Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel Allowances § 301–10.160 approval of the use of foreign air car- § 301–10.142 What must the certifi- rier service based on an unreasonable cation include? risk to your safety must be approved The certification must include: by your agency on a case by case basis. (a) Your name; An agency determination and approval (b) The dates that you traveled; of use of a foreign air carrier based on (c) The origin and the destination of a threat against a U.S. flag air carrier your travel; must be supported by a travel advisory (d) A detailed itinerary of your trav- notice issued by the Federal Aviation el, name of the air carrier and flight Administration and the Department of number for each leg of the trip; and State. An agency determination and (e) A statement explaining why you approval of use of a foreign air carrier met one of the exceptions in § 301– based on a threat against Government 10.135, § 301–10.136, or § 301–10.137 or a employees or other travelers must be copy of your agency’s written approval supported by evidence of the threat(s) that foreign air carrier service was that form the basis of the determina- deemed a matter of necessity in ac- tion and approval; or cordance with § 301–10.138. (3) When you cannot purchase a tick- § 301–10.143 What is my liability if I et in your authorized class of service improperly use a foreign air car- on a U.S. flag air carrier, and a seat is rier? available in your authorized class of You will not be reimbursed for any service on a foreign air carrier. transportation cost for which you im- [FTR Amdt. 74, 63 FR 63419, Nov. 13, 1998, as properly use foreign air carrier service. amended by FTR Amdt. 2007–05, 72 FR 61537, If you are authorized by your agency to Oct. 31, 2007] use U.S. flag air carrier service for your entire trip, and you improperly § 301–10.139 May I travel by a foreign use a foreign air carrier for any part of air carrier if the cost of my ticket is or the entire trip (i.e., when not per- less than traveling by a U.S. flag air mitted under this regulation), your carrier? transportation cost on the foreign air No. Foreign air carrier service may carrier will not be payable by your not be used solely based on the cost of agency. If your agency authorizes you your ticket. to use U.S. flag air carrier service for part of your trip and foreign air carrier § 301–10.140 May I use a foreign air service for another part of your trip, carrier if the service is preferred by and you improperly use a foreign air or more convenient for my agency carrier (i.e., when neither authorized to or me? do so nor otherwise permitted under No. You must use U.S. flag air car- this regulation), your agency will pay rier service, unless you meet one of the the transportation cost on the foreign exceptions in § 301–10.135, § 301–10.136, or air carrier for only the portion(s) of the § 301–10.137 or unless foreign air carrier trip for which you were authorized to service is deemed a matter of necessity use foreign air carrier service. The under § 301–10.138. agency must establish internal proce- dures for denying reimbursement to § 301–10.141 Must I provide any special travelers when use of a foreign air car- certification or documents if I use a rier was neither authorized nor other- foreign air carrier? wise permitted under this regulation. Yes, you must provide a certifi- TRAIN cation, as required in § 301–10.142 and any other documents required by your § 301–10.160 What classes of train ac- agency. Your agency cannot pay your commodations are available? foreign air carrier fare if you do not (a) Coach-class—The basic class of ac- provide the required certification. commodations offered by a rail carrier [FTR Amdt. 74, 63 FR 63419, Nov. 13, 1998, as to passengers that includes a level of amended by FTR Amdt. 108, 67 FR 57964, service available to all passengers re- Sept. 13, 2002] gardless of the fare paid. Coach-class 35 VerDate Aug<31>2005 08:07 Aug 14, 2008 Jkt 214176 PO 00000 Frm 00045 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214176.XXX 214176 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR § 301–10.161 41 CFR Ch. 301 (7–1–08 Edition) includes reserved coach accommoda- (1) Use of other than first-class ac- tions as well as slumber coach accom- commodations would endanger your modations when overnight train travel life or Government property; is involved. (2) You are an agent on protective de- (b) Slumber coach—Includes slumber tail and you are accompanying an indi- coach accommodations on trains offer- vidual authorized to use first-class ac- ing such accommodations, or the low- commodations; or est level of sleeping accommodations (3) You are a courier or control offi- available on a train that does not offer cer accompanying controlled pouches slumber coach accommodations. or packages. (c) First-class—Includes bedrooms, (d) Inadequate foreign coach-class roomettes, club service, parlor car ac- train accommodations. When coach- commodations, or other premium ac- class train accommodations on a for- commodations. eign rail carrier do not provide ade- (d) Business-class—A class of service quate sanitation or health standards. offered on Amtrak Acela or Metroliner extra fare train service. § 301–10.163 What is an extra-fare train? [FTR Amdt. 70, 63 FR 15955, Apr. 1, 1998, as amended by FTR Amdt. 108, 67 FR 57965, A train that operates at an increased Sept. 13, 2002] fare due to the extra performance of the train (i.e., faster speed or fewer § 301–10.161 What class of train accom- stops). modations must I use? You must use coach-class accom- § 301–10.164 When may I use extra-fare train service? modations for all train travel, except when your agency authorizes first-class You may use extra fare train service service. whenever your agency determines it is more advantageous to the Government § 301–10.162 When may I use first-class or is required for security reasons. The train accommodations? use of the lowest class of service avail- Only when your agency specifically able on any AMTRAK Acela or authorizes/approves your use of first- Metroliner train service (including class train accommodations under Acela Express) is deemed advantageous paragraphs (a) through (d) of this sec- to the Government and no further tion. agency approval is needed. On the Am- (a) No coach-class accommodations trak Acela Express or Metroliner train are reasonably available. ‘‘Reasonably service, the lowest available class is available’’ means available and sched- business and on the Amtrak Regional uled to leave within 24 hours of the em- train service the lowest available class ployee’s proposed departure time, or of service is coach. AMTRAK Acela and scheduled to arrive within 24 hours of Metroliner first-class accommodations the employee’s proposed arrival time. may be authorized/approved only as (b) When use of first-class is nec- provided in § 301–10.162. essary to accommodate a disability or [FTR Amdt. 108, 67 FR 57965, Sept. 13, 2002] other special need. A disability must be substantiated in writing by competent SHIP medical authority. A special need must be substantiated in writing according § 301–10.180 Must I travel by a U.S. to your agency’s procedures. If you are flag ship? authorized under § 301–13.3(a) of this Yes, when a U.S. flag ship is avail- chapter to have an attendant accom- able unless the necessity of the mission pany you, your agency also may au- requires the use of a foreign ship. (See thorize the attendant to use first-class 46 U.S.C. App. Sec. 1241.) accommodations if you require the at- tendant’s services en route. § 301–10.181 What is my liability if I (c) When exceptional security cir- improperly use a foreign ship? cumstances require first-class travel. You are required to travel by U.S. Exceptional security circumstances in- flag ship for the entire trip, unless use clude, but are not limited to: of a foreign ship has been authorized by 36 VerDate Aug<31>2005 08:07 Aug 14, 2008 Jkt 214176 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214176.XXX 214176 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR.
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