•n f b. G'fiP T W E N T Y ^ U E WBONKSDAY, JUNE A SMt ■V iKmirt|i^0tpr Ettntfttg Jfi^rald Avenge Dally N «t Pnee Run For the Week Bnded Trinity OovaMlnt Church will Frank J. MansfieldciDetachment, tlw private duty nurses to or­ The Weather About Town have a midweek service tonight at Marine Corps League, will have a ganise th Mamdiester. The late ifone I, 196S Fpreeuat of C. B. Weathar Burtau 7:30 at the church. This \^11 be special meeting tonight at 7 p.m. at Dr, Warren Mrs. Katherine Smythe was elect­ Mr. Mtd M m . B. WilUams, the second In a 'series of discus- the Marine Home to discuss final ed as the first president, and Mrs. Warm, humid tiiia evening wHh alono o f hymns oritioai to the W Bhinttagtan 8 t, wUl b « guests pisilans for a conventicm and parade Valerie Boland, secretary. 13,920 a ehance of eonttered Niowwn, of iMRof Sunday at an oipen house Christian doctrine. P r iIday. To Speak to In 1947 the association voted to Number of the Audit High In the 80s. Mostly dOBir ftwoL 3 to 5 p.m. to celebrate their Include aU registered nurses in its Bureau of Circulation with little temperatora chMiga 40th wedding aitniveirsary. The Delta Chapter, RAM, will meet David L. Neloon of 331 E. Cen­ late tonight and early M d a y . tonight at 7:80 at the Masonic ter St. yedtorday received an Nurse Group membership. In 1948, with Mrs. Manchoetet—^A City o f Village Charm party wUl be held at the home of Norah' Starin, president, the or- ttietr eon ^-law and daughter, Mr. Temple. The Mark Master Mason Arm y oommiission at exerclsee a/t ganiaaticn had grown from 30 to and Mrs. A. Gregory West, 16 degree wUl bo conferred after a Boston Unlvenslity, where he is a Dr. David I n Warren, Internist, more than 100 members. Its pres­ VOL. LXXXn, NO. 210 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGE^-IN TWO SECTIONS) Huntington St. short business meeting. Clarence senior. will'speak Tuesday, June 11, at the MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1963 (dasaifled Advertising on Pago 93) Schiebel will preside. There will ent membership of almost 100 in­ PRICE SEVEN CENTS anniversary dinner of Um Man­ cludes-all branches of the profes­ Ofllcers <rf Our Lady of victory be refreshments and a social time The League of Women Voters after the degree work. wW sponsor ,its anni(fil spring chester Registered Nurses As­ sion. MTs. Chartes Woodbury is MotheM Circle were elected at a presldient. recent meeting. They are Mrs. punch party tomorrow from 2:30 sociation at Miller’s Restaurant. William Carroll, 407 Summit St., Mrs. Clyde Beckwith, district to 4:30. p.m. at the home of Mrs. HU topic win be "Recent Medi­ The pwpose of the association leader; Mrs. Louis Youell, co­ deputy president, will make her Alfred Kargl, 166 Ferguson Rd. cal and Surgical Advancements ixi is educational, social, and to pro. leader; Mrs. George Nackowski, first official visitation tonight to The event is open to members knd 'Vide financial means for many ac­ secretary; Mrs. Remo Grasso, Myriad Rebekah Lodge, Strafford. prospective members. tivities. The chief' beneficiary of trea.surer; Mrs. Andrew Lindberg, She will be accompanied by her M R N A is the student nurses schol­ publicity; and Mrs. ^rank Roberts marshal, Mrs. Clinton Keeney. Open castings for "B oy Meets arship fund of the hospital. Schol­ and M h . Frank Kos, representa­ Girl,” the fall production of the arships are awarded aiwiually to tives. Members of Manchester WATES Little Theater of Manchester, will worthy M anchester student will meet at the Manchester Shop- i be held tomorrow at 8 p.m. In the nurses. ping Parkade tomorrow at 6:30 former technical school. School St. Reservations for the dinner p.m. and go to a "Mystery Night.” All Manchester residents are eligi­ close tomorrow and may be made at a meeting of the Seymour ble to attend the tryouts. with Mrs. Maurice Gaudet, 42 Ger­ WATES. Those desiring transporta­ ard St., or Mrs. W. CUfford M a­ tion may call Mrs. Charles Thomp­ The Manchester Philatelic So­ son, 119 Pearl St. ■* son. 107 Lakeside Dr., An(l.''ver, or ciety willl meet Tuesday,'June 11, Mrs. Rocco Francoline, 16 Duval at 7:30 p.m. at North Methodist For Better Education..i. a St. Church. Charles Kelson will speak n p u h / i/ on "Maps On Stamps.” Students Home Miss Patricia Karen Tedford, SAN DIEGO, CaIif^AP)'» American people of every party,.'Will be in the forefront of that '.^average teacher’s salary In CWlfbr- and section to realize the Immen­ fight.’’ formerly of Manchester, recently Rockville Elmblem Club wlU President Kennedy; plug- nia Is $7,060 a year In contrast to From Mt. Ida sity and the necessity of this chal­ Kennedy flew to San Diego from graduated from Philadelphia (Pa.) celebrate its birthday Wednes­ I ging hard today few his aid to $3,610 in Mississippi. College of Bible. She la the daugh­ lenge—to “ realize that no .solution El Paso, Tex., and visited the He said nearly 75 per cent of day, June 12, at the Rockville Five Manch^er residents are education program, connect­ will plea.se everyone—and to mo­ ter of Herbert J. Tedford, 18 Hen- Elk’s Club. Dinner will be served F or wood, atueeo state college before flying to a the nation’s young white people at home after oompletdng their bilize their aroused .support be­ Navy aircraft carrier offshore to dee Rd. She was awarded a B.S. at 6 p.m. Reservations will close ed educational backwardness have graduated from high school freshman year at Mo\mt Ida Jun­ hind a program such as the one I spend the night and witness Navy degree in Bible, and plans to do Friday and may be made with dk maooory houaoo with the mounting civil rights compared with about 40 per cent ior College, Newton Centre, Mass. have sent to the Congress.” maneuvers in the Pacific. This missionary work In France. Mrs. Mary Daruiaher, 63 Bigelow problem. of the nonwhite population. They are Miss Carolyn J. Pa- “ Lucite” Acrylic House Faint is an Kennedy said he was aware of was the second day of his five- St, Citing an arrs} of statistics, - And' In some states, he said, chesa, 79 Baldwin Rd.; Mias Jac­ objections "raised for more than day. five-state tour which will DOUBLE entirely new product developed out Kennedy argued that the Quality nearly 40 per cent o f the nonwhlto Advertisement— Queline F. Belanger, 36 High St.; 60 years to any kind ot federal take him as far west as Hawaii population "has completed leas WORLD GREEN Meimlbeirs of Orford Partah, Dr. David L. Warren Mias Patricia A. Appleby, 28 Ger­ of years of Da Pont research In ot American education is k^de- 'effort in education.” Build a "Nest E gg.” Connecticut before he returns to Washing;ton thrni five years of school, con­ DAR, tomorrow will go to Hillside ard St., and Miss Cheryl A. Begin, acrylic resins—research that pro­ quate, that the educational sys­ He said these involve state’s early Monday morning. Bank and Trust Co. invites you to School, Marlborough, Mass., Cardiology." Dinner will be served tem cannot cope with tomorrow’s trasted with 7 per cent ot the 714 N. Main St., all members of rights and civil rights, race and The first question raised by the open an account for that young where DAR day is being observed. at 6 p.m. duced the "Lnctte’* finishes used on demands—and that Negroes suf­ white population. a medical secretarial course, and religion. President in his talk was, "Does "Such facta—and one could pro­ STAMPS graduate, or add to It. Your good They will leave at 10 a.m. from The association, which is in its Miss Sharon E. Anderson, 194 the finest new antomohiles. Dries fer most from shortcomings In the But, he said it Is time to put every American child today have wishes keep on growing. Ck>me to the home of Mrs. Wells Pitkin, 20 29th year, was known as the Man­ system. j long this recital indefinitely— Highland St., who Is taking an ex­ in half an hour to a beautify flat such factors a«ide and deal di­ a fair educational opportunity?” Connecticut Bank and Trust Co. Proctor Rd. Those desiring chester Private Duty Nurses As­ make it clear that American chil­ ecutive secretarial course. In a major address prepared ' rectly with the problem. I He said California spends an an­ dren today do not yet enjoy eQual ALL W EEK 893 Main Street or IB North Main transportation may call Mrs. Pit­ sociation when it began in 1934. finish of extraordinary dnrabiliiar. All the students are 1962 gradu­ for commencement exercises at I Speaking directly to the San Di­ nual average of $515 per pupil in education^ opportunities." Street. kin. The late Dr. D. C. Y . Moors urged ‘ Easy to ap i^. Clean up with water. ates of MoniAester High School. San Diego State Ck>llege, Kennedy i ego graduates, Kennedy said, " I : the public schools compared with The President said there were M POM YOU PMHT-Comem<md said: i hope that those of you have re­ I $230 in Mississippi with its heavy "The lim e has come for the i OR fan mformadiM, tchar €ord for ceived the blessings of education I Negro population.
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