* " i -\' NET PRESS RUN THE WEATHER AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION ForccMt by V. 8.' Weather Barean, OF THE EVENING HERALD New H aven for the month of December, 1096, a t t r Fair tonight and Tneeday. Ckdd- 4 , 9 5 7 er tonight. Classified Advertising oh Page 6 VOL. XU ., NO. 103. MANCHESTER, CONN.*'MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1927. S t a t e L i b ^ PRICE THREE CENTS ; -i M:. U. 8. BEST CUSTOMER REACHES’ YD J3 FOR CANADA BEERS CONGRESS PUTS Ottawa, Jan. 81.— Despite prohibition, the United States is Canada’s best .'ustomer for ale, | NOW NUMBER 1,636,000 LIAR! PERJURY! beer and porter, according to DRY ENFORCERS 1025 statistics released today. \ In that year, 99 per cent of State Has Gained 255^000 in Six Years; Census AT A jm W E S S Canada’s total exports of those IN TIGHT SPOT beverages, 8,000,000 gallons, Bureau Sees 226,000^000 m i l . S. valued at 86,000,000 found its way across the border to Ameri­ by Year2000. Creates Scene When Man can purchasers. Refusal of Money For Under­ Washington, Jan. 31.— If the lowed by Pennsylvania with 9,730,' RESCUE SUPERIOR United States keeps up its present 277. .... Shanghai Consuls Refuse, Nevada'bad the smallest popula­ Identifies Her as Old cover Sleuths Makes rate of growth, the country' will tion,'77;4D7. MANCHESTER MAN have a population of well over In order to support the vast fur AS CONVENT BURNS Friend; Famous Diary Ex­ Work Impossible, In View 226,500,000 In the. year 2.000. ture population. Secretary of Com­ To Allow Soldiers Thehs This estlifiate was based upon merce Hoover' believes that great cluded By Judge. ON RAMMED LINER Of Gen. Andrews. the announcement today by the progress must be made in the bet­ JAPANESE NUhlEROUS Bureau of the Census, that by July ter utilization of raw materials, eli­ Third Catholic Edifice in IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Donble Blow Slaps London's 1, the population will have passed mination of industrial waste, devel- 118,628,000, a gain of 1.492,000 in, ppmeatiof watsr and power re- YCEr U1 NcW Britain Is Washington, Jan. 31.— Prohibl-' Vlctoria, B. C., Jan. 31.--— Court House, White Plains, N. Richard Fox of Hemlock a year and 12,918,000 since 192(). Bources, in science and other fields, Eighty-two Asiatics for every Asiatic Policy m the Fac^ Y., Jan. 31.— “ Peaches” Browning tion enforcement faced a crisis to- j The 'Census Bureau’s estimate that living standards may be main­ thousand whites, with Japanase created a scene in court here this day with Congress on record as re­ gave the population of each state tained. He believes that the prog­ population on the ascendent. Is except those which had showed a ress of scientific ^and industrial Swept By Flames. Consular Body Forces Street Passenger on Cel­ jecting appropriations for “ under-1 the proportion of races In Bri­ afternoon at the Browning separa­ decrease between 1910 and 1920, achievement will so Increase pro­ tion trial when' she shouted at a cover” dry agents and the treasury tish Columbia revealed today by or from 1920 to 1925. ductivity tliat living standards not the Department of Agriculture. Pennsylvania gained 1,109,993 Contingent to £vacnate witness: “you are perjuring your­ tic— Sails Again Today. department declaring them neces­ only will be maintained but greatly New Britain, Jan. 31.— Sister Su­ The Oriental population is esti­ in population between 1920 and self— never saw you before in my sary to effectively enforce the Vol­ improved with the growth of the perior Euphemla, of St. Marys’ mated at 46,000 and their real 1927. New. York Increased 1,037,- nation. life!” stead law. Convent, Main street, was rescued estate at 8111,500,000. Shanghai Race Track; Richard Fox of 9 Hemlock 773 in the same period and Califor­ Public Health reports show that <3?- The witness was James P. Mix­ While dry leaders rallied to the nia 1,006,139. New York led in by firemen today from a second- on, of Brooklyn, a married man who street, an employee of the Orford government’s use of “under-cover” population with 11,423,000, fol- (Continued on page S) floor room at the Convent when Troops on Sea May Not testified he used to “ go” with Soap Company,” was a passenger agents, the wets launched a vigor­ flames cut off her escape by way of "Peaches” before Browning and on the White Star liner Celtic ous attack on the department’s plea the stairs. The fire, starting from \ she were married. for a “ spy army.” The next move, SIMEON I- BALDWIN which was in a collision with the unknown cause in a supply closet Be Able to Land at All; The dramatic scene came when however, was up to the drys, as the OVER 700 PRESENT WILD DRIVER GIVES on the main floor, swept the in­ attorney Henry Epstein, n “ Peach­ American Diamond Line freighter funds for under-cover work were terior of the Convent, causing a es’ ” lawyer, asked Mixon if he was Anaconda off Nantucket light late stricken out of the treasury appro­ loss of at least 835,000. DIES AT EIGHTY-SIX Washington Continues sure the girl he said he had gone Saturday. Mr. Fox is bound for priation bill. Unless special legisla­ Eighty children, in charge of around with was “ Peaches." Liverpool and from there he will tion is enacted before adjournment AT CENTER CHURCH POUCE LONG CHASE! three Sisters, were marched from Watchful Waiting. Mlzon turned and looked at go to Ireland to visit friends and — an almost impossible feat— dry the building without incident, when “ Poaches.” “ It is,” he declared. relatives. leaders frankly admitted that pro­ the fire gongs sounded, and went “ Peaches” leaped to her feet. The fog in which the collision hibition enforcement will be seri­ to the adjoining parochial school. Former Governor, Noted Cit­ “ You He! you lie!" she shouted, occurred has enveloped the North ously handicapped in the coming Unusual Attendance at First Cops of Throe Towns Pursue Firemen and volunteers plunged in­ Pekin, Jan. 31.— The Chinese tears springing into her eyes. She Atlantic seaboard and disrupted year. to the building, and saved the chil­ government at Pekin has demand­ traffic on water and land through­ izen and Jurist Snccmnbs wrung her hands and cried out; Harder, Says Wheeler drens’ wearing apparel, but the ed that Great Britain immediately “You are perjuring yourself and out the metropolitan district since "If Congress denies funds for Meeting of Manchester Middlebury Man;'Catch Nuns’’ clothing was lost. The Con­ recall the thousands of troops that you know it. I never saw you before Saturday night. under-cover prohibition work,” said vent had twenty-six Nuns beside toW ei^t of Years. In my life.” The Celtic docked in Boston ear­ Wayne B. Wheeler, generalissimo the Superior, but only four were she has embarked for China. Sneers At Her. ly last evening with two holes stove of the anti-saloon league, “ it will Religious Mission. Hhn NorUi of Shelton. in the building when the fire broke Wellington Koo, foreign minis­ in her port side under her main The court room was in a tur­ make It harder to enforce the law, out. ter of the Pekin government, called ■ m moil. Justice Seeger rapped for or­ deck. Twenty feet of her forward New Haven, Jan. 31.— Simeon E. Kf, A refusal would show fia t there are Started at Shaft. at the British legation today, made der and It was restored with diffi­ port railing was torn away. The men in Congress who would wreck '■'Seek ye first the Kingdom of An open shaft In the supply Baldwin, long considered one of % Anaconda anchored in the early af­ Milford, Jan. 31.— ^Walter s. the demand for the recall and pro­ culty. “ Peaches” then put her head any kind of enforcement simply be­ God. Put it before money, before closet carried the flames through Connecticut's foremost citizens, ’ll down on the table and sobbed while ternoon off Sandy Hook. One of Painter, 26, of Middlebury, was the building and an explosion of tested vigorously against the ac­ cause cf their prejudice to prohibi­ your business. Go out to make will be laid to rest fn Ancient her mother, Mrs. Carolyn Heenan, anchors was still clamped be­ tion.” placed under bonds of 8350 today gas broke through the fire-resist­ tion taken by the British in send­ placed her arms around her daugh­ tween the jagged edges of the big Manchester 100 per cent for Jesus ing skylight, giving the firemen a Grove street cemetery here tomor­ The wets indicated nevertheless on the charge of driving under the ing the troops. ter. hole in the Celtic. Christ and observe the Golden Rule hard fight to save <he structure row afternoon in the presence, of hat they will fight any appropria­ rather than the Rule of Gold.” influence of liQuor and attempting: The British dispatch of troops Mixon sat on the stand, a slight Hit at lUght Angles tion for a dry ‘spy army.” from complete destruction. Sev­ distinguished men of affairs sneer on his dark face. He is a Captain Gilbert Berry of the Cel­ Thus Col. Fletcher Agnew, edi­ to evade arrest after giving the po eral firemen were cut by flying was described as "a most extraor­ tic said that the collision had oc­ “ In the first place,” said Senator tor of the Salvation Afmy War Uce of three towns one of the- most throughout the nation.
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