PROCEEDINGS OF THE Society of Hnttquanes of Scotlanb PROCEEDINGS OF THE Societ f Hntiquarieyo f Scotlano s d SESSION MCMXXVII.-MCMXXVIII. VOL. LXII. SIXTH SERIES.—VOL. II . PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY NEILL AND COMPANY LTD. MCMXXVIII. TABLE OF CONTENTS PACJB Anniversary Meeting, ...........1 . A Beaker from a Short Cist in a Long Cairn at Kilmarie, Skye. By J. GRAHAM CALLANDER, F.S.A.Scot., Directo Nationae th f ro l Museu Antiquitiesf mo , ...2 2 . The Armorial Tombstone of Lady Jonet Ker at Restalrig, 1596. By WILLIAM DOCGLAS, F.S.A.Scot., ............ 27 SurveNew KildrummyA of y Castle WBy . DOUGLA. S SIMPSON, M. A., D.Litt., F. S.A.Scot.36 , Ecclesiastical Remains in the Neighbourhood of Luss, with Notes on some Unrecorded Crosse Hog-backed san LACAILLE. dD . StonesA y B , .P.S.A.Scot. , ..5 8 . On Certain Terrace Formations in the South of Scotland and on the English Side of the Border. By R. ECKFORD of H.M. Geological Survey, ...... 107 Notes on some Relics from Orkney exhibited before the Society. By JAMES G. MARWICK, F.S.A.Scot, ...........1 12 . e Antiquitie t KildTh S e ath f Grouo s f Islandso p y JOHB . N MATHIESON, F.R.S.E., F.R.S.G.S., Corresponding Member, ........ 123 Note Scottisn o s h Bronze Rapiers n Incense-cua n o , p from Kirkcudbrightshirea d an , Bronze Chisel from Dumfriesshire. By J. M. COKRIE, F.S.A.Scot., . 138 An Instanc f "eo Looking-glas s Writing Signaturee th n "i Scottisa f so h Charte 1602n ri , and a Consequent Discharge and Renunciation in 1605. Noted by JOHN W. M. LONEY, F.S.A.Scot., ............ 152 n UndergrounA d Buildin t a gDale , Harray, Orkney y WILLIAB . M KIRKNESS, F.S.A.Scot., ............ 155 The Treasure of Traprain—The Inscription on the Flask. By ALEXANDER O. CUKLE, F.S.A.Scot., ............2 16 . A Collection of Stone and Flint Implements from Airhouse, Parish of Channelkirk, Ber- wickshire . J GRAHA y B . M CALLANDER, F.S.A.Scot., Directo e Nationath f o r l Museu Antiquitiesf mo , .........6 16 . The Plenishin Holyroof go d Hous . FRANCIA 1714n y ei B . S STEUART1 ,18 F.S.A.Scot. , Fragment f Altao s r Retable f Lato s e Mediaeval Dat n Scotlandi e y JAMEB . S S RICHARDSON, F.S.A.Scot., Curator of the Museum, ...... 197 vi TABL F CONTENTSO E . Notice Fragmensa od fBronza an Tangea e f o tAx e d Dagger found near Gullane, Bast a Food-vesse Lothianf o d an , l from Gadder, Lanarkshire y JAMEB .. CKEEE S , F.S.A.Scot., ............ 229 The Castles of Ravensnook and Uttershill, Midlothian. By IAK C. HANNAH, F.S.A.Scot., F.S.A., ............. 232 Notea Vitrifie n o s d For t "a t An-Cnap, " Sannox, Arran Vitrified ,an d d StoneMi t a s Sannox, t ArranPennymorea d an , , Furnace, Loch Fyne y VICTOB ., NOEA R L PATON, W.S., F.S.A.Scot., ... .239 A Roman Bronze Patera from Berwickshire, with Note Similan so r Find Scotlandn si y B . R. C. BOSANQUET, F.S.A., .......... 246 Cinerary Urns from Hunterston and Seamill, West Kilbride, Ayrshire, and a Short Cist t Phantassiea , East Lothian ARTHUy B . EDWARDS. H . RJ , F.S.A.Scot., Assistant Keeper of the National Museum of Antiquities, . 260 Cist Burials in Holm, Orkney. By HUGH MARWICK, D.Litt., F.S.A.Scot., . .263 LandNotee th Mano d n so san r Hous Gorgief eo , Edinburgh JOHy B .N SMITH, F.S.A.Scot.8 26 , INDEX, .............. 281 LIS F ILLUSTRATIONTO S An asteris denote) k(* s tha bloce borroweds tth kwa . PAGE PAGE Falconet found at Corgarff Castle, . 8 Kildrummy Castle: Barbica d Sidan ne Fragment f Potterso y fro t Circlm. Hu eNo Gate, ........ 55 2, Muirkirk, ......1 1 . ——— —— View of Side Gate as excavated, Stone with Inscription in Twig Runes from showing later infilling,. .... 56 Brodgar, Stenness, Orkney, 14 —— —— Gatehouse Pit, looking inwards, . 57 Sockete8 d1 Bronz fro Islay, . e meOa Ax . , —— —— —— —— looking outwards, . 57 Short Cist in Long Cairn at Kilmarie, Skye, 23 ——— —— South Wall of Hall; Warden's Beaker from do., ...... 24 Towe rearn ri , .....0 6 . Tombstone of Lady Jonet Ker at Bestalrig, 27 ——— ——Elphinstone Towe Halld ran , seen The Logan Arms. Armorial de Berry, . 28 from Courtyard, .....1 6 . The Arms of Logan of Eestalrig. From —— —— Vie f Easo w t Front, showing Lyndsay's Heraldry, ....9 2 . Chapel Gable, ...... 62 Roberr SeaSi f lo t Logan (1439) possession i , n —— —— Chapel Window, interior view, . 63 e Societoth f Antiquarief yo f Scotlandso 0 3 , ————— Moulded detail — (1) Section Seal of the sixth Laird of Restalrig, attached through Chape] Window; (2) Plan of to a Charter of 1552, ..... 31 Chape lEnlarge) Windo4 d an 3 ( wd ; Plans Seal of the seventh Laird of Restalrig in of Chapel Windo Profil) (5 w ; f Baseo f eo 1579, attache Chartera o dt , ..2 3 . Warden's Tower; (6) Plan of West Portion of an Early Fourteenth-century Window, south wal f Hallo l Mould) (7 ; - Map of Scotland, showing Kildrummy ing at interior of reveal, east jamb of Castle in its relation to the Mounth West Window Mouldin) (8 ; t exterioga r Passes, ........ 38 reveal ) Mouldin(9 ; n Doogo f Maryo r - Kildrummy: Sites connected wite th h culter Church, ...... 64 medifeval burgh, .....0 4 . ——— —— Interior vie Wesf wo t 6 Curtai6 . n —— Castle: "Warden's Towe nortd rd an hen ——— —— General view from north-west, . 67 of Ditch, .......6 4 . —— -—— Garderob n south-wesi e t Curtain, —— —— View of Warden's Tower from the next Maule Tower, ..... 68 south-east, ......' 49 —— —— View of Chapel Window and —— —— Window in Warden's Tower, . 49 Warden's Tower, ...... 69 —— —— Interior of Warden's Tower, . 50 —— —— West Curtain and Maule Tower, . 70 —— —— south sid f plintheo , Maule Tower1 5 , —— —— Interior View of Junction of Snow —— —— Fireplace in West Lodge of Gate- Tower (thirteenth century), with rebuilt house, ........ 52 West Curtain, ...... 70 Fireplace in Eagle Tower, Carnarvon Castle3 5 , ——— —— General view from north, circa Kildrummy Castle : Interior of West Gate- 1800, ........2 7 . house Tower, ....... 54 Gatehouses at Harlech and Kildrummy —— —— Interio Easrof t Gatehouse Tower54 , Castles, draw samo nt e scale, ..4 7 . Vlll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAQB Pla f Kidwellno y Castle, Carmarthenshire6 7 , View of Entrance to Underground Structure, Kildrummy Castle : Sketch Plan to show frooutee mth r end, ....8 15 . alteratio lay-oun ni Chapelf o t , ..0 8 . Stone Objects from Dale5 1 ,. Harray . , —— —— Historica0 8 faceo t . l Plan. , Flint Arrow-hea d Groovean d d Stones Stone Axe-hammer from Wick Harbour1 8 . , from do., .......9 15 . Bone Crucifix found at Kirkton of Craig, Treasure Th * Traprain—thf eo e Inscription Angus, .......3 8 . on the flask, ...... 162, 163 Coped Stone at Luss: elevation, plan, and Spear-hea f Flin o dd Arrow-headan t f o s section, ........ 89 Flin Cherd an t t from Airhouse, Berwick- Hog-backed Ston t Lussea , ...1 9 . shire, .......9 16 . End of Coped Stone at Luss, .... 92 Borer othed san r Implement Flinf so t from Coped Stone at Luss, ..... 94 do., ...... \ .. 171 Cross at Luss, ....... 96 Flint Scrapers, ground round the broader Cross-sla t Dalgetyba , Fife, ...0 10 . end, from Airhous Nineward an e , Ber- Cross-sla t Kirkbrideba 2 10 , Ayrshire . , wickshire, ....... 172 Hog-backed Stone at Logie, .... 104 Flint Implement from Muircleuch, Ber- Hog-backed Ston t Tulliallanea , ..6 10 . wickshire, ......3 17 . Terrace t Romaunsa o Bridge,...7 10 . Lop-sided and triangular Arrow-heads of Terraces on Dunsyre Hill, .... 114 Flint from Airhouse, ....5 17 . Terraces 011 Arthur's Seat, .... 116Lop-sided Arrow-heads from Overhowden, Linen Smoothe f Glaso r s from Ballinaby, Berwickshire, ...... 176 Islay, ........ 121Triangular Implements of Flint from Air- Stone Ring from Howe, Cairston, Orkney. 122 house, ........ 178 St Kilda: Tober na Cille, or St Brendan's English Alabaster Passion Retabln Te f eo Well, ........ 124 Tables, Compiegne, France, . 198 —— —— Earth-hous5 12 . e Entrance . , Rosslyn Chapel, East Wall, South Tran- —— —— Plan and Section of Earth-house, • 125 sept : Sacrament House, Corbels, Space —— —— Calum Mor's House,...6 12 . over Altar, Altar 9 Site19 , Piscina . , —— —— Plan and Section of do., . 126 Retable from the Church of Frostuna; end —— —— Tobar Childa, or Kilda's Well, . 127 e fifteentth of h century. (Antiverp —— —— Clach a' Bhainne, ...7 12 . School.) National Museum of Antiqui- —— —— Tigh an Triar, ..... 128 ties, Stockholm, ...... 201 —— —— Tobar nam Buaidh r Welo , f o l Frostuna Retable — Dexter and Sinister Virtue, ........ 128 Shutters, ....... 202 —— —— Tigh na Banaghaisgich, or t MiriS n Table Stones, Paisley Abbey, 2045 20 , Amazons'. House, ...... 129 Carved Stone from Mary King's Close, —— —— Plan and Section of do., . 130 Edinburgh. Extreme Unction, . 206 —— —— Wall at end of Dun, .... 131 Fragments of Alabaster Canopy from —— —— Morta bruisinr rfo 1 13 g . barley . , Dunfermlme Abbey, ..... 207 —— —— Grinding meal, ..... 132 Fragmen Retablef o t , Paisle8 y20 Abbey . , —— —— Lady Grange's House, now a Clete, 132 Part of Crucifixion, Woodcut, French, end Bronze Rapiers from Drumcoltrari . ,140,14 1 of fourteenth century, .... 209 Bronze Rapier from Kirkoswald . .14 . , 2 Fragment f Retablesso t Michael'S , s Lin- Incense-cup from Cairngill, Kirkcudbright- lithgow, ....... 210-212 shire, .......9 14 . Fragment of Canopy, do., .... 211 Flanged Bronze Chisels from Dumfries- Oak Carving in Amsterdam, .... 212 Perthshireshird ean , ....1 15 . Fragment of Crucifixion, St Michael's, "Looking-glass Writing": Signature of Linlithgow, ....... 213 George Hamilto . deedsn 1534 n o . 15 , , Fragment f Retableso s t Salvator'sS , t S , Roo f Undergrouno f d Structur t Dalea e , Andrews, ......
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