I J R B A T, Special Issue Feb 2016: 26-28 ISSN 2347 – 517X INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCHES IN BIOSCIENCES, AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY © VISHWASHANTI MULTIPURPOSE SOCIETY (Global Peace Multipurpose Society) R. No. MH-659/13(N) www.vmsindia.org CLEOME RUTIDOSPERMA DC (CLEOMACEAE) AN ALIEN WEED IN CHANDRAPUR DISTRICT, VIDHARBH REGION (MS) INDIA U. B. Deshmukh 1, M. B. Shende 1 and O. S. Rathor 2 P.G. Departme nt of Botany, Janata Mahavidyalaya, Chandrapur 4424012 P.G. Dept. of Botany, Science College, Nanded 431604 (M.S.) [email protected]. Abstract: Present paper reports an occurrence of alie n plant species Cleome rutidospe rma DC.of Cleomaceae family in Chandrapur Distrct of Vidharbha region, Maharashtra State, India. It is a ne w distributional plant record to Chandrapur District. Description of this plant with its invasive effects discussed here with. Keywords: Alien, Cleome rutidosperma DC, Cleomaceae, Chandrapur District, new record Introduction above M.S.L. District Bastar of Madhya Pradesh Cleome is the largest genus from family lie s to its East and to District Adilabad of Cleomaceae comprising 180 to 200 species of Andhra Pradesh lies on its south. The district is herbaceous annual or perennial plants and quite hot in summer, and the re is ge neral shrubs widely distributed in tropical and dryness in other months, but not in monsoons. subtropical regions. The major diversity of The rainfall is due to South West monsoons and Cleome is restricted to tropical regions, whe re also due to return monsoons and from the Bay approximately 150 species have been recorded of Bengal. It is well distributed. The average (Raghavan, 1993). In India, the genus is annual rainfall for the district is 1420 mm. It is represented by fiftee n species (Londhe, 2000), obvious that the flora here is very rich 12 are reported in Maharashtra (Alme ida, containing dry deciduous, semi-evergreen and 1996),while two species namely Cleome some moist evergreen species. The well known gynandra L. and Cleome viscosa L. reported in tiger and wild game Reserve, Tadoba Sanctuary, Chandrapur ( Malhotra and Moorty ,1992). lie s in Chandrapur. Special features of Cleome rutidosperma is a perennial he rb Chandrapur are six Forest Division in the single that originated in Tropical Africa (Soerjani et al. District of Chandrapur. The teak ( Tectona 1987). Mukhe rjee (1969) reported Cleome grandis ) and other timber species grow he re very rutidosperma DC. in India. Reddy et al. (2000) luxuriantly and yield highest revenue to the reported new naturalized Cleome rutidosperma State (Mahabale,1987). DC. in Andhra Pradesh, Rathor et al (2007) Collection and identification reported in Marathwada. Recently it is reported While exploring the plant plant wealth in Madhya Pradesh (Mujjafer et al,2013), and in for ethnomedicinal purpose Chandrapur we Nagpur district(Kamble et al,2015). made collections of Cleome rutidosperma DC. Floristic reports of Chandrapur district (Cleomaceae). They were encountered as are scantier and it is unexplored though it naturalized weeds in this region and earlier having rich biodiversity. Malhotra and Moorty reported from Chandrapur district Malhotra and (1992) published Flora of Tadoba National Park Moorty (1992).Therefore, it is reported here. with reporting of 667 flowering plants. Later on Indentification and authentification of collected Kunhikannan et al (2009) reported 74 flowe ring specimen has been done by using flora of plants new reports to flora of Taroba National Maharashtra (Almeida ,1996). The Voucher park. One hundred invasive plants reported specimen of collected plant species deposited in from Chandrapur district (De shmukh et Herbarium,P.G .Dept. of Botany, Janata al, 2012). Mahavidyalay, Chandrapur for further studies. Material and Methods Results and Discussions Study Area Collected plant specimen illustration The distric t Chandrapur is situated give n below along with flowe ring and fruiting 0 ′ 0 ′ between 78 -48 East longitude and 18 -41 to seasons, distribution, habitats and localitie s 0 ′ 20 - 51 North latitude . The greater part of it ,Habitat ,English name ,Marathi name in the consists of undulating hill ranges 150m – 450m district of the plant cited in the text. 26 I J R B A T, Special Issue Feb 2016: 26-28 ISSN 2347 – 517X Cleome rutidosperma DC., Prodr, 1: 241 Tropical America, Trop. Africa, Maldives, Sri (1824). Jacobs, Fl. Males. 1 (6): 104 (1960); Iltis, Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Brittonia 12: 290 (1960); Mukherjee in Indian Malaysia and Philippines. For. 95: 237 (1969); Almeida in Econ. Tax. Cleome rutidosperma DC. reported as Bot.7:711,1985. C.burmanii Se nsu Shah,JNHBN invasive to India (Reddy,2008). Cleome 60:481,1963 ( non Wight &Arn,1834). rutidosperma DC. is an environmental weed in Herbs, annuals, erect or decumbent, 0.2 disturbed ground, roadsides, gardens, and - 1 m high; stems weak, ribbed, subglabrous to abandoned land as we ll in natural and eglandular-pilose, clothed with soft recurved se minatural coastal forest where it has the deciduous up to 2 mm long prickles. Leaves 3- potential to outcompe te native vegetation foliolate; lowe r ones long petiolate, upper ones (Randall, 2012). short pe tiolate or sessile; leaflets subsessile, Cleome rutidosperma DC. spreads by rhombate-elliptic or obovate, oblong-lanceolate, seeds. Over long distances, it is probably spread attenuate or cuneate and webbed at base, acute in hay and soil and on vehicles and human or acuminate at apex, obscurely crenulate- footwear. The seeds have very distinctive ribbed serrulate and purple along margins, 1 - 6 x 0.2 - seeds that would allow this species’ seeds to grip 2 cm, glabrous; lateral nerves 6 - 8 pairs, softly into crevices in footwear. This species has two setose; petioles at base up to 4 cm long, dispersal methods over short distances. The gradually diminishing upwards to nearly absent; pods of C. rutidosperma and most other petiolules up to 0.5 mm long. Racemes lax, few- members of the genus explode when drying, flowe red, leafy, not clearly demarcated, up to 20 throwing the ir seed perhaps one metre. Each cm long. Flowe rs in axils of le aves below and seed also has a white e laiosome . Seed dispersal foliaceous bracts above, showy pink, mage nta, is myrmecochorous, ants being attracted to the bluish-violet or rarely white with pink streaks; seeds by the fatty elaiosome (Jacobs, 1960; pedicels filiform, 1 - 2 cm long, elongating to 3.5 Ruiz-Zapata and Escala, 1995). cm in fruits, shortly glandular hairy. Sepals linear-lanceolate, acuminate, 2.5 - 4 x 0.3 - 0.8 mm, thinly clothed with short bristle s. Pe tals oblanceolate to e lliptic, attenuate-clawed at base, apiculate at apex, 8 - 12 x 1.5 - 2.5 mm; claw 2 - 3.5 mm long. Stamens 6; filaments 6 - 9 mm long; anthers linear, ca 2 mm long, recurved after anthesis. Gynophore 1.5 - 2 mm long, e longating to 8 mm in fruits; ovary linear, 7 - 12 mm long, slightly curved; stigma sessile, capitate. Capsules linear-cylindric, compressed, attenuate at both ends, ribbed, 4 - 7 cm long, 2.5 - 4 mm thick; beak 1 - 4 mm long; valves parallel-ve ined, glabrous; seeds many, suborbicular to reniform with promine nt concentric and transve rse ridges and open cleft, 1.6 - 1.9 x 1.4 - 1.7 mm, orange brown, drying black; elaiosome white or creamy, conspicuous. (Photoplate 01) Flowering and Fruiting ; June to December. Habitat: Weed of damp, shady localities, wall and rock cervices ,rare. Nativity; Tropical Africa .Location; Chandrapur City Exicata. UBD- 560. English name : Fringed spider flower. Marthi name ; Nili Tilwan Distribution; India: An African plant, introduced and naturalised in India in wastelands from sea leve l to 800m. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Ke rala Photoplate 01. Cleome rutidosperma DC. and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. (Cleomaceae).in Chandrapur City. 27 I J R B A T, Special Issue Feb 2016: 26-28 ISSN 2347 – 517X Conclusion 08.Mahabale T.S.(1987)Botany and Flora of An occurrence of alie n invasive weed Maharashtra” Gazetteers Dept. Govt. of Maharashtra, Bombay. Pp. 371-417. Cleome rutidosperma DC. of Cleomaceae family reported as ne w distributional plant record to 09.Mujaffer S,S.K. Shukla and Shakun Mishra Chandrapur Distrct of Vidharbha region , (2013).Some Angispe rmic Plants New to Central India. Science Research Reporter , 3(2): 102-105. Maharashtra State, India. It is also new repots to addition of invasive species to this region. 10.Mukhe rjee , P. K. (1969). Cleome Acknowledgement rutidosperma DC. A new record for India. Indian The authors thankfull to Dr.M.Subhash, For. 95:237. Principal Janata Mahavidyalaya,Chanrapur 11.Raghavan, R. S. (1993). Capparaceae. In: and Dr. Ashokbhau Jiwatode , Secretary of Sharma, B. D. & N. P. Balakrishnan (Eds), Flora Chanda Shikshan Prasark Mandal Chandrapur, of India . Vol. 2. Botanical Survey of India, for providing facilitie s and cooperation. Howrah. pp. 248 – 335. References 12.Rathor OS, Ranjalkar KM and Chillawar RG (2007). Ne w records for the Flora of 01.Almeida M.R.( 1996).The Flora of Marathwada. Bioinfolet 4(1) 60-62. Maharashtra, (Voll.I) .Orient Press, Mumbai. 02.Deshmukh U.B., M.B. She nde and O.S. Rathor (2012), Invansive Alien Angiosperms of 13.Randall RP, 2012. A Global Compendium of Chandrapur District of Maharshtra (India), Weeds. Pe rth, Australia: Department of Bionano Frontier , 5(2-II), 100-103. Agriculture and Food Western Australia, 1124 03.Jacobs M, (1960). Capparidaceae. In: pp. Steenis CGGJ van, ed. Flora Malesiana, Series I, 14.Reddy C.S. (2008) Catalogue of Invasive Alien Vol. 6. Groninge n, Ne therlands: Wolters- Flora of India, L ife Science Journal , 5(2), 84-89. Noordhoff Publishing, 61-105. 15.Reddy, C.
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