Draft Initial Environmental Examination October 2014 IND: National Capital Region Urban Infrastructure Financing Facility Tranche 2 – IMT Manesar Water Supply Project Prepared by the National Capital Regional Planning Board for the Asian Development Bank. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 7 October 2014) Currency unit – Indian rupee/s (Re/Rs) Re1.00 = $0.0163 $1.00 = Rs61.326 ABBREVIATIONS ADB : Asian Development Bank CC : Construction Contractor CGWB : Central Ground Water Board CI : Cast Iron CPHEEO : Central Public Health & Environmental Engineering Organization CWPS : Clear Water Pumping Station CWR : Clear Water Reservoir DI : Ductile Iron DPR : Detailed Project Report EIA : Environmental Impact Assessment ESMC : Environmental & Social Management Cell ESP : Environmental & Social Policy GoH : Government of Haryana GoI : Government of India GRC : Grievance Redressal Committee GWS : Gurgaon Water Supply Channel ha : Hectare HDPE : High Density Polyethylene HP : Horse Power HSIIDC : Haryana State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation HUDA : Haryana Urban Development Authority IA : Implementing Agencies IEE : Initial Environmental Examination IGI : Indira Gandhi International Airport IMT : Integrated Model Township IS : Indian Standard km : Kilometre KMP : Kundli-Manesar-Palwal Expressway KW : Kilo Watts LA : Land Acquisition LPCD : Liters Per Capita per Day m : Meter m3 : Cubic meter ML : Million Litres MLD : Million litters per day mm : Millimetre MW : Mega watt NA : Not Available NCR : National Capital Region NCRPB : National Capital Region Planning Board NCT : National Capital Territory NGO : Non-governmental Organizations NH : National Highway O & M : Operation and Maintenance OHSR : Overhead Service Reservoir PHED : Public Health Engineering Department PPP : Public Private Partnership PSC : Pre-stressed Concrete RCC : Reinforced Cement Concrete RWPH : Raw Water Pump House SCADA : Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Sq. m : Square kilometre TW : Tube Well UFW : Unaccounted for Water ULB : Urban Local Body WJC : West Jamuna Canal WTP : Water Treatment Plant NOTES In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Contents I. INTRODUCTION 1 II. POLICY & LEGAL FRAMEWORK 9 A. Extent of IEE Study 9 B. Government Laws and Policies 9 C. Environmental and Social Management System of NCRPB 9 D. NCR Regional Plan Policies 11 III. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 12 A. Project Need 12 B. Description of the Subproject 13 IV. DESCRIPTION OF ENVIRONMENT 18 A. Physical Resources 18 B. Ecological Resources 26 C. Economic Development 27 D. Social and Cultural Resources 29 V. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS & MITIGATION MEASURES 30 A. Overview 30 B. Construction Impacts 30 C. Operation & Maintenance Impacts 38 VI. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 40 A. Institutional Arrangements 40 VII. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 41 A. Environmental Management Plan 41 B. Environmental Management and Monitoring Costs 63 VIII. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 63 IX. PUBLIC CONSULTATION 64 A. Project Stakeholders 64 X. CONCLUSION 64 List of Annexures Annexure 1: MoU of WJC 66 Annexure 2: Photo showing proposed alignment 67 Annexure 3: Photo showing Harsaru existing water works 68 Annexure 4: Public Consultation Photos 69 Annexure 5: Google map showing Harsaru Delhi route 70 Annexure 6: NCR and Haryana Subregion existing land use 2012 and proposed land use for 2021 71 Annexure 7: NCR existing land use 2012 and proposed land use 2021 72 Annexure 8: Haryana Subregion existing land use 2012 and proposed land use 2021 75 Annexure 9: Water quality test reports of raw and treated water 78 Annexure 10: Existing and proposed water works layouts 82 Annexure 11: Layout plan of Basai 84 Annexure 12: Layout plan of Harsaru 85 I. INTRODUCTION 1. Manesar is a village located on National Highway 8. It is about 16 KM from Gurgaon in the North East direction. Location map of Manesar is at Map 1. NCR Regional Plan has identified Gurgaon Manesar complex and accordingly Government of Haryana has prepared combined master plan for Gurgaon Manesar complex for the year 2031. Land use as per the master plan is given in Map 2. Haryana State Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (HSIIDC) has developed Industrial Model Township in Manesar comprising sectors: a. Residential Zone sector 1,1D & adjoining area b. Industrial sector 2 to 16 & along villages c. Some Commercial areas and villages 2. Manesar is a fast growing industrial town in Gurgaon district of the State of Haryana in India, and is a part of the National Capital Region (NCR) of Delhi. Geographically, Manesar is located at 28.57°N latitude and 77.23°E longitude. Industrial model Town (IMT) Manesar is developed in four phases on about 3,400-acre. Manesar has been developed by Haryana State Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation (HSIIDC), Phase I (1748 acres) launched in 1997-98, Phase II consist of 175 acres, Phase – III consists of 598 acres and Phase – IV consists of 657 acres. HSIIDC has developed Phase-I, while work is in progress in Phase-II and Phase-IV. HSIIDC has allotted Phase-III (600 acres) to Maruti Udyog Limited for their expansion project. Manesar is an Integrated and Independent Industrial town having all the basic infrastructure to facilitate Industrialization of the area. The facilities include Hi-tech Telecommunication, 220kV Power Substation, Water Supply, Sewerage disposal, Helipad, Shopping arcades, Health centers, Schools, Wide metallic roads, Golf Course and Clubs. 3. HSIIDC is a Public Limited Company owned by the Government of Haryana (GoH), instituted and established in 1967. HSIIDC is the nodal agency for development of Industrial Infrastructure in the State of Haryana. After acquisition of land through the Department of Industries, GoH, the Corporation prepares a detailed plan for its development and thereafter executes various development works such as Construction of roads, Water Supply System, Sewage, Drainage and Electrical Infrastructure. This is followed by provision of secondary level of facilities such as the STP/ CETP, Development of Plantation/ Green belts, Commercial and Institutional sites, Common Parking facilities, etc. In this process, the Corporation has developed Industrial Model Townships (IMT), Industrial Estates and Industrial Clusters (Theme Parks) at strategic locations and framed its own internal set of guidelines for their governance. 4. Groundwater & surface water from Gurgaon Water Supply (GWS) canal are the sources for water supply in Manesar. At present about 15 MLD water is extracted from tube wells drilled in various parts of the town and about 20 MLD water is supplied daily from GWS canal water source after treatment. The GWS has been tapped at its tail end at village Basai and then pumped to sector 7 of IMT Manesar where water treatment plant exists. The existing water supply system is operated and maintained by HSIIDCs own staff except that the WTPs O & M is privatized under HSIIDC. HSIIDC is operating and maintaining water supply schemes in all Industrial areas in Haryana since creation of industrial areas. 5. The water demand for IMT Manesar developed in 4 phases stated above is 175 MLD as shown in Table 1 This requirement will be met from different sources as stated in Table 2. 2 Table 1: Water demand for IMT Manesar S No Area Requirement 1 Residential Zone sector 1,1D & adjoining area 25.76 MLD 2 Industrial sector 2 to 16 & along villages 147.89 MLD 3 Commercial areas 0.86 MLD 4 Village areas 0.02 MLD Total 175.00 MLD Table 2: Water Supply for IMT Manesar S No Water Supply Source Quantity 1 Canal Water 125 MLD 2 Tube Well 15 MLD 3 Waste Water Reuse 35 MLD Total 175 MLD 6. The existing canal water supply system with capacity of 20 MLD needs to be augmented to 125 MLD to meet the demand stated above. This will be done by enhancing capacity of existing canal water supply system from 20 to 35 MLD and installing new canal water supply system of 90 MLD. The new system of 90 MLD will be achieved in two sub phases, each of 45 MLD. The current sub project is for sub phase 1 of 45 MLD and enhancing capacity of existing canal water supply system from 20 to 35 MLD. Thus the current project is to augment existing water supply from canal level of 20 MLD to about 80 MLD. The project details are shown in Maps 3 and 4. 7. This Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) report is prepared in accordance with NCRPB Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) and Policy for project funding. 3 Map 1: Location map of Manesar Map 2: Gurgaon Manesar Master Plan 2025 Land Use 4 Map 3: Google Road Map showing Project area 5 Map 4: Proposed water supply project for IMT Manesar 6 Map 5: Gurgaon Manesar Master Plan 2031 7 Map 6: IMT Manesar 8 Map 7: Topographical Map Showing Harsaru 9 II. POLICY & LEGAL FRAMEWORK A. Extent of IEE Study 8. The subproject implementation shall comply with the policies of Government of India (GoI), Government of Haryana (GoH) and procedures/policies of NCRPB. Government regulations and the NCRPB policy require that impacts of the development projects have to be identified at the beginning and mitigation measures be incorporated in the project to reduce those impacts to acceptable levels. This is generally done through the process of environmental impact assessment. B. Government Laws and Policies 9. The GoI EIA Notification of 2006 (replacing the EIA Notification of 1994), sets out the requirement for Environmental Assessment in India. This states that Environmental Clearance (EC) is required for specified activities/projects, and this must be obtained before any construction work or land preparation (except land acquisition) may commence.
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