Volume 75, Number 24 • August 26, 2009 • 6 Elul 5769 Two Dollars www.jewishpostopinion.com On Tues., Sept. 15, Uni- versity of Tennessee head coach Bruce Pearl will be coming to Conseco Field- house to help kick off the JFGI 2010 Annual Cam- paign. For more information see Community Events on page IN 3. Fun at the Indiana State Fair Story and photo by Jeff Cohen Some “cowboy” was kind enough to let Gracie Cohen ride his A new exhibit prize donkey. Gracie is the daughter of Jeff and Jen Cohen. It was a very special year for the Indiana State Fair. Five more by local artist days were added so Hoosiers could have even more fun. For the first time ever, the fair took place over three full weekends and Forrest Formsa 17 days during its run Aug. 7 – 23. “We’d been preparing for this extension for more than two years,” said Andy Klotz, public- will open on ity and media relations manager for the State Fair. “We added more entertainment and more special values than ever before Sept. 3 at the JCC as we attempted to make the fair as enjoyable as possible for all Hoosiers.” In addition to all the great deals, this year’s fair was celebrat- ing the Year of the Tomatoes presented by Red Gold. The to- See story page IN 2 mato-related activities began with the declaration of deep-fried pizza as this year’s signature food. IN 2 August 26, 2009 About the Cover Forrest Formsa: Making Light of Abstraction The JCC of Indianapolis an- oil paints. The exhibit is free nounces an opening: A new and open to the public dur- exhibit by local artist Forrest ing regular building hours. A Formsa will open on Sept. 3 member of both the Hoosier and run through Oct. 16, at Art Salon and Indiana Plein Air the Arthur M. Glick JCC, 6701 Painters’ Association, Forrest is Hoover Rd. Formsa’s canvases provided opportunities to paint are infused with brilliant col- outdoors all over the state. Most ors. With inspiration coming recently, Forrest was honored to from landscapes, cityscapes receive the prestigious 2008 Hoo- and the play of light on every- sier Salon “Best Work, First Time day objects, the artist delights Artist” Award. in exploring depth, atmo- Opening Reception: Thurs., sphere and the various opaque Sept. 10, 5:30–7:30 p.m. Meet the and transparent qualities of artist and join us for refreshments. Schticking it to the man since 2003 Nice Jewish Girls Gone Bad is a refreshing mix of com- edy, music, spoken-word and show-stopping burlesque, fea- turing the gals who learned to smoke at Hebrew School, got drunk at their bat mitzvahs and would rather have more schtuppa than the chupah. They feature performers seen on Comedy Central, HBO and Late Night TV. These chosen chicks boldly dare to decon- Ophira Eisenberg (Comedy struct years of tradition, expec- Central) and booty shakin’ by tations and guilt in a fast-paced Sister Schmaltz and hosted by vaudeville extravaganza. It’s queen of the quick change, The ain’t yo’ mama’s Fiddler! Goddess Perlman (Last Comic After cruising the U.S. for Standing). 6 years, last year Nice Jewish Nice Jewish Girls Gone Bad Girls Gone Bad opened at The has been spreading their own Zipper Theater in NYC with a brand of nuevo schmaltz across brand new show that received the land to sold-out crowds in rave reviews – 3 stars – NY Post, NYC, D.C., Baltimore, Boston, “Backstage” called it “a spon- Philadelphia, Providence, Mi- taneous party,” and the Village ami, San Francisco, L.A., Santa Voice said it was “super fun.” Cruz, Pittsburgh, Madison, De- This rendition of mishagas on troit, Montreal, Burlington, Prov- wheels was directed by Mi- incetown, The Berkshires, The chael Baron (Signature Theater, Hamptons, and of course, The Washington, D.C.) and choreo- Catskills. Audiences can’t get graphed by Jessi Erian (Urban enough of these wayward girls! Bush Women and Adira Am- Indianapolis Show. Sept 2, ram’s The Experience). It’s Doors ope@n at 8 p.m. Show at Faster Pussycat in the Borscht 9 p.m. Birdy’s, 2131 E. 71st St., Belt, “Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen” 317-254-8971. Tickets: $12 ad- gets remixed, Tumbalaika gets vance / $15 at the door. a makeover and we all find out Bloomington Show. Sept. 7, what’s in Gefilte Fish. It’s “Fear 8 p.m. Bear’s Place, 1316 E 3rd Factor” for Jews, although you St. 812-339-3460. Tickets: $10. don’t have to be Jewish to love South Bend Show. Sept. these broads. 10, 8:30 p.m. Club Noma, 119 Nice Jewish Girls Gone N. Michigan St. 574-233-4959. Bad features comedian Cyn- Tickets: $12 advance / $15 at thia Levin (Comedy Central), the door. August 26, 2009 IN 3 dyland. The world of board event. Locker Room Restaurant Join Adam Garfinkle, edi- Community Events games has changed signifi- and Conseco Fieldhouse Practice tor of The American Interest, cantly in the past 25 years! Court, $25 per person. Program a public policy quarterly, This class will introduce you begins at 7:30 p.m. This event is and former speechwriter Discovering the the audience to games of skill to this wider world of games. open to all donors who make a for secretaries of state Co- and verbal acumen. As always, White River Stephen Conway and David minimum gift of $100 per person lin Powell and Condelezza Mickey will engage his guest in Coleson, hosts of The Spiel (an or $200 per family to the 2010 Rice, as he examines the Experience the natural beau- a relaxed, informal conversation online show about games), will Annual Campaign. 8:30 p.m. Up phenomenon of “Jewcen- ty of White River from the wa- that promises to be both enter- teach you to play four games: Close with Bruce; Beer, Banter & tricity.” Learn how this ter. In cooperation with friends taining and enlightening. Audi- Ticket to Ride (a train game), Basketball: Locker Room Restau- view impacts our world and of the White River, JCC adults ence members are invited to ask Carcassonne (a Medieval tile- rant. Additional $10 per person especially the Middle East. will paddle from just above the questions during the show and laying game), Settlers of Catan Wed., Sept. 16, 7–8:30 p.m. Indianapolis Art Center, past the will have an opportunity to meet (a trading/building game), and at the Arthur M. Glick JCC. Indianapolis Hebrew Congrega- the host and his guest at the end Jewcentricity: How the Pandemic (a cooperative game). Free, preregistration is re- tion, and through Holliday Park of the show. Tickets: $5 general Jews Get Praised, Blamed Mon., Sept. 14 – Oct. 12, and quested. For more informa- on a float of approximately two public / $3 JCC member. Regis- and Used to Explain Wed., Oct. 14. 5 sessions (no tion, visit www.JCCIndy. hours duration. Cost includes tration requested. Tickets first Nearly Everything class Sept. 28), 6:30–8:30 p.m. at org or call 251-9467. transportation, use of livery come, first serve. grade rafts, life jackets and pad- the Arthur M. Glick JCC. Fee: (See Events, page IN 4) $45 nonmembers / $30 mem- dles. There will be a group leader Yiddish Discussion from Friends of the White River bers. For more information, serving as guide. Some physical Group visit www.JCCIndy.org, or call activity is required. A minimum Meet with others on the first 251-9467. of four adult registrants is re- Tuesday of each month at the quired for the trip. Participants Arthur M. Glick JCC – for an in- Coach Bruce Pearl must be at least 15 years of age. formal get-together in Yiddish. Communitywide Event Transportation provided to and Next meeting Sept. 2, 1–2 p.m. On Tues., Sept. 15, Univer- from White River. Trip is Sun., Free. No registration required. Aug. 30, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. sity of Tennessee head coach Bruce Pearl will be coming to $30/$20 JCC members. To regis- Coffee and Conversation ter, visit www.JCCIndy.org, or Conseco Fieldhouse to help call 251-9467. Join Indianapolis Jewish Sin- kick off the JFGI 2010 Annual gles on Sun., Sept. 11 at 1:00 p.m. Campaign. Seating is limited. Dressy casual attire, Dietary Puzzle Master Will at Cornerstone Coffee located at 615 E. 54th St. If it’s the second laws observed, Please respond Shortz Live at the JCC Sunday, that means it’s time for by Sept 1. 317-726-5450 Mickey’s Corner proudly a chance to catch up with old 5:30 p.m. Advanced Gifts presents Will Shortz, Indiana friends, and meet new ones in a Dinner with Bruce Pearl: Con- native, IU graduate, crossword relaxed and casual setting. It’s a seco Fieldhouse - Pepsi Square, editor of The New York Times, monthly event for a good reason. $75 per person inclusive of all and NPRA… on Wed., Sept. Hope to see you there! events. This event is open to 2 at 7 p.m. at the Arthur M. all donors who make a $10,000 Glick JCC. Mickey and Will, Beyond Park Place: minimum family gift to the 2010 Annual Campaign or a both puzzle aficionados, will Board Games from challenge one another and $5,000 Lion of Judah Gift. Around the World 6:30 p.m. Bruce Pearl: Des- Forget Monopoly and Can- sert reception and community Charlie Bunes IN 4 August 26, 2009 dren’s Hospital in Indianapolis at Indianapolis Hebrew Cem- Pearl Agriss, 93 after a long battle with Ewing’s etery North.
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