i Obituaries. I Mrs. McCaughey ......1 m group for its policy of members ' Mrs. Sherwood Goalee Maurice Danziger (Conlinued from Page One) J ‘ Mrs. Ethel M. Goslee, 76, of ROCKVILLE - Maurice helping each other to lose 45 Church St. died Thursday (Pete) Danziger Jr., 47, of 124 WATES financial projects. weight and suggested the night at Manchester Memorial Grand Ave. died this morning Dr. Alice Turek, WATES expand their organiza­ at his home after a long illness. M anchester’s director of tion to include teen-agers. Her Manchester^A City of Village Charm Hospital. She was the wife of PRICE: FIFTEEN CENTS Sherwood H. Goslee. He was the husband of Mrs. health; and Harvey Ward Jr., duties include being the Manchester school physician, Mrs. Gosleee was born Oct. Lois Wilson Danziger. master of ceremonies and an MANCHESTER, CONN.,,SA’rURDAY, FEB. 9, 1974- VOL. XCIII, No. Ill 16, 1897 in M anchester, honorary member of the and she said that one of the / WATES, presented the awards. problems at the junior high and daughter of the late Paul and Mr. Danziger was born Sept. Carri-> Bryan Chartier, and had Twelve members were cited high school levels is the weight 2, 1926 in Springfield, Mass., problem. lived'here all her life. for perfect attendance. Mrs. and had lived in Rockville for 14 The WATES will begin its She was a former teacher in John Pavelack received an years. He was a Navy veteran award for 17 consecutive years new year Tuesday night at the the Manchester school system. of World War II. He had been She was a member of Center without missing a meeting. Italiah-American Club. employed as sales and service -Weighing in will be from 7 to 8 Congregational Church and had Mrs. James Thomson was manager for the Empire State p.m. All women interested in been active in its church cited for maintaining her goal ' Nut Co. joining the organization may at­ groups. She was a charter for 19 consecutive years. tend this meeting. member of the Women’s Club Dr. Turek congratulated the of Manchester. He is aiso survived by his She is also survived by a son, father, Maurice Danziger Sr. of Sherwood Gosiee Jr. of Manchester; two sons, Gary FEO Expedites Nixon Takes Up Needham, Mass.; a daughter, Danziger and Eric Danziger, Town Democrats Mrs. Nancy E. Horne of both of Rockvilie; a daughter,- lost their bids for re-election. Gas Deliveries Chatham, Mass.; and three Jeanne Danziger of Rockville; (Conlinued from Page One) “It is apparent from the good Sen. Abraham A. Ribicofft D-Conn., says ^he Federal International grandchildren. and a sister, Mrs. Allan Macker Funeral services are Monday of Warren. Ohio. the closing act on a vaudeville humor expressed here that any Energy Office has promised to order rounijirthe-clock gas­ at 11 a.m, at Watkins Funeral bill — trying to follow the star scars left over from the caucus oline deliveries to Connecticut. i y " already are being healed,” said Home, 142 E. Center St. The act. Ribicoff said Friday the FEO h^' informed him its Oil Situation Funeral services are Monday Cummings. “Our task is to Rev. Winthrop Nelson, pastor Barry thanked the committee Boston regional office will issu ed order similar to that of Center Congregational at 11 a.m. at the Burke-Fortin “for propelling me into en­ close ranks and to work for the WASHINGTON (UPI) — While independent truckers election of our excellent can­ issues for New York requiring^nfepmpanies to provide for Church, will officiate. Burial Funerai Home, 76 Prospect St. dorsements for one office or decide whether or not to accept an agreement which could The Rev. Donald J. McClean, didates. round-the-block d eliveries./ will be in East Cemetery. another most of the time pany executives to find out why end their nationwide shutdown and Congress has again Friends may caii at the pastor of Trinity Lutheran successfully.” Cummings announced that The FEO said the region.Mas Connecticut appears to be delayed the emergency energy legislation. President funeral home Sunday from 2 to Church, wili officiate. Burial Barry predicted, “We’re- U.S. Rep. Ella Grasso will already met with supplierswho will be in Grove Hill Cemetery. speak to the town committee have withdrawn froirv^e area having more gasoline problems Nixon is turning his attention to the international oil situa­ 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. 4 going to win this fall — the than the rest of the country. % House, the Senate and the (at her request) March 1 at 7 and arranged fpr'them to tion. p.m. in- the Municipal Building He spoke of possible changes Friends may call at the governor’s office - and it resume supplie^; "* Nixon summoned his top diplomatic, economic and Hearing Room. At about 8:30 Meanwhilpf' John Weber, in the allocation formula, but funeral home Sunday from 7 to doesn’t matter who the declined to say whether' it energy officials to a strategy session today to plan for next Douglas Porter p.m. she will speak to the East assistant^dministrator for 9 p.m. Republicans will run for office. would mean additional gasoline ROCKVILLE - The funeral Hartford town committee. Mrs. operations and compliance, *3S3* w e ^ ’s conference of 13 major oil consuming nations. Presidents’ Birthdays Prqmotioii The message is clear.” for Connecticut motorists. of Douglas Porter, 22, of 30 Grasso is one of four candidates F ^ f’ was to meet with Secretary of State Henry The family suggests that any Town (3iairman Ted Cum­ ’The allocation expert said the Davis Ave., who was killed ear­ George DeCormier of DeCromier Motor Sales (left) and seeking the Democratic r^ esen tativ es of oil com- Kissinjger, Treasury Secretary would also give Nixon power to memorial contributions may be Automobile Dealers Association. -Buyers of cars in mings praised “the resiliency FEO is having its own problems impose gasoline rationing. ly Thursday morning in a one- Thomas Duff of Carter Chevrolet display a selection of the nomination for governor. -^anies in Hartford today. George P. Shultz and energy made to the American Cancer dealers’ inventories have a choice of 40 gifts to choose of the Democratic party in getting information from oil car accident on Union St., wiii When Manchester Democrats Weber Friday met with, 50 chief William E. Simon 'The conference of oil con­ Society. variety of gifts being offered in a Feb. 12 to 18 sale spon­ Manchester and its ability to companies. suming nations is scheduled to be Saturday at 10; 15 a.m. from from during the Lincoln’s Birthday-to-Washington’s name their 22 delegates to the angry gasoline dealers from the attended a morning meeting at sored by the 12 new car dealers of the Manchester bounce back in the face of He said there appears to be a .the White House. begin on Monday. According to the Burke-Fortin Funeral Birthday sale. (Herald photo by Gentiluomo) adversity.” June state convention, it will be Bridgeport area. “contradiction” between oil the White House, Nixon plans a Home, 76 Prospect St., with a on the basis of proportionment Gov. Thomas J. Meskill had The meeting took place as in­ He was referring to the Jan. company statements and major address to the foreign Mass at St. Bernard’s Church at preference for the four can­ stressed that Weber’s visit dependent truckers continue 29 townwide caucus, when 11 in­ statistics on gas supplies voting on whether to end their minister delegates at that time. 11. Burial will be in Eliington didates. would be “action-oriented,” but cumbent committee members provided by a number of shutdown. Delegates at the conference Center Cemetery. the Bridgeport gas dealers dealers at the meeting.” will include representatives of Friends may call at the Simon Aide To Check Top 10 Taxpayers expressed skepticism when Although the informal agree­ Gov. Thomas J. Meskill is '.I the nine Common Market funeral home tonight from 7 to Fire Calls Weber look them through a ment between the truckers and scheduled to address 500 nations as well as Japan, 9. complicated explanation of the federal negotiators allows State Fuel Shortage Manchester’s Top 10 taxpayers, with one exception, are the WANTED Connecticut state labor leaders Canada, Norway and the United According to police. Porter About Town basis for the allocation system. truckers to charge customers same who were on the Top 10 list a year ago. Clean, Late Model Monday to bring them up-to- more to make up for higher fuel States. was driving east on Union St. i When asked for a commit- THURSDAY The exception is Beacon Hill Associates (apartments), ninth date on the energy situation. prices, many truckers are The Common Market coun­ when his car gianced off a car United Press International Beck said the state is basing 3:11 p.m. — Eighth District last year and off the list this year. A newcomer and in fourth USED BARS menK that Connecticut would plisi Eckardt C. Beck, energy demanding a rollback of diesel tries have already lessened ad­ parked on the right side of the Sen. Abraham A. Ribicoff, D- its estimates on the federal receive more gas, Weber woqld iwinicTfOt’' Box 417 (Main and Hollister place this year is Squire Village Associates (apartments on Top PrlMs Paid emergency agency ad­ prices to their May, 1973 level. ministration hopes for a com­ street, hit and snapped off a fire Conn., says a federal fuel figures showing Connecticut say only that he will make sure Sts.) sounded when the alarm Spencer St.).
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