Issued TtJESIMEY IhU R S IM Y Saturday he ourier azette T Entered u Second ClassC Mall Matter -G Established January, 1846 By The Courier-Gazette, MS Main St Rockland, Maine, Thursday, December 14, 1939 TWELVE PAGES Volume 94............... Number 149. The Courier-Gazette [EDITORIAL] THREE-TIMES-A-WEEK STORY OF CONFEDERATE SWORD 7H E BREMEN SLIDES BY FINLAND DAY Editor “The Black Cat” WM O FULLER Once again Germany laughs up her sleeve at the expense In full compliance with the request of ex-President Herbert Associate Editor of Oreat Britain—this time because the 123,000,909 liner Hoover. Governor Lewis O. Barrows has designated Sunday. Dec. FRANK A. WINSLOW And How It Was Restored To Owner’s Daugh­ Bremen has slipped through the British fleet and is again 17 as Finland Day. Subscriptions 83 0C per year payable safe in a German port. Easily marked for destruction by an I join wholeheartedly with other Mayors of our State in urging In advance: single copies three cents. ter By Late Judge Gould enemy submarine the Oerman craft was permitted to go on the citizens bf Rockland to join in prayer for the harassed nation, Advertising rates based upon circula­ its way unharmed, for reasons which have given the news­ imploring Divine assistance in her struggle to defend her rights tion and very reasonable against the tyrannical forces now threatening her people. NEWSPAPER HISTORY In the closing weeks of his life Binns of 407 Sidney street at At­ paper writers and radio commentators plenty to "write The Rockland Gazette was estab- ! home” about. The Bremen would have bean a rich prize, It is hoped that further aid may be given Finland through gen­ llshed In 1848. In 1874 the Courier was ■he la>.e Judge Edward K Oould lanta. erous contributions to the fund now being raised by the citizens "stabllahed and consolidated with the offsetting to some extent the X0 or more ships which the and newspapers of Maine. Gazette In 1882 The Free Press was was able to perform a service which Restoration of the weapon became established In 1855 and In 1801 changed then only a matter of course. Writ­ Germans have been sending to the bottom International EDWARD It. VEAZIE. Its name to the Tribune These papers was veiy close to his heart -the re- etiquette which we do not pretend to understand Inter­ Mayor of Rockland. consolidated March 11. 1881 ing to Judge Oould Mrs. Binns said: lurn of a ‘word which had been sur- MMy children artd grandchildren vened to save the Oermans’ pride of the seas. We cannot help feeling that this sea warfare should not be so one-sided. lendeied by Col. John B. Weems, a are so proud of It, and several * There are none so blind as X i Cor.fedeiate of,leer at Gettysburg. schools have asked me to let them MADELINE AND FLORA Visit Salvation Army • By The Roving Reporter - they that will not see —Swift -••! The sword was turned over t j ’ exloibit it BENEFIT li-w — - — ♦♦•w -w le Judge Oould many years ago by Ute Director Henderson in a later LIFE'S VOYAGE ENDED Miss Barbara Griffin of Rockland j late Oen. J. P Cilley, himself one ' meMage t0 judge Oould said: The present generation, together The death of Mrs. Jane Colcord of Searsport who sailed At the Owl's Head town hall Sophomore in the four-year Home ' of the most gallant and courageous j ..A1i Georgia rejoices with Mrs with comparative newcomers in the Seven Seas with her husband for 25 years, marks the pass­ tonight there will be a baked Economics department of Nasson Northern officers who fought in Blnns jn the recovery of her father's i this city, arc ignorant of the fact ing of possibly the last Maine woman who spent such a con­ bean supper from 5 to 7. followed College. Springvale, had a part in the Civil War. Time softened the . sword and appreciate your generous that the defunct Rockland, Thom­ siderable portion of her active life on the ocean and who by beino and cards. ThP pro- the college play which was given in 'bitterness left by the conflict be- gesture in returning it.’ re< (Is will go to the families of aston A Camden Street Railway the Recreational building Saturday tween the North and the South, and j The Atlanta, newspapers made knew the romance of the square riggers as it actually was. onee had a branch line onto Tillson What a story of nautical life she could fliave written! Small the Owl's Head fishermen who evening as a part of the program last fall Judge Oould determined to considerable of the incident. The sal’cd qn the scallop draggrr wharf. It did not meet with the wonder that her author son. Lincoln Colcord, has given to expected Revenue and was aban­ of the annual Y W C A, bazaar. make the "gesture of good will' with I Atlanta Journal published a pic- Madeline and Flora. Adults 33 the world literature which possesses such an accurate sea flavor. doned after a short time. It recalls which his mind had long been ture of Mrs. Binns embracing the cents for -upper and children 20 wrestling. sword, and also had the following rents; 15 rents for b-ano and also the branch line which once ran to "Tlie Kcag," as an offshoot from He wrote to the Adjutant General article: cards all the evening. The af­ THE SHOPPERS ARE B l’SY the Crescent Beach trolley line. WALDO THEATRE of Georgia concerning the sword in "The sword carried through most fair is spMaorrd by Owl's Head Oood old days those were when the MAINE’S LITTLE RADIO CITY his possession and of his desire to of the War Between the 3tates by a Music appropriate to the Yuletide season assails the ears Grange with Mrs. Sybil Ander­ TEL. WALDOBORO 108__ “broomstick” was in operation. restore it to some member of Col. gallant Confederate officer has of Maine shoppers as they go tuslly about their way possess­ son in charge. Weekday matlneet are discon­ Weem's family. been restored to the daughter of tinued effective November C and ing themselves of parcels whose mysterious contents will not It is officially announced from thereafter SHOW TIMES Matinees: In reply he received a letter from the officer In Atlanta after 75 years. be known to their Intended recipients until Christmas mom Saturday 130. Sunday 3 00 Every Lillian Henderson, director of the Washington that President Roose­ evening at 8 00 I "Mrs. W. H. Binns. of 407 Sydney ing dawns. Favored by weather conditions the Christmas At The Post Office Department of Confederate Pensions , strMt «,vfra! ftwk_s ago through velt proposes to designate Thursday shopping in Rockland seems to be approximately the peak of Nov. 21 as Thanksgiving Day in THURS.-FRL. DEC. 14-15 and Records, State Capitol. Atlan- , the columns of The Atlanta Journal Postmaster Moran Makes other years, and one senses it from the hppearance of so many 1940. That's pretty close to the LEW AYRES ta, Ga. The director expressed her j sought information on the sword bundles carried by the shoppers Bomething more than Christinas Season An­ presidential election, an dit remains LIONEL BARRYMORE intention of attending a Confeder- carried in the war by her distin­ Christmas cards or trifling purchases in those What seems nouncements Read Em Major Albert Pickering, who with LIONEL ATWILL I ate reunion at Covington. Oa. and to be seen how many persons will be guished father, the late Col. John almost incomprehensible is the fact that there are only two in Postmaster Moran announces the Mrs. Pickering are the new Oficers really thankful about that time of her endeavor to locate some B. Weems, of the Tenth Oeorgia more Saturdays before Christmas, and Saturday is. at course, “T he Secrets Of following schedule, effective at the jor ^ j s tjjvjSiOt,i have the oversight member of the Weems family. Infantry. the big day for the holiday shoppers in Rockland. Incidentally Post Office, beginning Saturday: The voters will have their hands Dr. Kildare” “It is most generous of you to be "Tuesday the sword was returned there afe only eight more shopping days before Christmas, cf the Salvation Army work, in Saturday, Dec. 16. the stamp win full next year—Primary election in interested in returning this sword; to Mrs. Binns by Edward K Oould and one of those is the shortest day at the year. Ho. hum I Maine, New Hampshire and Ver­ June, State and County election In SAT. ONLY. DEC. 16 dow will remain open until 6 p. m she wrote. of Rockland. Me., state historian mont. They will conduct a service Stamp window will be closed Sunday- September and Presidential election RAI.PH BELLAMY While this correspondence was in Mr Gould said lie was glad to make at the Salvation Army hall. Friday in November. Chances to "get all CHESTER MORRIS Dec. 17th. Beginning Monday. Dec. progress, by a curious turn of fate the restitution from ‘the son of a OLD-AGE ASSISTANCE at 8 p. m This is their first visit to Melville Cooper. Ann Dvorak. 18. stamp window will remain open het up." _ o — and effort to recover the self-same Union veteran to the daughter of a (Press Herald) Roek'.and. The public is invited. Joan Perry until 7 p. m. or longer, if necessary, "Red" Rowland, who wrote the sword was being made by Col. 1 confederate veteran as a gesture of mast famous song of the World A bulletin published by the Maine Health and Welfare to accommodate patrons of the “BLIND ALLEY” Weems daughter.
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