-- 34V 3pte Wiichxh. kxIij HQk: WLtdmsil laoi'timo, fttttc 24, 1396, has been published quite extensively of that little was soon, picked up. A strong uoa. pftSHeajT-asa-je- H KING PITCHES BALL late. One point about cycling the riders SHORTS TAKE HOLD market prevailed all day, futures closing FREE LECTURE, his usual 30 questions, to every ea$ pay lfttCe to, though they fgQJHfi under yesterday. Spot dull, but but attention higher; 2fo. 2 red, cash, 550 bid elevator, of which the patient cosdactor ha tare gradually working around to it, is 5&y5ic new on track; No. 2 hard. 53sC given tha soft answer that turns away the mannner of dressing whilepreparing bid; July, 5ic bid; August 5oUc asked; BEEN, EXCEPT JUST THEN WHEN THEY HATE HAD bid-Co- 3k PfflEST EVF.E DYSPEPSL term. September, ra On "Health, Happiness and creditor. Bat the serroas passesige ' for a tour in the heated Sweaters Sic away. big, bulky col- Futures unsettled; trading llghc came bock yet once xaore. Tell aae ONE INNING. are passing The ENOUGH THET LET GO AGAIN. with but little strength, the market show-ln- z lars which adorned this useful piece of no-- change roni yesterday. Spot dull, Beauty ol Women," condecior." he eried. In his thla. wlro wheel apparel, are being done away steady; No. a mixed, cafcb. July, 2554 .edge voice, 'dces this cor 6X!4o; September, Bid.2c; jo a with. They are heavy and superfluous. 3sc through T At raomont bet-to- Bat That One, the Third, Lets the Giants In This Is Especially True of Sugar, Which Oats With a great pressure to sell, fu- that ti Mimyon's Stomach and Dyspepsia The light Jersey, with high collar, has tures were weak, olosinff under yes- of the bridge fall ost and ia tw Khds and Game, Thoogli 2fot wheel-me- nt Se- ?3c for Six the Cure cures all forme of Indigestion and come to take its place. Many Early Advances and Afterwards terday. Spot lowr; Xo. cash, ICMrC" DR. R C. FLOWER, er Boston to skips the train, pilednp in tho raxine Another Time Do They fecaro Bagged stomach trouble, such as rising of food, are now using negligee shirts, but cedes to an Anaonnt Sereral Times the bid; July, lffSgl3S4c: Angn&t ISHc bid; , September, They conabed. Had. o eating-- are opt to find that they discommode asked. Visit Kansas. what Sicy could Work in the Game at JJosIon Colts and distress after shortness of Advance General Trading Strong at Rye SSfcc lcasked. t3 breath, palpitation and all affections of the wheelman when he arrives at the Barley Nominal. the nervous passenger out of wrecii Beds Ban a Scrub Race Orioles Make the heart caused by indigestion, wind nd of 'his journey. Here is a good piece the Opening, Aided by Higher London Sattle Receipts. 3,500; active, strong; and spread it on the embankment. S!s steers, SXSOff-kS- ; it Five Straight With the Phillies Spid- on the stomach, road taste, offensive of advice. If the cyoler must pedal to Prices for Americans and Foreign Bny-i-n native dressed beef and Br. B. C Flower win deliver his new lip moved silently, leaning down, some spot through the c sum- butchers steers. 33.204.00. ers "Win by Hawley's Savor Western breath, loss of appetite, falntness or heat the Sllrer Certificates Xooklac Up Hoss Receipts, S.CC0; 5c higher: light lecture on "Health, Happiness and tho conductor whimpered In hia r. TJ weakness of the stomaoh, hoadache mer day, it is well for him to carry on 23.2083.71: mixed, S3J03J5; heavy, $3a0 Beauty of Women," at the following does, he said, softly. A traHo playeJ Games. from Indigestion, soreness of stom- fbis bantUe bars a sweater, which may AgainPolitical Agitation as. a Factor. 3.S0. places on named, times givenr the Sheep Receipts, 2,000; strong; natives, dates at upon the nervous manj countenance Played! Won. Lost Perc, ach, coated tongue, "heartburn, shooting be donnned at the end of his destina- Fort Scott. Kan... Opera House, .6W only well Xew York, June 23. The chief fea- 53.023U. end was gone. He spoke again. Baltimore .. 34 pains of the stomach, constipation, diz- tion. Wheelmen know too Corn meal 51.50. Thursday night, June 25, at S:15 p. m. nTer .. ... &' 31 .612 handy garment when they ture of the speculation today was Sugar, 3Sc That was cno aatkfactloa. 2T Y Cleveland .000 ziness, faintness and lack of energy. how this is Bran Steady. east track. Wichita. Kan., ihe Adilorium, Sun- Cincinnati .. ... c 33 perspiring, yet fear- displayed exceptional activity Flaxseed Steady, 75c World. - . &3 .580 Price 25 cents. ars warm and and which day afternoon, June 23, at. 2 p. m. Boston .... ... 23 Timothy seed Prime, SXC6. Washington' ... 49 35 23 .531 .Munyon's Rheumatism. Cure seldom ful of the consequences attendant on upon the break noted yesterday. The This lecture is free and is aid o be .529 Hay Dull, unchansed. Xackia(h-M- . Pittsburg ... .- - 51 27 3i lolling In some cool spot There is too Whisfcy tfay 25 .527 fails to relieve in one to three hours, stock was conspicuous early for a jump $1.22. one of the finest lectures ever delivered Philadelphia 55 29 and cures in few "days. 25 cents. much danger of illness, and considera- Butter Lovrer; creamery, 30SC6c; dairy, on the American platform. Er. Flower Mackintoshes art now classed atsong Brooklyn .. 52 27 25 .519 a Price following of per cent, to 120 per cent, despite W 23 27 51S Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily cures ble of ft could be avoided by esiic as on orator, for pathos, eloquence, im- Chicago news of further weakness in the foreign E?s-Stea- dy. TsC the stannvsr novelties. Tho latest New York. S3 31 .415 pains in the "back, loins or groins and this simple suggestion. povtry, and has no- superior. The 14 33 K9 product Lead I2.S0 bid. wit portations nre wonderful to behold. On Bt Louis E3 all forms kidney disease. 25c The George F. and domestic grades of fee Spelter CSV. can consulted professionally 50 11 33 --220 of Price attention of Chairman doctor be which, is particularly light hx weight Louisville Munyon's Vitalizer restores pow- Gideon has been called to the team work The movement, however, was largely, Cotton ties and bagging Unchanged. the following places on dates named: lost Pork Steadjt; standard mes3, jobbing, at is a brilliant scarlet In color, otripcq GIANTS 6; SENATORS 5. ers to weak mn. Price ?L now going on among the professionals. it not entirely, due to the covering of $7.g7.2S. Fort Scott, Kan., Goodlander hotel, separate con- 25, noon, Friday, with black Hnea and flecked with gold, York, June 23. "With the excep- A specific for each disease. In several cases there have been shorts, and as soon as this demand was Lard Steady; prime steam, $3.50; choice, Thursday, June until New bot-'ti- e. J3.S5. 26. is a large green and blue plaid inning At all druggists, mostly 25 cents a temptible methods resorted to in order satisfied the stock began to sag and June Another tion of the third today, ''Silver" to throw a rider or compel him to lose Bacon Shoulders, (boxed) and loDgs, Topeka, Kan., Hotel Throop, Satur- conspicuous enough to attract ntten eventually, on free offerings of The J4JS ribs. 4.50; shorts, Jt.O?. King pitched ball that no team on earth Personal Prof, runyon, 1505 a chance to win a race. With gold as day, June 27. bo letters to who delieved they detected in- Dry salt meats Shoulders, (boxed) $3.50; tion wherever it may worn. Thcs "beat. was as if magic speed good traders -; Carey, Monday, could It by that Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa,, answer- the incentive for and form, , longs, 54.00; SU2- shorts, 54.12. Wichita, Kan., Hotel long- selling-- receded 4 per rb3, mackintoshes have tho EnglriX the Giants found him for six runs In ed with free medical advice for any the competition is naturally more deter- side the price June 20. ,- cent, to 115 per cent The closing fig- NEW OKLEAS MARKET cape and are mado without aUwree- the third. This gave the locale the disease. mined; the riders who are compelled to Kansas City, Kan., ATlmon House, rely on their prize winnings to support ure was practically at the lowest The Tuesday, June 30. Chicago Tribune. fame. The Senators came within, an outset displayed New Orleans, June 23. Cotton Dull; them in their racing careers are not ad- general trading at the middling; 7c; ow middling. i!3-16- o; good It is claimed by Dr. Flower's frienda ace of winning out at the finish. Score: Among the College .Nine. verse to stooping to petty means to win strength under the influence of higher ordinary, 6 net receipts, 3.859; gross, thait can diagnose any any GIVING AWAY DUVitV. T TT T he disease of Providence, R, I., June 23. The Brown a race. Then, too, the Jobbery that is London prices for Americans and for- 3,031; sales, 100; stock, M.8H bales. person without asking the patient a Washington 7 1 eign purchases to a more Reft-alo- r mgaxl 2 tfe & ...0 0000004 15 university baseball team will leave here frightfuUly apparent is acting to the det- and also SEW IOBK XACKETS question, and that he is th only living Cde of New York....0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 - 6 9 2 Thursday for Chicago where will be riment of the sport A handicap rider cheerful sentiment regarding our rela- physician who can scientifically do ao Stoadlcantf.
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