GOVERNMENT OF KUTCH KUTCH STRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK * (Based on the 19J1 Census) tsHUJ Printed at 1m AssOCIATED ADVERTISERS & PllmTERS im, TA1U)lID, BOMBAY: Price=Rs.2 As. ~ or' 4 s. 6 d. ..0 Ii I "..• 0 ~ -1M aoj ..".. C( ~ III ~ ~ a ,!!1 .!.',i ~~ ~t) oq i~ ~ ~ :t ~ ~ ~ ,~ .. 1i~ ,~ 5§ ~ CONTENTS PA.UE rRODUCTI0~ 2 General Populal~ Tables A-I Area, Houses and Population 4--5 A-Ill. 'l'own,~ and Villages classified by Popul;].tion 6-7 A-V Towns arranged territorially with population by livelihood elasses 8-9 Economic Tables H-I Livelihood Classes and SlllJ-Cla8~es, _ 10-10 B-Il Seconda.ry Means of l.ivelihood 20-27 II-Ill Employers, Employees and Independent "'orkers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-Divisions 2S-73 Index of Non-Agricultural Occupa.tions in the District, , 74-70 Ilouaelwld and Age (Sample) '1'able,v , C-I Household (Size and Composition)_, 80-83 C-I1 Livelihood Classes by Age Gl'OUpS _ • S.j,-87 C-lII Age and Civil Condition S8-91 C-IY Age and Litemcy 02-95 C-V Single YeaI Age Returns 96-99 Social and Cultural T<Jbks v-I Languages : (i) ::\lother 'l'ongue •• 100-103 (ii) Bilingualism 104-105 V-I1 Religion 106 D-lII Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tl'ibes 107 n:"'V Xi) YilSp.... acen )'>enons oJ ""iear 01 Arilva'l .. W&-1.I)\) (ii) Displaced Persons by Livelihood Classes 110-111 D-VI ;:'\on-Indian Nationals _ , llO-lll IJ-VII LivcJihood CIasses by Educational Standards 112-115 D-VIII Unemployment by Educational Standards 116-110 '. Summa,.y INgures by Tu.fukas and Pelas _ • 120-127 primaNJ Census Abstract.s., 129-285 Small Scale Indu8lri.e8 Cen;sus-Employment in Estahlishrrw:nls 286-:191 1951 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK KUTCH I{utch State and district consisted of the former Indian State of Kuteb. with the addition of "lhoi :'IIahal of the former lndian State of MorvL Thc distriC't had 11 population (I051 Census) of 567.606 Ilnd an area or IG723_8 square miles (induding the area of the nann of Kutch), according to the area figUf{!' furnished by the Surveyor General of India. This Handbook contains tablcs for Kutch district, compiled after the 1951 Census DC India. 'rhe thain results of tIle ]951 Census are embodied in the State Ta.hll'"s plJbliqhed for the StateR of Bombay, Saurashtra and Kutch. In this Handbook, the data are exhibited in greater detail. ..... e numbers given to tables in this publication correspond to those given in the St.ate Census ,lort. The following tables for the district have, however, not been included in this Handbook. A-II Variation in poupulatioll during fifty years_ A-IV 'l'owns classiJied by popLllation with variation since 1901. D-I\' :'Iiigrants. In the E-SLlmlllary table, in this Handbook, some oolumns have be~n omitted. In thc case of the C·series of tables, except C-I, the data were extracted on the basis of a sample count of approximately 10% of the census slips instead of II full count; of all the slips_ The C-I table was prepared from a four percent sa.mple oCtile householU,,; recorued in the ~ational ,Register of Citizens relating to each to"11 or village. - Till the 11)';1 Census thc basis of elassilicu.tion of the population wus a one, namely according to religion, castes -and communities. At the 1951 Census, tbe basis was changed from II- liocia] Lo an economic one, llnd the figures for villages given in the Primary Census Abstracts ud in tabJcs A-V, B·I, B-IJ, C-ll and EJl,re ac~ordmg to the following eight Livclihood Classes;­ - i Agricultural Classes. I. Cultivators of bnd, wholly or mainly owned; and their dependants. II. CuJtivaton of land, wholly or mainly unowned; and their dependants. lIl. Cultivatin!hlabuuren;; and their dependants. IV. Non-cultivating owners oCland; agricultural rent receivers Bnd their depen­ dants. Non-IJgriculiuTal Classes Person8 (including. dependanu) who derive their principal means oj livelihoodJrom: V. IJroductioD other than cu.ltivation. VI. C<Jmmerce VII. Transport VIII. Othcr services and miscellaneous sources. Dependants, whether earning or non-earning, were classified aL the census acoording to the prim'ipnl means of Jive1Jhood of the persons 011 whom they were dependent. 'I'hc Prtmary Census Abstracts, which contain basic information in respect of every village and town, have been arranged according to tulukas and petus, units into which every district is d;"jiJed fnr administrative purpo~es_ The taluka was, hnwev",r, too small a unit to arlopt for preparing' the main census tables. Therefore. in the D, C and D series of tables figures hine been given for tracts and not for talukaslU1d petas. Defore sorting the census slips and tabulating the results, tracts were formed by combining the rural Bfi(~ urban areas of two or more talukas or petas. The tracts into which Kutch district was divided for the purpose are shown below :- Rural Tracl$ (1) Rural areas of Bhuj, l'th.ndvi, l\lundra Talukas and Khavda and'Banni Pew. (2) Rural areas of Anjar, Bhachau. Rapar 'ralukas anet Kbadn and Adhoi Petaa. (3) Rural area (J{ Nakhtrana and Abdasa Petas and Lakhpat Taluka. Urban Tracts (1) Urban areas of Bhuj, :rtIandvi, l\Iundra, Anjar, Bhachau, Uapllr and AbdBsa Talukas and Adhoi Peta. Urban areas comprise the towns shown in table A-V. Shortly before tile 1951 population census, a census of Small Industries was taken, and the results of tbis census given in the table called "Small Scale Industries CenSUS-Employment ,,, Establishments," included in this Ha.ndbook. The. intention was to lind out something about Cottage and Horne Industries and sII1alJ ~orkshops. The larger establishments, that is, power-using establishments with 10 or more workers and non-power using establishments with 20 or more workers, were excluded from the I'f!ope of enquiry as they now submit returns under the Factory Act. The enquiJ'y did not concern itself a.lso with workers functioning on their own and not employ­ ing other people, except when looms were used. Heven one loom was used a return was required. the concept was of an enquiry which embraced all forlIlS of associate activity wh~ rtjcl~ were ProO;¢l repauw, Or otherwise trea~c! f~~ ~le, we or dipOSB\, . A-I AREA, HOUSES AND ()loellpicd HOllses Area ill 'J'uluka or l'ela sqWlTC Villnges Towns ~Iiles Total Hural Urh.1U 1 4 il 1 (j '; 2 :3 I DistrIct Total 8,300 964 10 127,838 103,080 24,758 1. .\bchlha !HU l,'}S 1 12,199 11,.3;)3 tH-t 2. Adhoi 51 II 1 1,054 5:J4 l,l~O :1. Anjar 0182 76 2 17,117 1l,(j(j:J ;;,-t,j.a 4. ll'mni 828 :B 071 1)71 .3. llhachau (HI 03 1 10,5l1 1l,370 1,11:! 6. Dhnj 84U IHI :! 19,628 1I,!!!:!:1 7,U·:j 7. I{hadir IHi 12 308 30M 8. Khavda :.!2.t. 15 1,404 1,404 "- 9. Lalthpat 1,485 S5 {,1j137 2,6m 10. .Mandvi 560 94. 1 22,744 16,321 (;,4~:1 II. Mundra 31)0 :18 1 11,704 V,8'2~ 1,882 U. Nakhtrana •. 7011 1:)1 1~,.t.33 12,433 1;). Rupar 1,027 ua 14.,558 ]·1,240 mil NQte :-1. The urea figures of Kutch (including the Jlann of Kutch) supplicd by the Surveyor General of India is 16,723.8. fhe area ligures for taluka.s and petas shown in column 2 of this table and of the 1':-Tahle are tho~('. supplied hy the Collector. In the Primarx Census AlJstmct area figures for villages and towns ohtained from local records are given. In the case of many talukas the "arithmdical tolflls of thc area figures for villages lind towns do not agree with the area figures for talukas Ilnd petas supplied by the Collector. 2. The number of towns given in column 3 is the number of reyenue villages, excluding uninhabited villages and villa~s· which form part of ltIunicipal areas. pO PULATION-KUTCII POP.ULATION Personfl Males Females - --. Total Rural Urban Total Hilmi UrLlln 'flJ'tal Hllral Urban B 9 10 11 . 12 13 U 15 HI 567,606 453,852 113,754 272,977 217,687 55,290 294,629 236,165 58,464 5-~,182 51,48:.1 2,090 25,384 2~,lGl 1,22:1 28,71111 27,322 1,470 7,437 2A711 4,9(17 3,G62 1,220 2,H2 3,77.; 1,2.;1) 2,525 7:J,7.W MI,:l54 :!-L,!102 37,5lf) 2.;,170 12.lJ7(l 36,200 2.J. , HI-t 12,010 2,80:1 2,R!l5 1,53-1. 1,(:;34 1,3(;1 1,3111 45,(199 40,S31 4,SllR 22,787 20,3:;7 2,4:10 22,912 20,474- 2,·~:l~ 87,HlO !iO,!J03 :16,227 4J ,761 24,O!lJ 17,(i(i(l 4J,:lO!) 2(J,flOS IS,aill 2,244 2,2-t,," 1,206 1,20r. 1,03fo! I,MIB 6,1l()0 (1,890 3,590 3,':'90 :l,anO 3,:100 ] 2,1:32 12,1.')2 6,013 6,013 (l,130 (1,139 97,024 07,710 2D,:lO.j 44,6f;!I 30,872 ] :1, 7fJr. ':;2,3,,0 36,8-t7 1,;,.;09 52,470 44,7GI 7,709 23,513 Ill,99ft n,!j23 '2H.,.H57 24,771 4o,lKO :);),183 55,183 2.),00(}' 2."),006 30,177 30,177 711,5:;4 60,067 :1):)M7 36,307 3-t,473 1,S:U :'14,247 32,404 1,153 3.
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