ST. MICHAEL PARISH Weekend Mass Schedule Weekday Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:00pm 9:00am Sunday: English: 8:00am Monday 10:30am Wednesday Brazilian: 12:00pm Friday Administrator: Rev. Laurence “Ren” M. Tocci Finance & Operations Helena Siciliano x304 x301 ~ [email protected] Manager: [email protected] Xaverian Assistant: Rev. Anthony Lalli, S.X. Baptisms & Weddings: Pat Conte x306 [email protected] Weekend Assistant: Rev. Adriano Lessa Director of Paula O’Brien x309 Deacon: Deacon Jared Auclair Faith Formation: [email protected] 6036828722 [email protected] Administrative Vina Sousa x300 Assistant: [email protected] Music Director: Donna McIntyre Custodians: Antonio Gonçalves [email protected] Francisco Pinheiro Marriage Arrangements MUST be made at least 6 months prior to Welcome New Parishioners the intended date of the wedding. Please call the Parish We welcome you to the St. Michael community. Please Center to schedule your date and make an appointment introduce yourself to Father, call or visit the Parish Cen- to speak with Pat Conte our wedding coordinator. ter or visit us online at www.stmikes.org to fill out a reg- istration form. As a parish committed to the vision of Ministry of the Sick stewardship, we encourage your involvement by sharing Please notify us if there is a sick or aged family member with us your Godgiven gifts of time, talent and treasure. or friend who would like to receive the Sacrament of the For detailed information about our ministries, parish ac- Anointing of the Sick and/or Holy Communion at home. tivities and contact persons, refer to our parish website. Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) Baptisms Saturdays from 2:30 to 3:30 PM in the lower church. The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the 3rd Sun- day of the month at 2:00pm. Baptism catechesis for the RCIA parent(s) and godparent(s) is held on the 1st Sunday of If you have not been baptized or were baptized but have the month at 1:00pm and 2:30pm. Register online at not received First Eucharist, Reconciliation or Confir- www.stmikes.org or call the Parish Center and ask for mation, please contact Sheila Mahoney at 978562 Pat Conte ext. 306. 3148, call or email the Parish Center. St. Michael’s Cemetery 21 Manning Street, Hudson, MA 01749 Cemetery lots are available. For information contact Phone: 9785622552 Fax: 9785681761 Faith Formation Phone: 9785627662 Helena at the Parish Office. www.stmikes.org & [email protected] @stmikes_hudson **PARISH CENTER HOURS** Monday/TuesdayN9:00am3:00pm Thursday/FridayN9:00am3:00pm facebook.com/stmikes.hudson SǂNJǏǕ MNJDŽljǂdžǍ PǂǓNJǔlj, HǖDžǔǐǏ, MA Inclement Weather Notice If there is a delay or cancellation at the Hudson Public Schools due to inclement weather, the daily Mass is cancelled. Saturday March 6, 2021 4:00pm Maria & Jose Lordelo Sunday March 7, 2021 8:00am St. Michael’s Parishioners 10:30am Jose Maria Chaves Bread and Wine in Memory of Jose R. Sousa and Deceased Relatives Monday March 8, 2021 Lights and Candles in Loving Memory of 9:00am Raymond & Alice Noon Deceased Relatives of Antonio & Maria Camara Fuel Collection Wednesday March 10, 2021 $21,085.00 9:00am Helder Bairos Ragenia Lore From the Business Office Friday March 12, 2021 9:00am Jose Chaves, Dinis Chaves and Antonio Chaves Weekly Income $12,000.00 To Meet Expenses Saturday March 13, 2021 4:00pm Jose Maria Monteiro OnLine Giving: $1,274.00 Adelina Resendes Monteiro Jose Sousa Correira In Church Giving Offertory: $5,290.00 Sunday March 14, 2021 8:00am St. Michael’s Parishioners Other Income Received: $4,515.00 10:30am Manuel Carvalho & Deceased Relatives Over Budget/(Shortfall): (921.00) If you have requested a Mass intention and would like to have a family member present the gifts, please see an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion before the start of the Mass. Readings for the week of March 7, 2021 Sunday: Ex 20:117 or 20:13, 78, 1217/Ps 19:8, 9, The World’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization. 10, 11 [Jn 6:68c]/1 Cor 1:2225/ Our Local Council #81 serves three parishes, Immaculate Jn 2:1325 or Ex 17:37/Ps 95:12, 67, Conception, St. Matthias & St. Michael’s! The Knights of 89 [8]/Rom 5:12, 58/Jn 4:542 or Columbus performs countless charitable activities throughout 4:515, 19b26, 39a, 4042 the world. For information on becoming a member, please Monday: 2 Kgs 5:115ab/Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, email Michael Tremblay: [email protected] or Michael 4 [cf 42:3]/Lk 4:2430 Wells: [email protected] and visit Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 3443/Ps 25:45ab, 6 and 7bc, 89 [6a]/Mt 18:2135 https://kofcmarlboro.org Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 59/Ps 147:1213, 1516, 1920]/Mt 5:1719 Thursday: Jer 7:2328/Ps 95:12, 67, 89 [8]/Lk 11:1423 If you would like to schedule confession, please call St. Friday: Hos 14:210/Ps 81:6c8a, 8bc9, 1011ab, 14 Michael’s Parish to make an appointment with Fr. Ren at and 17 [cf. 11 and 9a]/Mk 12:2834 9785622552 X301 Saturday: Hos 6:16/Ps 51:34, 1819, 2021ab [cf. Hos 6:6]/Lk 18:914 Eucharistic Adoration Do you know someone that needs St.Vincent de Paul’s help? We are waiting to help. Please call the number listed here. Friday morning after Mass until noon. 9786185175 2 MǂǓDŽlj 7, 2021 “Behold the Man!” . I keep hearing that we’re living “in unprecedented times.” I’m not sure how true that is. Yes, certainly a situation like we’re currently facing is new, and nothing exactly like it has transpired before. But unprecedented times would be times that have never had the way before them paved; times that have nothing in their history that even corresponds to them. 1965 saw events that in fact did provide precedent for this age. The cold war, the very real threat of nuclear annihilation, technological advances, and a host of other challenges to civilizationNsome good and necessary challenges, along with some unsettling onesNall of these created a season of uncertainty and cultural crisis for western civilization. The Second Vatican Council sought to address itself to the state of the human person living in such a climate. In its reflection on the Church in the Modern World, Vatican II observed that “In wonder at their own discoveries and their own might, men are today troubled and perplexed by questions about current trends in the world, about their own place and their role in the universe, about the meaning of individual and collective endeavor, and finally about the destiny of nature and of men.” Sound familiar? Anxiety over being destroyed by the products of our own genius, or by forces too titanic for us to match, has distressed our selfunderstanding and disrupted our peace of mind before. That fact alone should give us some small comfort. Perhaps the single biggest difference is that we’re less inclined to introspection today than we were fiftyfive years ago. But that undertow deep in the abyss of our heart hasn’t gone away just because we don’t plumb the depths to try and confront them; they’re still there, they’re just noises in the shadows: little formless fears, to borrow a phrase from Eugene O’Neill. But the Council Fathers also assert, in the same reflection and in response to these anxieties plaguing the people of their own time, that “In reality it is only in the mystery of the Word made flesh that the mystery of man truly becomes clear. Christ the Lord […] fully reveals man to himself and brings to light his most high calling.” This last sentence was a favorite of Pope St. John Paul II, one he quoted regularly in his own papal writings. And it is a poignant line, one that is as rich and profound as it is beautiful. Jesus isn’t just one singular individual, a particular man; much less is He one prophet among so many others. He is the Son of God, who always referred to Himself as the Son of Man. In other words, Jesus is the quintessential human person, the perfect paragon of what it means to be human. In the mystery of Jesus’s own lived humanity God discloses to us the mystery of our own humanity, and as we reflect on Jesus’s life the shadows in the depths of our own heart have eternal light shed on them. What God has designed each of us for, what we all are destined for, is shown to us in the person of Jesus Christ. We come to recognize the kind of life we’re called to live, and glimpse the transcendent glory of our truest good: communion with God in the Beatific Vision of Heaven. The more we draw close to Him, the better we understand ourselves. As we deepen our communion with Him, all those contradictions within ourselves are reconciled and resolved, we come into more perfect harmony with ourselves, and those little formless fears are burned away in the pure light of His FaceNthe Face of God revealed to us in the Face of the man, Jesus of Nazareth. Time spent becoming intimately acquainted with the Gospels is time spent growing more familiar with Jesus Himself. And if we in our turn allow Jesus to become closer to us in earnest prayer, the better acquainted we actually become with ourselves. Time well spent, all around. As Pontius Pilate said, “Behold the Man!” And in beholding the Man, behold the human person in full dignity and transcendent destiny.
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