7th ICTVC 2019 1 7th International Abstracts book Conference on Papers presented Typography at the 7th ICTVC and Visual Patras, Greece Communication June 2019 Abstracts book Abstracts 7th ICTVC, Patras, Greece, 17–21 June 2019 Greece, Patras, 7th ICTVC, 2 7th ICTVC 2019 ........................... WFXSFBSFTWFXSFTSFTP.PAFBRIQ GFHGFKE..E.EGF.WFZGFHEFE.E. O.OVFDO..VFUVFUVFUO.OCFDRJQ ........................... P.PWFXSNTSXPSFTAFBSFTSFBSFT GFKE.EEEEEEE.F.E.EE.EGFDLF. O.OO.OO.OOYUVFUCFDO.OO..VFU ........................... SITP.PA2BP.PPPPAFB.AFU..P.P .E.CIDEEELFKC2DC.D.E..AUGFK .O..O.C2DO.O.O.V.U.CFBCBO.E .....................D.D.FD ..AB..ABABLD..AB...RB....LD ANEKBPLBL.E.NBGHTGKAHPPPPLQ CMGDGDCDCDCBOECDCOOOCGMYZCB ....O......D.O.......O....D ........................... ABIIABAIABIDTBAABPPPPPAQBPP CDOCGDCDCBCQVDC2DLKC2DCMDGK ....O....D.....O.OO.O.....D ........................... RT.AFBAFBW.PSFTAFBSFTAFBAFB .E.AFD.FKVF2VFBGFB.WZLFKCFH RJQVFUCFD..OCFDCFD.O.CFDCFD ........................... P22 BLOX P22 Blox is a modular le erpress printing system designed to create poster le ering or abstract pa erns. This font takes its inspiration from Alpha-Blox introduced by American Type Founders (ATF) in 1944. P22 Analog Blox are made from space age plastic material—it s a brand new medium to inspire modern press work and graphic design. P22 Blox is also a digital font of the same shapes that can be used to plan your le erpress projects, or be used on its own to create all manner of alphabets, ornaments, borders, and pa erns. P22 TYPE FOUNDRY | P22.COM sftsftsftsftsftsftsftsftsftsftsftsft vtevtevtevtevtevtevtevtevtevtevtevte fuvfuvfuvfuvfuvfuvfuvfuvfuvfuvfuvfuv 7th ICTVC 2019 3 ........................... WFXSFBSFTWFXSFTSFTP.PAFBRIQ GFHGFKE..E.EGF.WFZGFHEFE.E. O.OVFDO..VFUVFUVFUO.OCFDRJQ ........................... P.PWFXSNTSXPSFTAFBSFTSFBSFT GFKE.EEEEEEE.F.E.EE.EGFDLF. O.OO.OO.OOYUVFUCFDO.OO..VFU ........................... SITP.PA2BP.PPPPAFB.AFU..P.P .E.CIDEEELFKC2DC.D.E..AUGFK .O..O.C2DO.O.O.V.U.CFBCBO.E .....................D.D.FD ..AB..ABABLD..AB...RB....LDAbstracts book ANEKBPLBL.E.NBGHTGKAHPPPPLQ CMGDGDCDCDCBOECDCOOOCGMYZCBthis book contains abstracts of papers presented at ....O......D.O.......O....Dthe 7th ICTVC, held in Patras, Greece, from 19 to 21 June 2019 ........................... ABIIABAIABIDTBAABPPPPPAQBPP CDOCGDCDCBCQVDC2DLKC2DCMDGK ....O....D.....O.OO.O.....D ........................... RT.AFBAFBW.PSFTAFBSFTAFBAFB .E.AFD.FKVF2VFBGFB.WZLFKCFH RJQVFUCFD..OCFDCFD.O.CFDCFD ........................... P22 BLOX P22 Blox is a modular le erpress printing system designed to create poster le ering or abstract pa erns. This font takes its inspiration from Alpha-Blox introduced by American Type Founders (ATF) in 1944. P22 Analog Blox are made from space age plastic material—it s a brand new medium to inspire modern press work and graphic design. P22 Blox is also a digital font of the same shapes that can be used to plan your le erpress projects, or be used on its own to create all manner of alphabets, ornaments, borders, and pa erns. P22 TYPE FOUNDRY | P22.COM sftsftsftsftsftsftsftsftsftsftsftsft vtevtevtevtevtevtevtevtevtevtevtevte fuvfuvfuvfuvfuvfuvfuvfuvfuvfuvfuvfuv 4 7th ICTVC 2019 Abstracts | 7th International Conference on Typography & Visual Communication ICTVC, Patras, Greece, 19–21 June 2019 © Institute for the Study of Typography and Visual Communication (ISTVC), 2019 PO Box 27530, 2430 Engomi, Cyprus E [email protected] W istvc.org Paper sponsor | Munken Kristall 120 and 240g/m2, kindly offered by “Perrakis Papers SA”, Athens, Greece (perrakispapers.gr) Printing sponsor | Services kindly offered by the printing house “Panagiotopoulos Tipografio”, Patras, Greece (tipografio.gr) 7th ICTVC 2019 5 CONTENTS David Hunter, Data Walking 7 Mary Dyson, David Březina, Challenging design training: do designers suffer more with harder to read typefaces? 8 Wibo Bakker, Pictogram innovation during the 19th and 20th century: an industry perspective 9 Sue Perks, A 1970s American perspective on Isotype seen through the Henry Dreyfuss Symbol Sourcebook archive 10 Karel Van Der Waarde, Pictophilia: why do we believe that ‘pictograms’ can effectively communicate complex concepts about medicines? 11 Ian Mitchell, TYPuzzle – A physical typographic game 12 Ananya Khaitan, Designing for Law is not boring. Seeking an idealistic path 13 Brian Sze Hang Kwok, Gary Kin Yat Tang, How does the visual communication of cigarette warning labels matter? An investigation of the effectiveness of different frames and pictorial warning labels on cigarette package 14 Pavel Pisklakov, The poster is dead! Long live the poster? 15 Kok Cheow Yeoh, The Hawker Centers of Singapore: How the island state’s multicultural and poly-linguistic environment typographically and pictographically mingle in a communal space for food to create a unique culinary identity 17 Sofia Strati 18 Iordanis Stylidis, Ο σχεδιασμό�ς ως υλικό�ς και α� υλός όρι�ζόντας εκφρα� σεων ενταγμε�νων σε χωρόχρόνικό� πλαι�σι19ό κόυλτόυ� ρας Magdalena Papanikolopoulou, Αναστόχασμό�ς, Performance σε ανα-πρόσαρμ and όvisualσμε�ν όcommunication περιεχόμε�νό ό πτικ21ω� ν συγκειμε�νων Eleni Mouri , Η διαδρόμή� τής πόλυσυ� νθετής επικόινωνι�ας με με�σόν τό animation. animationΜελε�τή περ ι�πτωσ22ής: Η επικόινωνι�α τόυ πρόγρα� μματός «Καλυ� τερή Ζωή�» με τήν Εleniσυνεργασ Μartiniι�α τής WWF Ελλα� δός και τόυ Τμή�ματός Γραφιστική�ς,23 μαθή�ματα κυ� κλόυ Ourania Efstathiadou, Chrysoula Gatsou , Kinetic typography:25 Tό ελλήνικό� επεισό�διο Panos Konstantopoulos, Zoi Katsigianni, Επεξεργασι�α vs χειραγω� γήσή τής εικό�νας. Υπα� ρχόυν ό�ρια; 26 , Η παραστατική� δήμόσιόγραφι�α Nikos Georgόpoulos στις εφήμερι�δες 27 Anna Meli , Time travel branding: Σχεδιασμό�ς τόυ φαντασιακόυ� branding28 των τόυριστικω� ν ξενόδόχει�ων Ξενι�α Ourania Makrygianni , Augmented reality and new possibilities in the field of typography on the book 29 , Ways of visual storytelling in fiction films and their reflection Chrysoula Gatsou, Elissavet Georgiadou, Where design thinking meets co-design 30 Jörg Petri, Classless type: The past, present and future of typeface 31 Julián Moncada, Histories and stories, tools and commodities: Times New Roman and classificationthe history of systemstype 32 6 7th ICTVC 2019 Artur Frankowski, Making revivals today 33 Lasse Fister 34 Irene Vlachou, Laurence Penney, Greek fallback fonts for the web. A parametric approach , Font35 Bakery: Improving quality at scale David Březina, Character similarity and coherence in typeface design 36 Akiem Helmling, 96 = 18 37 Walter Bohatsch 38 Αrtemis Υagou, Reading Erotokritos. The printed book as novelty, luxury, , Typojis; a few more glyphes and inspiration 39 Dimitris Papazoglou, George Triantafyllakos, George Matthiopoulos, The rebranding of the National Library of Greece 40 Tonya Meyrick, Authenticating typography in cultural festival brand marks 42 Katherine Hepworth sociopolitical, and typographic legacies 43 Shalini Sahoo, Going beyond, Unfiltered the visualneon dream: – an inclusive Reno’s communicationinterconnected economic,design method for transit spaces 44 Louise McWhinnie, Challenging designed paths: The past (but still present) visual representation of ‘other’ upon America’s commercial corridors 45 Petra Černe Oven, Barbara Predan, Challenging design with death 46 Liuchuan Wang concepts. Based on: how to use visual means to enhance fertility willingness of people from “one-child, How family” to use visual47 language to effectively influence people’s social Michail Semoglou, Stelios Zygouris, Minghao Cao, Chinese square dancing: a new design approach for a traditional activity 48 Wen-Chia Wang, The connection of visual design of board games and customers’ purchasing desire 49 Eteoklis Papanastasiou, The art of productivity in digital advertising 50 Evanthia Tselika, Commoning practices: Art, design, technology and maker cultures 51 Nace Pušnik, Anja Podlesek, Klementina Možina, Perception of typography and 52 Alexios Zavras, Preserving the digital infrastructure of visual communication 53 colour influenced by screen size Irma Puškarević, The rhetoric of typefaces for the new visual age 54 Sheila Pontis information design to non-designers 55 Maria Smith Bohannon, Breaking assumptions, In restless aesthetic in design pursuit: education: Recontextualizing Reflections on teaching typography 57 Ewa Satalecka, Katerina Antonaki, Migrating design education. The importance of the diverse spaces of communication 59 Mary C Dyson, Challenging legibility: do harder to read typefaces create a 61 Emilio Grazzi, Moveable types for music notation and its implications in contemporary ‘desirablenon-linear difficulty’? typesetting 62 7th ICTVC 2019 7 Jo De Baerdemaeker, Tibetan musical notation: a unique visual representation 63 Judith Moldenhauer | C. Brown, C. Colin-Chavez, M. Holben, Letterpress typography in a digital design world: Student perspectives 64 Yara Khoury Nammour, Bilingual typography in the Arab world. A structural framework for an Arabic-Latin bilingual application 65 Sahar Khajeh, How to create a new agreed system of guidelines to achieve visual excellence in design quality of bi-script typographic composition including juxtaposition of Latin and Arabic scripts 66 Rachapoom Punsongserm, How designers made sans-serif Roman like-Thai typefaces: A review on legibility matter 67 Belal Herbawi, Women’s Image in advertising in the modern Arab world 69 Onur Yazıcıgil, Özlem Özkal century attempt to challenge the conventions of Ottoman naskh 71 Stelios Irakleous,
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