New Yosc Newsletter

New Yosc Newsletter

!""#$%#&'()*""#$# Year of Social Change fall 2009-Spring 2010 Inspiring Enabling & Empowering Community Transformations FA 2009 - SP 2010! Faculty Organizers: Dr. Ishita Sinha Roy & Dr. Emily Yochim Michael Pollan, “The Kathy Eldon’s Creative Greg Mortenson on “Promoting Peace through Education” (Oct. 7, Sun Food Activism Project Workshop Agenda” (Feb. 25, 2010) (Sept. 25, 2009) 2009) Connects the dots Read about how Kathy uses between food and health her son Dan Eldon’s legacy to Dr. Vandana Shiva on Food Security in a Time of Climate (personal as well as inspire young people to use Change (Oct. 26, 2009) environmental), and their creative resources to introduces us to some of Environmental activist Dr. Shiva on the perils of fossil fuel inspire change the visionaries who are dependence, climate change, and the privatization of natural A unique lesson on global citizenship “re-solarizing” the food Page 9 resources like water, soil, and seeds. Pp 11-12 and the power of pennies to build the system future of young people across the Page 27 world, and foster public diplomacy Page 10 AND MANY MORE DETAILS INSIDE..... A Vision for Change “We will define new and compelling ways to inspire our students to set their extraordinary talents to the timeless values of citizenship – values grounded in a deep sensitivity to the dignity of the individual…an ambition leavened by humility, a love of country animated by the pursuit of justice Allegheny College President and a dedication to service that is framed by the James H. Mullen, Jr. awareness of something larger than themselves.” Our sincere thanks to ASG, and the Year of Social Change student ambassadors for their initiative & hard work in making this year a success. !+*,-(-%#('#!.(*/(0*)1!"()%!&$# ! Allegheny College was founded in 1813. When this school had its first freshmen class, America was still fighting the war of 1812 with the British.! The college will celebrate its 200th anniversary in 2013 The Year of Social Change (fall 2009- (through an Andrew W. Mellon On September 11, 2009, the first spring 2010) at Allegheny College, Foundation grant), the English, National Day of Service and PA, is a celebration of the ongoing Political Science, and Communication Remembrance, Crawford County community transformations that have Arts & Theater Departments, VESA service agencies, non-profit been facilitated by collaborations (Values, Ethics & Social Action) organizations, and faith-based groups between students, faculty, staff, and program, and individual student participated in “Imagine Out community partners. organizations (Amnesty International, Loud”—a community involvement Allegheny College Young Feminists, fair, organized by the Community We hope to increase the ranks of Feminist Majority Leadership Service Office at the Allegheny ordinary people who discover they Alliance, Religious Life Council, College Center for Experiential have the power to become movers Hillel, A5, and the TriDelts). Learning (ACCEL). Community and shakers. Through our collective partners were paired with interested efforts, we wish to debunk the myth The Year of Social Change student Allegheny students and offered that academic life has little or nothing ambassadors in alphabetical order are opportunities to get involved in social to do with tackling ‘real world’ issues. Sherif Ahmed, Sonja DeJong, Zachary justice efforts in the local community. Fradeneck, Marisa Frey, Lydia The Year of Social Change has been co- Gearhart, Sarah Gentile, Sylvia With this event, we formally sponsored by the Allegheny College Kauffman, John Mahalachak, Raynor inaugurated the Year of Social Change, Student Government and the Office Mallory, Vira Mistry, Matthew and in the pages that follow, we offer for Conference and Event Services. Neckelman, Arish Riaz, Jie Ren, a glimpse at some of the programs Individual events have received Caitlin O’Brien Rice, Katy Orchowski, and events that have been part of this additional funding from the Dean of Kathleen Prosperi, Zack Rearick, , transformative annual theme on Students’ Office, Health and Wellness Moinuddin Syed, Jinnie Templin, campus. Committee, Religious Life Office, Dave Valentine, and Eric Winters. Environmental Science Dept. 1! Inspiring Enabling & Empowering Community Transformations 0!23"#(.#2#2+.!&)#(4!'(3*0-)!.40 Inspiring Enabling & Empowering Community Transformations 2! !-(-%#(0-!.-1&$("1&#555 L to R: Allegheny College James H. Mullen Jr. with L to R: Year of Social Change faculty organizers Dr. Allegheny Student Govt. President Brett Fuchs Michael Stoops , Director of Community Organizing Ishita Sinha Roy & Dr. Emily Yochim, both from the (Class of 2010) with National Homeless Ciil Rights Organizing department of Communication Arts & Theater Project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`[/Ca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b%'7%0))0%'0>%.$>%'%;)(42#)6% ,#'01$I3'4$(2=%*',-.-7'@01%;)(42#)62=%'0>% 6D3D%-0%+,#8.7P%F'0Z8$7%C'..%7)%;$.,)3$% *),82-01%)0%,)3380-79%)(1'0-P-01%'2%)0$%)*% 6.'00-01%',@)0I5'2$>%)87,)3$2%7#'7% E-,#'$.%+7))62=%>-($,7)(%)*%,)3380-79% 7#$%:.0#V!V;8S#/#&7#(;.'%6()V$,72%)0% 3)@:'7$%6$(2)0'.%'0>%,-:-,%($26)02-5-.-79=A% )(1'0-P-01%;-7#%7#$%['@)0'.%C)3$.$22%/-:-.% +'78(>'9=%Oct. 17. 2'->%<22),-'7$%J()*$22)(%)*%/)3380-,'@)0% L-1#72%W(1'0-P-01%J()V$,7%'0>%6()V$,7%>-($,7)(% !"#$%&'(%)*+'*+(',%'#-+'.(/#)0("&&'12'*3( <(72%K2#-7'%+-0#'%L)9=%'%*',8.79%,))(>-0'7)(%*)(% *)(%X&)8%\)0]7%[$$>%'%C)3$%7)%^)7$=X%7)%7#$% 4)&&'1'(5'67(8*&9*': 7#$%&$'(%)*%+),-'.%/#'01$D <..$1#$09%,'3682D <..$1#$09%+78>$07%M):$(03$07%'0>%NO%)7#$(% +78>$072%82$>%)0$%F())42%3$'.%7)%6'9%*)(%'% 278>$07%)(1'0-P'@)02%'($%#$.6-01%7)%26)02)(% 5($'>%'0>%2)86%>-00$(D%"#$%.$_):$(%($:$08$% 7#$%&$'(%)*%+),-'.%/#'01$%',@:-@$2D 1$0$('7$>%*()3%7#$%3$'.%;'2%>)0'7$>%7)%7#$% '($'%*))>%5'04=%;#-,#%-2%-0%>-($%0$$>%)*% !H$Q($%$R,-7$>%7#'7%278>$072%'($%7'4-01%'% 2866.-$2D .$'>$(2#-6%().$%-0%6.'00-01%'0>%6():->-01% S0'0,-'.%2866)(7%*)(%7#$%&$'(%)*%+),-'.% /#'01$=A%2'->%<..$1#$09%+78>$07%M):$(03$07% 6($2->$07%F($T%U8,#2=%'%6).-@,'.%2,-$0,$% 3'V)(%'0>%:'.8$2=%$7#-,2%'0>%2),-'.%',@)0% 3-0)(D%!W8(%1)'.%-2%7)%($3-0>%'0>%$0,)8('1$% 3! 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