Head of Department: Hans-Rudolf Merz i Bundesgasse 3, 3003 Bern T 031 322 60 33, F 031 323 38 52 Elisabeth Meyerhans Sarasin, Dieter Leutwyler www.efd.admin.ch [email protected] in the federal administration, the insurance supervision. A key SAB Federal Customs Swiss Alcohol Board Administration FCA internal processes and organi- aspect is risk-based supervision sation will be modified and cus- by which the necessary solvency The Customs Administration mo- tomer requirements will be given of an insurance provider is calcu- In Switzerland, alcohol abuse not nitors the import, export and greater priority. lated as a function of the risks only causes human suffering, but transit of goods. It collects cus- Staff: 519 involved. The new orientation is a also costs the country several toms duties, road traffic charges Budget: CHF 220 758 800.– significant element of the revised billion Swiss francs a year. The Director: Marius Redli and taxes, including VAT on www.bit.admin.ch Insurance Supervision Act that SAB is charged with the practical imports. Approximately CHF 19 was adopted by parliament on 17 implementation of alcohol legis- billion a year from VAT and Federal Office for Buildings December 2004. lation and steers the alcohol excise duty on oil, tobacco and and Logistics FOBL Staff: 67 market (not including naturally vehicles flows through customs Budget: CHF 16 332 300.– fermented products) by means of Director: Herbert Lüthy into the federal coffers. The Cen- The FOBL is responsible for pro- taxes and restrictions. The Alco- www.bpv.admin.ch tral Control Office for Precious perty management and the cen- hol Act also covers advertising Metals, which forms part of the tral procurement of non-durable restrictions and bans. Alcosuisse, Swiss Federal Banking Customs Administration, checks goods for the federal administra- Commission SFBC the SAB’s profit centre is respon- jewellery and watches for their tion, as well as for dealing with sible for trade in high grade authenticity. data output, the production and The Swiss Federal Banking Com- alcohol and ethanol. It also runs The Border Police is the uni- distribution of federal publica- mission supervises banks, secu- the “Etha+” project to reduce car- formed and armed part of the tions and the production of secu- rities dealers, investment funds bon dioxide emissions in road FCA and carries out a number of rity passes, most importantly the and stock exchanges, together traffic by 600,000 tonnes a year policing duties at the border and Swiss passport. In terms of build- with the disclosure of sharehold- by mixing ethanol with fuels. in its vicinity. ings, the main focus in 2006 is the ing interests and public acquisi- Staff: 155 Budget: CHF 33 900 000.– Staff: 4 604 refurbishment of the Parliament tion offers and mortgage lenders. Director: Lucien Erard Budget: CHF 1 183 234 600.– Building in Bern, the construction The costs, which amount to www.eav.admin.ch Director: Rudolf Dietrich www.zoll.admin.ch of a new IT centre for the federal around CHF 30 million, are borne administration at Fellerstrasse in by the institutions under super- Federal Pension Fund Bern and the first stage of the vision. The Swiss Federal Bank- PUBLICA Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and refurbishment of the Swiss Natio- ing Commission is an independ- Telecommunication FOITT nal Museum in Zurich. ent federal administrative PUBLICA is a public institution The FOITT provides services for Staff: 460 (+200 cleaning staff) authority that is affiliated to the of the Confederation. It can con- the whole of the federal adminis- Budget:CHF 599 220 300.– FDF for administrative purposes. clude affiliation agreements with Director: Gustave E. Marchand tration in the fields of telecom- www.bbl.admin.ch Staff: 162 organisations which are closely munications, IT training and Budget: CHF 30 546 800.– linked to the Confederation. This Director: Daniel Zuberbühler operational security, and also www.ebk.admin.ch provides insurance cover to Federal Office of Private has centres of expertise for the Insurance FOPI employees of the Federal Admin- internet and SAP. In addition, it Federal Audit Office istration, the Parliamentary Ser- provides IT services for its own The office is responsible for FAO vices, the Confederation’s decen- department, the Federal Depart- supervising the commercial oper- tralised administrative units, ment of the Environment, Trans- ations of private insurance com- As the Confederation’s supreme federal arbitration and appeals port, Energy and Communica- panies and intervenes in the event audit institution, the FAO scruti- commissions, the federal courts tions and the Federal Chan- of grievances. Its main aim is to nises accounting practices and and associated organisations. cellery. It coordinates operational protect policyholders from abuse verifies the proper and efficient PUBLICA’s main objective in 2006 aspects with other departmental as well as to safeguard their enti- use of resources by the Federal is the preparation for the techni- service providers. With a view to tlements. The Federal Office of Administration and other public cal migration to a contribution- the planned changeover to man- Private Insurance was transferred service institutions and subsidy based pension plan. agement by performance man- to the FDF from the FDJP on 1 recipients. Staff: 117 date and global budget as of 1 July 2003. The office has been Staff: 92 Budget: CHF 48 030 718.– Director: Werner Hertzog January 2007, and the introduc- through a period of change, which Budget: CHF 17 145 200.– Director: Kurt Grüter www.publica.ch tion of performance accounting has led to a new orientation of www.efk.admin.ch 61 62 The Federal Department of Economic Affairs FDEA Swiss Know-how Job creation, vocational training, economic growth: over two thousand members of staff at the Federal Department of Economic Affairs work to ensure the best possible con- ditions for employers and entrepreneurs, for industry, for SMEs, and also for large multi- national enterprises. The department advises on and monitors decisions in the field of economic policy and ensures their implementation. It pursues a policy that is directed at improving Switzer- land’s position as a location for business and research. Article 101, Everyday we see a whole range of products carrying the paragraph 1 label “Made in China” and as a result some speak of being The Confederation shall safeguard the interests of flooded with goods from the Far East. However, very few get the Swiss economy abroad. to meet the Chinese delegations that show an interest in Swiss made laser cutting machines – and purchase them. The fact that open borders and free trade are in our country’s interests is not only apparently true, but demonstrably so. 63 Federal Department civilian service. These men were Seco also helps to ensure access a way that it can be applied of Economic Affairs able to demonstrate credibly that to all markets for Swiss goods practically in business and socie- FDEA they would be unable to perform and services and investment. In ty thus complementing the military service on the grounds terms of foreign trade policy, courses offered by the universi- of conscience. The Central Office seco is active in the formulating ties. Through its innovation poli- General Secretariat GS for Civilian Service is responsi- of efficient, fair and transparent cies, the FOPET ensures the ble for processing these applica- rules for the world economy. transfer of know-how between The General Secretariat is the tions and the subsequent hear- Switzerland’s relations to the science and business. That is the department’s staff and coordina- ings at its seven regional centres European Union and to the Euro- task of the Commission for Tech- tion office which supports and throughout the country. It is also pean Free Trade Association are nology and Innovation, which advises the Head of Department responsible for the recognition of coordinated by the Integration promotes applied research and in his daily work. Its brief also the institutions in which the Office, a joint office of the FDFA development and the know-how involves planning, coordinating service is to be performed and and the FDEA. Seco is also and technology transfer between and monitoring the department’s provides advice to both the indi- involved in efforts to reduce universities and companies. activities and it is responsible viduals and the institutions con- poverty in the form of economic Staff: 136 for overseeing the results and cerned. development cooperation. Budget: CHF 963 380 000.– Director: Ursula Renold assessing the effects of its deci- Staff: 510 www.bbt.admin.ch sions. The Resources Sector pro- Budget: CHF 754 693 000.– State Secretariat for Economic Director: Jean-Daniel Gerber vides services for the whole Affairs seco www.seco.admin.ch Federal Office for Agriculture department ranging from human FOAG resources, finances and logistics, There are now tangible signs of Federal Office for Professional accounting and translation serv- economic recovery. In order for Education and Technology FOPET Switzerland has 106,977 hectares ices. IT services are provided this upturn to continue, there of farmland, 1,570,000 head of through its IT Service Centre. must be sound regulatory and “Promoting innovation” is the cattle in its pastures and 193,936 Staff: 71 economic conditions. It is seco’s motto the FOPET applies to its people employed in the agricul- Budget: CHF 28 452 000.– task to ensure that is the case. three specialised fields of voca- tural sector. Each year, the feder- Secretary-General: Walter Thurnherr www.edv.admin.ch Employers and employees should tional education, universities of al government provides agricul- be able to benefit from growth- applied science and innovation ture with financial support of Also affiliated to the General oriented policies, the removal of policy.
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