Devotnl (.(immunity Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly ,l,r And Impartially Each Week ,,11 Local Coverage Complete News Pictures Pnbiubao farterrOn CARTERET, Nt. J., FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1962 Intend u tod OUa Uiii M P O, Ovttnt. It J. PRICE TEN CENT8 Crowd Po/ice ffere f/serf Decoys 25 Years Ago get yoter oins Fete Captain Daniel Kasha Ended Wave of Pursp Snatching. as a Woman He Grabbed Several Thieves Registry CARTERET - The use of snatcher could net very fur, tabbed him. He did that i[ Schools patrolmen dressed as women Kasha was on his heels and on several occasions, landing In Now York to grab pocket- the thieves each time. book smitcherR and others, Campaign recalls a similar method used Witii thrir arrest, purse In Cai-tcrot ?5 years ago. liii'iiout at i matchliirs suddenly stopped, „ that the youths «»<>lll I iirtil'rt Name , Dnliralioii Tt was the idea of Captain' were responsible for the n • t ^ Daniel Kasha, who then was thefts. l)i*|>uh(>M; Last Day to i i liiriil summer a patrolman, Carteret was A year later, another wave 'R,.»j,ter :„ cpn| 97 . (: !<> 'nine out a plagued by youthful purse l Mcr 1H .-matchers. Kasha asked the »i Purse snntchings hit the l'"f-' ' ^epi. Zi ln: iin- dedication borough. Kasha again went | CARTERET- WIMIIU* Minue then Chief Henry J. Har- rington for permission to |(. >;li>-\ mil 11 lid 1110 attention that Thursday, Sep- I • ,:. ;!n S, liool In drcs*; nnd make up as a r housewife, who agreed. tember 27 Ls the deadline for , i, ln.-.i Sunday.- Plays a Trick registration of new voters who ,:ii;ii!.••;iini'il Gabriel In 1959, Captain Kasha de- plan to go to the polls at th» -. • M; , huiiinun of Enlisting the aid of a cided to play the role of a j November election. .M:. II;.'hlv .ilull- woman, Kasha dressed up 1 deaf and dumb woman at j Meanwhile with Labor Day ., I : i' IlimOllt. lik' ii typical housewife. the State PBA convention hi close at hand, leaders of both • , iii! the Board The facini makeup was done Atlantic City This time, 'parties have launched a drivt 1 to perfection his wife assisted him with a \U> register all residents who are i ml I an gratified .,,.,. ,,„ "f thr M('d;l1 °f Honor (right) and the renimental insignia of :i > iiinlinued in- Since most of the purse perfect makeup and none of cllRlble to vote and are not on snatching* took up after ( arlrll't SChOOlS. II hern, Krrgrunt Major »'"» <"'"•"* "„,„.,„„.,, Sunday dedicate an elementary school in honor of the World War the patrolmen recounted the permanent registry list. women left the local theater, .ippnriatr the John M. Kolilia*. I'rrsidrnt (h « JI .", 'hl; 'St Rattulint1' fiUl lnfant^ I'^ented the re lmrntal insignia to i him. Carrying a sign "deaf Voters can register daily at Muc lllo n whl 4 William Gi R Kasha followed suit. After n nur planning Medal «f Honor oho, , h h P I ' I - T' '• ">™ •' the lst Armored Division presents I nnd Dumb, Give to the Asso- the office of the Borough Clerk nonor pu«,.r to Joseph p. I.amh, vice-president of the Board of Kdueation. (U.S. Armv Photo) all women had left, Kasha ciation" Captain Knsha first .,;! i. Alliance and non-challantly walked out from 9 AH, to 5 PM. ,i-:iKii lal Scholar- went to the Carteret delega- Dbuglas Zenobia, Democratic all alone, .swinging a large tion. He collected about $2 • • Oomba .Hated.j pocketbook He did that i municipal chairman announced without recognition. He then that persoas desiring to regis- .! iho'.iMind resl- Borough Gives Factories Expand £//orfjNew Facility couple of times. went to the Woodbrtdge '.•I nui two new ter, can contact any of the fol* UM'OUP and finally to the Perth lowing leaders, who will ar- hr added. The bait came. As he Amboy group of police ofH- 1 • luiuriitlon ded- Warm Welcome f0 Safeguard Workers Set Up For strplled slowly, young hood range for vote registrations: a i ce.rs. They were startled Elizabeth Touhey. 31 John :;•••* elementary snatched his pocket- when he finally took off the • i.r:llv honoring To Honor Guard CARTER FT ... industrial damage" one of the .safety Before the purse CAPTAIN KASHA Street; Harry Heim, 1 Wash- Bulk Storage! ** wig from his head. ington Avenue: Adam Szyrn- safely activities m Carteret men declared. • One omc«T and CARTERET A new pilot iborski, 84 Union Street: Stevt Another said that a con- flvp n have resulted in saving many iMoravak, 11 Warren Street; held ln; °n "wnnussloiied officers centrated and coordinated (plant developed by General 0 Ann Hlub, 93 Emerson Street; M;inn' school. ' t"<" Armored Division. ""'•'"• acconlinit to the safe- effort is helping to reduce American Transportation Cor- 'Little Queen' {School Transportation old j Al Skiba, 252 Washington Ave- :',!.[ Hoad and " Ir<>nsid'-s", from Fort ty activities repoivd by i accidents. "Industrial acci- poration for bulk storage andj nue; Victoria Dobrovich, 69 I'liiic an over-.Mood. Texas I i cci vi-cl the 'red- dent prevention programs are plants in the borough. I packaging of polyethlene pel- Randolph Street; Michael Men- 'curpt't" treatment IHSI nvrk- being carried on around the j Pageant Sept. 9 \RouteSf Schedules Set fll| 1 L But that record shiiuld im- da, Christopher Street: Mary .,; was immed "'I'd i" 't' ' P' <>ple n| clock" lets at Carteret, may point the] CARTERET - Final olansl prove us safely conscious way toward new growth lorj, p ' Zalewski, 106 Lincoln Avenue, }' Minue. rCartmt . It was pointed out that for the Jaycee-sponsored "Lit- CARTBRCT - The Superintendent's office today released^1'™' public storage terminals, ac- pnents office today released [A1 Bum 68 Louis street; Les- who was The mi'ii tiaiHled -'.000 inili-s mariani-menl and labor seek I cartertt"plant's are encourag- pordiiiK to Spencer D Moseley, tle Miss Carteret" contest were the transportation routes and schedules for the school year lli; Trinity, 41 Clauss Street: i ,ii War II af-'to lake part in dedication ci-re- flit her reduction in th» num- ing their safetey men to announced today by J. Robert! 1962-63. Those parents of transported students are urged to tvnneps cimh. oi e™«.v.~»I president. , . , . , , , , . , .- I' imii-co CunhaV.U1UW, 93 Sycamore •(!.. ifipitiK out.... .le« fur the nev Private ber of accident cases The attend schools on safety. A Mll ch in n HIP ;unner(i toJNlchola* Mimie d.-mentary bulk DI tin accidents are t;ood number took courses Moseley said ,s a result of^*"' »'°f' " » - studthe yopenin this gschedul day oef schoolclosely. so that there is no confusion oii!^V(,nile. Eiieen 30 Birch utUe MLss 1sti-eet:Matjstreet: Mattt Bumara,. 3 Sol- ••m i advance.! Khool. PM. Minue. tlv only caused by the unpredictable this year. the succes of the Carteret plant Carteret" the opening day of school 1' General American may estab- pageant will be held Sept. 9 Route #1 - from West Carteret to the High School, ColumbusLsz street. Jopeph Buonovlco, i.'i'ii the Oon- Medal of Honor wlnnrr in the "human failure" the target Safety First signs are well School, St. Elias School, St. Joseph School, and k . r «inkers hen1 in evidence al- Curtcret plants lish similar facilities at its other at 2 p.m. in Carteret Park, A 5 East Oak street and clar i i>! Honor. The lilt Annorrd Division, WBS fa- «' motorcade wi Holy Family School L McOillis, 56 William tallv wounded during iiction m "Wi are dfiliiR eviirythinx mid there arc bulletin boards public terminals, located at| th the nine "little ence : < vd WM the queens of the playgrounds" on! :: Si'hool. iTunuilH in World War TI alter ' to ?educe worker in- showing the number of non- Chicago, Illinois: .Goodhope, Street. view will parade through the A list of deputy registrars (; j ih<* killed 10 enemy machine nnd reduce 'rneral accident diij'.s. Louisiana; and Corpur s Christ!, borou r Uiir aa^idi"Park"'iind 'paBadena.l eh for an hour prior to! will be announced soon, Ze- ,.()S4. ^ h (0U]. itruimers and riflemen to enable hU 1)l toon t0 mt>v u Texas. the final eliminations. 3 g fa, nobia said d fi.-in the «hl * " " s GOP Registrars '•..:norul DtvWon] UeuUvnant William J Olldi The Chicago based GATC Winners in the nine pplayy - "«,& Honor Guard Youth Conclave |one of the oldest and largest ground eliminations will be an- 'Oo *Bit); j'S! Steve Trosko Jr., Republican MinueV of the 1st I'd Division and X public terminal operators. Its nounced next week. A com-Pos, t Blvd. & New York Ave. 8:10 municipal chairman tias listed !8erg«iiit Majur Onrland M the following persons who have *«r, jsix strategically located termi- mercial and industrial arts! Clauss St, & Park Ave. 8:10 11 mmiitUiii Mitchell of tlv lst BatUUIoi' 1111S been deputized as registrars: 8 nals are huge tank farms for teacher and a supervisor of an Dorothy St. & Park Ave. 8:25 8:10 -,;;»(! bftndj ^ In^i'trv presented Plaqui Ray Heckler, 47 Herman CAH fEREI - There will bn' CARTERET - Members of Lwarehousing" petroleum, liquid|e'e«troiUciijiflm..boUi out-of- Bernard St. & Park Ave. 8:26 8:12 •.uteret andltt'-plrtmft tb- Medal of flono tww iiis of the -Jionor Quard'jt town resiiA/*j Street; Pauline .Harai, 33 Fred- Chnstian Club and}chemicalSand'vegetable he two of uline St. & Park Ave, 8:28 8:13 ^ Of fc.'firtMt P«.*» 363, The Amejv Youth Fellowship W the Hun ithe ti<ree ju at the •obile Trailer (Blair RdJ erick 8 feet; E.
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