° ‘ jCT,‘ The S lltllCTl Sh Weekly b « JEWISH^** lmbllsh a ¦"""“¦I? tor the duration \ An independent Newspaper Servins Ameriean Citizens of Jewish Faith THE OLDEST AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED y JEWISH PUBLICATION IN THIS TERRITORY VOL. 20 NO. 2 JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, FEBRUARY, 1945 $2.00 A YEAR <s> *i* Palestine Mourns I Between You t Southeastern Synagogue Conference United Jewish t I The Death Os I And Me | Meets In Birmingham, Alabama Henrietta Szold Appeal Dissolved * $ * By BORIS SMOLAR NEW YORK (JTA)—The Joint f (Special to Southern Jewish Copyright, 1944, Jewish * Distribution Committee and the | Zionist Monthly) The second annual Telegraphic Agency, Leaders United Palestine Appeal have de- | Inc. % convention of the Southeastern cided to conduct independent Synagogue Conference, Visit dedicated fund-raising campaigns in 1945. WATCHING DEVELOPMENTS: Here to the furtherance and perpetua- ~ Mortimer May, regional presi- Their decision marks the end of Jewish organizations interested tion of traditional Orthodox Juda- #* . M dent of the Southern Zionist Dis- * y the United Jewish Appeal which in protection of Jewish rights are ism in the Southeastern states, '1' trict, will visit with Jacksonville has functioned since 1938 as a losing no time in preparing memo- convened in Birmingham, Alaba- pi§li« Zionist on March 2, and appear joint-raising body. randa for dissemination among ma, on February 2 and 4. Dele- as guest speaker on pulpit The split came as a result of of the forthcoming Unit- the gates and rabbis representing all members of the Jewish disagreement between the Unit- at Center. the Southeastern states met in ed Nations conference San Harry ed Palestine Appeal and the Joint Katz is in charge of ar- session Francisco . Needless to say, to deliberate upon the rangements for a luncheon at Distribution Committee with re- Jewish delegations will not have many problems common to all which Mr. May will speak and gard to the proportion of funds slightest chance of being ad- southern Jewish communities. the has requested all those who desire each of the agencies should get mitted to this conference even That is the Southeast, tradi- to attend to communicate with from the joint fund-raising cam- as observers . Latest reports tionally to be him. The luncheon will begin considered a weak paign. A proposal to continue the reaching leading Jewish institu- point of Orthodoxy, such enthusi- at one o’clock and Mr. May will UJA offered by a special media- in New York from liberated asm manifested at the convention tions lead a discussion on current tion committee of the Council of Europe disclose that there are provides ample evidence of the trends in Zionist affairs. Federations and Welfare funds to less one million left reawakened and the than Jews Mr. May has long been a lead- interest re- both agencies was reported today today on the entire Euro- vitalization of traditional Judaism alive ing force in national Zionist cir- to have been rejected by the pean continent, except Russia, in this region. cles. He is an interesting speak- U. P. A. although it was accepted where 5,665,000 Jews lived before program by the er, and his discourse is always The was planned un- representatives of the the war . This is even less flavored by his rich cultural back- der the aegis of Rabbi Abraham J. D. C. than the most pessimistic expect- J. Mesch of Temple ground, and his sincerity in his the Beth-El Federation and Welfare Funds ed ... In the whole of liberated Joseph Goldberg approach to all problems which and Rabbi of Council Asks Unity Despite Poland not a single rabbi can be the Knesseth Israel Congregation, confronts the Jewish people. U. J. A. Break found today . The Central Jew- both of Birmingham who acted HENRIETTA Hadassah to Hear Mrs. Klotz SZOLD H. L. Lurie, executive director ish Committee in Poland, whose as hosts to the delegates.. of the of Mrs. Rose Klotz, president of By Berl Council Jewish Federa- headquarters are in Lublin, has The Friday evening service wit- Coralnuk the southeastern region of Hadas- tion and Welfare Funds, issued a cabled a request to Palestine to nessed the installation of the sah, will be the guest speaker at Jerusalem, (JTA) Simple statement to the welfare funds send at least one rabbi as soon League Officers annual Membership Tea of Beth-El Youth rites inarked the funeral of Hen- and other member agencies of the . the as possible . And in Italy, chapter and was climaxed by the elo- rietta Szold, founder of Hadassah, CJFWF reporting on the efforts where Chief Rabbi Israel Zolli the Jacksonville of be quent address delivered by Rabbi who died of a heart attack this of the Council to assist in bring- of Rome embraced Catholicism, Hadassah. The Tea will held February Irwin Isaacson of the Congrega- week in her room at the Hadas- ing about the reconstitution of a in the Jewish Center on similar situation exists, with tion Sherith Israel of Nashville, Nursing School, on Scopus, the United Jewish Appeal for 28th. Mrs. Harry Katz, member- sah Mt. the local Jewish communities Tennessee, on the subject of “The age of 84. was buried 1945. prepared to ship chairman will preside. at the She The Council is seeking rabbis abroad ... The Synagogue and Youth.” Approxi- Mount do everything possible to In the evening Mrs. Klotz will on the of Olives. assist sensational step taken by Zolli mately 650 delegates and congre- fund agencies in meet the Business and Profession- The services were simple in its welfare read- has been taken quietly by many. gants gathered at the Temple justing their campaigns to the al Women’s Division of Hadassah. keeping with Miss Szold’s wishes. Jews in France, Belgium, Hun- Beth-El to take part in these separate appeals of the JDC, UPA Mrs. M. W. Goldstein will preside There were no flowers with the . gary, Poland and Slovakia . services. The spirited discussions and NRS and in strengthening in the absence of Mrs. Felix exception of a wreath from the It has been no secret that sev- at the seminar on adult Jewish themselves and instruments for Glickstein who is visiting in Mia- High Commissioner and one from eral thousand Jews in these coun- education Saturday afternoon, and united communal action in fund mi Beach. child refugees brought here from tries who were helped by the at the M’lava Malka on Saturday raising as well as other communal Mrs. Klotz is touring the region Transinistria through Miss Szold’s Catholic Church, which provided evening when the “Synagogue and endeavors. in to the annual region- efforts, on which was a ribbon them with false identity docu- deference Zionism,” was carefully scrutiniz- The statement Indicates also that conference which has been post- inscribed to “the mother who sav- ments and other forms of aid al ed, manifested a keen awareness the failure to reach aa PJA agree- poned this year in compliance with ed us from death valley.” during the Nazi occupation, re- on the part of those present to ment in no way reduces the need regulations. fuse to consider themselves Jews ODT the responsibilities which Ortho- for support of the causes served LEADERS SEE even now that they are again free dox Judaism must assume in the JEWISH by the former UJA constituents, HALIFAX ON IMMEDIATE people . The problem is even To Speak Here world of tomorrow. “The needs for 1945 both for gen- OPENING OF PALESTINE more serious as regards Jewish At Sunday morning session eral oversea relief, rescue and re- the TO HOMELESS children who were sheltered dur- at the Thomas Jefferson Hotel habilation falling within the scope ing the years of Nazi occupation Harry Stern of Nashville, Ten- Washington (JPS) The im- of the JDC and for the Palestin- in Catholic institutions . Many nessee, president and founder of mediate opening of Palestine’s ian programs financed through the of them insist on remaining Catho- the Southeastern Synagogue Con- doors to the homeless Jews of UPA are probably greater now lic and don’t want to have any- Hr m ference, outlined in his message liberated Europe was demanded than they were at any previous thing to do with Jews, even their the achievements and the pheno- in a memorandum submitted to time. The Council feels that the parents re- . Ambassador welfare funds should speedily . menal growth of the conference Earl Halifax, British a repre- their campaign plans RUSSIA AND PALESTINE: in the short time of its existence. to the United States, by adjust to emphasis how- sentative Jewish delegation. The the separate appeals for the pur- Soviet diplomats in Arab coun- He placed special memorandum referred to reports pose of raising the largest pos- tries, including Palestine, have ever on the tasks that lie ahead which that the majority of Romania’s sible amount for all causes and been instructed to be non-com- and indicated the direction must take if it is Jews are completely pauperized, for the purpose of preserving and mital on political questions the conference affect- of them wish strengthening communal ing to become an integral part of the that at least 80% solidar- the Near East ... In Pales- community life in the to go to Palestine, and to similar ity which is more important now tine, Soviet consular officials oc- Jewish viSfik. M south. A special memorial ser- reports from other liberated areas. than ever before.” casionally meet with local Jews, vice presided over by Rabbi Sam- It is revealed that the British but not since promised to forward with Jewish leaders uel S. Lerer of Montgomery, Ambassador MIAMIBEACH SAILOR WINS to the British this could be interpreted as semi- Alabama, was held in memory the memorandum MEDAL FOR RESCUE WORK is of martyrs who were so ruth- Foreign Secretary, Anthony Eden, official talks .
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