- fT *-- 24 - THE HERALD. Fri., A ur. 28. 1981 S 2 0 0 0 sf funds... page 4 nooo O iim ’ REBATE ON NEW 1981 REBATE ON NEW 1901 MARQUIS Cloudy today LINCOLNS Manchester, Conn. and Sunday Saturday, Aug. 29, 1981 — See page 2 iBanrkatfr Mmli 25 Cents 'i U.S. vows ^ 7 5 0 REBATE ON NEW 1981 to continue COUGARS & XR7’S spy flights SPECML WASHINGTON (U P I)- Accusing and rather convincingly so, that North Korea of "international North Korea fired the missile while piracy" for a missile attack on a the airplane was in international PURCflASE U.S. spy piane, the United States waters.” •served notice Friday that American "We will continue to conduct ★ AIR CONDITIONED* planes w ill continue such flights and these (reconnaissance) flights in ac­ it has "contingency plans" to cordance with past procedure and protect them. are ready to defend our airmen and $ 5 0 0 1989 ZEPHYR North Korea, in its first comment aircraft,” Haig said. on Wednesday’s incident, charged The White House confirmed that REBATE ON NEW 1901 that the U n it^ States sent the high­ “contingency plans” exist for any flying SR71 Blackbird into North future North Korean attack on U.S. Korean air space "to aggravate ten­ reconnalsance planes. sion and start a new war in Korea.” Deputy Press Secretary Larry Herald photo by Tarquinio ZEPHYRS It denied firing the missile, which Speakes, speaking in Santa Barbara, missed the plane by several miles. Calif., supported a statement by The Hockanum River winds Its way through Manchester. It again be an asset to the communities through which It Defense Secretary Caspar White House counselor Edwin has seen better days, but the state believes It can once meanders. 4-Dr. Sedan, 6-cyl., auto., PS, PB, Weinberger said the government Meese that U.S. forces will take AM/FM radio. Interior accent group. believes the account given by the “ whatever steps are necessary to U.S. pilot. a s ^ re the safety of its pilots and “ It’s pretty hard to provoke.a new reconnalsance planes in any future 4 war when somebody shoots attack by North Korea.” ♦ 5 3 9 5 State DEP tells how towns something that explodes above your Meese told a news conference in airplane and there is nobody else in Oakland, Calif., Thursday that “ one S' the vicinity — which is to say hun- option might, be to take out the ★ AIR CONDITIONED* .^dreds of miles — who has the source-' of the rocket.” Another ace-to-air missiles, except possibility, he said, would be to can salvage Hockanum Riverl 1989 GAPRIS h Korea,” Weinberger said in provide an armed escort for thfe un­ Auto., PS, PB, AM/FM Radio, In­ San interview on the NBC "Today” armed reconnaissance planes. 79 VERSAILLES terior accent group, radial w/w style program. This, Speakes said, was “ certainly reflecting our contingency policy.” « 3 0 0 wheel covers. ’lie defense secretary said the By Nancy Thompson that respect the park and its Park improvements for the proposed for Manchester is plane was in international or South Weinberger said “ some kinds of Herajd Reporter values.” expanded Robertson Park in­ Hilliard Park, which would be REBATE ON NEW 1981 Korean air space. "It’s quite clrar measures” w ill -be-taken to-dis-' T lie ' SHidy suggests that the clude a pedestrian trail along the one-half acre on the north bank of that you can’t have this kind of'in- courage further attacks hut The towns of the Hockanum plan be implemented through shore of Union Pond, picnic the river o ff new state road. Ac­ ternational piracy continue,” specifics have not been decided. He River Valley, from Ellington to inter-town coordination of plan­ facilities with parking for 10 to 15 cording to the report, the site Weinberger said. said fighter escorts probably would East Hartford, have an “ unique ning development and manage­ cars, baot access, canoe portage, offers good access to the river CAPRI Secretary of State Alexander Haig opportunity’ ’ — and an implied ment. Methods of coordination boat concession for nonmotorized and has been “ m odestly im- told a news conference, “ it appears. Pleane turn lo Page 8 resonsibility — to create a could Include informal dis­ boats, and an ice-skating warm­ ‘regional riverscape and cussions among communities, an up shelter. Full power including padded coach recreational park,” according to advisory committee or council or The estimated cost is 967,000. I’ leune turn lo Page 8 LYNX, & LN7 roof, AM-FM stereo, quadrophonic • 5 8 9 5 a report released Friday by the an Intermunicipal recreation T H E S M A LLE S T of the parks w/tape, wire wheels, luxury cloth In state Department of En­ authority, according to the terior. Over 20 mpg. vironmental Protection. report. ★ a ir ' conditioned * Oakland Hts. The report, called the T H E F IR S T STEP, the report Hockanum River Linear Park says, is for the towns to agree on <9295 Study, calls for the toi^ns of a form of collective review and 1980 COUGAR XR-7 Manchester, East Hartford, action. Ellingon, and Vernon to Under the plan, the state would 1979 FLEETWOOD BROOGHM “ acquire, develop and manage” be responsible for developing and 79 MAZOA a total of 266 acres along the managing the recommended may get funds banks of the Hockanum River, recreational activities in ate from its source at Shenipsit Lake lands and all bike trails along to where it flows into the Connec­ state rights-of-way, including a of Governments, said Friday that By Paul Hendrie ticut River: trail proposed by the state Oakland Heights may be a recipient ’The plan calls for Manchester Department of Transportation in Auto., PS, PB, PW, AM/FM stereo, Herald Reporter of some of the funding. D'Elegance option. Full power in Landau vinyl roof, decor group, style to develop three park sites along East Hartford and Manchester eluding luxury cloth Interior. Wire The proposed 110-unit Oakland She explained that HUD has the Hockanum River, at a total parallel to Interstate-86. GLC Wagon, economical 4-cyl., wheels. already approved funding for about automatic trans., style wheels, vinyl wheels. Every conceivable Cadillac Heights low-and moderate-income cost to the town of 9155,000. In ad­ ’The towns would be responsi­ housing project may finally get the 70 of the 110 units at Oakland dition, the town would pay 9367,- ble for developing and managing Heights. The developer, Harold int. option. funds it n e^ s, thanks to action by 500 for 11.55 miles of bicycle town park sites, boating accesses Rothstein of the Utility Develop­ U.S. Rep. W illiam R. Cotter, D.-, to trails, with the state DOT con­ and portages, bicycle and _ » 5 9 9 5 _ _ M ve 9800,000 in federal rent sub­ ment Co., has been waiting since tributing 9306,500. pedestrian trails, and for protec­ <4995 <7495 sidies for the Hartford area. May to hear if HUD w ill provide the “ 'The towns of the valley of the ting the natural environment and ★ AIR CONDITIONED^ A Cotter staff m ember announced funding to make the rest of the Hockanum R iver have a unique scenic quality of the river cor­ ’Thurs^y that the federal Depart­ project feasible. opportunity at this point in their ridor. HUD allocated 9546,272 in May for 80 CAMERO Z-28 ment of Housing and Urban history to create a quality park O NE O F T H E parks planned 78 LINCOLN 78 VERSAILLES the project, upon CRCOG’s advice?’ 1980 MARQUIS Development agreed to release the system that is greatofrthan the for Manchester, Gorge Park, was Utility Development Co. sought Under the linear park plan, Robertson Park (above) would be 9800,000 in Section 8 rent subsidies to sum of its parts,’) the report designated high priority by the 9741,000. extended along the southeast shore of Union Pond. The plan support the development of 170 units says. report. ’There are four “ high “ I believe it was HUD’s position also calls for the pond to be restored to Its former water level j r . of low- and moderate-income “ By acquiring and developing priority” parks whose develop­ and the developer’s position that and size. The plan also proposes development of Qoroe Park housing in the region. new riverside parks, linkage ment “ would provide a stimulus this project should be fully funded or - ^ A/ - 0 ' Mary Barnes, a housing consul­ trails and boating access points, to public awareness of the river’s (below) on a 10-acre site north of Hilliard Street, downstream of ' - i " not at all,” said Ms. Barnes. “ If that tant for the Capitol Region Council and by improving existing park potential” and a beginning for Unk^n Pond. The park would Include a picnic area, open is the case, then Oakland Heights areas, each town will broaden the the development of the rest of the playing fields, trails and canoe access to the river. Lincoln 4-door Sedan, padded vinyl may get the money it needs.” recreational opportunites Town Car 4-Door, leather interior \ linear park. roof, full power, AM/FM stereo, 8 4-Speed, PS, PB, A/C, AM/FM 4-Dr., auto., PS, PB, AM/FM stereo, | Ms. Barnes n o t^ , however, that available to Its* residents and Gorge Park, according to the speed control, power moonroof there are more projects than funds. r|track, wire wheels, + much more enhance the environmental report, would occupy a 10-acre, AM-FM Stereo quadatrac, unde stereo, style wheels, raised white PW, standard luxury appointments.
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