Index A Analytic hierarchy process, 16-24, role of ORIMS, 29-30 17-18 Availability,31 A * algorithm, 1 absolute, relative measurement Averch-lohnson hypothesis, 31 Acceptance sampling, 1 structural information, 17 Accounting prices. 1 absolute measurement, 23t, 23-24, Accreditation, 1 24 B Active constraint, 1 applications in industry, Active set methods, 1 government, 24 Backward chaining, 33 Activity, 1 comments on costlbenefit analysis, Backward Kolmogorov equations, 33 Activity-analysis problem, 1 17-19 Backward-recurrence time, 33 Activity level, 1 decomposition of problem into Balance equations, 33 Acyclic network, 1 hierarchy, 21 Balking, 33 Adjacency requirements formulation, eigenvector solution for weights, Banking, 33-36 facilities layout, 210 consistency, 19-20, 20t banking, 33-36 Adjacent, 1 employee evaluation hierarchy, 24 portfolio diversification, 35-36 Adjacent extreme points, 1 examples, 21-24 portfolio immunization, 34-35 Advertising, 1-2, 1-3 fundamental scale, 17, 18, 18t pricing contingent cash flows, competition, 3 hierarchic synthesis, rank, 20-21 33-34 optimal advertising policy, 2-3 pairwise comparison matrix for BarChart, 37 sales-advertising relationship, 2 levell, 21t, 22 Barrier, distance functions, 37-39 Affiliated values bidding model, 4 random consistency index, 20t modified barrier functions, 37-38 Affine-scaling algorithm, 4 ranking alternatives, 23t modified interior distance Affine transformation, 4 ranking intensities, 23t functions, 38-39 Agency theory, 4 relative measurement, 21, 21-22t, Basic feasible solution, 40 Agriculture 21-24 Basic solution, 40 crop production problems at farm structural difference between Basic vector, 40, 41 level,429 linear, nonlinear network, 18 Basis,40 food industry and, 4-6 structuring hierarchy, 20 Basis inverse, 40 natural resources, 428-429 synthesis, 23t Batch shops, 41 regional planning problems, 429 three level hierarchy, 17 Battle modeling, 41-44 AHP, 7 Animation, 24 attrition laws, 42-43 AI, 7. See Artificial intelligence Anticycling rules, 24 classification, 41-42 Air Force operations analysis, 7-10 Antithetic random variates, 25 Bayes rule, 45 1970s,9 Application areas for ORIMS in Bayesian decision theory, 44-45 1980s,9 industry,297 subjective probability, 44-45 issues, 9-10 Applied probability, 25 Beale tableau, 47 postwar Air Force OA under AFR Apportionment, 496 Bender's decomposition method, 47 20-7,8-9 Apprenticeship, 507 Bidding models, 47-49 World War II Air Force OA, 8 Arc, 25 Big-M method, 50 Air pollution, control of, 194-195 Archimedean axiom, 25 Bilevellinear programming, 50 Airline industry, 10-12 Arima, 25 Bin-packing crew scheduling, 11-12 Arrival-point distribution, 25 one-demensional,51-52 fleet assignment, 11 Arrival process, 25 two-dimensional, 52-53 flight schedule planning, 10-11 Arrow diagram, 25 Binary variable, 50 yield management, 12 Artificial intelligence, 25-27, 319 Bipartite graph, 53 Algebraic modeling language for artificial neural networks, Birth-death process, 53 optimization, 12-15, 13-14 319-320,320 Bland's anticycling rules, 53 Algorithm,16 computational logic, 26-27 Blending problem, 54 Algorithmic complexity, 16 expertlknowledge-based systems, Block-angular system, 54 Allocation, health care systems, 274 319 Block pivoting, 54 Alternate optima, 16 Heuristicsearch,25-26 Block-triangular matrix, 54 Alternate paths, 16 logic programming, expert Bootstrapping, 54 Alternatives, ranking, analytic systems, 27 Bounded rationality, 54 hierarchy process, 23t Artificial variables, 28 Bounded variable, 54 Analyst's manual, documentation Assignment, of fleet, airline industry, Brachistochrone problem, 57-58 and,170 11 Branch,54 Analytic combat model, 16 Assignment problem, 28 Brownian motion, 54 Automation, 28-30 Brown's algorithm, search theory, 619 Italic entries indicatefigures. 742 Index BTRAN,55 Computer-based group decision Crime, 126--131 Buffer, 55 process, 270 ambiguity, 129-130 Bulk queues, 55 Computer models, fire models, homicide, 126 Burke's theorem, 55, 446 224-225 Criterion Busy period, 55 Computer science, OR, 103-105 cone, 131 Concave function, 106 space, 132 Condition number, 106 vector, 132 c Cone, 106 Critical activity, 132 Congestion stock, inventory Critical path, 132 Calculus of variations, 57-59 modeling, 312 Critical path method (CPM), 132 Call priorities, 59 Congestion system, 106 Crossover, 132 Candidate rules, 59 Conjugate gradient method, 106 CSC. See Cumulative sum chart Capacitated transportation problem, 59 Connected graph, 106 Cumulative sum chart, quality Capital budgeting, 59-62 Conservation of flow, 106 control, 544-546 CDF,62 Consistency, eigenvector solution for, Curse of dimensionality, 132 Center for Naval Analysis, 62-66 analytic hierarchy process, Customer distribution, 132 military buildup, 65 19-20,20t Cut, 132 World WarIl, 63 Constrained optimization problem, Cut set, 132 Certainty equivalent, 66 107 Cutting stock problem, 132-137 Certainty factor, 66 Constraint, 107 CV,137 Chain, 66 Constraint qualification, 107 Cybernetics, 137-142 Chance-constrained programming, 66 Construction applications, 107-108 ergonomics, 138-139 Chaos theory, 66 Continuing role for field analysis, system design, 141-142 Chapman-Kolmogorovequations, 66 222-223 Cycle, 142 Chinese postman problem, 67-69 Continuous-time Markov chain, 199 Cyclic queueing network, 142 cycles, 67-69 Control Cyclic service discipline, 142 tours, 67-69 charts, 109 Cycling, 143 Choice strategies, 69 theroy, 109-113 Choice thoery, 72-72 Controllable variables, 109 Chromatic number, 72 Convex combination, 113 D Chromosome, 72 Convex cone, 113 CIM,72 Convex function, 113 Danzig-Wolfe decomposition Circling, 72 Convex hull, 113 algorithm, 145 Classical optimization, 72 Convex polyhedron, 113 Data envelopment analysis, 145-149 Closed network, 72 Convex-programming problem, 113 Farrell measure, 146 Cluster analysis, 72-74 Convex set, 113 ratio form model, 147-148 Cobb-Douglas production function, 75 Convexity rows, 113 Database design, 145 COEA,75 Cooperative games, 244, 244-245 DEA,150 Coefficent variation, 75 Corner point, 113 Decision analysis, 150-154 Cognitive mapping, 75 Corporate strategy, 114-118 Decision maker (DM), 155 Coherent system, 75 Cost Decision making, 155 Column generation, 76 allocation game, 244 Decision problem, 156 Column vector, 76 analysis, 119-121 Decision support system, 156--158 Combat analytic hierarchy process, 17-19 Decision trees, 159-160 model,76 coefficient, 122 Decision variables, 161 simulation, 76 effectiveness analysis, 122-125 Decomposition Combinatorial, integer optimization, evolution, 119-120 algorithm, 161 76-83 game, solutions to, 244 analytic hierarchy process, 21 Combinatorial explosion, 83 methods, 120-121 Degeneracy, 161 Combinatorics, 83 range, 125 Degenerate solution, 161 Common random variates, 85 row, 125 Degree, 161 Common value bidding model, 85 slope, 125 Delaunay triangulation, 161 Communications networks, 86-91 vector, 125 Delay, 161 design, 88-91 COV,125 Delphi method, 161-163 modeling, 87-88 Covering problem, 125 Density, 163 Community OR, 91 facility location, 214 function, 163 Competition, advertising and, 3 Coxian distribution, 125 Departure process, 163 Complementarity condition, 91 CPM,I25 Descriptive model, 163 Complementary pivot algorithm, 92 CPP, 125 Design, control, 164 Complementary problems, 92-94 Cramer's rule, 125 Detailed balance equations, 164 Complementary slackness theorem, 95 Cranes, material handling, 378 Determinant, 164 Computational complexity, 95-98 Crash Deterministic model, 164 Computational geometry, 98-101 cost, 125 Developing countries, 164-165 Computational logic, artificial time, 125 Development tool, 166 intelligence, 26-27 Crew scheduling, 125 Devex pricing, 166 Computational probability, 103 airline industry, 11-12 Deviation variables, 166 logistics, 355-356 DFR,166 Index 743 Diameter, 166 common history, 178-179 ETA file, 196 Diet problem, 166 electric power systems, 185-187 ETA matrix, 196 Diffusion approximation, 166 emergency services, 188-190 ETA vector, 196 Diffusion process, 166 fuel inventory planning, 186 Ethics, 197-199 Digraph, 166 generation system expansion Euler tour, 199 Dijkstra's algorithm, 166 planning, 186 Eulerian, Hamiltonian cycles, 262 Directed graph, 167 optimal dispatch of generating Evaluation, 199 Direction of set, 167 units, 185-186 EVOP, 199 Directional derivative, 167 optimal generation system EWMA chart. See Exponentially Discrete-event stochastic systems, reliability, 185 weighted moving average chart 62(H)32 optimal maintenance scheduling, Ex ante forecasts, 199 elements of simulation model, generating units, 186 Exclusive-or node, 199 62(H)28, 627t OR, common interests, 180-182 Expected utility theory, 199 input data, 627t perspectives, OR, 179-180 Expert systems, 199-202 input distribution selection, 628 utility resource planning, 186-187 artificial intelligence, 27 model validation, 632 Edge, 184 expert system development, 202 output analysis, 629~31 Efficiency, 184 general nature of expert system, simulation programming Efficiency frontier, 184 200-201 languages,62~29 Efficient algorithm, 184 inference-engine, 201-202 variance reduction techniques, Efficient point, 184 Exploratory modeling, 203-204 631-632 Efficient solution, 184 Exponential arrivals, 205 Discrete-programming problem, 167 Eigenvalue, 184 Exponential-bounded algorithm, 205 Discrete-time Markov chain, 167 Eigenvector, 185 Exponential smoothing, 205-206 Dispatching, logistics, 356 Eigenvector solution, analytic Exponentially weighted
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