WE HATE TO LOSE YOU, "DOC" We'll Back You, We'll Put Clemson Captain May diger On Top HE ROAK5 FOR CLEMSON i i VOL. XVI11. CLEMSOX COLLEGE, S. C, February 14, 1923. No. Mil Southern Federation of Golleg CHARLESTON IS Clemson Mentor Leaves Tiger A GAME LOSER , . , > ,, Students Is Organized In Atlanta Lair Tlo enterc NewM held Men From The City by The Sea Fall Before Tigers MEN FROM THE LARGEST COLLEGES IN THE LOVE, APPRECIATION, AND BEST WISHES THE SOUTH ARE SENT AS DELEGATES Tigers Jump to the Lead in the Very OF ALL CLEMSON MEN FOLLOW "DOC" STEWART First Few Minutes. The ...Tiger ...quintet... proved too Many More Colleges Will strong for the College of Charleston CLEMSON LOSES, ATHLETIC ASSOCIA- five Monday afternoon and took them Sophomore Dance Is Join, Is Hope TION HOLDS MEETING into camp by a score of 2 8 to 7. At TEXAS GAINS times the visitors showed flashes of Enjoyable Affair On Friday and Saturday, February speed, but it was very evident from 9th and 10th, there gathered In At- The Sophomore dance, scheduled New Officers Are Elected— the first that the superior teamwork for January 12th, but postponed be- lanta a body of young rt<e who had of the Tigers was sure to win out. traveled from all parts of the South Capt. May Is President cause of the quarantine, was held in Coach Stewart used practically the the Gym on February 9. Cadet Ar- for the express purpose of lending entire varsity squad at times in the their aid in the work of forming a of Association. thur Morgan, president of the club, game. Before the final whistle had led the grand march with Miss Rose federation of southern college stu- blown sixteen Tiger basketeers had dents. For some time there had be»n The first meeting of the Athletic Morgan, and was followed by Cadet Association was held in chapel on faced the Charlestonians on the Tom Blount, the secretary and treas- a correspondence going on between court. It was decidedly an off day the schools relating to this matter, Februthy 7 th, 1923. The cadets are urer, with Miss Maud Taylor. The ft * all members of this association, and for the Tigers for at no time in the ball room was decorated in streamers and so at last the initial step was game did they show their usual speed, taken. quite a good body was present. The of blue and white, the Soph colors, meeting was called to order by Pro- and at times they just couldn't find behind a screen of evergreens and ar- It would have been too much of an fessor D. H. Henry, the retiring Pres- the basket. However the different tificial snow. undertaking to start off with all of ident. The business of the meeting teams took up the game very nicely The dance was one of the largest the colleges in the south, so the large he said, was to elect the new officers and never let the visitors get a start of the recent dances at Clemson.'The colleges and universities which com- of the Athletic Association. There | (Continued on page 3) pose the Southern Intercollegiate cadets should attend the affairs of are four student representatives in the upper classes as well as they do Conference were used as a nucleus in this body,to be taken from the pres- Tigers Lose A Great Athlete those of the Sophs. There would be forming this federation. All of the ent Junior class, and two officers be a much larger crowd of girls at- colleges and universities in the S. I. from the faculty, to be elected by the tend and the greater number of boys C. were not able to send representa- students. The President of the Asso- present, the smaller will be the in- tives to the meeting, but all of the ciation is also elected from the facul- dividual cost. A dance must cost a states were represented except Ken- ty. certain amount of money, and the tucky. Probably all of the institu- The student representatives were tions would have sent representatives cost is just the same when thirty boys first elected. They are: A. B. Fitz- go as when sixty go. So remember but for the fact that they did not gerald, E. H. Hall, E. G. Parker, and this and get ready for the Senior know of the plans far enough ahead. T, I . Vanghan. The two faculty uance on March 9. The Soph dance However, with those present as a members elected are S. M. Martin, was sucecssful in every way. Alto- foundation, the delegates from the and B. E. Goodale. Captain T. E. gether it was the best yet. different states rolled up their sleeves May was elected President of the and dived into the work of adopting Mrs. Emory, Mrs. Fitzpatrick, and Dr. E. J. Stewart, Director of Association The vote for President Mrs. Newman were the chaperones. Athletics and Head Coach of Clemson, i i a constitution and by-laws. was almost unanimous. E. G. Parker The Cabinet room of the Tech Those present were as follows: Emille who resigned Saturday to accept a was elected Vice-President and Sec- Knight with J. P. Smith; Virginia position with the University of Texas, "Y" was the place of the different retary of the Association. meetings, and it was during these Stribling with C. C. Burton; Myrtle Coach Stewart will remain at Clem- The next thing that was brought Brown with F. S. Fayssoux; Allie son for the rest of the present ses- meetings—two Friday and two Sat- up before the assembly was the elec- urday—that the delegates adopted Whitten with C. C. Sartor; June sion and will enter upon his new du- tion of another assistant base ball Taylor with W. R. Smith; Virginia ties on September 1st. a tentative constitution to present to manager, and the manager of next their several student bodies for con- Cullum with C. E. Kirby; Maude fall's football team. H. P. Walker Taylor with L. C. Blount; Grace Ag- firmation. The name of the organ- was elected to the former position, Like a bolt of lightning out of a ization was adopted to read: "The new with F. C. Hargrove; Mary Mc- clear sky came the announcement and S. S. Bee was elected manager of Lure with E. F. Watkins; Cleo Den- Southern Federation of College Stu- the football team. ; Saturday that Dr. E. J. Stewart, Di- dents." This Federation will do for ny, with F. E. Dunham; Harriet rector of Athletics and Head Coach at The faculty members of the Ath- Trowbridge with W. E. Jordan; Mar- the various schools what the student letic Association are all popular with Clemson, had tendered his resigna- council does for its individual col- garet Brown with M. A. LeGette, tion to the Athletic Council in order the cadets and take a great inter- Janet Plexico with T. R. Vogel; Nell lege. All matters of dispute will be est in all student affairs. Captain to accept a similar position with the referred to the Federation for settle- Hill with E. H. Emanuel; Nellie Sue University of Texas. While Coach May holds a warm place in the hearts Pickens with E. M. Friar; Sallie Wal- ment. Practices such as betting on of the students, on account of hi? Stewart was recently reappointed to athletic contests, ill-feeling between lace with D. F. Livingston; "Punkie" his position for another year, the untiring work with the atnletic Sadler with C. W. Goode; Rose Mor- colleges, and similar conditions teams. He has proven an invaluable Council did not feel that they could which are bound up with college life gan with F. V. Smith; Isabel Haskell afford to stand in his way to a larger, assitant to Coach Stewart with the with J. V. Verner; Ruby Hill Devlin are to be bettered if poslble. The football and basketball teams. broader field. Coach Stewart came honor system and the question of with G. Games; "Kat" Sanders with to Clemson about two years ago from "Major" Martin is a friend to all C. B. Snead; Margaret McCully with student government will be worked the boys and has always taken an Lincoln, Nebraska. He formerly out to the advantage of all concerned. W. A. Duke; Avery Laug'KTTn with coached at the University of Nebras- active part in making student life on W. L. Balentine; Anna Dean McFall In general, the purpose of the Fed- the campus more pleasant. ka and Oregon Agricultural College. eration is to promote good feeling with J. T. Wigington; Elaine Keith At both of these institutions he es- "Prof." Goodale is an athletic en- Rhett Tumipseed, former Clemson with J. R. Shannon; Edith Hoke with among the colleges of the south, and thusiast and helped in the coaching quarterback and first baseman; tablished great records. Clemson au- to furnish a means by which differ- John Morris; Helen McGill with Ed thorities considered themselves ex- of the football teams last year. He athlete par excellence, and prince of Taylor; Mary Durham with C. G. ences can be settled between any of is always willing to officiate at the good fellows, who has decided to en- ceedingly fortunate in securing the- the colleges. Lany; Georgia Harris with C. J. Kate, services of so capable a coach. Since games and contests of the students, ter business pursuits at High Point, Sybil Cantrell with D. C. Ayres; Katie The public is just beginning to see and should be a valuable member of N.
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