This electronic version (PDF) was scanned by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Library & Archives Service from an original paper document in the ITU Library & Archives collections. La présente version électronique (PDF) a été numérisée par le Service de la bibliothèque et des archives de l'Union internationale des télécommunications (UIT) à partir d'un document papier original des collections de ce service. Esta versión electrónica (PDF) ha sido escaneada por el Servicio de Biblioteca y Archivos de la Unión Internacional de Telecomunicaciones (UIT) a partir de un documento impreso original de las colecciones del Servicio de Biblioteca y Archivos de la UIT. (ITU) ﻟﻼﺗﺼﺎﻻﺕ ﺍﻟﺪﻭﻟﻲ ﺍﻻﺗﺤﺎﺩ ﻓﻲ ﻭﺍﻟﻤﺤﻔﻮﻇﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻤﻜﺘﺒﺔ ﻗﺴﻢ ﺃﺟﺮﺍﻩ ﺍﻟﻀﻮﺋﻲ ﺑﺎﻟﻤﺴﺢ ﺗﺼﻮﻳﺮ ﻧﺘﺎﺝ (PDF) ﺍﻹﻟﻜﺘﺮﻭﻧﻴﺔ ﺍﻟﻨﺴﺨﺔ ﻫﺬﻩ .ﻭﺍﻟﻤﺤﻔﻮﻇﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻤﻜﺘﺒﺔ ﻗﺴﻢ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﺘﻮﻓﺮﺓ ﺍﻟﻮﺛﺎﺋﻖ ﺿﻤﻦ ﺃﺻﻠﻴﺔ ﻭﺭﻗﻴﺔ ﻭﺛﻴﻘﺔ ﻣﻦ ﻧﻘﻼ ً◌ 此电子版(PDF版本)由国际电信联盟(ITU)图书馆和档案室利用存于该处的纸质文件扫描提供。 Настоящий электронный вариант (PDF) был подготовлен в библиотечно-архивной службе Международного союза электросвязи путем сканирования исходного документа в бумажной форме из библиотечно-архивной службы МСЭ. © International Telecommunication Union This list includes all artificial satellites launched the International Frequency Registration in 1972. It was prepared from information Board (IFRB), one of the four permanent provided by telecommunication administrations, organs of the ITU, and from details published the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), in the specialized press. The.data concerning the Goddard Space flight Center (GSFC) the orbit parameters are the initial orbital of the United States National Aeronautics data. Fragments or stages of rockets left over . and Space Administration (NASA), the Ministry of from launching operations and placed in Communications of the USSR, the Centre national orbit with the various spacecraft have d'etudes spatiales (CNES), France, not been included. TELECOMMUNICATION JOURNAL - VOL. 40 - 1VI1973 COSMOS-498 1972 50A COSMOS-499 1972 51A N A C0SM0S-500 1972 53 A D COSMOS-501 1972 54A COSMOS-5 0 2 1972 55A DENPA 1972 6 4A NIMBUS-5 1972 97A AEROS 1972 10OA C0SMOS-503 1972 56A NOAA-2 1972 82A ANIK 1972 90A COSMOS-504 1972 57 A 1972 3 1A E APOLLO-16 COSMOS-505 1972 57B APOLLO-16 (SUB .SAT) 1972 31 D COSMOS-506 19 72 57C 0 1972 96A ERTS-1 1972 58A APOLLO-17 C0SM0S-507 57D 1972 ESRO-4 1972 92 A COSMO S-508 57E OAO-C 1972 EXPLORER-46 1972 61A 1972 65A B COSMOS-509 1972 57F OSCAR-6 EXPLORER-47 1972 73A 1972 82B COSMOS —510 1972 57 G EXPLORER-48 1972 91A BMEWS-I-6 1972 101 COSMOS-511 1972 57H COSMOS-512 1972 5 9A P COSMOS-513 1972 60A H C COSMOS-514 1972 62A PI0NEER-10 1972 12A COSMOS-515 1972 63 A HEOS-A2 1972 5A PROGNOZ 1972 29A COSMOS-471 1972 1 A COSMOS-516 1972 66A PROGNOZ-2 1972 46 A COSMOS-472 1972 4A COSMOS-517 1972 67A COSMOS-473 1972 6 A COSMOS-518 1972 70 A I COSMOS-474 1972 8 A COSMOS-519 1972 71A R COSMOS-475 1972 9A COSMOS-520 1972 72A INTEL SAT-IV F4 1972 3A COSMOS-476 1972 11 A COSMOS-521 1972 74A INTELSAT-IV F5 1972 41A COSMOS-477 1972 13A COSMOS-522 1972 77 A INTERCOSMOS-6 1972 27A RADCAT 1972 76A COSMOS-478 1972 15A COSMOS-523 1972 78A INTERCOSMOS-7 1972 47A COSMOS-479 1972 17A COSMOS-524 1972 80A INTERCOSMOS-8 1972 94A COSMOS-480 1972 19A COSMOS-525 1972 83A S COSMOS-481 1972 20A COSMOS-526 1972 84A L COSMOS-482 1972 23 A COSMOS-527 1972 86 A SAMOS-87 1972 1 6 A COSMOS-483 1972 24A COSMOS-528 1972 87A LUNA-20 1972 7A SAMOS-88 1972 52A COSMOS-484 1972 26A COSMOS-529 1972 87B SAMOS-89 1972 68 COSMOS-485 1972 28A C0SM0S-530 1972 87C SAMOS-90 1972 79 COSMOS-486 1972 30A COSMOS-531 1972 87D M SAMOS-91 1972 103A COSMOS-487 1972 33A COSMOS-532 1972 87 E SRET -1 1972 25B COSMOS-488 1972 34A COSMOS-533 1972 87 F METEOR-11 1972 22 A COSMOS-489 1972 3 5A COSMOS-534 1972 87G METEOR-12 1972 49A COSMOS—490 1972 36A COSMOS-535 1972 87H METEOR-13 1972 8 5A T COSMOS-491 1972 38 A COSMOS-536 1972 88A MIDAS 1972 10 14A COSMOS-492 19 72 40A COSMOS-537 1972 93 A MOLNYA-1 <21) 1972 81 A TD-1A 1972 COSMOS-493 1972 42A COSMOS-538 1972 99A MOLNYA-1 (22) 1972 95 A TRIAD-0I-1X 1972 69 A COSMOS-494 1972 43A COSMOS-539 1972 102A M0LNYA-1T 1972 25A COSMOS-495 1972 44A COSMOS-540 1972 104A MOLNYA-2 (2) 1972 37A V COSMOS-496 1972 45A COSMOS-541 1972 105A MOLNYA-2 (4) 1972 98A COSMOS-497 1972 48A COSMOS-542 1972 106A M0LNYA-2C 1972 75A VENERA-8 1972 21A Country Code name International Organization Date Perigee Period Frequencies Observations Spacecraft num ber Site o f Apogee Inclination Transmitter description launching power Cosmos-471 1972-1-A USSR 12 Jan. 202 km 89.5 min Carried scientific apparatus, radio system for precise (BAI) 323 km 65.0° measurements of orbital elements, and radiotelemetry system. Reconnaissance/surveillance mission. Decayed on 25 January 1972 N o name 1972-2-A U nited 20 Jan. 163 km 89.0 min Reconnaissance/surveillance mission. States 310 km 97.0° weight: 11 300 kg USAF Decayed on 29 February 1972 approximately (WTR) N o nam e 1972-2-D U n ite d 20 Jan. 475 km 94.8 min Electronic intelligence monitor States 559 km 96.6° Intelsat-IV F4 1972-3-A International 23 Jan. 35 625 km 1432.0 min 5950; 5990; 6030; 6070; 6110; Commercial telecommunication satellite. 3000 to 9000 INTELSAT 35 787 km 0.7° 6150; 6200; 6240; 6280; 6320; telephone circuits or 12 television channels. In geo­ weight: 720 kg; cylindrical (ETR) 6360; 6400 MHz stationary orbit above the Pacific Ocean at 174° E satellite; height: 5.28 m; (reception) long itude diameter: 2.39 m; solar cells 3725; 3765; 3805; 3845; 3885; 3925; 3975; 4015; 4055; 4095; 4135; 4175 MHz (transmission) Cosmos-472 1972-4-A USSR 25 Jan. 207 km 102.4 min Carried scientific apparatus, radio system for precise (PLE) 1568 km 82.0° measurements of orbital elements, and radiotelemetry system. Decayed on 15 August 1972 Heos-A2 1972-5-A International 31 Jan. 359 km 7835.4 min 136.68 MHz Carries 7 experiments to study high latitude magneto­ ESRO 238199 km 90.2° 5.9 W sphere and the region around the northern neutral point weight: 117 kg; overall height: (WTR) (telemetry) 2.39 m; diameter: 1.33 m; solar cells 148.25 MHz (command) Cosmos-473 1972-6-A USSR 3 Feb. 209 km 89.7 min 19.995 M Hz Carried scientific apparatus, radio system for precise (BAI) 333 km 65.0° measurements of orbital elements and radiotelemetry system. Decayed on 15 February 1972 1 TELECOMMUNICATION JOURNAL - VOL. 40 - IV! 1973 Country Code name International Organization Date Perigee Period Frequencies Observations Spacecraft num ber Site o f Apogee Inclination Transmitter description launching power Luna-20 1972-7-A USSR 14 Feb. barycentr ic o r b it Automatic lunar station. Main objectives were investi­ (BAI) gation of the moon and circumlunar space. Made soft landing on the moon on 21 February 1972. Brought back to earth on 25 February specimens of lunar rocks Cosmos-474 1972-8-A USSR 16 Feb. 207 km 98.8 min Carried scientific apparatus, radio system for precise (BAI) 347 km 65.0° measurements of orbital elements and radiotelemetry system. Reconnaissance/surveillance satellite. Decayed on 29 February 1972 Cosmos-475 1972-9-A USSR 25 Feb. 977 km 105.0 min Carries scientific apparatus, radio system for precise (PLE) 1013 km 74.0° measurements of orbital elements, and radiotelemetry system Midas 1972-10 U nited 1 March synchron ous o r b it Missile Defense Alarm System States weight: 816 kg approximately USAF (ETR) Cosmos-476 1972-11-A USSR 1 March 618 km 97.2 min Carries scientific apparatus, radio system for precise 651 km 81.2° measurements of orbital elements, and radiotelemetry system Pioneer-10 1972-12-A U n ite d 3 March he lio cent ric o r b it 2110 M Hz The first of tw o spin-stabilized, earth pointing spacecraft States (u p-link) designed to provide information on the interplanetary weight: 260 kg N ational medium, the asteroid belt, and the near-Jupiter environ­ Academy 2292 M Hz m ent of Sciences (down-link) (ETR) Cosmos-477 1972-13-A USSR 4 March 212 km 89.6 min 19.995 M Hz Carried scientific apparatus, radio system for precise (PLE) 328 km 72.9° measurements of orbital elements, and radiotelemetry system. Decayed on 16 March 1972 TD -1A 1972-14-A International 12 March 536 km 95.6 min 136.050 MHz Objective: to measure the ultraviolet spectrum of stellar ESRO 557 km 97.5° 1 W objects, the charge spectrum of cosmic rays, gamma weight: 742 kg; solar cells (WTR) (tracking, telemetry) rays, solar X-rays and extraterrestrial X-rays. Multi­ colour celestial scanning. 137.740 MHz 5 W (telemetry on command) 2 Cosmos-478 1972-15-A USSR 15 March 213 km 89.5 min Carried scientific apparatus, radio system for precise (PLE) 319 km 65.4° measurements of orbital elements, and radiotelemetry system. Decayed on 28 March 1972 Samos-87 1972-16-A U n ite d 17 March 129 km 89.9 min Photographic reconnaissance satellite.
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