Pt. 744, Supp. 3 15 CFR Ch. VII (1–1–15 Edition) (ii) 6C992 Optical sensing fibers not con- (9) Category 9—Propulsion Systems, Space trolled by 6A002.d.3 which are modified struc- Vehicles and Related Equipment turally to have a ‘‘beat length’’ of less than 500 mm (high birefringence) or optical sensor (i) 9A991 Limited to ‘‘aircraft’’, n.e.s., and materials not described in 6C002.b and having gas turbine engines not controlled by 9A001 a zinc content of equal to or more than 6% or 9A101. by ‘‘mole fraction.’’ (ii) 9D991 ‘‘Software’’, for the ‘‘develop- (iii) 6A993 Cameras, not controlled by 6A003 ment’’ or ‘‘production’’ of equipment con- or 6A203 as follows (see List of Items Con- trolled by 9A991 or 9B991. trolled). (iii) 9E991 ‘‘Technology’’, for the ‘‘devel- opment’’, ‘‘production’’ or ‘‘use’’ of equip- (7) Category 7—Navigation and Avionics ment controlled by 9A991 or 9B991. (i) 7A994 Other navigation direction find- ing equipment, airborne communication [72 FR 33658, June 19, 2007, as amended at 73 equipment, all aircraft inertial navigation FR 36, Jan. 2, 2008; 74 FR 23948, May 22, 2009; systems not controlled under 7A003 or 7A103, 75 FR 54277, Sept. 7, 2010; 78 FR 13469, Feb. 28, and other avionic equipment, including parts 2013; 79 FR 23, Jan. 2, 2014] and components, n.e.s. (ii) 7B994 Other equipment for the test, SUPPLEMENT NO. 3 TO PART 744—COUN- inspection, or ‘‘production’’ of navigation TRIES NOT SUBJECT TO CERTAIN NU- and avionics equipment. CLEAR END-USE RESTRICTIONS IN (iii) 7D994 ‘‘Software’’, n.e.s., for the ‘‘de- velopment’’, ‘‘production’’, or ‘‘use’’ of navi- § 744.2(a) gation, airborne communication and other Australia Italy (includes San avionics. Marino and Holy (iv) 7E994 ‘‘Technology’’, n.e.s., for the Austria See) ‘‘development’’, ‘‘production’’, or ‘‘use’’ of Belgium navigation, airborne communication, and Canada Japan other avionics equipment. Denmark Luxembourg Finland Netherlands (8) Category 8—Marine France New Zealand (i) 8A992 Limited to underwater systems or Germany Norway equipment, not controlled by 8A001 or 8A002, Greece Portugal and ‘‘specially designed’’ ‘‘parts’’ therefor. Iceland Spain (ii) 8D992 ‘‘Software’’ specially designed Ireland Sweden or modified for the ‘‘development’’, ‘‘produc- Turkey tion’’ or ‘‘use’’ of equipment controlled by United Kingdom 8A992. (iii) 8E992 ‘‘Technology’’ for the ‘‘devel- [61 FR 12802, Mar. 25, 1996, as amended at 62 opment’’, ‘‘production’’ or ‘‘use’’ of equip- FR 25459, May 9, 1997; 66 FR 18402, Apr. 9, ment controlled by 8A992. 2001] SUPPLEMENT NO. 4 TO PART 744—ENTITY LIST Country Entity License requirement License review FEDERAL REG- policy ISTER citation This Supplement lists certain entities subject to license requirements for specified items under this part 744 of the EAR. License requirements for these entities include exports, reexports, and transfers (in-country) unless otherwise stated. This list of enti- ties is revised and updated on a periodic basis in this Supplement by adding new or amended notifications and deleting notifi- cations no longer in effect. AFGHANISTAN .. Abdul Satar Ghoura, 501, 5th Floor, For all items subject Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/ Amanullah Sancharaki Market Opp to the EAR. (See 21/11. Chaman E Huzuri, Kabul, Afghani- § 744.11 of the stan; and Flat No. 41 Block No. 24 EAR). Macroyan 3, Kabul, Afghanistan. (See alternate addresses under Pakistan). Afghan-German Construction Com- For all items subject Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/ pany, Golaye Park, Shari Naw, to the EAR. (See 27/12. Kabul, Afghanistan, and Dasht Qala, § 744.11 of the Takhar Province, Afghanistan. EAR).. Assadullah Majed, 42S WD 18476 For all items subject Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/ 22167 Kabul, Afghanistan; and to the EAR. (See 21/11. A2 Ground Floor, City Computer § 744.11 of the Plaza, Shar-e-Naw, Kabul, Afghani- EAR). stan 396 VerDate Sep<11>2014 21:21 Mar 06, 2015 Jkt 235052 PO 00000 Frm 00406 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Q:\15\15V2.TXT 31 Bureau of Industry and Security, Commerce Pt. 744, Supp. 4 Country Entity License requirement License review FEDERAL REG- policy ISTER citation Emal Bilal Construction Company For all items subject Presumption of denial 79 FR 44683, 8/ (EBCC), a.k.a., the following two to the EAR. (See 1/14. aliases: § 744.11 of the —Imal Bilal Road Construction Com- EAR). pany; and —Aimal and Balal Company. Kolola Pushta, Charahi Gul-e-Surkh, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Maidan Sahr, Hetefaq Market, Paktiya, Af- ghanistan. Emal Bilal Mangal, a.k.a., the following For all items subject Presumption of denial 79 FR 44683, 8/ three aliases: to the EAR. (See 1/14. —Imal Bilal; and § 744.11 of the —Aimal Balal; and EAR). —Bellal Mangal. Kolola Pushta, Charahi Gul-e-Surkh, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Maidan Sahr, Hetefaq Market, Paktiya, Af- ghanistan. Fazal Rahim Farid, a.k.a., the following For all items subject Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/ three aliases: to the EAR. (See 21/11. —Fazel Rahim Farid; § 744.11 of the —Farid; and EAR). —Engineer Idris. Microrayan 3rd Apt. 45, block #21, Kabul, Afghanistan; and A2 Ground Floor, City Computer Plaza, Shar-e- Naw, Kabul, Afghanistan. (See alter- nate addresses under Pakistan). Habib ur Rahman, a.k.a., the following For all items subject Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/ two aliases: to the EAR. (See 21/11. —Hanif; and § 744.11 of the —Habib Rahman. EAR). Ghazni City, Afghanistan. Haji Khalil Construction Company, For all items subject Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/ Wazir Akbar Khan, Road Number to the EAR. (See 27/12. 10, In front of National Bank, District § 744.11 of the 10, Kabul, Afghanistan. EAR). Hanif Computer Zone (HCZ), Ghazni For all items subject Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/ City, Afghanistan. to the EAR. (See 21/11. § 744.11 of the EAR). Heim German Afghan Khalil Company, For all items subject Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/ Wazir Akbar Khan, District 10, to the EAR. (See 27/12. Kabul, Afghanistan; and Shahr-e- § 744.11 of the Now, Kabul, Afghanistan, and EAR). Paktiyakoot, Jalalabad Road, District #9, Kabul, Afghanistan. Ibrahim Haqqani, a.k.a., the following For all items subject Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/ two aliases: to the EAR. (See 27/12. —Hajji Sahib; and § 744.11 of the —Maulawi Haji Ibrahim Haqqani. EAR).. Iqra Computer Products, a.k.a., the fol- For all items subject Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/ lowing two aliases: to the EAR. (See 21/11. —Iqra IT solutions; and § 744.11 of the —Iqra Computer Store. EAR).. A2 Ground Floor, City Computer Plaza, Shar-e-Naw, Kabul, Afghani- stan. 397 VerDate Sep<11>2014 21:21 Mar 06, 2015 Jkt 235052 PO 00000 Frm 00407 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Q:\15\15V2.TXT 31 Pt. 744, Supp. 4 15 CFR Ch. VII (1–1–15 Edition) Country Entity License requirement License review FEDERAL REG- policy ISTER citation Khalil Zadran, a.k.a., the following For all items subject Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/ eight aliases: to the EAR. (See 27/12. —Samar Gul Khalil; § 744.11 of the —Khalil Samar Gul; EAR) —Samer Khalil; —Samer Gul Khalil; —Khlil Khalil; —Kalil Khalil; —Khalil Khualil; and —Haji Khalil. Shahreno, Kabul, Afghanistan. (See alternate address in Pakistan). Khalil Zadran Company, a.k.a., the fol- For all items subject Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/ lowing alias: to the EAR. (See 27/12. —Khalil Construction. § 744.11 of the EAR). Afghanistan (See alternate address in Pakistan). Kurshid Ghoura, a.k.a., the following For all items subject Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/ two aliases: to the EAR. (See 21/11. —Kurshed Ghoura; and § 744.11 of the —Kursheed Ghoura. EAR). 501, 5th Floor, Amanullah Sancharaki Market Opp Chaman E Huzuri, Kabul, Afghanistan; and Flat No. 41 Block No. 24 Macroyan 3, Kabul, Afghanistan. (See alternate addresses under Pakistan). Lapcom Computer Stores, A2 Ground For all items subject Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/ Floor, City Computer Plaza, Shar-e- to the EAR. (See 21/11. Naw, Kabul, Afghanistan. (See alter- § 744.11 of the nate address under Pakistan). EAR). Mohammad Jan Khan Mangal, Kolola For all items subject Presumption of denial 79 FR 44683, 8/ Pushta, Charahi Gul-e-Surkh, Kabul, to the EAR. (See 1/14. Afghanistan; and Maidan Sahr, § 744.11 of the Hetefaq Market, Paktiya, Afghani- EAR). stan. Mohammad Jan Mangal Construction For all items subject Presumption of denial 79 FR 56003, 9/ Company (MMCC), Kolola Pushta, to the EAR. (See 18/14. Charahi Gul-e-Surkh, Kabul, Afghan- § 744.11 of the istan; and Maidan Sahr, Hetefaq EAR). Market, Paktiya, Afghanistan. Muhammad Halim Ghoura, 501, 5th For all items subject Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/ Floor, Amanullah Sancharaki Market to the EAR. (See 21/11. Opp Chaman E Huzuri, Kabul, Af- § 744.11 of the ghanistan; and Flat No. 41 Block No. EAR). 24 Macroyan 3, Kabul, Afghanistan. (See alternate addresses under Pakistan). Ologh Beg International Forwarders For all items subject Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/ Ltd., 501, 5th Floor, Amanullah to the EAR. (See 21/11. Sancharaki Market Opp Chaman E § 744.11 of the Huzuri, Kabul, Afghanistan. (See al- EAR). ternate address under Pakistan). Onyx Construction Company, Shahr-e- For all items subject Presumption of denial 77 FR 25057, 4/ Now, Charahi Haji Yaqoub, In front to the EAR. (See 27/12. of the AIB Bank, District 10, Kabul, § 744.11 of the Afghanistan; and Char Rahi Ansari, EAR). Toaward Kolola Poshta, Shar-Naw Kabul, Afghanistan 11496. Qazi Abdallah, a.k.a., the following four For all items subject Presumption of denial 76 FR 71869, 11/ aliases: to the EAR.
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