State Recipient City Amount Alaska Afognak Kodiak $21,553 Agdaagux Tribe of King King Cove $43,127 Cove AHTNA, Incorporated Glennallen $527,789 Akhiok Akhiok $15,455 Akiachak Akiachak $119,498 Akiak Akiak $84,526 Akutan Akutan $15,949 Alakanuk Alakanuk $137,294 Alatna Allakaket $15,455 Aleknagik Aleknagik $34,394 Aleut Corporation Anchorage $551,275 Algaaciq (St. Mary's) St. Mary's $90,232 Allakaket Allakaket $50,476 Alutiiq (Old Harbor) Old Harbor $43,360 Ambler Ambler $52,186 Anaktuvuk Pass Anaktuvuk Pass $41,055 Angoon Angoon $40,938 Aniak Aniak $63,044 Anvik Anvik $23,590 Arctic Slope Regional Barrow $873,411 Corporation Arctic Village Arctic Village $56,132 Asa'Carsarmiut (Mountain Mountain Village $132,302 Village) Atka Atka $15,455 Atmauthluak Atmautluak $59,733 Atqasuk (Atkasook) Atqasuk $28,048 Barrow Barrow $474,231 Beaver Beaver $30,035 Belkofski King Cove $15,455 Bering Straits Native Nome $720,890 Corporation Bill Moore's Slough Kotlik $15,455 Birch Creek Fairbanks $15,455 Brevig Mission Brevig Mission $88,346 Bristol Bay Native Anchorage $455,469 Corporation Buckland Buckland $87,388 Calista Corporation Anchorage $1,208,155 Cantwell Cantwell $15,455 Chalkyitsik Chalkyitsik $39,730 Cheesh-Na Gakona $15,455 Chefornak Chefornak $79,006 Chenega (Chanega) Chenega Bay $15,455 Chevak Chevak $181,196 Chickaloon Chickaloon $32,989 Chignik Bay Tribal Council Chignik $15,455 Chignik Lagoon Chignik Lagoon $15,455 Chignik Lake Chignik Lake $16,505 Chilkat (Klukwan) Haines $15,457 Chilkoot (Haines) Haines $40,459 Chinik (Golovin) Golovin $37,823 Chitina Chitina $15,455 Chuathbaluk (Russian Chuathbaluk $29,968 Mission, Kuskokwim) Chugach Alaska Corporation Anchorage $800,232 Chuloonawick Emmonak $15,455 Circle Circle $35,163 Clark's Point Clarks Point $16,221 Cook Inlet Region, Inc. Anchorage $4,292,362 Council Nome $15,455 Craig Craig $29,426 Crooked Creek Crooked Creek $36,522 Curyung (Dillingham) Dillingham $196,355 Deering Deering $29,025 Diomede (Inalik) Diomede $25,573 Dot Lake Fairbanks $15,455 Douglas Juneau $95,687 Doyon, Ltd. Fairbanks $1,459,149 Eagle Eagle $15,455 Eek Eek $105,605 Egegik Egegik $15,455 Eklutna Chugiak $15,269 Ekuk Dillingham $15,455 Ekwok Ekwok $16,067 Elim Elim $62,137 Emmonak Emmonak $131,680 Evansville (Bettles Field) Bettles Field, $15,455 Evansville Eyak Cordova $32,335 False Pass False Pass $15,455 Fort Yukon Fort Yukon $126,266 Gakona Gakona $15,455 Galena (Louden Village) Galena $50,320 Gambell Gambell $164,976 Georgetown Anchorage $15,455 Goodnews Bay Goodnews Bay $48,959 Grayling (Hokikachuk) Grayling $55,396 Gulkana Gakona $15,259 Hamilton Kotlik $15,455 Healy Lake North Pole $15,455 Holy Cross Holy Cross $40,835 Hoonah Hoonah $55,902 Hooper Bay Hooper Bay $225,533 Hughes Hughes $15,455 Huslia Huslia $65,994 Hydaburg Hydaburg $29,808 Igiugig Igugig $15,455 Iliamna Iliamna $15,455 Iqurmuit Traditional Council Russian Mission $51,513 Ivanof Bay Anchorage $15,455 Kaguyak Akhiok $15,455 Kake Kake $53,262 Kaktovik Kaktovik $33,114 Kalskag Kalskag $60,631 Kaltag Kaltag $32,050 Kanatak Wasilla $15,455 Karluk Karluk $15,455 Kasaan Ketchikan $15,455 Kasigluk Kasigluk $97,772 Kenaitze Kenai $253,318 Ketchikan Ketchikan $271,517 Kiana Kiana $72,192 King Island Nome $58,171 King Salmon King Salmon $15,455 Kipnuk Kipnuk $168,106 Kivalina Kivalina $117,015 Klawock Klawock $37,814 Kluti Kaah (Copper Center) Copper Center $37,822 Knik Wasilla $435,097 Kobuk Kobuk $28,534 Kokhanok Kokhanok $39,395 Kongiganak Kongiganak $89,327 Koniag, Incorporated Kodiak $1,106,365 Kotlik Kotlik $110,870 Kotzebue Kotzebue $329,254 Koyuk Koyuk $54,217 Koyukuk Koyukuk $39,551 Kwethluk Kwethluk $158,360 Kwigillingok Kwigillingok $42,939 Kwinhagak (Quinhagak) Quinhagak $147,275 Larsen Bay Larsen Bay $15,455 Levelock Levelock $17,564 Lime Village McGrath $15,455 Lower Kalskag Lower Kalskag $71,319 Manley Hot Springs Manley Hot $15,455 Springs Manokotak Manokotak $100,702 Marshall (Fortuna Ledge) Marshall $74,281 Mary's Igloo Teller $15,455 McGrath McGrath $28,426 Mekoryuk Mekoryuk $36,900 Mentasta Mentasta Lake $15,184 Metlakatla (Annette Island) Metlakatla $430,993 Minto Minto $51,446 Naknek Naknek $23,175 NANA Corporation Anchorage $882,693 Nanwelek (English Bay) Nanwalek $30,810 Napaimute Bethel $15,455 Napakiak Napakiak $99,268 Napaskiak Napaskiak $77,996 Nelson Lagoon Nelson Lagoon $15,455 Nenana Nenana $29,478 New Koliganek Koliganek $35,527 New Stuyahok New Stuyahok $106,411 Newhalen Newhalen $21,174 Newtok Newtok $68,309 Nightmute Nightmute $52,675 Nikolai Nikolai $32,920 Nikolski Nikolski $15,455 Ninilchik Ninilchik $124,965 Noatak Noatak $71,868 Nome Eskimo Community Nome $231,019 Nondalton Nondalton $33,263 Noorvik Noorvik $113,985 Northway Northway $38,334 Nuiqsut (Nooiksut) Nuiqsut $61,770 Nulato Nulato $45,148 Nunakauyarmiut (Toksook Toksook Bay $98,407 Bay) Nunam Iqua (Sheldon's Nunam Iqua $28,300 Point) Nunapitchuk Nunapitchuk $93,228 Ohogamiut Marshall $15,455 Orutsararmuit (Bethel) Bethel $552,327 Oscarville Napaskiak $16,294 Ouzinkie Ouzinkie $23,691 Paimiut Hooper Bay $15,455 Pauloff Harbor Village Sand Point $15,455 Pedro Bay Pedro Bay $15,455 Perryville Perryville $22,829 Petersburg Petersburg $43,601 Pilot Point Pilot Point $15,455 Pilot Station Pilot Station $102,943 Pitka's Point St. Mary's $31,046 Platinum Platinum $15,233 Point Hope Point Hope $105,710 Point Lay Point Lay $47,854 Port Graham Port Graham $31,359 Port Heiden Port Heiden $15,455 Port Lions Port Lions $23,451 Portage Creek Anchorage $15,455 Qagan Tayagungin (Sand Sand Point $56,797 Point) Qawalangin (Unalaska) Unalaska $20,923 Rampart Rampart $22,662 Red Devil Red Devil $15,455 Ruby Ruby $47,001 Saint George Island St George Island $15,455 Saint Michael St. Michael $82,679 Saint Paul Island St. Paul Island $65,560 Salamatoff Kenai $15,455 Savoonga Savoonga $208,729 Saxman Ketchikan $30,580 Scammon Bay Scammon Bay $113,510 Selawik Selawik $143,586 Seldovia Seldovia $15,455 Shageluk Shageluk $20,308 Shaktoolik Shaktoolik $35,236 Shishmaref Shishmaref $163,777 Shungnak Shungnak $49,796 Sitka Tribe (Baranof Island) Sitka $369,474 Skagway Skagway $23,345 Sleetmute Sleetmute $23,376 Solomon Nome $15,455 South Naknek Wasilla $15,455 Stebbins Community Stebbins $131,627 Association Stevens Village Stevens Village $19,060 Stony River Stony River $20,364 Sun'aq Tribe of Kodiak Kodiak $105,681 (Shoonaq') Takotna Takotna $15,455 Tanacross Tanacross $42,691 Tanana Tanana $54,359 Tangirnaq (Lesnoi) Kodiak $15,455 Tatitlek Tatitlek $15,455 Tazlina Glennallen $15,455 Telida Nikolai $15,455 Teller Teller $61,409 Tetlin Tetlin $36,514 Tlingit and Haida Indian Juneau $1,626,300 Tribes Central Council Togiak Togiak $120,935 Tuluksak Tuluksak $83,886 Tuntutuliak Tuntutuliak $119,817 Tununak Tununak $71,528 Twin Hills Twin Hills $24,780 Tyonek Tyonek $31,545 Ugashik Anchorage $15,455 Umkumiut Nightmute $15,455 Unalakleet Unalakleet $89,440 Unga Sand Point $15,455 Venetie Venetie $66,106 Wainwright Wainwright $94,439 Wales Wales $67,316 White Mountain White Mountain $49,386 Wrangell Wrangell $42,606 Yakutat Yakutat $32,775 Yupiit of Andreafski St. Mary's $30,519 Alaska Total $28,498,149 Alabama MOWA Band of Choctaw Mt. Vernon $698,585 Indians Poarch Band of Creeks Atmore $419,884 Alabama Total $1,118,469 Arizona Ak-Chin Indian Community Maricopa $145,971 Cocopah Tribe Somerton $280,235 Colorado River Indian Tribes Parker $791,184 Fort McDowell Yavapai Fountain Hills $43,958 Nation Gila River Indian Sacaton $2,343,367 Community Havasupai Tribe Supai $49,760 Hopi Tribe Kykotsmovi $2,016,465 Hualapai Indian Tribe Peach Springs $512,923 Kaibab Band of Paiute Fredonia $129,314 Indians Navajo Nation Window Rock $22,333,177 Pascua Yaqui Tribe Tucson $1,548,753 Quechan Tribe Winterhaven $520,734 Salt River Pima-Maricopa Scottsdale $663,145 Indian Community San Carlos Apache Tribe San Carlos $1,917,041 San Juan Southern Paiute Tuba City $30,771 Tribe Tohono O'Odham Nation Sells $1,303,136 Tonto Apache Tribe of Payson $15,455 Arizona White Mountain Apache Whiteriver $2,173,423 (Fort Apache) Yavapai-Apache Nation Camp Verde $341,182 (Camp Verde) Yavapai-Prescott Indian Prescott $15,455 Tribe Arizona Total $37,175,449 California Agua Caliente Band of Palm Springs $47,000 Cahuilla Indians Alturas Indian Rancheria Alturas $15,455 Augustine Band of Cahuilla Coachella $15,455 Indians Bear River Band of the Loleta $15,455 Rohnerville Rancheria Berry Creek Rancheria of Oroville $175,098 Maidu Indians Big Lagoon Rancheria Trinidad $15,455 Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Big Pine $134,551 Owens Valley Big Sandy Rancheria of Auberry $75,593 Western Mono Indians Big Valley Band of Pomo Lakeport $153,780 Indians Bishop Paiute Tribe Bishop $448,258 Blue Lake Rancheria Blue Lake $15,455 Bridgeport Indian Colony Bridgeport $64,375 Buena Vista Rancheria of Me- Sacramento $15,455 Wuk Indians Cabazon Band of Mission Indio $15,455 Indians Cachil DeHe Band of Wintun Colusa $15,455 Indians, Colusa Rancheria Cahto Tribe of the Laytonville $128,189 Laytonville Rancheria Cahuilla Band of Indians Anza $15,455 California Valley Miwok Stockton $15,455 Tribe Campo Band of Diegueno Campo $204,291 Mission Indians Capitan Grande Band of Lakeside $54,058 Diegueno Mission Indians Cedarville Rancheria Alturas $15,455 Chemehuevi Indian Tribe Havasu Lake $263,914 Cher-Ae Heights Indian Trinidad $17,199 Community (Trinidad Rancheria) Cloverdale Rancheria of Cloverdale $88,802 Pomo Indians Cold Springs Rancheria of Tollhouse $129,099 Mono Indians Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Redwood Valley $176,733 Indians
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