Obituary Index February 2021 Forest Grove Library Obituary Index M-O

Obituary Index February 2021 Forest Grove Library Obituary Index M-O

Obituary Index February 2021 Forest Grove Library Obituary Index M-O Last Name First Name Date of Birth Birthplace Date of Death Place of Death Obituary Maag Dale Delbert 07/25/1910 Wray CO 04/26/1998 Tigard OR NT 05/06/1998, 17a Mabon Wallace c1961 Coos Bay OR NT 06/21/2000, 18a Mabry Denver Lee 8/14/1913 Lincoln KS 9/7/1987 Cornelius OR NT 1987-09-16, 8A Mac Intosh Scott Osen 6/23/1950 Hanford CA 8/17/2000 Hillsboro OR NT 08/23/2000, 18a MacDonald Esther B Powers 06/22/1906 Denver CO 06/13/1998 Forest Grove OR NT 06/17/1998, 17a NT 09/15/1999, 11a, MacDonald Jeremiah F "Jerry" 7/22/1923 9/12/1999 Portland OR 12a NT 09/22/1999, 18a, MacDonald Jeremiah F "Jerry" 7/22/1923 Billings MT 9/12/1999 Portland OR 19a MacDonald John Bertram 5/7/1906 Leadville CO 2/8/2004 Forest Grove OR NT 2004-02-11, 11A Macdonald Mary Cecile 11/26/1921 1/27/2020 Banks OR NT 2020-02-05, A9 MacDonald Maryanne Marie 05/01/1941 Long Island NY 1/23/2008 Hillsboro OR NT 01/30/2008, 12a Macias Jr Fernando 047/22/1984 10/23/2020 Banks OR NT 2020-10-29, A12 Macias Jr Fernando 7/22/1984 10/23/2020 NT 2020-11-12, A10 Maciel Carlos Sanchez 05/13/1936 Carrizo Springs TX 08/27/2011 Portland OR NT 09/07/2011, 11a Maciel Dominga Lydia Age 75 09/12/2011 Portland OR NT 09/14/2011, 9a Maciel Dominga Lydia 02/23/1936 Winter Haven TX 09/12/2011 Portland OR NT 09/21/2011, 9a MacIntosh Marianne Age 67 8/22/1994 Hillsboro OR NT 08/24/1994, 11a MacIntosh Marianne A 12/26/1926 Great Falls MT 8/22/1994 Hillsboro OR NT 08/31/1994, 15A MacIntosh Sr John D 10/21/1920 Florida 7/19/1985 Forest Grove OR NT 1985-07-24, 2A Mack Mary C 3/28/1919 12/22/2017 NT 2018-01-03, A5 Mack Mary C 3/28/1919 12/22/2017 NT 2018-01-10, A8 page 1 Obituary Index February 2021 Forest Grove Library Obituary Index M-O Last Name First Name Date of Birth Birthplace Date of Death Place of Death Obituary Mack Raymond Lee 08/13/1924 Guthrie OK 5/29/2007 Forest Grove OR NT 06/06/2007, 17a Mackey Dorothy B 01/22/1909 Myrtle Point OR 04/13/1999 Hillsboro OR NT 04/21/1999, 15a Mackey Edna Bell 10/15/1912 Braggs OK 5/18/2008 Forest Grove OR NT 05/21/2008, 15a Mackey Walter 01/20/1987 Kellogg ID NT 04/21/1999, 15a NT 09/13/2000, 16a, Mackie Agnes Inga 12/22/1907 Aelesund Norway 9/9/2000 Hillsboro OR 17a Mackie Alden Wilmot “Skid” 10/20/1905 Whidbey Island WA 12/15/1995 Forest Grove OR NT 12/20/1995, 19a MacKinnon John C age 41 1/26/2013 Forest Grove OR NT 2013-01-30, A8 Macklin Archa T 10/14/1923 Salem OR NT 1981-12-09, 2A Macklin Colin c1941 NT 1981-12-09, 2A Macklin Laura Leone Schwab 8/10/1901 Ansley county NE 11/30/1981 Hillsboro OR NT 1981-12-09, 2A MacLean Sr Lorne Stephen 10/16/1942 Long Island NY 5/9/2002 [Hillsboro OR] NT 05/15/2012, 12A Carlos Miguel MacLeod Martinez 09/09/1995 Portland OR 9/10/1995 Portland OR NT 09/20/1995, 15a MacLoed Ashlee M 12/9/1983 10/30/2014 NT 2014-11-05, A8 MacLoed Ashlee M 12/9/1983 10/30/2014 NT 2014-11-12, A8 Macmillan William S 12/25/1960 7/24/2019 Cornelius OR NT 2019-07-31, A9 Macrum Clyde c12/31/1894 12/15/1916 Portland OR FGE 1916-12-21 Macrum Isaac A c1842 Pittsburgh PA 8/13/1902 Forest Grove OR FGT 1902-08-14 Macrum William S 5/3/1912 Portland OR FGP 1912-05-09 Macy Addis Dunsmoor c09/25/1865 Dakota County MN 4/11/1919 Thatcher OR WCNT 1919-04-17 Maddock Pauline 3/14/1903 McMinnville OR FGT 1903-03-19 page 2 Obituary Index February 2021 Forest Grove Library Obituary Index M-O Last Name First Name Date of Birth Birthplace Date of Death Place of Death Obituary Maden Ruth C 12/10/1916 3/18/2005 NT 2005-03-23, 9B Maderos Hazel Bertha 11/01/1917 Butte MT 1/14/1996 Hillsboro OR NT 01/17/1996, 14a Maderos Linda A 3/6/1952 3/16/2016 NT 2016-04-06, A11 Maderos Rick c1968 NT 01/17/1996, 14a Madison H Wayne c1978 NT 2002-10-09, 11a Madison Wanda N 12/1/1922 Timber OR 9/27/2002 Salem OR NT 2002-10-09, 11a Madrano Manuel F Vega 9/20/1977 2/4/2013 NT 2013-02-13, A8 WCNT 1980-12-10, Madsen Arthur John 5/26/1919 Battle Creek IA 12/3/1980 Forest Grove OR B8 Madsen James LaMar 12/21/1965 [Claremont CA] NT 09/06/2006, 16a Madsen Julia "Judy" 10/24/1928 Quantico VA 4/9/2002 NT 05/01/2002, 15A Madsen Melvin J “Mel” 9/20/1972 Beaverton OR NT 03/22/2006, 12a Margaret DeSoer Madsen-Cable “Maggie” 02/21/1922 Lafayette CA 3/14/2006 Forest Grove OR NT 03/22/2006, 12a Mael Christine M c1910 C12/1986 NT 1986-12-17, 2A Mael Christine M Parmley 12/25/1910 Banks OR 12/11/1986 Forest Grove OR NT 1986-12-24, 2A Mael Errett E 9/20/1913 Hamilton OR 10/25/1988 Tigard OR NT 1988-11-02, 13A Magee Elsie E 5/16/1937 4/27/2020 Gaston OR NT 2020-04-30, A9 WCT 2020-05-07, Magee Elsie E 05/16/1937 4/27/2020 A10 Magerl Paul 1/13/1950 2/2/2017 Hillsboro OR NT 2017-02-08, A8 Magers Edward Lee c1943 7/9/1994 Portland OR NT 07/13/1994, 9a Maggard Clyde 9/26/1910 Page OK 1/1/1986 Forest Grove OR NT 1986-01-08, 2A page 3 Obituary Index February 2021 Forest Grove Library Obituary Index M-O Last Name First Name Date of Birth Birthplace Date of Death Place of Death Obituary Magner Gladys L 3/27/1924 12/29/2003 Hillsboro OR NT 2003-12-31, 9A Gladys Louise NT 2004-01-07, 11A, Magner Stewart 3/29/1924 Kansas City MO 12/29/2003 Hillsboro OR 12A Magner Jr Francis James "Jim" 10/23/1924 Long Beach CA 4/2/2002 Clovis NM NT 04/10/2002, 11a Magnus Lloyd Clifford 7/7/1981 NT 1988-01-27, 11A Magnus Mayme Anna Brown 8/30/1912 Beit MT 1/17/1988 Hillsboro OR NT 1988-01-27, 11A Magnuson Nick c1941 NT 12/22/1993, 15a Magnuson-Salgado Pamela F 10/10/1934 5/23/2020 NT 2020-06-04, A9 Magnuson-Salgado Pamela F 10/10/1934 5/23/2020 Aloha OR WCT 2020-05-28, A8 Magoff Gertrude "Trudy" 5/31/1924 6/24/2018 Forest Grove OR NT 2018-06-27, A9 Magoff Gertrude M "Trudy" 5/31/1924 6/24/2018 NT 2018-07-04, A9 NT 04/05/2006, 5b, Magoff Joseph “Joe” 04/04/1914 4/1/2006 Vernonia OR 6b Magoff Thomas R 1/29/1973 Vernonia OR NT 1984-05-09, 2A Mrs. [Rebecca A Magoon Davis] age 78 Iowa 7/29/1906 Portland OR WCNT 1906-08-02 Magro Florence age 91 7/25/2010 Forest Grove OR NT 07/28/2010, 10a Magwood Alpha F 09/25/1908 Yakima WA 06/30/1998 Forest Grove OR NT 07/08/1998, 17a Mahaney Velma Joy Duncan 4/19/1923 Winnebago NB 7/18/2003 Forest Grove OR NT 2003-07-23, 11A Kalei aka Lawrence Mahoe Smith Age 40 11/14/2006 Forest Grove OR NT 11/15/2006, 14a Kaleiohao Mahoe Ponokawaiola 11/16/1965 Honolulu HI 11/14/2006 Forest Grove OR NT 11/22/2006, 13a Mahone Florence E C09/06/1899 Coeburn VA 12/9/1992 Forest Grove OR NT 12/16/1992, 17a Maier Raymond H 7/22/1931 6/8/2015 Lake Oswego OR NT 2015-07-01, A8 page 4 Obituary Index February 2021 Forest Grove Library Obituary Index M-O Last Name First Name Date of Birth Birthplace Date of Death Place of Death Obituary Maiken Beulah Age 91 10/17/2010 Hillsboro OR NT 10/20/1996, 12a Maiken Beulah 03/02/19 Vernonia OR 10/17/2010 Hillsboro OR NT 10/27/2010, 16a Maiken F[rancis] Harold 01/22/1912 Portland OR 3/6/1991 Hillsboro OR NT 03/13/1991, 11a Mailand Zina Bouwer 12/10/1905 Rock Valley IA 8/7/1981 Portland OR NT 1981-08-12, 2A Mains Karen L 4/17/1951 7/9/2015 Vernonia OR NT 2015-07-15, A10 Maitland Arthur E 08/27/1903 Hillside OR 1/7/1994 Forest Grove OR NT 01/12/1994, 12a Maitland Emily [E “Lala”] 8/31/1908 Forest Grove OR 2/20/1990 Forest Grove OR NT 1990-02-28, 11a Maitland male infant 15/25/1909 Gales Creek OR WCN 1909-12-30 Majempsey Joseph FGT 1894-06-07 Majempsey William age 28 c05/1894 Butteville OR FGT 1894-05-31 Majhor Helen 7/6/1924 1/25/2019 NT 2019-02-13, A8 Majhor Helen E 7/6/1924 1/25/2019 Hillsboro OR NT 2019-01-30, A9 Majhor Helen E 7/6/1924 1/25/2019 Hillsboro OR NT 2019-02-06, A9 Maki Rauha Wilhelmina 10/18/1900 Pori Finland 3/7/1992 Hillsboro OR NT 03/11/1992, 15a Makin Eleanor "Ruth" c1966 NT 1989-03-29, 9A Makinster Marion 07/31/1906 Syracuse NY 6/11/1992 Hillsboro OR NT 06/17/1992, 13a Malakowski Dean Paul 6/7/1949 Forest Grove OR 12/23/1981 Forest Grove OR NT 1981-12-30, 2A Malakowski Donald Ervin 03/16/1921 Lockhart MN 07/01/1999 Hillsboro OR NT 07/07/1999, 13a Malakowski Grace Esther Brooks 12/18/1922 Bemikjt MN 4/26/1988 Cornelius OR NT 1988-05-04, 11A Malakowski Michael P 6/5/1947 Bemidji MN 3/21/2013 Forest Grove OR NT 2013-03-27, A8 page 5 Obituary Index February 2021 Forest Grove Library Obituary Index M-O Last Name First Name Date of Birth Birthplace Date of Death Place of Death Obituary Malakowski Michael P 6/5/1947 3/21/2013 NT 2013-04-03, A8 Malakowski Pamela M “Pat” 9/14/1954 7/22/2015 Forest Grove OR NT 2015-07-29, A10 Maldonado Sr Abel G 11/15/47 Taft TX 11/13/1997 Seattle WA NT 11/19/1997, 12a Maldonado Sr Abel G 11/15/47 Taft TX 11/13/1997 Seattle WA NT 11/19/1997, 12a Malinda Lynn age 30 6/13/1920 Fort Bragg CA WCNT 1920-06-24 Mallatt Darren K 03/03/1965 Des Moines IA 3/21/2008 Forest Grove OR NT 04/02/2008, 13a Mallatt Darren Keith Age 43 3/21/2008 Forest Grove OR NT 03/26/2008, 11a NT 2020-08-27, A10, Maller Aileen E 10/13/1926 8/19/2020 Forest Grove OR A12 Maller Oris Henry 05/19/1914 Banks OR 10/02/1998 Banks OR NT 10/07/1998, 19a Maller Oris Henry 05/19/1914 Banks OR 10/02/1998 Banks OR NT 10/07/1998, 19a Maller Vernon 11/12/1928 Banks OR 3/9/1987 Vernonia OR NT 1987-03-18, 2A Maller Vernon N age 58 c03/1987 Vernonia OR NT 1987-03-11, 2A Maller Wilma F 08/19/1917 Wayland MO 7/16/1991 Hillsboro OR NT 07/24/1991, 14a Mallett Mae Louetta 2/5/1910 Greenwood Junction AR 2/21/1990 Forest Grove OR NT 02/28/1990, 11a Mallett Margrette c08/13/1832 Jasper County IN 3/19/1902 Forest Grove OR FGT 1903-03-26 Mallett Rosetta M 05/24/1948 Martinsville IN 8/7/2008 North Plains OR NT 08/13/2008, 12a Mallon Samuel c1956 Central Point OR NT 2004-07-14, 11A Malloy Lina Parrish age 21 11/26/1918 Laurel

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