Enquiries to: Jackie Essex Direct Dial: 024 7637 6165 Direct Email: [email protected] Date: 2nd March, 2015 Dear Sir/Madam, A meeting of the PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE will be held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Nuneaton on Tuesday,10th March, 2015 at 5.00 p.m. Planning Training on changes to Section 106 legislation will be held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Nuneaton at 4.00 p.m. prior to the meeting of Planning Applications Committee. All Members of the Council are invited to attend this training. Public Consultation on planning applications will commence at 5.00 p.m. (see Agenda Item No. 5 for clarification). Please note that meetings may be recorded for future broadcast. Yours faithfully, ALAN FRANKS Managing Director To: All Members of the Planning (Councillors W.J. Hancox (Chair), Applications Committee J.B. Beaumont, I.C. Bonner, R.G. Copland, J. Foster, D. Harvey, P.D. Hickling, B.J. Longden, A.A. Lloyd, D.C. Navarro, N.J.P. Phillips, G.D. Pomfrett and J. Sheppard) Planning Applications Committee - 10th March, 2015 1 AGENDA PART I - PUBLIC BUSINESS 1. EVACUATION PROCEDURE A fire drill is not expected, so if the alarm sounds please evacuate the building quickly and calmly. Please use the stairs and do not use the lifts. Once out of the building, please gather outside the Yorkshire Bank on the opposite side of the road. Exit by the door by which you entered the room or by the fire exits which are clearly indicated by the standard green fire exit signs. If you need any assistance in evacuating the building, please make yourself known to a member of staff. Please also make sure all your mobile phones are turned off or set to silent. Chair to advise the meeting if all or part of the meeting will be recorded for future broadcast. 2. APOLOGIES - To receive apologies for absence from the meeting. 3. MINUTES - To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 17th February, 2015 (attached). (Page 4) 4. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and Other Interests, in accordance with the Members’ Code of Conduct. Note: Following the adoption of the new Code of Conduct, Members are reminded that they should declare the existence and nature of their personal interests at the commencement of the relevant item (or as soon as the interest becomes apparent). If that interest is a Disclosable Pecuniary or a Deemed Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, the Member must withdraw from the room. Where a Member has a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest but has received a dispensation from Standards Committee, that Member may vote and/or speak on the matter (as the case may be) and must disclose the existence of the dispensation and any restrictions placed on it at the time the interest is declared. Planning Applications Committee - 10th March, 2015 2 Where a Member has a Deemed Disclosable Interest as defined in the Code of Conduct, the Member may address the meeting as a member of the public as set out in the Code. Note: Council Procedure Rules require Members with Disclosable Pecuniary Interests to withdraw from the meeting unless a dispensation allows them to remain to vote and/or speak on the business giving rise to the interest. Where a Member has a Deemed Disclosable Interest, the Council’s Code of Conduct permits public speaking on the item, after which the Member is required by Council Procedure Rules to withdraw from the meeting. 5. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION ON WHICH THE PUBLIC HAVE INDICATED A DESIRE TO SPEAK. EACH SPEAKER WILL BE ALLOWED 3 MINUTES ONLY TO MAKE THEIR POINTS – the report of the Head of Development Control attached. (Schedule Page No. 6) 6. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION ON WHICH NO MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC HAS INDICATED A DESIRE TO SPEAK – the report of the Head of Development Control attached. (Schedule Page No. 6) 7. ANY OTHER ITEMS which in the opinion of the Chair of the meeting should be considered as a matter of urgency because of special circumstances (which must be specified). Planning Applications Committee - 10th March, 2015 3 - 42 - NUNEATON AND BEDWORTH BOROUGH COUNCIL th PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE 17 February, 2015 A meeting of the Planning Applications Committee was held at the Civic Hall, Bedworth on Tuesday, 17th February, 2015. Present Councillor W.J. Hancox – Chair Councillors J.B. Beaumont, I.C. Bonner, J. Foster, D. Harvey, P.D. Hickling, B.J. Longden, D.C. Navarro, N.J.P. Phillips, G.D. Pomfrett and J. Sheppard. Apologies for absence from the meeting were received from Councillor R.G. Copland. The Chair announced that the meeting would be recorded by Councillor Kondakor. PLA49 Minutes RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 27th January, 2015 be confirmed. PLA50 Declarations of Interest Councillor D.C. Navarro declared an interest in any relevant item by reason of his appointment as a Non-Executive Director of the George Eliot NHS Trust. IN PUBLIC SESSION PLA51 Planning Applications (Note: Names of the members of the public who spoke are recorded in the Schedule.) RESOLVED that decisions be made on applications for planning permission as shown in the attached schedule, for the reasons and with the conditions set out in the report and addendum unless stated otherwise. _________________________ Chair Planning Applications Committee - 10th March, 2015 4 - 43 - SCHEDULE OF APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION AND RELATED MATTERS REFERRED TO IN MINUTE PLA51 OF THE PLANNING APPLICATIONS COMMITTEE ON 17TH FEBRUARY, 2015 033050: Site 61B007 – Former allotments north of The Bull Ring, Nuneaton Erection of 53 dwellings Applicant: A R Cartwright Ltd & Canal & River Trust Speaker: Councillor Keith Kondakor Alan Baxter Jeff Hayward DECISION: Deferred at the applicant’s request for further discussions on highways issues. ________________________________________________________________ 033063: QCR Coatings, Whitacre Road Industrial Estate CV11 6BU Erection of B1/B2 industrial unit at Unit 22a Whitacre Road, Nuneaton Applicant: Mr Douglas Whitmore Speaker: Councillor Keith Kondakor DE CISION: Approved with conditions __________________________________________________________________ Planning Applications Committee - 10th March, 2015 5 Planning Applications Committee 10th March 2015 Applications for Planning Permission etc. Agenda Item Index Item Page No. No. Member Training Changes to Section 106 legislation Previously considered 1. 032578 Site 31B005, Land Rear of 130-194 The Long Shoot 7 (Cresswells Poultry Farm) Prior Approval 2. 033166 163 Gadsby Street, Nuneaton 23 Planning Applications 3. 033156 Land at Hill Farm (Site 36C002) Plough Hill Road, 27 Nuneaton 4. 033152 Site 42B001, Land Rear of 28-44 The Long Shoot 76 Nuneaton 5. 032990 Site 94D023, Bedworth College, R/O 7-23 Newtown Road. 84 Bedworth 6. 033133 24 Charles Street Nuneaton. 102 Wards: AB Abbey AR Arbury AT Attleborough BA Barpool BE Bede BU Bulkington CH Camp Hill EX Exhall GC Galley Common HE Heath KI Kingswood PO Poplar SL Slough SN St Nicolas WB Wembrook WE Weddington WH Whitestone Planning Applications Committee - 10th March, 2015 6 PREVIOUSLY CONSIDERED Item No. 1 REFERENCE No. 032578 Site Address: Land rear of 130-194, The Long Shoot (Cresswells Poultry Farm) Description of Development: Outline permission for the erection of up to 150 dwellings with associated public open space, landscaping, infrastructure and parking provision. Including the demolition of No.162 The Long Shoot (All matters reserved, other than access) Applicant: Callendar Farm Limited Ward: St Nicolas RECOMMENDATION: Planning Committee is recommended to grant planning permission, subject to the conditions and s.106 agreement as printed. INTRODUCTION: This is an outline application for residential development for up to 150 dwellings. Committee has previously resolved to grant delegated authority for this application to be approved, subject to negotiations relating to the NHS & Dual Cycle path contributions. A resolution on these matters was not reached and Officers do not consider that the contributions being sought on these matters are CIL compliant. Therefore, the application is being returned to committee for a decision, with the need for a NHS & Dual Cycle path provision removed. The following matter is to be considered at this stage: Access – accessibility to and within the site for vehicles, cycles and pedestrians in terms of the positioning and treatment of access and circulation routes and how these fit into the surrounding access network. The following matters are reserved to be considered at a future stage and do not form part of the application: Layout – the way in which buildings, routes and open spaces are provided within the development and their relationship to buildings and spaces outside the development. Scale – the height, width and length of each building proposed in relation to its surroundings. Appearance – The aspects of a building or place which determine the visual impression in makes, including the external built form of the development. Landscaping – Treatment of private and public space to enhance or protect the site’s amenity through hard and soft measures, for example, through planting of trees or hedges or screening by fences or walls. The application site is to the North Eastern edge of Nuneaton along the, The Long Shoot. The Long Shoot adjoins the A5, to the north of the existing site access. The site currently forms part of an agricultural use, including a poultry farming as well as caravan storage. The site is semi-rural with residential development enclosing the POA Planning Applications Committee - 10th March, 2015 7 eastern boundary and to the north along Watling Street (the A5). The portion of the site closest to the existing development along the Long Shoot consists of hard standing in association with storage of up to 200 caravans, a farm shop and other associated buildings, agricultural in appearance. No.162 is within the red line of the application site.
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