iMaufliratfr HrralJi Thursday, Aug. 18, 1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cents Wildfire advances Bush ‘shifts gears’ on Helena By Bart Ziegler * to fire up campaign The Associated Press I "4 i f ' By Terence Hunt Authorities evacuated resi­ The Associated Press Related stories The convention’s first order of dents near Helena, Mont., today on pages 4 and 5 business will be to ratify Quayle as a wildfire more than doubled in NEW ORLEANS — George as the vice presidential nominee size overnight, while Yellowstone Bush, declaring “ the gears shift and applaud his acceptance National Park officials reopened speech. tonight” from the Reagan era to a 14-mile stretch of road that had to next to nothing. his own, readied a nomination In nominating Bush on Wednes­ been closed by a 66,500-acre The latest, published today by day night. Sen. Phil Gramm of blaze. acceptance speech intended to The Washington Post, showed a light a fire under his come-from- Texas said he has “ the expe­ Elsewhere, wildfires were con­ Dukakis lead of 49 percent to 46 behind quest for the White House. rience, the character and the tained Wednesday by fire lines or percent — within the poll’s 3-point “ I ’m upbeat and ready to go,” strength to lead this great land.” brought under control in Oregon, margin of potential sampling Bush told cheering Texas dele­ Gramm said Democratic presi­ Idaho, North Dakota and Utah. error. The survey was conducted gates at a breakfast gathering on dential nominee Michael Dukakis The raging fire in the Elkhorn from July 11 through Tuesday, the final day of the Republican would “ wimp America and en­ Mountains, about IS miles south the day Bush named Quayle, National Convention. danger the peace.” of Helena, was estimated this among 1,119 likely voters ‘ T v e been a loyal vice presi­ Describing Bush as an authen­ morning at 11,200 acres, said fire nationwide. dent, but now the gears shift tic war hero committed to a information officer Anne Jeffery. Bush swept uncontested to the tonighL and I ’m going to be the strong defense, Gramm said, “ He It had been estimated at about GOP presidential nomination nominee of this party for presi­ has always made us proud.” 5,000 acres a day earlier. Wednesday night in a balloon- A child of the Eastern Estab­ dent and I ’m going to set the filled celebration that ran past "W e strongly suspect there agenda,” he said. lishment, Bush was raised in were some homes and structures midnight. Before it was over, Recently revived in the polls. Greenwich. Conn., surrounded by lost,” said Dave Turner, a fire M r thousands of people had already a cook, servants and a chauffeur. Bush still faces the challenge of left the Louisiana Superdome. information officer in Helena. defining his vision o f the nation’s His father was a wealthy New But he said the extent of damage For Bush, it was a family York financier who became a future and dealing with voters’ affair. All five of his adult would not be known until firefigh­ remaining questions about his U.S. senator and instilled in his ters could get back into the area offspring were delegates to the children the notion of civic ability to lead and what he stands convention, and his Mexican- later this morning. for. responsibility, that with privilege born daughter-in-law, Columba, comes obligations. “ The fire burned heavily all Bush had been expected to through the night," Jeffery said. delivered the final seconding Now 64, Bush has a long resume bring his new running mate. Sen. speech for his nomination in “ We had to evacuate homes and Dan Quayle, to the Texas break­ of service: Navy combat pilot, residences in the McClellan Spanish. congressman from Texas, am­ fast, but he said the Indiana By design. Bush’s oldest son. Creek drainage, the Jackson and senator was “ upstairs working on bassador to the United Nations, Crystal creek drainages" in a George W. Bush, delivered the 111 envoy to China, chief of the CIA his speech.” votes of the Texas delegation that mountainous Helena suburb. Later, Bush was to attend a and two-term vice president. put the state’s “ favorite son and Gramm called Bush simply She said no figures were rally for his wife, Barbara, and available on how many people the world’s best father" over the “ the greatest vice president this then go to a $l,000-a-plate lun­ 1,139 delegates needed for nation has ever had.” were evacuated. cheon expected to raise $4 million nomination. Delivering a seconding speech A bar-restaurant at Montana for the Republican National From a hotel suite nearby. that drew roars of applause, Penn City became a fire refugee center Committee. Bush watched the proceedings on State football coach Joe Patemo as an unknown number of resi­ Meanwhile, there was encou­ television, surrounded by grand­ shouted, “ I ’ll be damned if I ’ll sit dents were ordered out of the raging news for him in a new children and other relatives. still while people who can’t carry wooded mountains in Helena’s AP photo public opinion poll. Several polls suburbs. “ It is a special moment,” he George Bush’s shoes ridicule HUGS FOR THE NOMINEE — Vice President George after last month’s Democratic said. “ The conclusion was fore­ him.” An orange glow lit the skies National Convention gave Demo­ Bush is nuzzled by granddaughter Marshall Bush as she gone, but it’s special.” All of his Sen. Bob Dole also took a turn at southeast of Helena in the pre­ cratic presidential nominee Mi­ IS held by Laura Bush Wednesday night in New Orleans. children and his 10 grandchildren the podium, deriding Dukakis as dawn hours, and smoke clouds chael Dukakis leads of 17 points will be on stage with Bush tonight one of those “ liberal doom-sayers thousands of feet high had an The Bush family gathered to watch the nomination roll or so, but recent surveys have orange underlining. call. to share in his moment of who believe that America cannot suggested the gap has narrowed triumph. The fire made a “ major run” be trusted.” Wednesday afternoon, burning into more timber on the eastern slopes of the Elk Mountains, said fire information officer Bob Pakistan in state of emergency; crash probed Krepps. The blaze was sparked Aug. 9 when a four-wheel-drive By Bryan Wilder sabotage. vehicle caught fire. helicopter or was shot down by India. The Associated Press In neighboring India, Pakistan’s long­ Despite the drawbacks, Temperatures in the 90s, low Pakistan was created from Moslem- time adversary, security forces report­ Zia w as a key U.S. ally humidity and winds caused to fire dominated areas of predominantly Hindu ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Pakistan’s edly shot and killed two people and — story on page 9 to take off, and the same weather new president declared a state of India when the subcontinent became wounded seven today in battles with independent of Britain in 1947. The two conditions were expected again emergency today and businesses were pro-Pakistani crowds. countries have fought three wars. today, Krepps said. shuttered in official mourning for Presi­ A funeral for Zia, a close U.S. ally, was and five top Pakistani generals. The Indian border states of Jammu and Firefighters also braced for dent Mohammad Zia ul-Haq, who died in a set for Saturday. The U.S. Embassy said The transport plane crashed just Kashmir were placed under curfews today weather-related problems at fiery plane crash with the U.S. Secretary of State George P. Shultz would minutes after leaving Bahawalpur. 330 after pro-Pakistanis tried to set two fires in drought-dried southeast­ ambassador. attend. miles south of Islamabad near the Indian bridges ablaze. Indian news reports said ern Montana. Senate Chairman Ghulam Ishaq Khan, The government originally put the border. The group had been inspecting a two people were killed and sevpn wounded Ron Smith, a fire information who became head of state in accordance number of dead at 37, but an official military unit near the city. officer at Lame Deer, Mont., said with the constitution, ordered a probe into by security forces when a crowd defied the release listed 30 victims, including U.S. Unofficial reports and rumors circu­ fire crews were strengthening why the air force C-130 exploded in the sky curfew. Ambassador Arnold Rapliel, U.S. defense lated that the American-made C-130 was lines on three nearby blazes Wednesday, He said he couldn’t rule out adviser Brig. Gen. Herbert M. Wassom hit by an anti-aircraft missile or a totaling about 14,000 acres, in See PAKISTAN, page 10 anticipation of a storm front today. ■ - “ If that front is pushing high Bid snafus blamed for delays winds ahead of it, it can be disastrous,” he said Wednesday night. “ It’s predicted to be 100 degrees, 2 percent humidity and in start of school renovations with high winds. All that adds up to a real ugly situation." By Andrew J. Davis renovations at Waddell and Bow­ town does not have any power to Yellowstone officials today and Andrew Yurkovsky ers was caused after bids came in force contractors to abide by monitored park routes, including Manchester Herald higher than estimated. In addi­ deadlines contained in the con­ a 14-iAile road that was reopened tion, a Norwich firm, C.R. Klewin tracts for the work, which he Wednesday, that could be blocked School officials today blamed a Inc., retracted its low bid in described as “Just (the contrac­ by fires and burned trees knocked delay in accepting construction December for work on the two tor’s) estimated time.” down by wind.
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