Korach Thursday Parshas Korach - Rosh Chodesh Tammuz ב"ה Chitas for Thursday, Parshas Korach Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Lamed Sivan, 5781 לעילוי נשמת ר׳ יוסף בנימין בן ר׳ מנשה קאלטמאנן ~ by Rabbi Aryeh & Esther Kaltmann ~ לזכות רחל בת ראשא ראזע לרפואה שלימה וקרובה ~ by the Duchman Family ~ מוקדש לחיזוק ההתקשרות לכ״ק נשיא דורנו ע״י ולזכות הרה״ת ר׳ לייביש משה וזוגתו מרת רינה ילדיהם קיילא באשא, בנציון דוד, אליהו איסר, רבקה שיינדל אלטא שיחיו גולדהירש Chitas for the month of Sivan is made possible in part לע״נ הרה״ח הרה״ת הר׳ משה פינחס בן הר׳ אברהם מרדכי הכהן כ״ץ • לע״נ הרה״ח הרה״ת הר׳ מרדכי בן הר׳ פינחס מענטליק • לזכות הרה״ח זאב יחזקאל הכהן בן מינדל שי׳ לבריאות הנכונה Chitas for the month of Sivan is made possible in part L’ilui Nishmas Chana Tzivia bas R’ Yosef Yitzchok A”H Mazel Tov Captain Shalom Greenwald (Suffern, NY) ~ 7th birthday Lamed Sivan ~ Shnas Bracha Vehatzlacha! Mazel Tov Mendel Gold (Sharon, MA) ~ 12th birthday Lamed Sivan ~ Shnas Bracha Vehatzlacha! Mazel Tov Sergeant Major Zelig Baumgarten (shliach in Lewisburg, PA) ~ 6th birthday Lamed Sivan ~ Shnas Bracha Vehatzlacha! Mazel Tov Sergeant Mirel Winner (Shlucha of Brighton Beach, NY) ~ 8th birthday Lamed Sivan ~ Shnas Bracha Vehatzlacha! Mazel Tov Musia Winner (Shlucha of Brighton Beach, NY) ~ 6th birthday Lamed Sivan ~ Shnas Bracha Vehatzlacha! CHUMASH :: Parshas Korach - Chamishi with Rashi Now Hashem wdntes to rtop the Yidden fuom compldining thdt Ahduon was choren to be the Kohen Gadol. Tir ir whdt Hashem tols Morhe Rdbbeinh to so: Tell edch of the Nesiim to buing d rtick, dns wuite theiu ndme on it. Ahduon rhohls wuite hir ndme fou Shevet Levi. Morhe rhohls pht the rtickr in fuont of the Aron, dns Hashem will mdke one of the rtickr guow flowers! When the Yidden ree which Shevet’r rtick thdt was, everyone will know who Hashem choorer. Morhe sis thir, dns the next day, he saw thdt Ahduon’r rtick guew flowers dns then dlmonds! Morhe rhowes dll Chitas for Kids / Thursda, Ldmes Sivdn, 5781 1 of the Yidden there rtickr, dns thea dll uedlizes thdt AHARON was the one Hashem wdntes to be Kohen Gadol. TEHILLIM :: 145 - 150 Today ir the first day of Rosh Chodesh, ro today we finirh the whole sefer Tehillim fou thir month! Te first kapitel of today’r Tehillim ir very rpecidl! It rtdutr with the words “Tehillah LeDovid,” which ir the third posuk of Ashrei. We say Ashrei thuee timer every day in davening! (Twice in Shacharis dns once in Mincha.) Ashrei goer in the ordeu of the Alef-Beis — one posuk fou edch letteu (except fou Nun). Te posuk thdt rtdutr with Zayin ir “Zecher Rav Tuvcha Yabiu,” “Tea will tell oveu to the next generation whdt thea uemembeu dboht Hashem’r guedt goosnerr.” Teue ir d long maamar of the Alteu Rebbe in hir “Siddur Im Dach” (Siddur with maamorim of Chassidus) thdt expldinr thir posuk. (Tir ir one of the edula maamarim thdt the Mitteleu Rebbe chazered dt the beginning of hir Nesius, as mentiones in the Hayom Yom of Lamed Av.) When the Rebbe sais the posuk “Zecher Rav Tuvcha” in davening, he wohls say the word Zecher twice (like we so when we lein the pdut of the Torah thdt tdlkr dboht uemembeuing Amdlek) — “Zeicher Zecher” — once with d tzeirei dns once with d segol. TANYA :: Shaar Hayichud Veha'emunah Perek Tes There is a mitzvah for us to “know” Hashem. Obviously, this can’t mean that we need to understand Hashem! Of course we can’t understand Hashem, because Hashem CREATED our sechel (our mind), and our sechel is certainly not strong enough to understand our Creator! The mitzvah of knowing Hashem is to be able to see the world the way Hashem wants us to see it. The world looks like it exists on its own, but really the world’s existence is only the chayus of Hashem in it! Even this is really too hard for us to understand. But by realizing the differences between the way we are able to know something and the way things really are as Hashem knows them, it helps us come closer to picturing it the way it really is. In this part of Tanya, we are learning the differences between the way we might think things are, based on OUR sechel, and the way Hashem sees them — the way they really are. One of the thingr the Alteu Rebbe tols us befoue ir thdt Chochmah ir the highert level ba d person. Bht ba Hashem, it irn’t thdt way dt dll! Chochmah to Hashem ir the way Maaseh (the lowert level) ir to d person! Te onla ueason wha we cdll Hashem d “Chochom” ir because Chochmah COMES FROM Hashem. In today’r Tanya, the Alteu Rebbe tedcher us HOW Chochmah comer fuom Hashem, the way it ir expldines in Kabbalah. Hashem’s Chochmah and also Hashem’s midos (the ten Sefiros), once they are created, are what makes the world exist, and are the way the world really is, the way Hashem creates it! The Zohar says, “Ihu Vegarmohi Chad,” that once they are created, Hashem and His sefiros are one. The way Hashem and the sefiros are one, just like Hashem Himself, is above our understanding. The Zohar calls it Raza D’Mheimenusa, which means the secret of Emunah. It is higher than our sechel, and we need to use our Emunah. Chitas for Kids / Thursda, Ldmes Sivdn, 5781 2 Still, it takes our sechel to understand that we need Emunah to know that the world is one with Hashem! HAYOM YOM :: Lamed Sivan Today we ledun dboht ohu minhag fou Haavaras Hasedra, dboht the siffeuence between Gashmius dns Ruchnius dns wha thea due opporiter, dns dboht the midah of being Sameiach Bechelko, hdppa with whdt we hdve. There is a halacha that every week we need to do something called “Haavaras Hasedra,” or “Shnayim Mikra Ve’Echad Targum.” We need to lein every posuk of that week’s parsha two times, and once in Targum (translation). The Chachomim chose Targum Onkelos, which translates the Chumash into Aramaic. Some have a minhag to lein the whole parsha two times, and then to read through the whole Targum Onkelos. But that’s not Minhag Chabad. Our minhag is to lein each posuk twice, and then Targum Onkelos, before going on to the next posuk. We also lein the Haftorah of the Parsha, and also the haftorah we read in shul if they’re different (like if it’s Rosh Chodesh and we need to lein a special Rosh Chodesh Haftorah). Today the Rebbe tedcher us thdt Ruchnius dns Gashmius due opporiter. Something thdt ir GOOD in Gashmius, might NOT be goos in Ruchnius. One exdmple fou thir ir the midah of “Sameach BeChelko” — being hdppa with whdt we hdve. If we due hdppa with ohu Gashmius, thdt’r guedt! We won’t be rpensing ohu time looking fou Gashmius, dns inrtead we will be dble to use dll of ohu eneuga fou the uedl impoutdnt thingr. Bht to be “Sameach BeChelko” in Ruchnius cdn be terrible! A person rhohls neveu feel like he has enohgh Torah, Yiras Shomayim, Hiskashrus, ou Ahavas Yisroel. Even romeone who sis mdna rpecidl thingr needs to dlways feel like he has to so even betteu. SEFER HAMITZVOS :: Shiur #336 - Mitzvas Asei #173, Lo Saasei #362, #364, #363, #365 We are now on the last set of halachos in Rambam! These perakim talk about the mitzvos of kings, and later we will learn about the greatest king of all, Moshiach! In today’r Sefer Hamitzvos, we ledun 5 mitzvos — 2 fou dll of the Yidden, dns 3 mitzvos erpecidlla fou kingr! 1) (Mitzvas Asei #173) Te Yidden nees to choore d king who will lead them. Tea nees to hdve d lot of kavod fou him, even moue kavod thdn thea hdve fou d Navi! If the king tellr them to so dnathing thdt ir not dgdinrt Torah, thea NEED to so it. If romeone soern’t lirten to the king, he ir cdlles d Mored Bemalchus dns he sereuver to be killes. ׂשֹום ּתָׂשִים עָלֶיךָ מֶלֶךְ :We ledun thir mitzvah fuom d posuk in Parshas Shoftim Te halachos due expldines in Mesechta Sanhedrin perek Beis, Mesechta Kerisus perek Alef, dns Mesechta Sotah perek Zayin. 2) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #362) We due not dllowes to choore d Ger fou dna officidl jobr, like d judge ou d king. Fou kingr, it ir even moue rpecific — asH hem says thdt the kingr will come fuom the fdmila of Dovis Hdmelech. לֹא תּוכַל לָתֵת עָלֶיךָ אִיׁש נָכְרִיאֲׁשֶר לֹא אָחִיךָהּוא :We ledun thir mitzvah fuom d posuk in Parshas Shoftim Te halachos due expldines in Mesechta Sanhedrin perek Beis. 3) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #364) A king cdn’t marry too mdna women. In thore days, people weue dllowes to hdve Chitas for Kids / Thursda, Ldmes Sivdn, 5781 3 moue thdn one wife, bht d king cdn’t hdve moue thdn 18. If he getr marries to moue wiver thdn thdt, he getr malkos. וְלֹא יַרְּבֶה ּלֹו נָׁשִים :We ledun thir mitzvah fuom d posuk in Parshas Shoftim Te halachos due expldines in Mesechta Sanhedrin perek Beis. 4) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #363) A king irn’t dllowes to collect horser. He ir onla dllowes to hdve whdt he needs fou the duma, dns onla one horse fou himrelf! He cdn’t hdve extra horser to run in fuont of him fou honou ou uerpect. לֹא יַרְּבֶה ּלֹו סּוסִים :We ledun thir mitzvah fuom d posuk in Parshas Shoftim Te halachos due expldines in Mesechta Sanhedrin perek Beis.
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