VOL. 11 No. 9 JUNE 1925 JReady i. for Delivc THE COMPLETE 1 21 JEWELS Fitred in Wadsworth 10K \-.- Illu<trates thc Fillcd Rcplar Gold Cases lhese complete watchr, Non-Pull-Out arc packed rn attractive aluminum cigarette Bow Schgnt S60.00 bows 35 illuscr~tcd. 1 ILLINOIS WATCH COMPAN The Mount Vernon Car Manufacturing Co. F+A , ----. - - - - . - -'7 Just completed, I New Rep a i r Shop, 500' x 150'. Capacity Fully equipped with 10,000 Freight Cars; Cranes, Electric 150,000 Wheels; Heaters, etc., enabl- 20,000 tons Forgings. ing us to work in all w~.--- - --- ---- -. 8. -7:- - -. - ,.- -.- - ---__ kinds of weather. ..- 2 _ .-. BUILDERS OF FREIGHT CARS MOUNT VERNON, ILLINOIS R. F. CARR, Memphis W. E, LOWRY, Hickory Flat, Misa. II Prmaidmnt Vice-Prea. and Genemrl Mrnager &!%L SPECIALIZING IN RAILROAD BUILDING R! Strong as Ever for the GENERAL OFFICES P. 0. Box 1032 MEMPHIS, TENF THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE 827 FRISCO BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS WM . L. HUGGINS. Jr .. Editor MARTHA C . MOORE. Aaaocfata Edlfar VOL . I1 JUNE. 1925 No . 9 Permission is given to reprint. with credit. in part or in full. any article appearing in the Magazine Contents of This Issue PACE Largest Timber Belt in the South Served by Frisco Lines ..................................................4- 5 Goggles Save Frisco Shopmen Their Sight......................................................................... 6 "Frisco Better Service" Contest for All Employes .................................................................... 7 Our Frisco Veterans .........................................................................................................................8- 9 Remarkable Evolution of Engine Building ............. .. ...............................................................10-11 "The Frisco Club" ............................................................................................................................12 "Among 0nrselves"-Trainmen and Yardmen-Bjr John L . Godsey .................................... 13 The King's Highway Now Part of Frisco Lines........................................................................ 14-15 Carmen Make Record in Reb~~ilding............................................................................................ 16 Western Carriers Ask for Justice ..................................................................................................17 East Thomas, Ala., Past and Present .......................................................................................... 18 Campaign for Safe Conditions Among Shopmen.................................................................. 20 The Twilight Hour ........................................................................................................................ 22 Frisco Babies ........................................................................................................................................23 Crews Continue to Save............................................................................................................. 24 Fuel Chart for March and April ..................................................................................................... 25 Flashes of Merriment .................................................................................................................. 26 The Crossword Puzzle for June .................................................................................................... 27 Homemakers' Page .................................................................................................................... 2% Pastime ..................... ..........................................................................................................................29 Annual Statement, Frisco Employes' Hospital Association ................... .............................. 30 With the July Magazine.................................................................................................................... 32 Editorials.............................................................................................................................................. 33 The Frisco Mechanic ................... .. ................................................................................................37-43 Frisco Family sews .........................................................................................................................44-59 I THE FRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE I The Frisco Employes' Nagazine is a monthly ~ublication devoted primarily to the interests of the more than 2.5.000 active and retircd employes of the l+isco Lines. It contains stories. items of current news. personal notes about employes and their families, articles dealing with various phases of rnilr.ond work. poems. cartoons and notices regarding the scrvice . Good clcur photofiraphs suitable for repro- duction are especially desired. and mill he returned only hen requested. 411 cartoons Rnd drawings must be in black India drawing ink . Employes are invited to write articles for the magazine . Contributions should be typewritten. on one side of the sheet only. and should be addressed to the Editor. Frisco Building. St. Louis. Mo . Distributed free among Frisco em~10YeS. TO others. arise 1.5 cents a copy; subscription rate $1.50 a year . Advertising rates will be made known upon application . Largest Timber Belt in South Mississippian Kailway Completion of 24 Mile Line from Amory to Fulton, Miss., Will Deliuer Millions of Feet of Lumber to Frisco Monthly ITH the opening of the Mississippian Railway Estimates from experts were that the forest con- W from Fulton to Amory, ;Llississippi, the Frisco tained between 100,0,000 and 400,000,000 feet of Railroad has obtained exclusive railroad connections lumber-a supply that it would take 15 years to cut, with one of the largest and most important timber and then start on the second growth. of the Alabama, Tennessee and Korthern Railroad now it will be used by the railroad for a roadbe took up the scheme, and began the road. later will be shipped to places where gravel is net Two years ago, with steel furnished by the Frisco and backed by strong financial interests, the Mississippi Cross Tie Business Railway was begun ! The crosb tie business offers a splendid field ( Miseissippian Is Actuality tleavor. Many folks in Itawamha County had seen a cross tie at close range before the Mississ Today the "Mississippian" is a11 actuality. invaded that section. Now they are cutting cros The road starts at Amory, and the distance to its Thousands have been sold to the Mississippian and northern terminus, Fulton, is 24 miles. other thousands are stacked along the right of way, John T. ~ochrane,Jr., vice-president and general ready for shipment. manager of the "Mississippian", has superintended the The land through which this road runs is very fertile construction of this road, and it is with great pride and hundreds of acres are in cultivation, while open that he conducts visitors over the little railroad, which spaces where the timber has been cut out, are being is so important to the town of Fulton. plowed for planting corn and oats. Later on, cotton The Mississippian follows the valleys and for a time will be planted. runs along the banks of the Tom Bigbee River. It penetrates the bottom land of Itawamba County, where At another point on the line, a derrick is seen, drill- the huge timber district is ready and waiting to be cut. ing for oil, and still anot,her point a coal mine is being More than 465 mills are operating in the county, worked. getting the timber ready for shipment. Many of these For miles and miles on each side of the right-of-way mills ate small affairs but they can he moved from place there is a vast forest awaiting the invasion of men to place and this aids in keeping down expenses. There and saws to convert it into Iuniber. are, however, a number of big mills in the county and The little town of Fulton rests on top of a hill, over- the hum of the saws can be heard at almost every looking the countryside. It is typical of the small point along the route of the Mississippian. town, with court house, jail, several up-todate stores, The outbound business is increasing daily, but not all two banks and office buildings, a hotel, and various the cars returning into the tmv section, return empty. other business enterprises. The inhabitants of Fulton, White Springs, SmithvilIe Fulton seems to he awakening to her possibilities. and along the line need supplies. New industries are starting, more land is being culti- As a result of the visit of Frisco officials to the line, vated. Fulton is becoming acquainted with the outside a weekly merchandise car has been established and it world through a new channel, and her future seems is expected that within a short time this will be in- very bright, due to her abundance of natural resourc-- creased to two cars weekly ant1 more cars, as the Today, although the task is far from compret busineb justifies. trains are operating daily, inbound and outbound se After the Mississippian RaiIway has completed the ice shipments are increasing and big opportunities kit: placing of gravel ballast along the 24 miles of track, in store for Fulton country. there will remain large qziantities of gravel that may But, greatest of all and most satisfying to Fulton's be shipped. Gravel is plentiful in that region and it countrymen, is the fact that this railroad, talked of for has been used to good advantage in road
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