E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2015 No. 92 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was forth from my district in Texas. I know security background information about called to order by the Speaker pro tem- numerous TSA employees. Many of people that work behind security at pore (Mr. JOLLY). them are my friends. the airport. In any event, that is not an f My comments today are not about acceptable excuse for this type of ac- the TSA employees, but recent news tion. DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO reports about what is taking place at You know, Mr. Speaker, a grade of 4 TEMPORE TSA generally, and these news reports would not be acceptable anywhere, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- are disturbing, Mr. Speaker. anyplace in our society, at a business, fore the House the following commu- Recent internal investigation has re- at school, anywhere, the TSA grade of nication from the Speaker: vealed that 67 out of 70 times banned 4. items got through TSA screening at I will give you another example. WASHINGTON, DC, Let’s say you want to have a home se- June 10, 2015. airports through undercover investiga- curity system at your residence, and I hereby appoint the Honorable DAVID W. tions. That is a 96 percent failure rate JOLLY to act as Speaker pro tempore on this or, looking at it the other way, that is you go out and you solicit different day. a grade of 4. TSA gets a grade of 4, Mr. folks that are in the home security JOHN A. BOEHNER, Speaker. business. You meet one sales rep, and Speaker of the House of Representatives. Now, one example, there was an in- you start asking the sales rep, ‘‘How f stance where a TSA screener failed to good is the security system?’’ The se- find a fake bomb strapped to the back curity guy says, ‘‘Well, we have a grade MORNING-HOUR DEBATE of an undercover agent going through of 4. We have a 4 success rate. 96 per- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- screening. This was even after the fake cent failure rate.’’ You probably ant to the order of the House of Janu- bomb set off the magnetometer. They wouldn’t hire that guy to install the security system on your home. ary 6, 2015, the Chair will now recog- still didn’t find it. Now, isn’t that love- If you ask him a few more questions nize Members from lists submitted by ly? Good thing it was a fake bomb. For- the majority and minority leaders for and he says, ‘‘We are not only in tunately, this was a test. This was part charge of the security for your home, morning-hour debate. of the undercover investigation. It was The Chair will alternate recognition but we secure the folks that work on not a terrorist seeking mischief at your residence when you are gone to between the parties, with each party America’s airports. limited to 1 hour and each Member work, the plumber, the welder, or the There is more alarming news. Not guy who comes in your house, what- other than the majority and minority just the fact that the investigation leaders and the minority whip limited ever,’’ then if you found out that those shows a grade of 4 in folks that are people who are allowed to go in your to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- going through the security system, it bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. home and work through this security is also reported this week that TSA system have a reputation for being bur- f failed to identify 73 airport workers glars, you probably wouldn’t hire this who were linked to terrorism. Now, TSA REPORT CARD IS A GRADE 4 security agency to do the security on what is this? These are not TSA em- your home. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ployees. These are the folks that work That is exactly what is happening at Chair recognizes the gentleman from behind the security area in the airport, our airports. The success rate is only 4. Texas (Mr. POE) for 5 minutes. and TSA was not able to identify 73 We wouldn’t hire that agency to do our Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, TSA airport workers linked to terrorism. home, but yet here is the agency that is the government agency that is sup- Now, isn’t that lovely? These people, we have to guard our airports. posed to keep us safe at airports, safe you see, are the people who go to the This is not an indictment about TSA from would-be terrorists that would go airport every day, maybe sometimes go employees, but I think it is an alarm- through screening and get on Amer- through a special line to get behind the ing concern about TSA’s general man- ica’s airplanes. It comes about as a re- security area. agement. The problem is the TSA sult of the 9/11 attacks on our Nation. TSA claims it didn’t have access to model of security. It can only get a Anybody who flies has been through the terror watch list information, so it grade of 4—which would not be accept- firsthand—no pun intended—the TSA couldn’t identify these potential bad able under any system. experience at airports. I, like many guys. I personally find that difficult to You know, there really can’t be mis- Members of Congress, go through TSA believe that the agency in charge of se- takes and errors like this at our Na- screening two times a week, back and curity at the airport is not able to get tion’s airports. One thing that we could b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4007 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:30 Jun 11, 2015 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JN7.000 H10JNPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H4008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 10, 2015 do, one consideration is we could go to Very few of us are former or current HELPING FAMILIES IN MENTAL private screening at our airports. The law enforcement. And while all of us HEALTH CRISIS ACT law allows for that. Airports ought to are former teenagers, still, for most of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The consider those private screeners and us, it has been quite awhile since we Chair recognizes the gentleman from maybe think it through, whether or were a teenager, and our experiences Pennsylvania (Mr. MURPHY) for 5 min- not that is a better alternative to the may not be all that typical of what utes. TSA system that gets a grade of 4. young people and the police face today. Mr. MURPHY of Pennsylvania. Mr. And that is just the way it is. I hope adults like me in places of in- Speaker, on some of the issues my f fluence and authority can be helpful in friend from Chicago just stated, I creating the conditions where avenues CHANGE THE CONVERSATION TO couldn’t disagree more. Let me explain of communication are created, but a 3- why, why we have problems with our HELP AMERICA’S CHILDREN hour hearing with political undertones The SPEAKER pro tempore. The prisons in America and homelessness. and more than a little grandstanding is Nearly 10 million Americans have se- Chair recognizes the gentleman from not nearly enough. vere mental illness like schizophrenia, Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. Almost every city in America is one bipolar disorder, and major depression. Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, this bad incident, an overzealous police- past weekend and all day on cable news Yet millions are going without treat- man, or a videotaped moment of stu- ment as families struggle to find care ever since, we watched a police officer pidity or hatred away from a riot. Mi- in McKinney, Texas, wrestle with a 14- for loved ones. chael Brown, Eric Garner, Walter Over the last 30 years, we have shut year-old teenager after what was re- Scott, and Freddie Gray are names we ported to be a pool party. He throws down the old asylums and what we know, but knowing their names is just have seen is an increase in incarcer- her to the ground, pulls his gun out and not enough. We need a sustained effort points it at some other kids, screams ation, suicide, homelessness, emer- from Congress and from every institu- gency room visits, unemployment, sub- at her, and then sits on the teenager, tion in our society to address the who is in her bikini, for a period of stance abuse, and substance abuse chasm between young people, and espe- deaths. We have failed on all these time. This is the latest installment of cially young people in communities of metrics. the hit cable television news story of color and the police hired to keep them the last year or more called ‘‘Cops Be- Anyone who thinks we are being suc- safe. cessful in helping those with severe having Badly Caught on Tape.’’ And let’s remember, while the coun- mental illness is delusional.
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