jann Parker 406.855.1947 SC PHAME IS A BULLY All in one place, 2013 AQHA Gray Gelding x Phame x Dash Ta Fame and out of dtr of SHOW & SELL Bully Bullion. Extra nice rope horse prospect, patterned on barrels, All in one weekend, been hauled to exhibitions, and is 2018 futurity eligible. He has a and All for Sale one handed neck rein, rides off your seat, quiet minded and loaded www.billingslivestock.com with talent. Future Fortunes eligible. FMI 507.459.8654 BBredd in thhe PPurppQlle – 2010 AQHHA All-AAroundd GellddinggQ – 2002 AQHA HHeadd andd Heel – 20011 APHA BBay 220012 APHA GGrayygGelldding x RL TTronasas PPalomino Geldingg x Palo Duro Cat damm PPalomino Gelding,g, been my y daughter g s Tobiano Geldinggy x Gay Bar Lucky Dak x Little Trona; Biggppg stopping heel PParades & Playdays!yy JASPER – 20100 is dtr of SR Hallmarked – Pretty,y, 4-H and gameg, horse, successfully y aand breakawayyg gelding, g,g gentle, , readyy GGrade Black Ponyyg, Gelding, hauled to ggood minded,,yg talented. Very gentle competedp,p,g in barrels, poles, fl ags, Mac – Moneyygg earning working to haul,,yy, really cowy, tons of foot rodeos and plpyayday y,s, works cows, to ride outsideside,,ggood heel keyhy,g,ole, goats, breakaway and ccowhorse and reiner. Veryy broke,, ssppp,pyeed, push style in the heeling, g,g goodd bbeen ridden out a lot and goesg wheree horse, cowy,y, ggood stop. p Has been heading.gyg,gyg Gentle for any age rider, ggentle for most riders. No vices. in the box,, walks off after a run. yyou point him. Owner has moved onn breakawayed,y, on, , too. he has also been trail ridden. Nice Ridden at ranch rodeos,, too. Ridden in feedyard,y, too. to bigger horse. FMF I 5633.5999.3755 faf milyy horse. FMI 403.6654.44499 FMI 717 99.37711..545 31. FMI 5077.4599.8654 FFancyy, Fancy y – 2009 APPHHA Sorrel HHeadd or HHeell – 2009 AQQyQHHA Bay GGo-TTo-RRanch HHorse – 2008 AQHQ A USTRC & NTR – 2011 AQHQ A GGeldingg x PC Silver Socks x PC Sunn GGeldingg x Zans Blue Slew and out of Palomino Geldinggyg x Smart Remedy. Red Roan Geldinggg x Kings Zack Head or Heel – 2007 AQHA Sorrel SSocks; Veryy,p broke, lopes collected, a Payyy Forty Four dtr. Classy y looking g, He·s kind,, onwed him since he was BBlue. Hauled and won on,,g good in GGeldinggyygy x WR Ginnin Paddy x Paddyss rides smooth,, been hauled as a head been used on the ranch,,grides great ttwo. Roping,pg, sorting, g, hunting g elk at the box, can take a lot of runs, Irish Whiskeyyg. Great for beginner horse and heel horse. You can see ooutside,,y Has all the run and rate you high elevation,,p stops hard, , moves outt,, fi nished big.g, Ranched on, brandingg, rrooperpy,g to #6. Veryy, broke, hauls good, yy,gpp,y,gppour start, get up and rope, no nneed for anyy lefel. Gentle would fi t and reins well. Lots of heart. shippippng, doctoring . Top shelf great to ride on the trails, too. ppullinggpp or issues; Nice pickup horse, mid to highgp level roper. FMI 307.631.5088 ranch/ropep,p horse, extra pretty, FMI 719.317.5431 tooo.. FMI 4066.3811..23347 FMI 6055.5699.13306. tooo.. FMF I 717 22....3488..077055. HHead and Heel – 2013 AQHAQ Gray GGenttlle & Willingg – 2009 EExttra Nice – 2013 AQQHHA Sorrel Done It All – 2010 AQQyHA Bay Geldinggy x Greedy Azure x Chicks AQHAQg Palomino Gelding x Gelding x Cromed Out Mercedes; Geldinggg x HR Lena Badger x Star Gentle & PrettyyQ – 2015 AQHA Bay BBeduino; Scores great,g,py plenty of run, PPlayitagainlittlejoeyg j x Haidas Littlee EElegantg gelding, g g, super p talented, , gre g aatt CChex Badger.g,p Bridle horse, roped onn Roan mare x Pour Me A Peptp o x rate,,,g,, and fi nish. Great handle, big Peppgg,; Solid all-around gelding, minded, and is gentle. He is reining ooutside as well as inside,,pg,p tam roping,, PPeptoboonsmal;p, Well bred, had a lot stop,p, fi nished ranch and trail, , too. Been used in all phasesp of ranch ttrained,,p spins, , slides, , lead changes, g, ranch rodeo,,p roped horses. Ready y of ridingg,g out of the arena. Gentle, nnaturallyy low headed.Trail ridden and loves attention, rides out very nice. GGgentle for most all levels of riders wwork,,g,g,g sorting, branding, doctoring. goes where pointed. An excellent and willing,g, ridden in the feedlot, or ropers. FMI 563.599.3755 HHeeled on,, same horse even withh prp ospep ct. FMI 505 77.45599.86545 too. FMI 208.283.6009. tit meme offf. FMI 40606.6.68484.5.5868 5. Jann Parker, Horse Sale Manager • Cell 406-855-1947 BLS Horse Sales • 2443 North Frontage Rd, Billings, MT www.billingslivestock.comAt BLS, "We like Horses" Terms and Conditions: HORSES SOLD, BEFORE, DURING, AF- TER, WILL BE SUBJECT TO THE EIGHT Terms PERCENT (8%) SALES COMMISSION IN Cash, Cashier's Check, Personal Check with ADDITION TO THE CATALOG FEE. Picture Identification or Blank Letter of Guarantee with Check. We now accept ALL HORSES MUST GO THROUGH THE credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, SALE RING. ABSOLUTELY NO ALLEY American Express, Discover, and Diners TRADING. Club. A 3% office processing fee will be added to all purchases, (however, this fee 5. Data provided in this catalog is gener- will be discounted for purchases paid for ally correct, but occasionally errors occur by Cash, Cashier's Check, or Personal due to incorrect data received from others, Check.) processing mistakes and other causes. We Conditions disclaim liability for such errors, but ap- 1. BLS and its associates act as agents preciate their being called to our attention. only on all sales and are not responsible for buyer/seller error or misunderstand- 6. Catalog fee is non-refundable. All cata- ing. All guarantees are strictly between log horses are required to have a negative the buyer and seller. Except as provided in EIA (Coggins) test. our soundness guarantee, all horses are sold "as is", without any other express or im- 7. Title passes to buyer at fall of the ham- plied warranties. mer. All risk of injury to the horse be- comes buyer's risk at passing of title. buyer 2. Any defects or bad habits must be called agrees to release, defend, indemnify and hold when the horse is sold. The Billings Live- owners, managers, and employees harmless stock Vet will be here to inspect any ques- from all losses, expenses, and claims related tionable animals. to the possession, care, custody, control or maintenance after the fall of the hammer 3. The commission will be eight (8%) per- of any horse on which he or she is the suc- cent of the selling price in the "Spring Spe- cessful bidder, whether resulting in whole cial Catalog Sale". The consignor will have or in part from their own negligence, in- the privilege to no sale or pass on his horse. cluding but not limited to any claims arising If the horse is passed out, the cost to the out of injuries or damage caused by the horse consignor will be the catalog fee plus $100 after the fall of the hammer. The horse in all Catalog Sale Sessions, and if the will be held for buyer until buyer makes horse is in the open consignment session settlement as provided. Buyer shall imme- pass out is 8% of the last bid. Never of- diately present himself to make settlement fered or no show fee is $100. if requested by auctioneer, but in any case shall present himself within thirty (30) min- 4. NOTICE: ONLY HORSES CON- utes of conclusion of the sale. Buyer is re- OUR SIGNED TO THE SALE WILL BE AL- sponsible to check registration and addi- LOWED ON THE SALE GROUNDS. ALL tional paperwork at time of settlement. Host Hotel Billings Hotel & Convention Center Information Haulers King Ave EXIT 446 Horse Sale Manager Montana Express Ask for the $82 Jann Parker Horse Sale Rate! Horse Transport Restaurant, Lounge, Casino, 2443 North Frontage Rd.
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