TRADEMARKED BY THE SPORTING- LIFE PUB. CO. ENTERED AT PHILA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTER VOLUME 24, NO. 22. PHILADELPHIA, FEBRUARY 23, 1895. PRICE, TEN CENTS. LIFE. therefore the supply being, greater sala­ AS TO PLAYING RULES. haoids of an official who aside from it ries are lower, can do much to make or mar the artis­ But it is not true that clubs are carry­ There is little doubt that at the League tic and financial success of any club or than formerly. On Committee on league. And it should not be added to A WEEKLY JOURNAL ing more players meeting next week the the contrary, thanks to the new rules, Rules will report against any radical certainly not to the extent of permitting Devoted to they can carry less, if so disposed, as changes in playing rules. It is also reas­ as has been .suggested, an irresponsible than former­ umpire to suspend players from service BASE BALL, BICYCLING AND no more pitchers are needed onably certain that the League will ac- ly, while fewer catchers are necessary. cept the committee's view in the matter for any term, however brief, beyond a SPORTS ANP GENERAL Few, if any, clubs carry more than despite the pressure brought to bear for game in progress. PASTIMES, two catchers and in most clubs one retrogression in the interest of certain The umpire's powers are ample now catcher does the bulk of the work. have left no stone unturned for all practical purposes, and particu­ Published by clubs, which Pitchers are hit harder, it is true, but to accomplish their selfish purpose, even larly in the matter of noisy coaching, THE SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO. that was what the rule designed. But to the extent of seeking to make it a but the majority of umpires fail to assert it no extra their power for the sake of personal 34 South Third St., the hard bitting carries with sectional matter. The lengthening of physical exhaustion, as pitchers in­ pitching distance and the restriction convenience, and when they do assert it. Philadelphia, Pa., U, S. A. the variably pitch their hardest at any dis­ of the bunt hit have been proven as even properly they are not sustained. trim SUBSCRIPTION RATES: tance. The practice of many managers the wisest legislation in the interest of Hence, it is small wonder that they One V*ar...,........,. ............................ ffi4.OQ to work sucessful pitchers day after the artistic side of the game within a their sails to catch the breeze. The Six Mouths....................... ..................... 2.25 day in parts of games, thus keeping up decade. They have made the game more only solution of the problem rests with Tliree Months....................................... 1.35 a continuous strain, is doubtless re­ lively, athletic and uncertain; have devel­ the magnates themselves. When they Single Copy........................................... lOc. sponsible for more breakdowns than a oped both the athletic and scientific sides "unanimously" agree to a certain line of PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. long or short pitching distance. It is not the hard batting giving policy as to dirty playing and noisy For^ijrii I'0st.»|£e, W1.O4 Kxtra per Annum. of it equally, true, either, that clubs, as a rule, carry greater chances for brilliant and excit­ coaching and devolve the rigid execution more pitchers. Whenever they do, the ing fielding. In short the sport has been of this policy upon themselves instead of INDEX TO CONTENTS. extra men are youngsters carried for a developed on all sides, and now we have upon the umpires, then, and not until the Base Ball News............ Pages 3 to 13 time with the hope of finding a diamond a game oace more in which every par­ then, may we expect to see a permanent Shooting News... .......... Pages 13 to 17 in the rough. ticipant is a prime factor in the result; in change in these two important features. General Sports............. Pages 17 to2O While the heavier batting has slightly which dominance is no longer centered But when that time comes the it has also Cycling News............... Pages 2O to 24 increased the risk of fielding in one man; and in which every contest niurn will come with it. of the fielders served to develop the skill teams at all well matched is accidents is there­ between and the percentage of until the last man is out. the never over CURRENT (MM ENT. THELEAGU-ESPR1NG MEETING. for© no greater than it was under to be changed? Read now, as Is this a condition old conditions. Furthermore, the answer in the increased interest in THE LATEST ROMANCE. The spring meeting of the National is only responsible for a Stern, of Cincinnati, was last then, the batting and patronage of the national game Aaron League, which in general interest, as a proportion of the injuries sus­ week credited by the Cincinnati Com­ slight since the present rules went into effect! rule, excels the fall meeting of that in play. The bulk of the accidents mercial-Gazette with a scheme to- buy tained As the public appears to be very well the body, will be held in New York next at bat through the pitchers whose out the Cleveland Club, to trade occur with the main features of the Cleveland franchise for the Cincinnati Wednesday. The chief matters to be power the reactionaries wish satisfied destructive rules, there ia no good Club and then to transfer the strongest disposed of will be the schedule, the by putting him nearer the present playing to increase reason why the League dependent of Cleveland players to Cincinnati, giving report of the Committee on Rules; also batsmen and while running. Look at it to Indian­ the public should not also be, or as­ the balance to Brush t.o take such incidental (.ronstitutjonal amend­ as you will, theoretically or practically, apolis. Mr. Brush is said to have upset at sume to be, well satisfied. Good sense ments as may have been left' over the pitcher dominance advocates are not the deal by demanding $75,000 for hia settlement and sound policy would dictate such a Mr. Stern, however, the fall meeting, and the in it. Cincinnati holding. of such club disputes as may have aris­ course and the League will therefore repudiates the story. His denial, how­ en since then. doubtless leave the bunt and pitching ever, was not necessary, as there is no would ever AH interesting feature of this par­ rules as they are although restoration deal he could make which LOUISVILLE'S PROPER STAND. do no harm again gain for him admission to the ticular meeting will be the effort to re­ of the pitchers' box would or for­ in the League, which will never forgive instate the unjustly blacklisted player, It being evidently the purpose of a and make only minor changes get the sale of 1890 to the Players' Fred Pfeffer. That he should be re­ vindictive minority of the League mag­ line of simplifying and harmonizing the League. instated is the popular sentiment, and nates, if possible, to keep Fred Pfeffer rules such as recently suggested by * * * some WOTITIJ THINK ING OVER. the magnates would do well to bow to permanently upon the blacklist, for the Harry Wright and correcting if only for policy's sake. If the League magnates are really that sentiment double purpose of getting even for re abuses. this what these One of these abuses is the indiscrimi­ anxious to tinker at something But there is no predicating peated scares and terrorizing ball play­ spring, let them make a rale that club magnates', capable of the original black­ nate use of the catcher's mitt. Origi­ ers for all time, the Louisville Club, owners shall provide a dressing room listing blunder, will do. If the effort nally designed to relieve only the catch­ for umpires, so that the unfortunate of­ to reinstate Pfeffer should fail the which has the greatest direct interest ers it is now used by all grades of ficials will not have to crowd into the League will place itself In an un­ in the matter, has decided to force an fielders in all sorts of positions. Such dressing rooms of home clubs and receive gracious and unpopular position. The issue, nnd with this object in view is gloves are not only unsightly, but they the abuse of players while they are in a public will not be hoodwinked, but will stated to have tendered the blacklisted detract from the brilliancy of the game, lighting mood after having lost a game. League is fully understand that the player a contract. as it makes the work appear purely me­ OUT IN NHW SPOTS. the quite^ as much an instrument for Looking at this matter from a purely chanical. There is no excuse either A Sacramento statesman has intro­ wreaking of private revenges as it has commercial basis, the Louisville Club is for their general use, except the desire duced into the California Legislature a been held to be for the grinding of absolutely right in its position. Pfeffer of the player to make his work easier bill to make intercollegiate foot ball a private financial axes. It will also be is a reserved Louisville player one of at the expense of its electrifying qualities misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of held as sharply drawing the line be­ the valuable assets of the club. For the as the ordinary fielder's gloves answer from $50 to $250, and by imprisonment tween managers and players, hi order League as a body to make Pfeffer ineligi­ every purpose in the line of protection.
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