Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis Vol. 11 No. 3, Hlm. 697-711, December 2019 p-ISSN : 2087-9423 http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jurnalikt e-ISSN : 2620-309X DOI: http://doi.org/10.29244/jitkt.v11i3.23861 A STRATEGIC PLAN FOR DEVELOPING THE BANDA ARCHIPELAGO AS AN ECOTOURISM AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AREAS RENCANA STRATEGI UNTUK MENGEMBANGKAN KEPULAUAN BANDA SEBAGAI KAWASAN EKOTURISME DAN KONSERVASI LINGKUNGAN Rudianto*, Armyn Atlanta Putra, Zulqi Fahreza Akbar and Audina Putri Marine Science Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Brawijaya University, Malang, 65145, Indonesia *E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Banda Islands is located in the eastern part of Indonesia. These islands are rich in coral reefs and fish. This archipelago has been designated by the Indonesian Government as a tourist area. However, the Banda Islands are facing several economic, social and environmental problems. This study aims to provide policy input to local governments in the form of a strategic plan to develop the Banda Islands as ecotourism and environmental conservation. The method used is —Ecotourism 2pportunity Spectrum“ (EC2S) and the —Conservation Measures Partnership" (CMP) model. The results of this study produce five strategic plans: a) The first priority is to create a working forum; b) the second is the integration of tasks between the parties involved; c) the third priority is the regulation for changes in coastal land; d) fourth priority is mapping of fishing and; e) the fifth priority is alternative livelihoods. Keywords: Banda Archipelago, CMP, ECOS, ecotourism, strategic plan ABSTRAK Kepulauan Banda terletak di bagian timur Indonesia yang kaya dengan terumbu karang dan ikan. Kepulauan ini telah ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia sebagai daerah wisata. Namun, kepulauan Banda sedang menghadapi beberapa masalah ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan masukan kebijakan kepada pemerintah daerah dalam bentuk rencana strategis untuk mengembangkan kepulauan Banda sebagai ekowisata dan konservasi lingkungan. Metode yang digunakan adalah —Ecotourism 2pportunity Spectrum“ (EC2S) dan —Conservation Measures Partnership" (CMP). Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan lima rencana strategis: a) prioritas pertama adalah menciptakan forum kerja; b) yang kedua adalah integrasi tugas di antara pihak-pihak yang terlibat; c) prioritas ketiga adalah peraturan untuk perubahan tanah pesisir; d) prioritas keempat adalah pemetaan penangkapan ikan dan; e) prioritas kelima adalah mata pencaharian alternatif. Kata kunci: CMP, ECOS, ekowisata, Kepulauan Banda, rencana strategis I. INTRODUCTION an answer to this because of its potential for supporting the conservation of natural Conservation, according to Dunster ecosystems and promoting sustainable local and Dunster (1996), basically involves the development (Buckley, 1994; Wallace and management or control of human use of Pierce, 1996; Lindberg et al., 1997). Natural resources (biotic and abiotic) in an attempt to resource conservation is thus necessary restore, enhance, protect, and sustain the because ecotourism is a form of nature-based quality and quantity of a desired mix of tourism and as such, depends on the natural species, ecosystem conditions, and processes environment for its existence. According to for present and future generations. Budowski (1977) stated that tourism can be Ecotourism, therefore, has been described as important to natural resource conservation Department of Marine Science and Technology FPIK-IPB, ISOI, and HAPPI 697 A Strategic Plan for Developing . because part of the income from tourism can wall fence. Welly et al. (2012) proposed that be reinvested into maintaining natural areas. to address the pressures existing on these Yet, despite assurances of improved and high-valued fishes, effective management alternative livelihood options by needs to be established for Banda waters conservationists and governments, rural through the development of a marine communities often tend to be worse-off protected area network managed by national following the creation of protected areas and and local governments, as well as the local introduction of tourism products due to, community. Therefore, the purpose of this among others, inequity in the distribution of study was to develop a strategic plan for the tourism benefits (Cobbinah et al., 2017). development of the Banda archipelago as a According to Khoshtaria et al. (2017) areas marine tourism park area. The development that function to be developed as ecotourism of the Banda archipelago does not only areas, unique protection of natural diversity, pursue economic benefits but what is and increased welfare of adjacent residential important is to conserve ecological values populations are strategic issues to consider. based on sustainable development. To explore the relationship between ecotourism and environmental conservation, II. RESEARCH METHODS a study will be conducted in the Banda archipelago. The problems faced by Banda 2.1. Time and Place of Research archipelago as a marine eco-tourism area The study time is carried out between include: (a) damage of coral reefs due to the October and December 2017 by conducting use of anchors, the effect of waste and field observations and literature studies. The pollution and the mining of coral for building study areas include 11 Banda islands with a materials; (b) there has been a decline in fish total area of 180.59 km2 (18,059 ha). There catch and an increase in operational costs for are 11 islands included in the Banda Islands, fishing. Banda Archipelago has great only 5 islands are inhabited by humans. This potential for marine tourism because the is due to the size of the inhabited island archipelago has beautiful coral reefs, many covering an area of 13.16 ha to 108.63 ha. diving spots, and white sand beaches. Banda archipelago is located in the Central However, marine tourism has not been Maluku district with 180.59 square managed optimally and the community has kilometers on the Banda Sea inner arc. The not been involved directly in managing archipelago is a remote oceanic archipelago marine tourism. The Banda Archipelago also situated in the Banda Sea, eastern Indonesia, has a high potential for historical and cultural at approximately 04°31 S and 129°54 E. tourism because of the existence of forts and old buildings from the colonial era and the 2.2. Material and Data period of struggle for Indonesian Banda archipelago was analyzed in independence; (c) there have been too many terms of its potentials from the most jaring bobo (purse seine or encircling nets) dominant coastal ecosystems: environmental operating in the coastal area, which has sustainability, co-management-based natural resulted in overfishing of small fish; (d) there resource management and key elements that were many tuna longline boats around Banda are key to the successful management of waters; (e) mining activities were still found natural resources and human resources, ie in Rhun Island which were done to create institutional development. Coastal areas in embankments and piles of sea waves and Banda archipelago provide multiple abrasion occurring around the settlement. ecosystem services such as coral reefs, fish Apart from that, it is also used for building production and recreation in marine parks to materials on a small scale for households or human society, which contribute to local 698 http://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/jurnalikt Rudianto et al. livelihoods and encourage local and national Banda archipelago which became the object economic development. The map of the of the research is presented below. Figure 1. Map of the Banda Islands, Maluku Province, Indonesian. 2.3. Potential of Coastal Ecosystems Napoleon wrasse was found in the Banda Banda archipelago was designated as Islands. However, even though the fish are a national conservation area and a sea protected under law, they still become targets tourism park with an area of 2500 Ha. The of fishing. Coral reefs in the Banda Islands potentials of the archipelago include coral are categorized as oceanic reefs, where the reefs, pelagic fishery potential, wildlife reef flats are narrow and directly facing the potential, and marine conservation areas. The deep sea. Generally, the coral reef cover and coral reefs spread across six islands in Banda fish abundance in the Banda archipelago are archipelago, from Run Island on the west to good. In some locations, the cover and Hatta Island, 50 km to the south. The abundance are quite high with a high condition of coral reefs was good, but low- potential for fishing. The best coral cover at level damages can be found. the depth of three meters on the Island of Welly et al. (2012) stated that the Nailaka reaches 88.97% and the depth of ten total number of coral species found in the meters in the location of Lava Flow (volcano Banda Islands reached 397 species. The fish island). Furthermore, the hard coral cover in surveys identified 433 different fish species. the Banda Islands is still in good condition. Until today, the total number of fish species However, from observations, some damages has reached 683 species. A great number of and threats to the coral reefs due to Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis, Vol. 11, No. 3, December 2019 699 A Strategic Plan for Developing . destructive fishing were found. Alik et al. erupted on May 9th. Until the date of May (2012) mentioned that the Banda archipelago 31st, the 1988 eruption occurred at
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